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高二英语北师大版必修五教学案Unit 14 Section 4 含答案.docx

1、高二英语北师大版必修五教学案Unit 14 Section 4 含答案.词义配对1negotiatea困难的,费力的2technical b候选人3tough c挑选4Sound d谈判,协商5select e技术上的6candidate f良好的;全面的答案:1.d, 2.e, 3.a, 4.f, 5.c, 6.b.选词填空flexible, approach, enclose, teamwork, distinguish1A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant objects.2I enclose my photograph

2、with this letter.3As for this problem, you can use a flexible method.4Teamwork is necessary to produce good results.5The job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as well.补全短语1apply to申请2participate in参加3due to因为,由于4in addition 另外,此外5look forward to 期待;期望6stand out 突出7take

3、on从事8get on well with 与相处融洽9get across to sb. 为某人所理解1I feel that I can get on well with people from different backgrounds, since I have worked with lots of different people on many projects for local events.我觉得我能跟来自不同背景的人相处得很好,因为我曾经与许多不同背景的人合作处理过许多当地事务。句式分析that引导宾语从句;since“因为”,连词,引导原因状语从句。佳句赏析我想交通问题

4、很难解决,因为车辆太多。I think that it is hard to solve traffic problems, since vehicles are too many.2Here are Toms and Janes responses.这是汤姆和简各自的回答。句式分析here, there或then, now等表示地点或时间的副词置于句首时,句子用完全倒装语序。佳句赏析这里有两个例子可以解释这个问题。Here are two examples to explain the question.考点1distinguish vt.& vi.区别,辨别;表现突出教材原句Getting

5、 on well with others and having skills in negotiating and giving presentations will distinguish one candidate from another and give him or her an advantage.与别人友好相处以及具有谈判和介绍方面的技巧将使求职竞争者优于其他人,并使他或她具有优势。(1)distinguish . from .distinguish between . and .区分/辨别distinguish oneself as/by作为/以而出名/出 众/受人青睐(2)d

6、istinguished adj. 著名的,卓越的be distinguished for 因而出名The twins are so alike. Its difficult to distinguish one from the other.这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难区别谁是谁。At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非?Zhu Zhiwen distinguishes himself as a farmer singer.朱之文以一个农民歌手的身份而出名。He dist

7、inguished himself by his courage.他因勇敢而扬名。名师指津(1)distinguish . from tell . from辨别与(2)distinguish between . and . tell the difference between . and .辨别与1单句语法填空How do you distinguish a star from a planet?He is distinguished for his good knowledge of economy.It is much too dark for me to_distinguish (di

8、stinguish) anything.2句型转换Han Han is famous as a writer.Han Han distinguisheshimselfas a writer.Telling this car from that car is not easy.Its not easy to distinguish this car from that car.考点2approach n接近;途径;方法vt.& vi.(距离上、时间上)接近;与某人打交道教材原句The job market has changed and our approach to finding work

9、must change as well.如今的职业市场已经发生了变化,我们寻找工作的方法也要随之改变。(1)approach作名词表示“方法、途径”时,后常接介词to。(2)at the approach of 快到的时候(3)make approaches to sb. 与某人交往/打交道(4)approach sb. for/about sth.与某人接洽/商量/交涉某事He presents a new approach to learning foreign language.他提出了一种学习外语的新方法。It gets cold at the approach of winter.冬

10、季来临之时,天变冷了。He tried to make approaches to his new classmates.他尽力与新同学交往。We approached the birds quietly and watched them.我们悄悄上前观察那些小鸟。The time for graduation is approaching.毕业的日子临近了。Have you approached the manager for/about taking a day off next week?你跟经理商量了下周请一天假的事了吗?辨析比较approach指从事某事的特别方法、途径,其后常与to

11、连用way“方法”,普通用语。其前常与in搭配method指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。其前常与with搭配means指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。其前常与by搭配1选词填空: approach, way, method, meansDo you know the best approach to solving the problem?Only in this way can you learn maths well.They will accomplish their new project by this means.He earns money with t

12、he method of stealing money.2完成句子我们解决这个问题的方法是错误的。Our approaches to_solving_the_problem are wrong.通往这间房子的路是一条狭窄的小径。The_approach_to_the_house is a narrow path.考点3apply for申请,请求教材原句I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week.我现在在写信申请学生报

13、上的一个职位,该职位是我上周在校报的广告栏上看到的。apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请某物apply . to 把应用于apply to/be applied to 适应于apply oneself to (doing) sth. 专心致志于(做)某事He applied to the manager for the post but was turned down.他向经理申请那个岗位,但被拒绝了。You cant apply this rule to every case. This rule cant be applied to every case.这个规则并不能适用

14、于所有的状况。What you said doesnt apply to me.你所说的并不适合我。You would pass your exams if you applied yourself to going_ (go) over your lessons.如果你专心致志于复习功课,你就会通过考试。联想发散想一想,表示“专心于”的动词短语,我们还学过哪一些?devote_oneself_to,_occupy_oneself_in,_absorb_oneself_in单句语法填空We should apply both theories to the language teaching.

15、He applied himself to learning (learn) French after he was out of work.This job is so good that a lot of people have come to apply for it.He wanted to apply to the local company for a job.考点4due to由于教材原句I think I would be a good journalist due to my language skills.我想我的语言能力会使我成为一个好记者。due adj.预期的,到期的

16、,应有的be due to do/for sth. 预期/预计发生某事be due to sb. 应当付给某人的,应给予某人的This is a mistake due to carelessness.这是一个由于粗心而犯的错误。He almost died due to lack of oxygen.他由于缺氧而差点死掉。This accident was due to his careless driving.这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的。Bills plane is due to_land (land) on this airport at 10 tomorrow.比尔的飞机明天1

17、0点在本机场着陆。Our thanks are due to the whole team.我们要向全队致谢。联想发散下面是表示原因的介词短语,请在空格处填上适当的介词。because of,_thanks to,_owing to,_on account of,_as a result of1单句语法填空Due to the foggy weather, the traffic moved very slowly.His new book is due to_be_published (publish) in November.Have they been paid the money th

18、at is due to them?2句型转换Because he has worked hard, he is admitted by a key university.Due_to/Owing_to/Because_of/Thanks_to his hard work, he is admitted by a key university.As_a_result/On_account_of his hard word, he is admitted by a key university.考点5in addition此外教材原句In addition, I am also a good p

19、hotographer, which might be useful for some of the articles.此外,我还是一个不错的摄影师,这可能对某些文章是挺有用的。(1)in addition为副词词组,可以用作状语和插入语,指对前面讲到的事情从肯定的角度出发再加以补充。相当于besides或further more,可用于句首、句中和句末。用于句首、句中时,常用逗号与后面的部分隔开。(2)in addition to为介词词组,相当于besides或as well as,后面要用名词、代词和动名词作宾语。I committed an error in addition.此外,我

20、还犯了一个错误。There is, in addition, one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。In addition, there are some grammatical mistakes in your composition.除此之外,你的作文中还有一些语法错误。In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 In addition to giving (give) a general introduction to computers,

21、the course also provides practical experience.该课程除了介绍电脑的大体知识外,还提供实践练习。1选词填空: in addition, in addition to, besidesI have read a lot of novels in_addition_to/besides some short stories.The house was out of our price range. In_addition/Besides,_Id grown fond of our little rented house.2句型转换American wor

22、kers as well as soldiers were in danger in Somalia.Inadditionto soldiers, American workers were in danger in Somalia.Besides, Hong Kong is an international trade centre.Inaddition,_Hong Kong is an international trade centre.考点6stand out突出,出色,引人注目教材原句This makes the job market very tough to get into a

23、nd therefore good exam grades in school alone do not make an applicant stand out from the crowd.这使职场非常难以进入,因此,光靠在学校的考试中取得好成绩并不能使求职者鹤立鸡群。stand by 站在旁边;和站在一起;支持stand for 代表;象征;意味着stand up 站起来;起立stand up to 经受得住,抵抗He stands out in everything he does.无论做什么事,他都做得很出色。The road signs stood out well against

24、the dark background.那些路标在深色背景下十分醒目。How could you stand by when the young man hit the ticket collector?当那个年轻人打收票员时,你怎么能站在一旁不管呢?Do you know what ATM stands for?你知道ATM代表什么意思吗?This cloth is designed to stand_up_to a lot of wear and tear.这种布料十分耐用。介、副词填空How can you stand by and let him treat his dog like

25、that?Some people still think it is impolite for men not to stand up when a woman comes into the room.The olive branch stands for peace?I feel that I can get on well with people from different backgrounds, since I have worked with lots of different people on many projects for local events.我觉得我能跟来自不同背

26、景的人相处得很好,因为我曾经与许多不同背景的人合作处理过许多当地事务。句中since引导原因状语从句,意为“既然,因为”。有类似用法的短语有now that, seeing that等。We thought that, since we were in the area, wed stop and see him.我们想,既然到了这个地方,就该顺便去看看他们。Seeing that its raining, wed better stay indoors.既然外边在下雨,我们最好待在室内。Now that you are here, why not have a drink with me?你

27、既然来了,为什么不和我喝一杯呢?辨析比较since引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之前表示已知的、显然的理由,通常被翻译成“既然”,较为正式,语气比because弱。相当于now thatbecause引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之后,because 表示直接原因,语气最强,最适合回答why引导的疑问句。可以用于强调句型as引导原因状语从句时表示附带说明的“双方已知的原因”,语气比since弱,较为正式,位置较为灵活,常放于主句之前for通常认为作并列连词引导并列句,表示原因。但这一原因只是对前句动作发生的一些辅助性的补充说明,所以它引导的句子,只能放后,并用逗号与前句隔开1选词填空: sin

28、ce, because, as, forSince you cant answer the question perhaps wed better ask someone else.He could not have seen me, for I was not there.I must stop writing now, as I have rather a lot of work to do.I cant do it now because Im busy.2一句多译既然你已被通知,我就不再告诉你了。Since_you_have_been_informed,_Ill_not_tell_yo


30、下可以随时联系到你的电话或地址。当然如果能对阅读者表示感谢,效果会更好。2写求职信应注意的问题(1)表现自我的个性及特质建议使用积极正面的陈述方式。(2)文章不可冗长控制在总共四段、每段五行以内。(3)前瞻性的气魄具有勇于突破与开创气质的人是外商公司的最爱。因此并不需要对之前辞职的原委做太多解释。(4)少用第一人称为了避免自大与主观的缺点,尽量少用第一人称。黄金表达1I am writing in response to your advertisement in .2Your advertised position of .interests me.3I think I am the right person for the job you advertised, because .4I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of .5I would like to apply for t

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