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1、新视野大学英语4短语Unit 1(A)at best 充其量,至多run a/the risk 冒险,有风险remain/be true to 忠于object to 反对,不赞成accuse sb of sth 指控,控告throw out 开除,解雇Unit 1(B)pen up 把关起来cool off 变凉快,(使)变凉enquire into 调查,查问on credit 赊,赊购open a/the door to 使可能,给以机会keep ones word 履行诺言melt away 逐渐消失fall apart (组织,制度等)瓦解,崩溃hold up 支撑shrug off

2、 对不予理会,对不屑一顾pave the way for 为铺平道路,为创造条件Unit 2(A)cut down 改小,缩短for good 永久地trip up 绊倒,(使)出错make up 虚构,捏造,编造come down in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势to a degree 有些,在某种程度上go along 进行,前进find ones way into 到达,进入Unit 2(B)run for 竞选vote in 投票选出spy on/upon 监视shut out of 不允许做,使无法参与have/gain the upper hand 占优势,占上风,控制m

3、ake up 构成,组成break up 驱散,解散tear down 撕下,扯下in/by contrast 相比之下in earnest 认真地lay out 摆开,摆出,安排,布置,设计watch over 照顾,看管deliver the goods 履行诺言Unit 3(A)be faced with 面对,面临drum up 竭力争取,兜揽under the table 背地里,私下get/be involved in 卷入,参与deep down 在内心深处,在心底make a fool of sb 愚弄某人talk back 顶嘴break down 发生故障,坏掉get ar

4、ound 四处走动look into 调查build up 建立,开发lend itself to 适宜于,会造成convictof 判决有罪Unit 3(B)bear witness to sth 是的见证,证明loaded with 有大量的,充斥的switch on 开(灯,收音机等)out of true 走调hold up 举起,抬起Unit 4(A)give sb an advantage over 使具有优势be stuck with 无法摆脱,解脱不了push shead 推进,推行a matter of sth 是的问题date from 始于be stuck in 陷入sc

5、ratch the surface 仅触及表面,浅尝辄止log on 登陆(计算机)系统at ones disposal 供某人使用,由某人支配make use of 使用,利用keep pace with 齐头并进,并驾齐驱lag behind 落后,滞后Unit 4(B)play a leading/major/key role 起主要/关键作用come up with 拿出,提供in the hands of sb /in sbs hands 由某人负责,由某人处理take steps to do sth 采取措施做某事Unit 5(A)on purpose 故意,敌意cast out

6、赶走,驱逐speak highly of 对给予高度评价,赞扬seek out 找到,找出set forth 出发,动身stretch out 拉长,伸长,躺平,伸展back up (使)挤压,(使)拥堵,支持at length 长久地,详尽地,最终,终于in line (排)成一行,(排)成一队ssettle down (使)安定下来for the time being 暂时,眼下might as well 只好,还是 为好Unit 5(B)strike out 独立创新路,独立谋生get along with 与相处融洽give up on 对不再抱希望cut up 切碎spring fr

7、om 由造成,起源于take apart 使分裂in case 以防,以防万一head off 阻止,防止on the basis of 在基础上,根据fill in 填写sum up 总结,概括against all (the) odds 尽管困难重重Unit 6(A)on the increase 在增长way of life 生活方式pay up 付清欠款,还钱stand by 遵守,in practice 事实上,实际上accuse sb of sth 指控,指责in private 私下里,秘密地a fact of life 生活现实,残酷的事实throw out 抛弃,驱除clos

8、e a deal 完成交易,生意成交speed up 加速hit on/upon 忽然想出(主意等)amount to 等于,相当于behave oneself 表现得体be caught in 陷入,被卷入be on the take 受贿,贪赃枉法squarewith 与相一致Unit 6(B)crop up 突然发生,突然出现up to scratch 达标,合格,足够好be on the wrong end of 承担的不利后果law and order 法制,治安throw up 产生,引起 on duty 值班,当班on sick leave 休病假in faver 赞同,支持de

9、rive from 来自,源于wash away 冲掉,冲走lose count of sth 数不清take up 占用there is no point (in) doing 做没有意义Unit 7(A)to date 至今,直到现在nothing less than 简直是,完全be confined to 限制于,局限于as of/from 从起in effect 事实上,实际上in combination with 与一起,共同be descended from 为的后裔Unit 7(B)spring up 涌现,突然兴起out of nowhere 突然发生,突然出现look in

10、to 调查go out of ones way to do 特地做某事,想尽办法做某事in question 考虑之中的,谈论中的step by step 逐渐地have an advantage over 比有优势be in a poison to do 能够做,有条件做Unit 8(A)up to 直到peer at 仔细看,凝视in passing 顺便,附带in that 因为,原因是give of sth 提供,献出disapprove of 不赞同,不喜欢at ones elbow 在手边,在近旁pay the prive (for sth) (为)付出代价in the main

11、基本上,大体上prop up 支撑,顶住in company with 与在一起Unit 8(B)beat back 击退,逐回pour out 倾吐,倾诉have/be to do with 和有关系when it comes to sth 当谈到do the trik 达到目的,奏效in no way 绝不,无论如何不be tied up to 与有密切关系invest in 花钱买,投资于Unit 9(A)shave off 剃掉take sb to court 起诉某人put sth before sth 认为比更重要for all 尽管,虽然come into 开始进入某种状态so

12、far 到目前为止,迄今为止in response to 作为对的答复,作为对的反应in a flash 转眼间Unit 9(B)gear up (使)准备好,(使)安排好warn against 告诫,劝告(某人)防备react to (对)做出反应superior to 优于on a(n)basis 以方式in the long term 从长远来说have over 威胁,笼罩in line with 与一致,按照Unit 10(A)sort through 从 中查找aim at 只在,力争达到in the act of doing 正在做某事take note of 留意(到),注意(到)set aside 拔出,留出keep at it 坚持Unit 10(B)hold out for sth 坚持要求shy away from 回避,避开show up 显露,显现on sight 一看见be about to do 将要做某事thanks to 幸亏,由于at first glance 乍一看be blessed with 具有,享有

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