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1、学年第二学期期中教学调研测试质量初二英语附答案20142015学年第二学期期中教学调研测试质量初二英语听力部分(20分)一、听力选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)请先熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题。做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,再将试卷上的答案转填到答题卷相对应的空格内。A)听对话回答问题1Which picture are they talking about?2What do they want to do?3Which animal has Singapore got?4How does Jane usually travel back to her hometow

2、n?5How much should the woman pay for the ticket? A¥80 B¥100 C¥1206Where does this conversation probably take place? AAt sch00l BAt home CIn a restaurant7When did Peter start his new job? AIn March BIn April CIn May8How does the mans brother usually learn English? AOn the Internet BBy reading books C

3、On the radio9What does Henry think of his school life?AInactive and boring BExciting and colourful CLively and interesting1 0What can we learn about the man? AHe finds it hard to learn English BHeS asking Lucy to give up learning English CHeS giving Lucy some adviceB)听对话和短文回答问题听一段长对话,回答11-12小题。11How

4、 long does Harry want to spend in Beijing? AFor seven days BFor ten days CFor two weeks1 2What will Daniel do to lose weight? AStop drinking cola BEat less and run more CGo swimming听一篇短文完成信息记录表中1315小题。13Aanimal Bhuman Cplant14Abus Bcar Cmotorbike15Aexpensive Binexpensive Ccheap听一篇短文,回答1620小题。 1 6Wha

5、t is Maggie Brown? AAn English teacher BA Chinese teacher CA PEteacher1 7Which country does Maggie come from? AFrance BThe USA CThailand1 8How does Maggie feel about her job? AExcited BConfident CBored1 9What might young children think about Maggie? AShes not good at singing BShe doesnt teach very w

6、ell CShe is a good teacher20What will Maggie miss if she moves to another country? AHer hometown BThe childrens happy faces CHer Life in Paris笔试部分(110分)二、选择填空(从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,把其编号填入答题卷相应的位置上。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)A)单项选择21I cant tell you way to the Blacksbecause we dont have Black here Aa:the

7、 Bthe; Cthe;a Da;22一Have you watched the film called Cinderella ?The music in the film is so beautiful 一Really ?When it? Awill you watch Bdid you watch Chave you watched Ddo you watch23 fantastic time the children are having !They cant stop through the ride AWhat;to scream BWhat a;to scream CWhat;sc

8、reaming DWhat a;screaming24一Where have you ?The film for half an hour 一Oh,sorryIm late because my car is broken Abeen;has started Bgone;has been on Cbeen;has been on Dgone;has started25The parade of Disney characters was wonderful and I cant it in words Arealize Bclick Cdescribe Dreceive26She drove

9、SO fast at the turning that the car almost went the road Aon Balong Cfrom Doff27一Long time no see !I think youve changed a lot一YesI used quiet,but now Ive got used out for activitiesAto be;to go Bto be;to going Cto;to go Dto;to going28Look at the“No parking”signYou park the car here Amust Bhave to C

10、need nt Dmust nt29Lisa did nt say about this book? Awho to talk Bwho talk to Cwho to talk to Dwho talk30Betty and Jenny are nt sisters,but they look like each other Aby the way Bin some ways Cin this way Don the way31The government has planted many trees on sides of the streets Aall Bevery Ceach Dbo

11、th32Dont worryWe have the to answer many of these questions Asituation Bnovel Cdetail Dknowledge33They haven been our friends we met ten years ago Afor Bsince Cever Dwhen34Finally Gulliver broke the rope and from those troy men Aput away Bran away Ctook away Dkept away35一Why not stay here a little l

12、onger? But I really have to go ANever mind BI cant find any reason CId love to DPleased to meet you B)完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出 一个最佳选项,将其编号填入答题卷相对应的空格内。 Mike was reading in the garden when his mother cameShe pointed to 36 and askedMike what it wasMike was quite 37 ,but he told her

13、it was a sparrow and got back intoreading、 Several minutes later his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same questionagainMike got a little angry but 38 answered her questionAfter a little while,his motherdid the same thing once moreMike was very angry and shouted at her The old lady s

14、ilently 39 an old diary ,turned to a page and showed it to MikeThough alittle impatient,Mike began to read it “Today ,I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a 40 onthe grass and asked me what it wasI 41 t him,said it was a sparrow and kissed himAftera while Mike asked m

15、e again and I did the samePointing to the same sparrow ,little Mike askedme what it was twenty times and I 42 answering his question and kissing him every time” Something gently 43 Mikes heartHis face turned red with 44 for being so impatient to his mother and he hugged her tight Your parents have g

16、iven you many things in their lifetime,but you may not realize that 45 they are gone 36Aanything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing 37Aangry Blonely Cproud Dsurprised 38Astill Balways Calready Dseldom 39Aworked out Btook out Cput out Dlooked out 40Afox Bfrog Cbird Drabbit 41Athrew Blaughed Cshouted Dsm

17、iled 42Aput on Blived on Ctried on Dkept on 43Arenewed Bprinted Ctouched Dpicked 44Ashame Bfear Chappiness Dkindness 45Auntil Bas Cwhen Dafter 三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,把其编号 填入答题卷相应的位置上。A Windsor Castle(温莎城堡)is one of the most famous castles in the worldIt lies in W

18、indsorTown,32 kilometers west of London City ,by the south bank of the River ThamesPeople built thecastle just outside of London to protect the capital of Britain Windsor Castle has a long and rich historyIt began to be built in 1 066People rebuilt it again and again during every period in history t

19、o todayS dimensions(范围)For almost 1,000 years,the castle has been used as the family home of British kings and queensIt was also used as a prison(监狱)during the English Civil WarToday ,Windsor Castle is the private home of Queen Elizabeth IIShe spends most of her private weekends there Although it is

20、 still a living place of the royal(皇家)family ,the public can visit much of the castleIt is one of the most popular sights in BritainThere,art lovers can enjoy some of the finest paintings by Rembrandt and CanalettoVisitors can also take a look at George IVs private apartmentsThey are some of the mos

21、t beautiful rooms in the castle46The famous Windsor Castle is Anear Windsor Town B32 kilometers east of London City Cin central London Dby the south bank of the River Thames47Now Windsor Castle is the private home of ARembrandt BCanaletto CQueen Elizabeth II DGeorge IV48The last paragraph is mainly

22、about the of the castle Ahistory Bsights Cfamily DcultureB There was a boy and his family was very richOne day his father took him on a trip to a placeHe wanted to show his son how poor people were thereThey spent several days on a farmThere were many poor families living on the farm On their way ho

23、me,the father asked the son,“How was the trip?”“It was great,Dad,”the son answered“Did you notice how poor people were there? ”asked his father“Oh,yes,”said the son“So,tell me,”said his fatherThe son said,“Well,we have one dog and they have fourWe have a pool in our garden,while they have a river th

24、at has no endWe have expensive lanterns,but they have stars above their heads at nightWe have only a small piece of land to live on,while they have the endless fieldsWe buy our food,but they grow theirsWe have high walls around our houses to protect usbut they dont need wallsbecause their friends wi

25、ll protect them” The father had nothing to sayThen the boy added,“Thank you,Dad,for letting me see howpoor we are”49The father wanted to show his son Ahow people on the farm worked Bhow poor people were on the farm Chow beautiful the farm was Dhow far it was from the city to the farm50When the fathe

26、r asked the son how the trip was,the son thought it Agreat Btiring Cterrible Dboring51According to the boy,people on the farm can see at night Aexpensive lanterns Ba lot of cars Cstars above their heads Dmany horses52Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AThe boy was from a very p

27、oor family BThe father and the son spent several weeks on a farm CPeople on the farm have high walls around their houses DThe boy thought that people on the farm lived a happy lifeC I had the unkindest mother in the whole worldWhile other kids ate candy for breakfastI had to have cereal(谷物)and eggsW

28、hen others had Cokes and candy for lunch,I had to eat a sandwichBut at least I wasnt aloneMy sister and two brothers had the same unkind mother as I did MY mother knew where we were at all timesShe knew who our friends wereWe had toclean clothes and take a bath every dayWe had to be in bed by 9:00 p

29、mand up at 8:00 a.m.We could nt sleep till noon like our friendsSo while they slept,our mother gave us work to doWe had to wash dishes,make our beds and learn to cookI believe she lay awake at night thinking up unkind things for us to do Through the years,things did nt improve a bitWe could not lie

30、in bed“sick”like our friendsdid in order to miss school My mother was the unkindest motherOut of four children,a couple of us went on to higher educationNone of us have ever done bad thingsShe forced us to grow up into educated(受教育)and honest peopleI am trying to raise my three children like thisI will feel proud when mychildren call me unkindBecause you see,I am thankful that I had the unkindest mother in thewhole world53What does the sentence“But at least I wasnt alone”mean? AThe writer

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