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1、北师大高一英语必修一知识点与练习北师大高一英语必修一知识点与练习 北师大版高中英语 知识概要与语法总结必修一第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,begoingto第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时第三单元:被动语态,情态动词北师大版高一英语必修一第1单元一.重点句法词法。 Lesson 11. relaxing. Relaxing 是由及物动词relax+ing构成的形容词,意思是“轻松的,令人放松的”。Boring和relaxing的构词法相同,意思是“令人厌烦的,单调乏味的”。Relaxed“放松的”和bored“无聊的”常用来修饰人;而relaxing和boring均表示“令人”

2、,常修饰物。Mary felt relaxed to make a relaxing conversation with a good friend, while Peter got bored with a lot of boring homework to do.和一个好朋友的轻松交谈让玛丽感到很放松,而要做很多无聊的作业使彼得感到很厌烦。The teacher said something relaxing to get him relaxed, so Peter decided to do something satisfying to make the tacher satisfie

3、d.老师对他说了一些让人放松的事情使他放松,于是彼得决定做点儿令人满意的事情让老师满意。2.suppose(认为,猜想)的用法。(1)suppose+that从句,表示“猜测,假定”。I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。(2)supose+名词/代词+to be表示“认为是”Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他已经50多岁了。(3)suppose/supposing作“假定,设想”讲,相当于连词if.Suppose you are wrong,what will you do then? 假如你错了,你将

4、会怎样做呢?(4)be supposed to“被期望做,应该做”表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should.Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one? 我是应该打扫所有房间呢还是只这一间?They were supposed to be here an hour ago.(5)用于简略答语中。-Do you think well have good weather this weekend? 你认为周末天气会好吗?-I suppose so/not. 我想会吧/我想不会。5.Imagine. (1)imaging

5、 sb. Doing sth. 想象某人做某事I just can imagine him saying that! 我确实能想象到他那么说!(3)imagine sb./sth.(to be)认为某人/某事Dont imagine your husband to be always wrong.(4)imagine+that从句 想象,误认为Your cant imagine he should make such a mistake.你不到他竟然犯了这样的错误。6.forty-three-year-old是复合形容词,作定语,其中year不能用复数。7.until到(时间、地点)为止He

6、stayed here until twelve oclock. 他在这里一直待到十二点。Until还可以作连词。notuntil意思是“直到才”He will not give you any answer until he has thought it over. 他对此事仔细考虑之后才会给你答复。8.与“开、关”有关的词(1)open/close/shut与door, window, box, book,eyes等连用(2)switch on/off多与radio, TV, light, computer等连用(3)turn on/off比switch on/off更通俗,多与radio

7、, gas, water等连用。9.while引导时间状语从句,意思是“当的时候,与同时”,表示两个动作同时进行或两种状态同时存在。He was still studying while the others were sleeping.While还可以表示“然而、却”,连接两个并列句,含有对比的意味。Many people try their best to help the homeless while some just stand by.很多人尽力于帮助那些无家可归的人,而有些人只是袖手旁观。12.It takes sb. Some time to do sth. It takes s

8、ome time for sb. To do sth.这两个句型是固定句型,意思是“某人花费多少时间做某事”13.“get+过去分词”构成系表结构,通常强调动作的发生,也可指状态的变化。此类结构还有:get lost 迷路get dressed 穿衣get hurt 受伤get paid得到报酬get married结婚14.动词不定式作后置定语。当被修饰的名词或代词有序数词、形容词最高级或next, last only等限定词时,要使用动词不定式作定语。I am always the first person to get to the office. 我总是第一个到办公室。Miss Bro

9、wn is the last person to rise to speak.布朗小姐是最后一个站起来发言的人。 filled with充满着,相当于be full offillup with用装满,填满fill in填写;度过(时光)形容词或副词+that引导结果状语从句,意思是“如此以至于”(1)so that=in order thatHe works very hard so that he can buy his own apartment.他努力工作,为的是能买一套自己的公寓。(2)suchthat作“如此以至于”讲,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。He was

10、such an honest man that he was praised by the teacher.他非常诚实,因而受到了老师的表扬。注意:如果后边的名词前由many, much,few, little等词修饰的话,则不用such而用so.plain to sb.about/of sth. 向某人抱怨/诉苦 complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨某事 She is always complaining about something. 她总是满腹牢骚 Lesson 22.stress lay/place/put stress on 把重点放在上3.take p

11、lace与happen, occur的用法区别take place:指按计划、安排“发生”;“举行,进行”,相当于holdhappen:指偶然、意外的“发生”;“碰巧”,后面接动词不定式occur作“发生”解,一般可与happen互换。Occur还表示“想起、想到”It happened that the driver was his cousin. 那位司机碰巧是他的表弟。When will the basketball game take place? 篮球赛何时举行?The idea occurred to him in a dream.5.reduceto 表示“减少到”;其中介词to

12、表示“减少后的结果” reduceby表示“减少了”;其中介词by表示“减少的程度或幅度”7.prefer sth./doing sth.更喜欢 Prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 Prefer sth./doing sth. to sth./doing sth.宁愿而不愿 Prefer sb. To do sth. 宁愿某人做某事 Prefer to do sth. rather than do 宁愿而不愿 Lesson 31.volunteer作动词,表“自愿去做”常跟to do 不定式The young man volunteered to help the old man.

13、 那个年轻人主动去帮助那位老年人。2. pay attention to注意,留心,重视, Draw/attract ones attetion (to)引起某人的注意;使某人注意 Lesson 42.有关make sure的短语(1) make sure that+宾语从句注意:make sure 后面常接that引导的宾语从句,后接名词时需加介词of/about一般不用不定式,没有make sure to do sth.的句型。(2) be sure to do sth.务必/一定会做某事(3) be sure of/about be sure that+从句,表示肯定,对有把握3.esp

14、ecially, specialy, particularlyespecially:意为“尤其、特别地”。用来加强语气,常用在所强调的主语、介词短语、形容词、副词及状语从句前。specially:意这“特意的,专门地”。强调不广泛,是专门为某一目的而进行的特地行为。Particularly:=in particular“特别的,尤其”;表过某事不寻常、过分或特别重要。常用于修饰名词、介词短语。 a result因此,结果 As a result of +n./pron. 由于e up with 提出,想出(计划、主意等) Come across偶然遇到Come about发生,产生Co

15、me out 发行; Come true成真,变成现实9. “主语+be+said/thought/believed/supposed等+动词不定式”句型表示“据说,人们说”,相当于”It is/was+said/thought/believed/supposed等+that从句”It is said that Sydney is beautiful. 10.make a difference:有关系,有影响二.语法1.一般现在时构成和句式:肯定式:主语+do/does或be(me/is/are)+其他否定式:主语+do/does+not或be(me/is/are)+not+其他疑问式:Do/

16、Does或Be(am/is/are)+主语+其他用法:(1)表示现在发生的动作或存在的状态。You look good in this new suit.(2)表示经常性,习惯性的动作或存在的状态。常与usually, often, always, every day, sometimes, once a month, never等连用。I often feel cold at this time of year.(3)表示普遍真理和客观存在的事实。But it is spring now. It is warm in spring.(4)表示计划、安排好的将来动作。常用表示位置转移的动词。如

17、go, come, arrive, leave, start, begin等。The train leaves a 3:30 p.m.(5)在时间或条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。Well go to the park if it does not rain tomorrow.2.现在进行时构成和句式:肯定式:主语+ be(me/is/are)+doing+其他否定式:主语+ be(me/is/are)not+doing+其他疑问式:be(me/is/are)+主语+doing+其他用法:(1)表示正在时行的动作。Peter, what are you doing there?(2

18、)表示现阶段正在进行而此刻不一定进行的动作。We are studying Spanish this semester.(3)表示将要发生的动作, 一般跟时间状语,表明动作发生的时间。常见的动词有arrive, begin, come, go, leave,start, stay等。He is leaving for London next week.(4)表示发展中或正在改变的情况The weather is getting colder and colder.(5)现在进行时可与always, forever, continually, constantly等副词喧嚣用,表示反复出现的或习

19、惯性的动作,含有抱怨、赞叹、厌倦等感情色彩。He is always changing his mind.(6)用于动词hope, want, 和wonder等,表示一种比一般现在时态更委婉的证据。I am wondering if you can lend me your bike.3.一般将来时构成及用法:(1)“will+动词原形”,常用来表示将来存在的状态、将要发生的动作;还可表示一种没有经过仔细考虑的主观意图,可能是在说的当时才作出的决定。It will be my birthday in two days.I will buy you a new car for your birt

20、hday.(2)“be going to+动词原形”:可以表示近期的打算,常用来表示事先已经决定或安排要做的事,常译为“准备做”或“打算做”;还可以表示“有迹象表明或预示着”。How are you going to spend your weekend?(3)现在进行时表示将来:现在进行时往往表示计划好或准备要做的事。若用一些表示位置转移的终止性动词,如go, come,leave, start, begin, take等,则表示马上要做某事。Im taking the kids to the zoo this Sunday.(4)一般现在时表示将来:主要指严格按昭原定计划、时刻表将要发生的

21、事情;在条件状语从句和时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。I will return your car I you remember to buy a new car for my birthday.(5)“be to+动词原形”表示将来:这种结构表示计划中约定的或按职责、义务和要求必须做的事或即将发生的动作。I am to do some shopping.(6)“be about to+动词原形”表示将来:这一结构表示眼下马上要发生,不强调主观,一般不能与具体的时间状语连用。Oh, the store is about to close. 北师大版一轮复习必修一 单元练习 Unit 1L

22、ifestyles1Hows your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?It _ be,but it is now heavily polluted.Awill Bwould Cshould Dmust2The train_ arrive at 1130,but was an hour late. Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain to3Progress so far has been very good._,we are sure that the proj

23、ect will be completed on time. AHowever BOtherwiseCTherefore DBesides4During the war,he_ much pain.Ais suffered BsufferedCwas suffered Dwas suffered from5I would keep my_ from that dog,if I were youit will bite. Aspace Bdistance Clength Dreach6The old lady came in,_ herself with a walking stick.Arai

24、sing Bsupporting Clifting Drising7Ladies and gentlemen,please switch_ your mobile phones!The plane is taking off.Aover Bon Cto Doff8Would you like me_ the radio a bit?No,its all right.Im used to_ with the radio_. Ato turn up;work;on Bto turn down;working;offCturning up;working;off Dto turn down;work

25、ing;on9After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane_ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset up10Four dollars a pair?I think its a bit too much.If you buy three pairs,the price for each will_ to three fifty.Acome down Btake downCturn over Dgo over11When day

26、 broke,we found ourselves_ on the shore.Alying Blain Clay Dto lie12Have you finished your homework?Yes._? AHow about you BHow comeCHow so DHow about it13John!Is this bag yours?Yes.It is the same bag_ I lost yesterday.Where did you find it?Awhich Bas Cthat Dso14_ about the economic crisis that he dec

27、ided to look for more information about it.ASo curious he was BSo curious was heCSuch curious he was DSuch curious was he15Does_ matter whether he can finish the job on time? Athis Bthat Che Dit北师大版高一英语必修一第2单元Warm-up1.clam的用法calm down平静下来keep clam/remain calm保持冷静calm oneself down使自己镇静下来词汇辨析:calm:平静的

28、,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动 You should keep calm even in face of danger.quiet:宁静的,安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、忧虑 Could you keep the kids quiet while Im on the phone?still:静止的,不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态 Keep still while I brus your hair.silent:寂静的,沉默的,不出声的。指没有声音或不讲话。 He was silent for a moment, then began his answer.2.generous慷

29、慨的,大方的be generous to sb.对某人宽容be generous with sth.(用钱等)大方It is/was generous of you to take so much interest in my work.He is always generous with money when his friends turn to him for help.Lesson 1一.句法与词法1.多个词一起修饰一个名词,其顺序通常为:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。The old lady wants to buy a beautiful red

30、Chinese silk dress for her daughter as a present.In the middle of the room stands a beautiful round wooden table.2.choose from:从中挑选 chooseas:挑选作为3. 词汇辨析:separate:表示“将与分开”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来separatefrom把和分开Its impossible to separate belief from emotion.信仰和感情是分不开的。divide:往往指把某个整体划分为若干部分divideinto把分成The world is divided into seven continents and four oceans.世界分成七大洲和4大洋。4.because of由于,因为后面常跟名词、代词、动名词。because是连词,引导从句He failed the final g

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