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1、Dfexjtna大学英语六级考试模拟试题含答案Word文档下载、| !_一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了. 大学英语六级考试模拟试题含答案Word文档下载 英语六级考试预测试卷(一)Model Test Tow 预测试卷一 Part Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) SECTION A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At theend of each conve

2、rsation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspondin

3、gletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A) His grades in science courses are very good. B) He hasnt taken enough courses in geology. C) He likes geology enough to continue with it. D) He doesnt want to take any more science courses. 2. A) She wasnt able to finish the di

4、ssertation. B) Shes not sure how to solve the mystery. C) Shes not sure how she was able to finish so early. D) How to write the dissertation is a mystery 3. A) Only one person can come. B) There have been a few responses. C) They need one more response. D) Almost everyone can come 4. A) The student

5、s in the class did not enjoy the field trip. B) The transportation for the trip is free. C) Some people may not go on the trip. D) All the students in the class have paid the transportation fee. 5. A) Sarah moved to a new address two weeks ago. B) They should pay Sarah a visit. C) They should stop v

6、isiting Sarah. D) They should pick up Sarah. 6. A) Look for a big office. B) Make a bet with others. C) Rent a house with a bathroom and a kitchen.D) Move to another house. 7. A) In a bookstore.B) In the womans house. C) In the library. D) In the laboratory. 8. A) The apartments are too small for th

7、e students to share. B) Very few students could afford to live there. C) Most students are easy to reach the apartments. D) Two bedrooms rents for 1,600 dollars. 9. A) Shes not so enthusiastic about academics.B) Shes unable to use computers. C) She wishes she could be a better students. D) Her capac

8、ities of learning computers is better than his. 10. A) Examine the typing mistakesB) Have someone else type his papers. C) Ask another person to check his work.D) He is always looking for his papers. SECTION B Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, yo

9、u will hear some questions and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices market A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage 1 Questions 11 to

10、13 are based on the passage you have just heard: 11. A) They have the same mechanisms of vocal development. B) They begin with babbling when learning to produce sound. C) They both sing perfectly. D) They need the same time period to finish their vocal development. 12. A) Whether the mechanisms of v

11、ocal development are the same in humans and birds. B) Whether baby songbirds can respond to social interactions. C) The role of imitation and social interactions D) Whether human infants and baby songbirds share the same vocal development path. 13. A) Imitation B) Sensory capacities. C) Maternal beh

12、avior. D) Social learning. Passage 2 Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard: 14. A) He is capable and likes finishing his works alone. B) He is the most famous and influential producer in the history of rock music. C) He is good at cooperate with others. D) He is more than a

13、 producer. 15. A) Because he produced a distinctive “wall of sound”, in which a number ofinstruments are blended together. B) Because he preferred to have the sounds of multiple instruments mixed together. C) Because besides being a producer, he did many other things such as operated his own record

14、company. D) Because he worked together with singers, actors and directors. 16. A) Because his works are the combination of all the traditional works. B) Because his works are produced by several instruments. C) Because his works have a stereo. D) Because his works feature all of the current artists.

15、 Passage 3 Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard: 17. A) 86 percent of US college students say the Net has had a negative impact on their college academic experience B) 28 percent of college students say they use the Internet most often to keep in touch with their friends.

16、C) Nearly 80 percent of college students in the US say they use the Internet to download music files D) Many students say the Internet is essential to both their academic and sociallives. 18. A) 80 percent. B) 73 percent. C) 38 percent. D) 28 percent. 19. A) Some US college students use the Internet

17、 to express ideas to a professor. B) Some US college students use the Internet to improve their relationships withtheir classmates and professors. C) Some US college students use the Internet to call their friends. D) Some US college students use the Internet to correspond with family. 20. A) The In

18、ternet has influenced the US college students daily life tremendously. B) The Internet has had a negative impact on the US college students daily life. C) The US college students are indifferent to the Internet. D) The US college students are enthusiastic about making friends. Part Reading Comprehen

19、sion (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sin

20、gle line through the centre. Passage 1 Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: According to Forrester Research, 8.6 million online shoppers access the Internetvia a high-speed connection, compared to 12 million using dial-up. Taken alone,those findings are hardly groundbreaking. Whats

21、 noteworthy is the rest of thepicture that emerges from that study: Those broadband users are younger, richer, and better informed than their narrowband counterparts. They spend more time and money online and are more likely to buy customized products and services. So why hasnt the Internet become t

22、he focus for broadband companies seeking to establish relationships with a demographic that has demonstrated a preference for their product? Simply put, until recently, their attempts fell flat. Just over a year ago, our agency launched an online performance-based e-marketing campaign to promote a b

23、roadband service. Despite engaging creative and a compelling offer, it met with resounding silence. Six months later, the response was only marginally better. So we were only cautiously optimistic two months later when we launched another campaign for the same advertiser, using the same offer. This

24、time, it was a success. Response rates tripled and the customer acquisition cost dropped from $300 to under $100. Clearly, the floodgates have opened and the most sought-after consumers are rushing through to broadband. And while the surge in response wasnt a complete surprise given the emphasis pla

25、ced on marketing broadband services, it was enough to make us curious about what other factors were at play. What we discovered was a scenario where so many people have experienced broadbands superiority at work, school, and even in friends homes that they know what theyre missing. According to U.S.

26、 News & World Report, some 20 million households nationwide nowhave broadband, with another 100,000 signing up each week. That saturation has created a market of increasingly discontent dial-up subscribers for broadband companies to reach. Imagine the impact when - as dial-up users impatiently wait

27、for Web pages to load - an ad pops up promising lightning-fast access. Their response starts an ongoing relationship managed through newsletters and other e-mail communications designed to keep them informed about value-added services, special promotions, etc. Not only is it a demographic pre-dispos

28、ed to online CRM, it is also one that is far from oversold. In fact, less than one-third of U.S. households will subscribe to a broadband service by 2006. And as services designed specifically for broadband increase and support for dial-up declines, the 42 percent of Internet users who said they did

29、nt need broadband will become receptive to a well-focused CRM program. But it wont last forever. While the window of opportunity to reach broadband buyers online is open, its not likely to stay that way. Broadband may be the current heir apparent for connectivity, but wireless has given every indica

30、tion it will be a sleeper hit, emerging from nowhere to take the top spot. In short, the time for broadband companies to establish online customer relationships is now - before the window slams shut. 21. What is NOT mentioned as the result of Forrester Research in the first paragraph? A) A lot of on

31、line shoppers access the Internet by broadband. B) Broadband users get more information than the dial-up users. C) It is probable for broadband users to buy the products specially made for them. D) It is the first time for people to find out the number of broadband and narrowband users. 22. What did

32、 the online performance-based e-marketing campaign bring at first? A) The promotion of a broadband service. B) Cautious responses. C) No response at all. D) Some marginal responses. 23. Why did another campaign become a success later? A) Because the agency has used a compelling offer. B) Because people have enjoyed the broadbands advant

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