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1、考研英语二真题及答案word打印版 年硕士研究生入学统一考试英语二真题及答案Secti on I Use of En glishDirecti ons:Read the follow ing text. Choose the best word(s) for each nu mbered bla nk and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 poi nts)Its a sad reality our desire to avoid in teract ing with other huma n beings because theres 2 to

2、be gained from talk ing to the stra nger sta nding by you. But you would nt know it, 3 into your phone. This uni versal armor sends the 4 : Please dont approach me.What is it that makes us feel we n eed to hide 5 our scree ns?6.A misi nterpret B misapplied C misadjusted D mismatchedB7. A firedjudged

3、 C replaced D delayed8. A un reas on able B un grateful C unconven tio nal D un familiarB10. A atte ndpoi nt C take D turn12. A hurt B resist C be nd D decayB13. A lectureconv ersati on C debate D n egotiati on14. A train eesB employees C researchers D passe ngers15. A revealB choose C predict D des

4、ig n16. A voyageB flight C walk D ride17. A went through B did away C caught up D put up18. A In turnB In particular C In fact D In con seque nee19. A unl essB since C if D whereas20. A fu nnyB simple C logical D rareSecti on II Readi ng Comprehe nsionPart ADirecti ons:Read the follow ing four texts

5、. An swer the questio ns below each text by choos ingA, B, C or D. Mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 poi nts)Text 1A new study suggests that con trary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work. Researchers measured people s cortisol, whicstress marker, while they

6、were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge.Further con tradict ing conven ti onal wisdom, we found that wome n as well asone of thefewTimen have lower levels of stress at work tha n at home,Sarah Damske .In fact wome n eve n say they feel

7、 better at work, she no tes.not women, who report being happier at home than at work. ” Another surprithat findings hold true for both those with childre n and without, but more so for non pare nts. This is why people who work outside the home have better health.What the study doesn t measure is whe

8、ther people are still doing work when they re at home, whether it is household work or work brought home from the office. For many men, the end of the workday is a time to kick back. For wome n who stayhome, they n ever get to leave the office. And for wome n who work outside the home, they ofte n a

9、re playi ng catch-up-with-household tasks. With the blurri ng of roles, and the fact that the home front lags well beh ind the workplace a mak ing adjustme nts for working women, it s not surprising that women are more stressed at home.So it s not surprising that people are more stressed at home. No

10、t only are the tasks appare ntly infin ite, the co-workers are much harder to motivate.21.Accord ing to Paragraph 1, most previous surveys found that home Aoffered greater relaxati on tha n the workplaceBwas an ideal place for stress measureme ntCgen erated more stress tha n the workplaceDwas an un

11、realistic place for relaxati on22.Accord ing to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?AChildless wives B Worki ng mothersCChildless husba nds D Worki ng fathers23.The blurri ng of worki ng wome ns roles refers to the fact that Ait is difficult for them to leave their officeBtheir home i

12、s also a place for kicki ng backCthere is ofte n much housework left behi ndDthey are both bread wi nners and housewives24.The word “ moola ” (Line4,Para4)most probably means Askills B e nergy C earni ngs Dnu triti on25.The home front differs from the workplace in that Adivisi on of labor at home is

13、 seldom clear-cutBhome is hardly a cozier work ing en vir onmentChousehold tasks are gen erally more motivati ngDfamily labor is ofte n adequately rewardedText 2But the article is actually quite optimistic, as it outli nes a pote ntial soluti on to this problem, suggest ing that an approach (which i

14、nvo Ives a on e-hour, n ext-to-no-cost program) can close 63 perce nt of the achieveme nt gap (measured by such factors as grades) betwee n first-ge nerati on and other stude nts.Their thesis- that a relatively modest in terve ntio n could have a big impact- was based on the view that first-ge nerat

15、i on stude nts may be most lack ing not in pote ntial but in practical kno wledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college stude nts. They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be n arrowed to close the achieveme nt gap.26.Recruit ing more first

16、- gen erati on stude nts has Areduced their dropout rates B n arrowed the achieveme nt gapCmissed its origi nal purpose D depressed college stude nts27.The author of the research article are optimistic because Athe problem is solvable B their approach is costlessCthe recruit ing rate has in creased

17、D their finding appeal tostude nts28.The study suggests that most first- gen erati on students Astudy at private uni versities B are from sin gle-pare ntfamiliesCD have failed their collageare in n eed of finan cial support29.The author of the paper believe that first-ge nerati on students Aare actu

18、ally in differe nt to the achieveme nt gapBcan have a pote ntial in flue nee on other stude ntsCmay lack opport un ities to apply for research projectsDare in experie need in han dli ng their issues at college30.We may infer from the last paragraph that Auni versities ofte n reject the culture of th

19、e middle-classBstude nts are usually to blame for their lack of resourcesCsocial class greatly helps en rich educati onal experie ncesDcolleges are partly resp on sible for the problem in questi onText 3These terms are also inten ded to infuse work with meaningand, as Khura na poi nts out, i ncrease

20、 allegia nee to the firm. “ You have the importati on of tenthat historically used to be associated with non-profit orga ni zati ons and religious organizations: Terms like vision, values, passion, and purpose, ” said KhA more emotio nal B more objective C less en ergeticDless strategic32.“ Teamfie

21、nted corporate vocabulary is closely related to A historical in cide nts B gen der differe nee C sports cultureDathletic executives33.Khura na believes that the importatio n of term ino logy aims to Cfoster corporate cooperatio n D stre ngthe n employeeloyalty34.It can be in ferred that Lea n In A v

22、oices for worki ng wome n B appeals to passi on ateworkaholicsCtriggers debates among mommies D praises motivatedemployees35.Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true about office speak?A Man agers admire it but avoid it B Lin guists believe it tobe nonsenseCCompa nies find it to be fun dame ntal

23、D Regular people mock itbut accept itText 4Many people talked of the 288,000 new jobs the Labor Departme nt reported for June, along with the drop in the un employme nt rate to 6.1 perce nt, as good n ews. And they were right. For now it appears the economy is creat ing jobs at a dece nt pace. We st

24、ill have a long way to go to get back to full employme nt, but at least we are now fin ally moving forward at a faster pace.However, there is ano ther importa nt part of the jobs picture that was largely overlooked. There was a big jump in the nu mber of people who repot volun tarily work ing part-t

25、ime. This figure is now 830,000(4.4 perce nt) above its year ago level.Before explai ning the conn ecti on to the Obamacare, it is worth maki ng an importa nt disti ncti on. Many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs. They take part-time work because this is all they can get. A

26、n in crease in involun tary part-time work is evide nee of weak ness in the labor market and it means that many people will be hav ing a very hard time making ends meet.There was an in crease in involun tary part-time in June, but the gen eral directio n has bee n dow n. Involun tary part-time emplo

27、yme nt is still far higher tha n before the recessi on ,but it is dow n by 640,000(7.9perce nt)from is year ago level.We know the differe nee betwee n volun tary and involun tary part-time employme nt because people tell us. The survey used by the Labor Departme nt asks people is they worked less th

28、a n 35 hours in the reference week. If the an swer is they are classified as worked less tha n 35hours in that week because they wan ted to work less tha n full time or because they had no choice .They are only classified as volun tary part-time workers if they tell the survey taker they chose to wo

29、rk less tha n 35 hours a week.The issue of volun tary part-time relates to Obamacare because one of the main purposes was to allow people to get in sura nee outside of employme nt. For many people ,especially those with serious health con diti ons or family members with serious health con diti ons ,

30、before Obamacare the only way to get in sura nee was through a job that provided health in sura nee.However, Obamacare has allowed more tha n 12 millio n people to either get in sura nee through Medicaid or the excha nges. These are people who may previously have felt the n eed to get a full-time jo

31、b that provided in sura nee in order to cover themselves and their families. With Obamacare there is no Ion ger a link betwee n employme nt and in sura nee.36.Which part of the jobs picture are n eglected?AThe prospect of a thriv ing job market.BThe in crease of volun tary part-time market.CThe possibility of full employme nt.DThe accelerati on of job creati on.37.Many people work part-time because they .Aprefer part-time jobs to full-time jobs.Bfeel that is en

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