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本文(xx省x市xx初级中学初中九年级英语上册导学案unit1 参考答案牛津版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

xx省x市xx初级中学初中九年级英语上册导学案unit1 参考答案牛津版.docx

1、xx省x市xx初级中学初中九年级英语上册导学案unit1 参考答案牛津版9AUnit 1 Welcome to the Unit【预习指导与检测】A、认真阅读对话,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文 sign 2.bring me the newspaper 3.the Students Union 4.Chinese twelve animal signs5.have lots to eat and drink 6.worry about not having breakfast 7. People in the West 8.learn more about Western cult

2、ure familiar with 10.write a letter to the principle to recommend a classmate B、AAAACA【当堂反馈】一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. to help 2. are going to buy 3. to hike 4. having 5. to do 二、单选题DDBCBC 三、翻译下列句子1. having no time to look after/ take care of 2. Its very nice of Lucy, to help me (to) solve 3. Its impossib

3、le for, to finish so much work 4. My mother has a lot of housework to do.【课后拓展】阅读理解BCB9A Unit 1 Reading (I) 【预习指导与检测】A、认真阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文。 times 2.argue with others divided into two parts about oneself attention to details 6.keep secrets 7.have a good sense of humour 8.hard-

4、working people 9.give up easily good at planning thingsB、根据提示,用适当形式拼写单词1.similar 2.selfish 3.curious 4.forgiven 5.saving 6.energetic 7. impatiently【当堂反馈】一、根据句意,结合提示填空1. divided 2. inactive 3. impatient 4. Giving 5. humorous 76 practical 7. creative 8. energetic 9. successful 10. imaginative 二、

5、单项选择CADBA CDBAC【课后拓展】一、完型填空CADBB BDBAC CCBAA二阅读理解 CBCBD9A Unit 1 Reading (II) 【预习指导与检测】A、仔细阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文1.decide your star sign 2.worry too much 3.forgive others for their mistakes 4.only take care of yourself 5.treat everyone equally 6.feel sure about ones ability curious about 8.take ca

6、re of others 9.have a lot of experience to meet peopleB、用适当的介词填空1.of,at 2.under 4. as,from 5.of, for 6.of,about【课堂导学与互动】1. argue with others 2. have a good sense of humour imaginative likes to dream about everything 5.What my star sign says matches 6.Its silly of you to quarrel w

7、ith 7. gave up the chance to travel abroad 8.only if were creative and imaginative enough【当堂反馈】一、单项选择BAACD BCBBC 二、单词拼写attention, successful, peace, out-going, creative, suitable, reading, elegant三、完成句子 divided into 2.born under ,have similar characteristics 3.outgoing enough to get on well with

8、 practical, pay attention to every detail 5.patient enough,getting angry【课后拓展】一、阅读理解CDCAB 二、缺词填空1. fun 2. festivals 3. last 4. Since 5. during 6. popular 7. another 8. Almost 9. public 10. normal9A Unit 1 Vocabulary【预习指导与检测】B.根据语境,完成单词1.selfish 2.fair 3.curious 4.easy-going 5. confident 6.energ

9、etic 7.outgoing 8. generous【当堂反馈】一、根据所给的汉语或首字母提示完成句子1. inactive 2. planting 3. probably 4. explaining 5. modest 6. unfair 7. easy-going 8. generous 9. selfish 10. thoughtful 二 完成句子1. is so difficult that I cannot work it out2. seemed that he didnt like this idea3. funny jokes, a good sense of humour

10、4. nice of you to bring me, have a lot to eat and drink三、选择题选择题CADBB DBCCC 【课后拓展】请根据材料内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选最佳答案1.C 2.C 3.D 4. C 5. C9AUnit 1 Grammar (I)【预习指导与检测】同学们:认真预习,相信你们会用介词 “for” or “of” 填空1.for 2. of 3. for 4. of 5. of 6. for【当堂反馈】单项选择CCDCBA【课后拓展】完形填空CDBDA DCBCA 9AUnit 1 Grammar (II)【预习指导与检测

11、】A、认真预习,相信你一定能判断下列句子的不同成分1. subject 2. predicate 3. direct object 4. object 5. adverbialB、选择填空,选出下列句子中划线部分的作用。1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A【当堂反馈】一、 完成句子1.very meaning for us, donate money to 2.very necessary for the young, be polite to 3.generous of him, buy lots of presents 4.generous enough, don

12、ate lots of money to 5.easy enough for an eight-year-old child 6.silly enough, believe such a 7.selfish, eat all 二单项选择BBA CA DADDB【课后拓展】一、 动词填空1. doing 2. making 3. to take 4. explaining 5. using 6. having 7. making, planning 8. getting 8. solving 10. to close 11. repaired 12. playing二、阅读理解DCBB9AUni

13、t 1 Integrated skill 【预习指导与检测】B 同学们:请根据所给的汉语及英语单词,用适当形式填空1. packing 2 celebrations 3. mixture 4. wisely 5.Otherwise/ 6. healthily 7 suitableB、单项选择1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C【当堂反馈】一、 根据首字母提示或所给的汉语完成句子1. passing 2. celebrate 3. available 4. result 5. comfortable 6. organizes 7. excellent二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. to forgiv

14、e 2. to learn 3. saddest 4. unlucky 5. successfully 6. the fewest 7. not chat 三、单项选择CDBCA BCCCB四完成下列句子(每空不限一词)1.has been on the phone, has happened to her 2.will be held, about in the middle of the next month 3.are curious about, he has made great success in work 4.more details, contact us at5.have

15、problems with, imaginative enough to come up with【课后拓展】一、任务型阅读1. protection 2. fish 3. trees 4. waste 5. babies 6. crowded 7. survive 8. vegetables 9. birth 10. cleaner 二、缺词填空1. Italy 2. beautiful 3. Hundreds 4. between 5. buses 6. in 7. tell 8. both 9. What 10. wish9AUnit 1 Study skills【预习指导与检测】A 用

16、单词的适当形式填空,每空一词1. informal 2.recommending 3. funnier 4.whether 5. explanationB 单项选择1. C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C【课堂导学与互动】判断下列说法的正(T)误(F)1.F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5.T【当堂反馈】一、单项选择1-5 CCDAA 610 DBAB二、根据句意,首字母及中文提示完成单词。1.celebrate 2.lively 3.president 4.creative 5.or三、翻译下列句子1.careless enough to leave his bag 2.thick

17、 enough for us, skate on 3.energetic enough,confident of 4.has success in study, shows off 5.mind doing extra work【课后拓展】一、 根据句意选择方框内所给词组并用其正确形式填空1. dreamt / dreamed about 2. planning for 3. tried his best 4. be afraid of 5. at times 6. to pay attention to 7. was recommended to be 8. has given up 9.

18、to argue with / arguing with 10. has a good sense of humour二缺词填空1. fail 2. sure 3. best 4. remember 5. agree 6. but 7. more 8. or 9. difficult 10. Finally /Furthermore9AUnit 1 Main task【预习指导与检测】A、同学们:预习后试一试翻译下列短语1.personal quality 2.summer homework 3.get full marks 4.mind doing sth. afraid of s

19、peaking at the meeting 6.the Students Union 7.explain something to somebody 8.get more organized 9.recommend him as the chairperson 10agree with somebody 11.make a speech to use a library 【课堂导学与互动】【当堂反馈】一、完成下列句子1.that he will be recommended as / to be 2. making a speech in front of 3. mind do

20、ing extra work for the Students Union 4. to be an excellent 5.Since,hard-working,wont mind doing extra,StudentsUnion anything well,tries his best7.excellent basketball player, lots of personal qualities 8.speak, as possible, be afraid of makingmistakes二、根据提示或首字母写出下列单词:1.modest 2.confident 3.pra

21、ctical 4.selfish 6.imaginative 7.hard-working 8.generous 9.wise 10.creative三、单项选择110 BABDB CABBC【课后拓展】一、首字母填空1. build 2. suitable 3. where 4. experienced / excellent 5. plan 6. work 7. change 8. happen 9. When 10. much二、写作略9AUnit 1 Checkout【预习指导与检测】同学们:预习后试一试用所给单词的适当形式填空1.impatient 2. confi

22、dence 3. pleasure 4. excited 5. foolish 6. powerful 7. unfair 8. organizing 9. lively sell【当堂反馈】一完成句子,每空不限一词1.very nice of you to recommend me as 2.are able enough to do 3.How exciting,to be the new chairperson 4.worrying about my ability to do all the extra work well. 5.confident to become th

23、e most suitable chairperson,try your best6.feeling weak, to get lots of rest 7. to pay attention to details too much 8. brave enough to speak to 9. should be confident enough 10. of him to buy each of us 二、选择填空1-8 BDABCDAB三、根据所给中文完成句子1. attention, mistakes 2. successfully, cheered 3. peace 4. extra

24、5. creative, cleverest 6. suitable 7. reading 8. elegant 9. impatient 10. available【课后拓展】一完形填空110. BDACB DABCD二、缺词填空along rain next/coming/following above least seriously/badly when/after were useful/helpful homes班级姓名自我评价【预习指导与检测】A、同学们:预习完成后,请试着进行英汉互译:1.有一点点紧张 _ 2. 失去平衡_3.一个好的组合_ 4. 一个移动手机广告_5.使她自己看

25、起来更有力量_ 6. watch the Teens Show on CCTY_7.That is why she is wearing red_B、单项选择:( )1.Look at the walls, they were _ blue.A. paint B. painting C. painted D. paintted( )2. Just now I thought _ a good way to stop polluting the water.A. of B. on C. with D. over( )3. Id rather wear blue than yellow. But

26、I think you look good _yellow.A. in B. on C. with D. at( )4. Daniel told us that he _photos_ colour papers.A. prefer, to B. preferred, to C. would rather, than D. prefers, to( )5. Anybody who _ tired should wear colours that give energy.A. feel B. feeling C. is felt D. feels( )6. Im afraid Ill be _l

27、ate tonight.A. a bit B. a bit of C. a little of D. little( )7. We mustnt read _ letter. Its bad.A. else anyones B. anyone elses C. anyones else D. anyone else( ) 8. Her unfriendly words made me very .A. happilyB. angrily C. crying D. angry( ) 9. Could you give me some_?I dont know how to learn Engli

28、sh well. A. timeB. advices C. advice D. money( )10. Is your mother badly ill? No, _, only a little cold.A. serious anything B. serious nothing C. nothing serious D. anything serious【当堂反馈】一、单项选择1. Look at the walls, they were _ blue.A. paintB. painting C. painted D. be painted2. When we study for exa

29、ms, we may use yellow_.A. stationery B. stationary C. stationaries D. stationeries3. -Is there _ to eat in your bowl? -No, there is _left.A. anything, something B. something, nothing C. anything, nothing D. something, anything4. -Id rather wear blue than yellow. -But I think you look good _yellow.A.

30、 in B. on C. with D. at5. Daniel told us that he _photos_ colour papers.A. prefer, to B. preferred, to C. would , rather, than D. prefers, to6. Anybody who _ tired should wear colours that give energy.A. feel B. feeling C. is felt D. feels8. We mustnt read_ letter. Its bad manners.A. else anyones B. anyone elses C. anyones else D. anyone else9. - How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? -_.A. In three daysB. After three days C. In three days timeD. After three days time10. -Bob, we are moving this weekend. -Congratulations! I_ y

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