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1、会议邀请函4篇邀请函doc会议邀请函4篇_邀请函会议目的:*项目刚刚成立,技术知识相当匮乏,为了增进项目部之间的沟通交流,培养员工自学能力及演讲能力。特组织本次技术交流会。主办部门: 北京*有限公司管理服务部承办部门: 北京*有限公司管理服务部*项目部参会人员: *邀请嘉宾:【参会须知】一:会议时间:*年*月*日报到时间:会议时间:*年*月*日下午2点起,散会时间代定二:会议地点:三:参会联系人:四:联系方式:电话:邮件:参会回执参会人员 :_所属部门: _会议邀请函格式样板尊敬的 xxx:您好!xxx研讨会定于20xx年x月xx日xx日在xxxx召开,诚挚邀请您参会。会议的有关事宜如下:一、

2、会议主题xx二、主要论题1.xx面临的形势与任务2.xx建设与xx的完善3.xx的经验总结4.xx队伍建设的主要措施与途径5.xx定位6.xx等xx问题7.当前xx的热点问题8.xxx相关xx问题三、投稿要求本届xx研讨会,接收与上述专题相关的、未公开发表的论文与研究报告。1. 投稿内容与格式论文格式包括标题、作者基本信息、摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献几个部分。摘要数在200-之间,且关键词最多不能超过4个。论文正文总数应不少于,中文使用宋体、小四号、1.5倍行距排版;含页眉和脚注在内,页边距设为2.5厘米。提交的文章中凡采用他人原文或观点,务必加注说明。在引文后加括号注明作者、出版年份

3、及页码,或者直接将引用以脚注方式标识清楚。详细文献出处作为参考文献列于文后,以作者、出版年份、书(或文章)名、出版单位(或期刊名)、出版地点排序。文献按作者姓氏的第一个母依a-z顺序分中、英文两部分排列,中文文献在前,英文文献在后。引文中的英文部分,专著名用斜体,论文题目写入“ ”号内。作者自己的说明放在当页脚注。2. 投稿电子邮箱email:xxxxxx(请在邮件主题标明:xxx研讨会)3. 论文收录研讨会筹备委员会将会收录您的投稿,并将制作论文集, 如有ppt文件,请一并发送至投稿电子邮箱并注明:xxx研讨会ppt。4. 投稿截止日期本次会议投稿截止日期为20xx年x月x日。四、研讨会时间

4、及地点会议时间:20xx年x月xx日报到,xx月xx日会议,xx日考察。住宿地点:xx大酒店(xx高速公路xx出口x行xx米路x)会议地点:xxxxx五、会议回执为统计参会人数、预先做出相应安排以保证本届xxx研讨会顺利举行,如果您“确定”参会,收到此邀请函后,请务必在20xx年xx月xx日以前填写好参会回执并以 e-mail发送到会务组投稿邮箱xxxx,以便于我们为您提前预定酒店房间,以及其他工作的开展,谢谢合作。六、联系我们地址:xxxx 邮编:xxx电话:张xx:13xxxxxxx; 王xx:13xxxxxxxxe-mail:xxxx此致敬礼!xxxxxxxx研讨会xx大学xx学院20x

5、x年xx月xx日英语会议邀请函一、dear sir/madam:on date, we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of name, president of company. you are cordially invited to attend the celebration at hotel, location, on date from to p.m. name has been the president of company since year. during this period

6、, company expanded its business from to . now its our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. please join us to say good-bye to name.see you on date.yours sincerely name title二、本周六下午3点到xx点将在各自的班级召开家长会,写一封邀请函。日期:xx月9日dear parents,there

7、is a parents meeting in our school at saturday afternoon from 3pm to xxpm,it will be held in each classroom,we hope every parents can attend this meeting from their busy work.we look froward to your arrival!xxxmiddle schooleducation department0xx.9三、dear sir/madam:im delighted you have accepted our

8、invitation to speak at the conference in city on date. as we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic from time to time. there will be an additional minutes for questions. would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. if you could let me know your specific requirements by da

9、te, ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.thank you again for agreeing to speak.i look forward to hearing from you.sincerely yours, name title四、dear sir/madam:thank you for your letter of glad that you are also going to place next month. it would

10、 be a great pleasure to meet you at theexhibition/trade fair. our company is having a reception at hotel on the evening of date and i would be very pleased if you could attend.i look forward to hearing from you soon.yours sincerely, name title五、dear sir/madam:organization would very much like to hav

11、e someone from your company speak at our conference on you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. i

12、ll call you date to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. i can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker. sincerely yours,name title六、dear sir/madam:we would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new product.the presentation will take place

13、 at location, at time on date. there will also be a reception at time. we hope you and your colleagues will be able to pany is a leading producer of high-quality . as you well know,recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. our new models offer superb quality and

14、sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.we look forward to seeing you on date.just call our office at phone number and we will be glad to secure a place for you.sincerely yours,name title医学学术会议邀请函范文学术会议邀请函范文由中华医

15、学会航空航天医学分会暨空军飞行人员健康鉴定专业委员会主办的全国首届飞行人员健康鉴定学术会议暨空军飞行人员健康鉴定研讨会定于XX年10月16日至18日在贵阳市召开。会议期间,将举办全国飞行人员健康鉴定研讨班(国家级继续医学教育项目,编号:XX-16-01 012)。中华医学会航空航天医学分会委员会和中华航空航天医学杂志编辑委员会委员工作会议也将同期举行。来自总后勤部、总装备部、陆海空三军、民航总局及各航空公司的科研院所、大学、医院、基层航医室的从事飞行人员/航天员选拔体检与健康鉴定的航空航天临床医学工作者和医学管理者的代表将参加这次全国性的临床航空航天医学界的学术盛会。会议特邀 作为协办单位参会

16、。会议的主办单位将向与会的单位和代表推介国内外有关医药企业,促进科技学术界与企业界的交流与合作,共同为发展我国载人航天和航空事业贡献力量。本次会议诚征医药企业参会交流并作为协办单位提供资助经费,将为企业提供产品推介宣传合作项目如下:一、合作项目1. 为挂名协办企业代表提供开幕式或闭幕式10分钟发言。2. 会议宾馆门前或宴会厅悬挂祝贺布标。3. 会议优秀论文及专题报告奖1项冠名。4. 会议论文摘要集刊登企业及相关产品宣传资料(宣传资料印刷成本费由企业承担)。5. 企业派1名代表免费参会(会议提供食宿费)。6. 本次会议将向资助企业颁发资助证书。二、资助经费额度及相应项目1. 资助3万元人民币的企业可获得合作项目16的推介宣传商机。2. 资助1.5万元人民币的企业可获得合作项目36的推介宣传商机。3. 资助5000元的企业可获得合作项目4的推介宣传商机。欢迎广大医药企业参会,加盟到发展我国航空医学、载人航天医学与医学工程的跨世纪的辉煌事业的行列,科技学术界与企业界携手并进,共创新的奇迹。联系人:yjby

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