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1、最新英语人教版七年级上单元检测卷Unit6最新英语人教版七年级上单元检测卷:Unit6Unit 6一、单项选择题:()1.Can you sing _? If you can, come here.Awell BgoodCnice Dbeautiful()2.What _ does your brother like?He likes tomatoes and carrots. AvegetablesBdrinkCfruit Dmeat ()3.Whats the volleyball stars_ habits? Asport BeatingCeat Deats ()4.I have som

2、e fruit and rice_ breakfast.Ato BwithCin Dfor ()5.Many boys and girls like icecream, but its not_. Arelaxing BboringChealthy Dfun ()6.Heres _ apple and heres _ pear. Aa; aBan; aCan; an Da; an()7.Do you like fruit? Here are some_ for you.Abananas BcarrotsCeggs Dtomatoes()8.Do your friends like_?Aappl

3、e BsaladCtomato Dbanana ()9.What do you like _ lunch?Aat BonCfor Dto()10.My father usually has _ lunch at home. Aa BanCsome D/ ()11._ you like bananas? Yes, I do. AAreBCanCIs DDo ()12.John _ hamburgers, but his sisters_ bread.Alikes; like Blike; likeClike; likes Dlikes; likes ()13.Here are some pear

4、s, but Bill and Jack dont like_Ait BtheyCthem Dtheir ()14.Its Toms birthday. Tom likes salad._. Lets get some salad. AYoure welcomeBYoure rightCYoure all rightDAll right()15._ your brother like hamburgers?No, he _ADo; doesnt BDo; dontCDoes; doesnt DDoes; does ()16.Do you want _ fat? Ato be BisCbe Db

5、eing二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1He eats two _(hamburger) for lunch. Thats not healthy.2I like potatoes but I dont like _(tomato)3Harry _(like) fruit salad very much.4My parents _ (not like) carrots.5Lily doesnt like _ (vegetable)6Do you like _(banana) icecream?7Does he like _(milk) for breakfast?8They have s

6、ome _ _ (bread)9What _ you _ (like)?10How about_(have) some icecream?三、完形填空。Hello! My name is Dave Brown. My_1_ name is Dave. I play _2_ every day and I am very healthy.I eat a lot of _3_ and vegetables.For fruit,I like apples,oranges, pears and_4_For vegetables,I like broccoli,tomatoes and _5_I lik

7、e icecream._6_ I like chicken for dinner every day!I like playing_7_, too. I run in the morning. I like Liu Xiang. Do you _8_ him? Yeah,he is a running star. I like_9_ basketball,too. I play it every afternoon.It is not _10_Healthy food and lots of sports make me healthy.()1.A.first Blast Cfamily Dm

8、iddle() Bsports Cfruit Dfood()3.A.salad Beggs Cfruit Ddessert()4.A.icecream Bbananas Cmilk Dhamburgers()5.A.oranges Bapples Cpotatoes Dchicken()6.A.Because BAnd COr DSo()7.A.sports Bfruit Cvegetables Dbooks()8.A.need Bcall Cmeet Dknow()9.A.playing Bdoing Cgoing Dhaving()10.A.difficult Binter

9、esting Cgreat Drelaxing四、阅读理解ADo you like eating? Do you eat a lot of healthy food every day? What is healthy food? Its important for you. It includes(包括) vegetables, like carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and onions. It also includes fruit, like pears, apples and strawberries. Vegetables and fruit are go

10、od for our health. We shouldnt eat too much fast food, like hamburgers, fried chicken and French fries. Too much dessert is not good for us, either. Of course, keeping happy every day can make you healthy, too. So smile every day. ()1.What is the passage about?ASmile.BVegetables.CHealthy food.DFood.

11、()2.Which one is different from others?ACarrots.BTomatoes.CPears.DPotatoes.()3.What food is good for people?AFast food.BVegetables and fruit.CDessert.DDelicious food.()4.Which is not fast food?AHamburgers.BDessert.CFried chicken.DFrench fries.()5.Which one is TRUE?ASometimes we can eat fast food. BM

12、uch dessert is good for our health. CWe should eat a lot of vegetables.DWe should eat healthy food and be happy.BMy name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries, but Ray doesnt. I dont like eggs for breakfast, but Bob and Ray do. I like

13、fruit for breakfast. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. ()1._ doesnt (dont) like French fries.ADan BBobCRay DDan and Bob()2._ like hamburgers.ADan and BobBBob and Ray CDan,Bob and RayDDan and Ray()3.Dan doesnt like eggs for_Adinner BbreakfastClunch Dthree meals()4._like(s) fruit for breakf

14、ast.ABob and Ray BDanCBob DRay()5.They like _for dinner.Achicken and saladBfruit and eggsChamburgers and French friesDsalad and fruit五、句型转换。1Do you like strawberries? (作否定回答)No, _ _ _2She likes icecream a lot. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ icecream a lot?3He doesnt like chicken. (改为肯定句)He _ chicken.4They like ha

15、mburgers. (改为否定句)They_ _ hamburgers.5She eats eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast.(对画线部分提问)_ does she _ for breakfast?6They like some_healthy_food. (对画线部分提问)_ _they like? 7Tom has some oranges for breakfast. (改为否定句)Tom _ _ _ oranges for breakfast.8My brother likes tomatoes. (改为否定句)My brother _ _

16、tomatoes.六、写作指导与实践请以“我的家庭”为题写一篇短文,介绍自己的家庭成员。 要求:语句通顺;30词左右。参考答案一、单项选择题:AABCD BABCD DACBC A二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。hamburgerstomatoeslikesdont_likevegetablesbananamilkbreadDo likehaving三、完形填空ABCBC BADAA四、阅读理解CCBBD CCBBA五、句型转换1. I dont2. Does like3. likes4. dont like5. What eat6. What do7. doesnt have any8.

17、doesnt like【英语】人教新目标:七年级上册Unit6综合测评Unit 6综合测评(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)听句子,选择正确答语(5分)6.A.Yes, I do. B.No, you dont.C.No.I like ice-cream.7.A.Hamburgers. B.Carrots. C.Eggs.8.A.On the table. B.Ten basketballs. C.Eggs and hamburgers.9.A.Yes, they are. B.No, it i

18、snt. C.Theyre on the table.10.A.Yes, she does. B.Yes, she is. C.No, he doesnt.听短文,完成表格(5分)Mrs.GreenMr.GreenBrotherSisterJimhamburgersand 11.12.and13.and14.and15.and第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16.Is this egg?No.Its apple.A.a;an;a;an D.a;a17.Does your sister eat ?Yes,she does.A.fine B.nice C.well D

19、.good18.What fruit do you like?I like .A.carrots B.rice C.bread D.apples19.Do you like oranges?.I want to eat them now.A.Yes, I dont B.No, I doC.Yes, I do D.No, I dont20.She oranges, but she;dont like B.likes;doesnt likesC.likes;doesnt like;dont likes21. does your father have lu

20、nch?Rice and tomatoes.A.What;for B.What;/ C.How;for D.How;/22.Next week is Jacks birthday.Lets the present(礼物).OK.How about a model plane?A.ask for B.think about C.thank for with23.Mary watch TV, but Mike .A.doesnt;does B.doesnt;doesnt C.doesnt;watches;doesnt24.I like .Do you like ?

21、le;them B.apples;them C.apples;they D.apples;it25.Lets have some and .A.tomato;chickens B.tomatoes;chicken C.tomatoes;chickens D.tomato;chicken.完形填空(10分)My name is Sandra.I have a brother.26 name is Tom.We like different(不同的) sports.I like playing 27.It is fun.I like tennis,too.28 I dont like basket

22、ball.It is 29.My brother 30 basketball.He has four basketballs.He 31 basketball every day.We like different 32.I like eggs,apples and hamburgers 33 breakfast and dinner.For dessert,I like 34.Tom likes oranges,chicken and carrots.We are 35 because(因为) we often play sports and eat good food.26.A.He B.

23、She C.Her D.His27.A.volleyball B.TV D.oranges28.A.And B.With C.But B.difficult C.interesting D.fine30.A.likes B.dont like D.doesnt like31.A.looks B.knows C.plays B.books C.colors B.on C.for D.at34.A.hamburgers B.chicken C.carrots

24、m35.A.boring B.healthy C.great D.relaxing.阅读理解(20分)AIm Paul.I like eggs and milk for breakfast.For lunch,I have rice and chicken.I dont like hamburgers for dinner.I often have fruit and vegetables.My name is Rose.I like ice-cream very much,but I dont eat it.Its not healthy.I like strawberries,but I

25、dont like pears.I often have strawberry salad after dinner.Im Mike.Im a fat boy.I like hamburgers very much.I can eat five hamburgers a day.I like ice-cream and chicken,too.I dont think my eating habit is good.36.Paul has for dinner.A.eggs and milk B.rice and chickenC.hamburgers and fruit D.fruit an

26、d vegetables37.Rose doesnt like B.strawberries C.fruit salad D.pears38.Mike can eat hamburgers a day.A.three B.four C.five D.six39.Who likes ice-cream?A.Paul and Rose. B.Rose and Mike. C.Paul and Mike. D.Paul,Rose and Mike.40.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Paul likes bread for breakfa

27、st. B.Rose doesnt eat ice-cream.C.Mike likes healthy food. D.Paul is very fat.BHello, Im Kate.I like different kinds of food.I like hamburgers, salad and orange juice.For breakfast, I often have some milk and hamburgers.I dont like dessert.My favorite soccer star, Tony Brown, eats lots of healthy fo

28、od.He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast.For lunch, he eats hamburgers, tomatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice.For dinner, he likes meat and French fries.He doesnt have dessert.“I like soccer better than dessert, ” he says.41.Kate eats for breakfast.A.milk and hamburgers B.saladC.vegetables D.chicken42.Kate doesnt like juice B.salad C.hamburgers D.dessert43.Tony Brown is .A.a student B.a soccer starC.a basketball sta

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