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1、最新高考英语写作素材话题背诵全教学资料范本【2020最新】高考英语写作素材话题背诵(全)编 辑:_时 间:_第一部分:高级词汇和短语1. 人民生活水平的显著提高 / 稳步增长 the remarkable improvements/steady growth of people s living standard2. 面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges4. 社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development5. 引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse/raise w

2、ide public concern, draw wide public attention6. 不可否认,毋庸置疑 it is a bare fact that / there is no denying that./undoubtedly,admittedly7. 热烈的讨论 / 争论 a heated discussion/debate8. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue9. 也不例外 be no exception10. 对 . 产生有利 / 不利的影响 exert positive/negative effects on11. 利远远大于弊 The adv

3、antages far outweigh the disadvantages13. 有几个原因造成 There are several factors accounting of the phenomenon/ present situation of . 15. 开拓眼界 broaden one s horizon16. 学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills17. 加重经济 / 心理负担 add to financial/psychological burden18. 考虑到诸多因素 many factors taken into consideratio

4、n19. 从另一个角度 from another angle/perspective20. 做出共同努力 make joint efforts/ cooperate with each other23. 方便高效的 both convenient and efficient25. 在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life26. 科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology27. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this

5、 issue28. 支持前一种 / 后一种观点的人 people in favor of the former/latter opinion29. 有如下理由 / 证据 have the following reasons/evidence30. 一定程度上 to some extent/degree, in some way33. 有其自身的优缺点 has its advantages and disadvantages34. 对 . 有害 do harm to/be harmful to35. 对 . 有益 do good to/be beneficial to36. 采取有效措施来 ef

6、fective measures should be taken to do 37. 对 . 的观点因人而异 Opinions on . vary from person to person peoples opinions on sth are split /divided / mixed on sthsth cause/ arouse controversy /debate among sb38. 把时间和精力放在 . 上 focus time and energy on sth39. 扩大知识面 expand one s scope of knowledge40. 身心健康 be bot

7、h physically and mentally healthy41. 优先考虑 / 发展 give priority to sth43. 代替 replace/substitute/take the place of44. 社会进步的反映 the mirror of social progress45. 增进相互了解 enhance/promote mutual understanding46. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure47. 保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity o

8、f society48. 适应社会发展 adapt ourselves to the development of society49. 实现梦想 realize/live/fulfill one s dream50. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows.51. 首先,其次,再次 Firstly.Secondly.Additionally. Last but not least.52. 总而言之 All in all/ To sum up/ In summary53. 我们还有很长的路要走 we still have a long w

9、ay to go55. 追求进步 pursue progress56. 履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities and obligations57. 主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action61. 实现发展繁荣 bring about development and prosperity62. 对 . 具有深远的影响 have a far-reaching impact on63. 增加生活的情趣 increase the pleasure of life64. 精神抖擞 be re

10、freshed65. 缓解紧张 / 焦虑 / 压力 / 负担 relieve tension/anxiety/stress / burden66. 遇到交通阻塞 be caught in a traffic jam67. 给 . 教训 teach sb a lesson68. 犯法 violate the law69. 陶冶、培养品德 cultivate the character and virtue70. 服从校规 follow the school rules71. 尽身为学生的责任 fulfill one s duty as a student72. 注意卫生 emphasize th

11、e importance of hygiene73. 乱丢垃圾 litter/scatter garbage74. 美化环境 beautify the environment75. 自立 be independent/stand on one s own76. 发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in77. 积累经验 accumulate experience78. 相反 on the contrary/by contrast79. 我们绝不应该 under no circumstances should we80. 低估做 . 的价值

12、 underestimate the value81. 每个人尽到绵薄之力 with everyone doing his bit/part82. 焦距于 cast a spotlight on / shed light on / cast light on83. 设身处地 put ourselves in others shoes84. 努力 , 尽力去做 make every effort to do / go to great lengths to do sth multiply / double sbs effort to do/ strive to do/ try sbs utmos

13、t to do sth85. 重要 it is of vital importance to do/ It is indispensable for sb to doThe importance of sth cant be stressed/highlighted/underlined too much sth cant be emphasized too muchplay a crucial role in/ lay more emphasis on86. 充当,用作,是 serve as / act as the fountain/source of E.g. parents love

14、is the fountain of our courage and confidence87. 相信 cling to the belief that /be fully convinced that/it is deeply rooted in my mind that88. 想要做 with the intention of doing/ sb have a burning desire to do sth89. 经历挫折 as we bump over the dusty track of lifeslide into despairsurrender to the cruel rea

15、litybe confronted with/ be faced with the difficulty/obstacles90. 该做某事了 it is ripe time that sb should do sth91. 把 A 归因于 B attribute A to B/ owe A to BE.g. We should never attribute our failure to our circumstances.92. 目的 in a gesture to do / in a bid to do93. 不辜负期待 live up to sbs expectation/ never

16、 fall short of sbs expectation94. 施加压力 exert tremendous pressure on 95. 无法避免的 unavoidably / inevitably96. 加强相互理解 enhance mutual understanding97. 没有时间 / 精力做 cant afford time / energy to do sth98. 痛苦 suffer extreme misery and hardship99. 追逐梦想 it is never too late to strive for my dream100. 不劳则无获 there

17、 is no such thing as to reap without sowing101. 意识到 wake sb to the fact that/ be awake to sth102. 开始做某事 embark on doing103. 发挥最大潜力 develop one s potential to the full104. 创造奇迹 work wonders to/on sb105. 总是这样 never fail to do E.g. WeChat never fails to fascinate us.106. 拥有 be blessed with E.g. He is b

18、lessed with multiple gifts.107. 结尾(对未来的展望) the country is thriving into a promising futureembrace a promising futuresb will enjoy a bright prospectwrite the most beautiful and fantastic page of your life shake off depression for good forgive and forget your past mistakes enjoy a promising prospectem

19、brace a bright future第二部分:话题一、学校生活与语言学习某人的学业进展顺利 get on well with one s studies 考试不及格 fail in the exam 记笔记 take notes 稳定进步 make steady progress 理解 make sense of 课外活动 extra-curricular activities 钦佩某人对教育事业的敬业精神 admire sb for his devotion to the cause of education 努力教给某人好的学习习惯 try to teach sb good stud

20、y habits 很早就开始对 . 感兴趣 show an early interest in积极参与 take an active part in 在 . 奠定牢固的基础 lay a solid foundation in.1. 只要你坚持练习,你就一定会在学习上稳步前进。As long as you keep practising, you ll surely make steady progress in your study.2. 从图表可以看出,人们对网上交友这个话题看法不一。Just as is seen from the chart, people hold different

21、opinions about making friends online.3. 我觉得学生应该把自己的学习、健康和安全放在第一位。As far as I am concerned, students should place their study, health and safety before other things.4. 过去的三年时间里,学校教育让我获益匪浅,使得我学会独立思考,学习有效率,为未来做好了准备。In the past three years, I have benefited a lot from my school education, which helps me

22、 grow into an independent thinker and efficient learner, and prepare me for the future.5. 我们青少年应该充分利用中学时期宝贵的时光,充分发掘我们的潜力。We teenagers should make the most of our valuable time at high school and develop our potential to the fullest.6. 我们高中生,我们应该杜绝食物浪费,努力养成好习惯,点的饭菜不要超过我们所需要的,以节约我们赖以生存的有限的粮食资源。As seni

23、or high students, we should do our bit to say “ No ” to food waste, and try to develop the habit of never ordering more than what we need so as to save our limited food resources, on which we depend for a better life.7. 我们与社会接触越多,就能获得越多的人生经验。The closer we are to the society, the more experiences we

24、will gain in our life.8. 书本不仅可以给我们展示一个广阔的世界,而且还可以使我们终身受益。Not only do books show us a broad world but also we can benefit from them all our lives.9. 我们不应该把自己局限于课堂,我们要走出教室,了解世界,尽可能多与别人交谈。We should not confine ourselves to the classroom. Instead, we should go out of the classroom, see the world and tal

25、k to others as much as we can. 10. 时光有限但知识的海洋无边。作为一名学生,要学会充分利用时间,储备知识。只有那些历经磨难取得巨大成功的热才值得称颂。Time is limited but knowledge is boundless. A student should know how to make full use of time and store up as much knowledge as possible. Only those who have achieved great success after many failures are pr

26、aiseworthy.11. 毫无疑问我们的教育制度还有一些需要改进的地方。There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be improved.12. 众所周知,书本教会我们学习人生、真理和科学,增长我们的知识,开拓我们的眼界。As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth and science, increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.13. 随着世界正在变成一个地球村,英语变得越来越重要

27、,这就是我如此热衷于学英语的原因。14. 遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的。It honorable to obey the principles and rules of our school.二、兴趣与爱好放松而又经历充沛的 get relaxed and refreshed 经常锻炼 take regular exercise 强身健体 build up our body/improve our health 爱好,喜欢 be keen on/ have a taste for 使我能减轻工作压力 allow me to reduce my stress from my work 1. 旅游能

28、开拓我们的视野,通过旅游,我们可以理解世界上的不同文化。Travel is a way to broaden our horizons, through which we can learn about different cultures of the world. 2. 目前,越来越多的人趋向于在假期、周末里做他们最喜欢做的事情。比如与亲友一起到野外郊游,出国旅游或者在图书馆里读书。At present, more and more people tend to spend their holidays and weekends doing what they like best. For

29、 example, they go for an outing together with their families and friends, travel in the other countries, and do some reading in the library. 3. 我对书的热爱一刻也不会停止,因为在我的生活中,书是睿智的良师益友。书是知识和力量的源泉,我从中获益匪浅。Never for a moment can I stop my love for reading because books are wise teachers as well as good friend

30、s in my life. Books are the source of knowledge and power, from which I benefit a lot.4. 虽然与我不喜欢的人共事会很难,但我总能学会容忍他的缺点,尽量发现其长处。5. 我加入篮球队,从中我不但懂得了团队合作的重要性,还增强了我的体质,这对我的身体健康还有精神健康都大有益处。I joined the basketball team, where I not only learn the importance of teamwork but also strengthen my body, which is o

31、f great benefit to my mental health as well as physical health.6. 关于每天记日记,我认为这是我形成的好习惯,因为它帮助我巩固我在课堂上所学的东西,提高了我的写作技能。As to keeping a diary everyday, I think it is a good habit I ve formed, for it helps me consolidate what I ve learned in class and improve my writing skills. 三、计划与愿望想做 have a desire to do, be determined to, be longing for sth1. 你的工作做得好,这给你带来的成就感会使你焕然一新,并让你充满活力,以期在不远的将来取得更大的成就。The sense of success brought about by the wonderful quality of your work will surely refresh you and provide you with the motivation needed to achieve still

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