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1、人教版新目标初二上期中英语试题初二年级第一学期期中测试题 试卷I 基础部分(共100分)听力部分一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(每段对话读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分) 请看第一组的四幅图片。听三段对话,完成第1、2、3小题。 A.B.C.D.1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 请看第二组的四幅图片。听三段对话,完成第4、5、6小题。A.B.C.D.4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 二、听对话,根据其内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)(共6 分,每小题 1分) 听第二段对话,完成第7、8、9小题。( ) 7. Who are the

2、 two speakers? A. A teacher and a student. B. A mother and a son. C. A doctor and a patient. ( ) 8. Whats wrong with the woman? A. She feels very tired. B. She has a headache. C. She has a bad sleep.( ) 9. What should the woman do? A. To eat normally. B. To eat normally and do some exercise. C. To s

3、top keeping thin.听第三段对话,完成第10、11、12小题。( )10. What does the man do every morning?A. He goes swimming. B. He does running. C. He plays tennis. ( )11. What does the man eat a lot? A. Meat. B. Eggs. C. Vegetables. ( )12. What are they talking about?A. The mans job. B. Ways of keeping healthy. C. Plans o

4、n vacation三、听下面一段对话,记录关键信息。(共 8分,每小题2分)请根据所听到的对话和卡片上的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在下面卡片中的相应位置上,对话读3遍。Tonys vacation planWhoTony and his 13 .WhenOn 14_ ninth.How 15_.Why 16_ to help the poor children, so the poor children can go to school.语言知识运用四、单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)17.I like _, but my mother says its bad for my healt

5、h.A. milk B. junk food C. bean sprout D. beef18. My father wants me _my homework before dinner. A. to do B. do C. does D. doing19. Drinking orange juice much is not good _ us. A. to B. for C. at D. on20. -_ do you go to the movies? -Twice a month. A. How long B. How about C. How often D. How much21.

6、 He sometimes _ TV after supper at home. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched22. Teenagers should _ for at least nine hours. A. sleeping B. sleeps C. sleep D. slept23. David exercises every day. He _ runs about 3000 meters in the morning. A. never B. hardly ever C. sometimes D. always24. I liv

7、e in school. So I often go home _ Friday afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. to 25. You cant see him now because he _ an important meeting. A. is having B. have C. has D. having26. We all dont like the movie because we think it sounds _. A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. important27. Hello, Nancy, can

8、you go to the concert with me this evening? -Id love to , but I have too _ homework to do. A. little B. few C. many D. much28. Tina has to go to visit _ grandma. A. his B. shes C. her D. hers29. I _ a primary school student two years ago. A. am B. was C. be D. were30. Tina is smarter, _ I think Mary

9、 is more outgoing than Tina. A. but B. and C. so D. because31. Jacks brother likes _ friends with different people. A. getting B. taking C. asking D. making32. For me, a good friend likes to do the same things _ me. A. with B. to C. as D. for33. _ do you think should get the job, Lily or Lucy? A. Wh

10、o B. Whose C. What D. How34. He _ a sore throat. He should drink some water. A. is B. has C. have D. having35. Where are you going this winter vacation? -I _ to Tibet. A. am going B. going C. go D. goes36.Can he go to the New Year Concert tomorrow? - _ He has to study for the math test. A. Yes, he d

11、oes. B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he can. D. No, he cant五、完型填空 (共10分,每小题2分)(一)Thank you_(37)_your invitation .I am _(38)_ I cant visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I am going to my cousins party. Tomorrow I _(39)_ go to the dentist. _(40)_ Wednesday , I have tennis training with the sch

12、ool team. On Friday evening , I am going to the movies _(41)_some friends .Can you come ?37. A. to B. for C. as D. with38. A. excuse me B. sorry C. good D. say39.A. have to B. have C. can D. had to40. A. in B. with C. on D. at41. A. and B. with C. for D. by六、连词成句(10分,每小题2分)42. do, how, morning, ofte

13、n, exercises, do , you_?43. should, are, you , when, you, sleep, tired, early_.44. weekend, going, where, they, sightseeing, next, are_?45. goes, subway, Tom, to, sometimes, by, school_.46. I, the, with, tomorrow, am, beach, vacation, to, on, after, going, my, day, brother, the_. 七、选词填空(10分,每空2分) be

14、drooms, kitchen , living room ,garden ,house Mike lives in a small _47_ with his family. There are two _48_ in his house. He likes his _49_ because he likes flowers very much. Mike and his sister like watching TV in the _50_ on Sundays. Mikes mother often cooks nice food in the _51_,and his father o

15、ften reads newspaper in the sofa.八 完成句子(10分,每题2分)52 他一周看两次电视。He _ TV twice _ _.53. 他什么也不该吃。 He _eat _.54. 他们假期打算干什么? What _ _going to_ for vacation?55. 他怎么去上学? How _ he _ _ school?56. 汤姆比山姆更强健。 Tom is _ _Sam.九、阅读理解(10分,每小题1分)ACoffee has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the Uni

16、ted States drink more coffee than people in any of the other countries. People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and between meals. They drink hot coffee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. They eat coffee ice-cream and coffee candy. Coffee is black and very str

17、ong. Different people like to drink coffee in different ways. Some people like coffee with cream or sugar in it. Other people like coffee with both cream and sugar in it. In all ways it is served. Coffee has become an international drink.57. Coffee is a/an _ drink in America.A . interesting B. popul

18、ar C. ice-cream D. American58. Different people like to drink coffee _.A. at work or at home B. in different ways C. with cream or sugar D. between meals59. Today Americans drink _ coffee than people in any of the other countries.A. as much as B. less C. more D. most60.Coffe has become an _ drink.A.

19、 bad B. international C. cold D. Hot61._ drink more coffee than other countries.A. China B. Japan C.U.S.A. D. UNBRead the article and then choose the right answers.There is an old saying: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It means that we should go to bed early and

20、get up early the next morning. By doing this, we will be in good health. And well also be rich and clever.Its true that our bodies need to have enough sleep to be healthy. Children should have a ten-hour sleep every night. Those who do not have enough sleep cant do their work very well. They will no

21、t be clever and they may not get wealthy in the future.The body needs exercise as well. Walking, running, jumping, riding bikes and playing games are all exercises. Exercise helps to keep the body strong and fit. It also helps the blood to move around inside the body. The blood takes food to all par

22、ts of the body. The head needs blood too. So exercise helps people think better.62. What does the work “rise” mean?A. To do exercise.B. To get up.C. To stand up.D. To put up63. If children dont sleep for 10 hours, they may _.a) not be late for schoolb) become wisec) do badly in their workd) become r

23、ich64.A person needs exercise because _e) it makes him healthyf) he has lots of work to dog) he is strongh) he does exercise65. Which of the following is NOT true?a) Exercise is good to peoples sleep.b) Its good for you to get up early and go to bed early.c) If you have enough blood, you will be wis

24、e.d) A student should have 10 hours sleep.66. . _helps to keep the body strong and fit. A. Exercises B. Blood C. Chicken D. Meat十 任务阅读 (10 分,每题2分)Dear Mum,I just write to tell you that Ive moved. Now Im living in a three-bed-room apartment close to my university. Im sharing with two other girls. the

25、y are Susan and Jill .My room is bright and quite large. On Monday and Wednesday mornings I dont have any classes so I stay in my room and study. Its very quiet here and I can do a lot of work.Usually my classes start at 9 am and finish at 2 pm. After classes I always come home and every Tuesday and

26、 Thursday, I have a swim in the public pool nearby.The other two girls are really nice. In the evening, we usually chat or watch television together at home. Sometimes we go out for shopping. On weekends we often go bike riding and have picnics.I hope you can come soon. Im sure youll like my apartme

27、nt. Judy67. Does Judy live by herself?._68.What does Judy do on Monday and Wednesday mornings?_69. What time do Judys classes begin?_70. How often does she go to swim after class?_71.What do Judy and her friends sometimes do in the evening?_试卷II 能力考查部分(共50分)十一. 还原句子 (10 分,每题2分)R:Now , What is your name ?C:_72_.R: How old are you ?C:I am eighteen years old.R:_73_?C: It is 14 Rosemary Road, Lancaster,LA26.R: What is your telephone number?C: Its 01225638147.R: Is it 637184 ?C:_74_?R: Thank you .Then you can come here next Monday .C:_75_

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