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新标准三起点小学英语第一册单元练习试题 全册.docx

1、新标准三起点小学英语第一册单元练习试题 全册三年级英语上册Module 1练习姓名 班级 一、默写所学的4个字母。 二、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 ( ) 2.are ( ) 3.I ( ) ( ) 5.hello ( ) 6.good ( ) 7.fine ( ) 三、连线。1.morning A.你,你们2.thank B.是3.fine C.怎样4.good D.你好 E.再见6.goodbye F.我是7.hello G.(身体)很好 8.Im H.好的9.are I.谢谢 J.早晨,上午四、选择最佳的答案。1.Hello,Im Amy. _A.

2、Good morning,Amy. B.Goodbye ,Amy.C.Hello,Amy. D.Bye-bye, Amy2.How are you? _ ,thank you.A.Good B.Fine C.Hi D.Hello3.Goodbye,Daming. _,Lingling.A.Hello B.Hi C.Fine D.Goodbye4.How are you ?Im fine,_.A.Good B.Thank you C.Hi D.Hello5.Hello, Im Xiaoyong. _,Im Xiaowei. A.Bye B.Good C.Fine D.Hi五、把下列句子翻译成汉语

3、。1.How are you? _2.Good morning._3.Goodbye, Daming._4.Im fine, thank you._5.Hello,Im Lingling._Module 2作业一.写出下列字母的邻居。 . Ff . I . O . Ss . Vv . q 二.在横线上将所给单词的正确书写。 girl afternoon Ms SmartHow are you? Good morning!三、选择与汉语意思想对应的单词见其序号填在括号内 Ms A. 和那么 morning H.早晨 too B. 男孩 how I.女孩 and C .女士 fine J.很好 b

4、oy D .也 girl K.怎样 what E .是 is L.男孩 name F.你的 your M.下午 afternoon G.男孩 Mr N.名字四、选择题,将正确的序号填在括号内。 1.Good_(下午), Mr. Li.A .afternoon B. morning C .bye年月日 星期 天气 2.Whats _(你的)name? Im Sam.A .you B. your C. I 3.Good aftenoon, Im _(先生) Li.A. Sam B .Ms C. Mr 4.-_(你好),Sam.A . good B . hello C .Goodbye 5.-_(你

5、好吗)? Im fineA .how are you? B. Hi C. Bye-bye 6.Im fine, too._(谢谢你)A .Im Sam B .Goodbye C. Thank you. 7.-Good morning, _(斯马特老师)A. Sam B. Ms Smart C .Amy五、判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的画不相符的画 1. 1.Hello, Im Sam. Im a boy.2. 2.Hello, Im Amy. Im a girl. 3. 3.Hi, Im Daming. Im a girl. 4. 4.Hi, Im Ms. Smart. Im a boy

6、六、选择合适的汉语将序号填在题前括号内。 Hi , Daming A. 我很好 Hello, Sam. B. 你好吗, 艾米? How are you ,Amy? C. 你好,萨姆 Im fine. D. 你好,大明。 Thank you. E. 早上好,斯马特老师 Good morning, Ms Smart. F. 早上好,同学们。 Good morning, bys and girls. G. 我也很好 Im fine, too. H. 谢谢你 Good afternoon. I. 我是李老师 Im Mr. Li. J. 下午好 Whats your name? K.你叫什么名字? Im

7、 Sam. L. 我是萨姆 Hi, Im Lili. M. 你好我是丽丽。七、争做小翻译家1 Good afternoon, Im Mr. Li. 2 Good afternoon, Mr. Li. 3 Whats your name? Im Sam. 4 Hello, Im Xiaoqiang, whats you name? 5 Hi. Im Lili. Whats your name? 6 Good morning, girls.7 Hi Daming, Hello, Sam 8 How are you,Amy. 9 Im fine . And how are you 10 Im fin

8、e, too. Thank you. 11 Good morning, boys and girls. Im Ms. Smart. 八、在B组中找到A组的正确答语,并用线连接起来。 A组 B组1.Hello! Im Sam. A. Im fine, thank you.2.How are you? B. My name is Lili.3.Good morning, boys and girls. C. How do you do?4.Whats your name? D.Good moring,Ms Gao.5.How do you do? E. Hello! Sam.Module 3一、选

9、择与单词相对应的汉语意思将其序号填在括号内. the A .门 bird F.指 door B.这(那)个 sit G.名字 please C .窗 stand H.坐 window D.黑板 point I.鸟 blackboard E .请 name J.站二、看谁连的对,将下列单词与其所对应的图片连线。 Window chair desk door二、选择题,将正确的答案的序号填在括号内。 1.Good _ (早晨), Ms Smart.A .afternoon B. morning C .name 2._(起立), Lingling.A .Stand up B .Sit down C.

10、 Goodbye 3.Point to the _(窗)A .girl B .door C. window 4. Point to the _(黑板)A.boy B. blackboard C. bird 5. Point to the _ (椅子).A .chair B. door C.bird 6.Point to the _(课桌)A .name B. window C. desk三、找出不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内.( ) 1. A . Amy B. Daming C. bird ( ) 2. A . dog B.desk C. cat( ) 3. A . Hello B. Hi

11、 C. Good bye ( ) 4. A . chair B. bird C.desk( ) 5. A . caps B.boys C. girls( ) 6. A . dog C.hat 四、看图选答案,将正确的序号序号填在题前括号内。( )1. A. Point to the door . B. Point to the window. .( ) 2. . A. Sit down !. B.Stand up ! A.Hi, Mr Li .( ) 3. B,Hi , Ms Li.( ) 4. A.Point to the chair .B.Point to the desk .

12、五、选择合适的汉语将序号填在题前括号内。 Good morning Ms Smart A.请坐 Good morning, boys and girls. B.玲玲,起立 Whats your name? C.指着门 Stand up, Lingling. D.早上好,同学们 Point to the door E.你叫什么名字? Point to the window. F.指着黑板 Point to the blackboard. G.早上好,斯马特老师 Sit down, please. H.指着窗。 Point to the chair I 指着课桌 Point to the desk

13、 J 指着椅子四、根据汉语意思在正确的句子后面打“”1早上好同学们。Good morning, boys and girls. GoodmorningMs Smart 2请坐Sit down, please. Stand up, please. 3 指着门Point to the window. Point to the door 4你叫什么名字?Whats your name? How are you? 五、判断,图片与举行表达意思相符的画“”,不符的画“”。1、 Stand up 3、 Point to the desk2、 Point to the chair 4、 Point to t

14、he blackboard六、争做小翻译家1 Good morning, boys and girls 2 Good morning Ms Smar 3 Sit down, please 4 Stand up,Lingling. 5 Point to the blackboard 6 Point to the window 7 Point to the chair 8 Point to the desk 9 Point to the door 10. Point to the bird 一、填空组词bdglthkcardsbwndwamnngdr二、给下面几朵云涂或写上相应的颜色 blue r

15、ed greenorange yellow black三、根据句意选词,将正确答案序号填入括号内。 ( ) 1. Hello ! I Sam . A. am B. is ( ) 2. , Ling ling . A. Good B. Hi ( ) 3. How you . Sam ? A. am B. are( ) 4. Its _. A. hat B. red( ) 5. Its black cap . A. a B. an( ) 6. Bob is orange dog. A. a B. an四、连词成句 1. girl , Point , the , to , 2. Smart , Go

16、od , Mr , morning,3. fine , too , Im ,4. yellow , is , it ,5. desk , its , green , a ,五、按句型涂颜色。1.Its a blue desk. 2. .Its green . . 3. .Its an orange dog . 4. Its red . 六、选择正确答语。将正确答案序号填入括号内。 ( )1、 Hello , Im Amy. . A. Im Lingling B. Hello , Amy .( )2、 Goodbye, Amy. . A. Goodbye Lingling B. Hello ,

17、Amy .( )3、How are you , Sam ? . A. Im fine, too. B. Im fine, thank you.( )4、 What colour is it ? . A. Its a bag . B. Its black.( )5、Good morning , Amy. . A. Good morning , Sam B. Hello , Amy . 一、把下列数字与相应的英语单词连线。3 seven 5 two8 six 9 one7 three 2 five6 eight 1 nine10 eleven 4 twelve11 ten 12 four二将下列单

18、词与其汉语意思搭配起来,把序号写在题前括号中。 ( )many A.小学生 ( )pupil B.英语( )this C.那个( )that D.许多( )English E.十二( )twelve F.这个三、选择正确的单词写在四线三格内。 Eleven cap girl window dog 11四、根据句意选择合适的单词,把序号填在括号中。 A. Point B.Ms C. up D. name E. blue ( )1. My _is Li Ping. ( )2. _ to the desk, please.( )3. Its a _ chair.( )4. Stand _, plea

19、se.( )5. Hello, Im _ Smart.五、单选项择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号中。 ( ) 1. - Good morning. - _.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon( ) 2. Good bye, Amy. - _ .A. Hello B. Bye-bye( ) 3. - _? - Im fine, thank you. A. Whats your name B. How are you( ) 4. Im _ panda. A. a B. an ( ) 5. My _ Mimi.A. name B. name is( )6.Lily:I

20、 am a girl. Amy: I am a girl,_. A.two B. too ( ) 7.Daming:How _ boys? Amy:Eleven. A. many B. much( )8. It is _ orange. A. a B. an( )9. This is _ cap.A. you B. your( )10. Point _ the door,please. A.up B.to六.看图选数字。(把正确答案的序号写在题前括号) 1、( ) A. five2、( ) B. three3、( ) C. four4、( ) D.six5. ( ) E.seven七、看英语问

21、句与相应的答句用线连起来。 A: How many boys? No,it isnt.B: Hello,I am sam. Im nine.C: Whats this? I am fine,thank you.D: How are you,sam? Eleven.E:Is it a dragon? Its desk.F: Whats your name? Hi,Sam.G: How old are you? Im Daming.八情景交际,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号中。( )1.你的老师上午上课时,是这样向你们问好的: A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon .

22、 ( )2.你想让Sam指一指门,你应该这样说: A. Point to the desk. B. Point to the door.( )3妈妈买了一些苹果,你想知道有多少个,就可以这样问: A . How many? B. How old ? ( )4.英语课上,当你回答完老师的问题,老师会说: A. Stand up,please. B. Sit down,please. ( )5.当别人送给你礼物时,你会非常有礼貌地说A. Im fine,thanks. B. Thank you.一、看英语单词写出中文意思this_ school_ English_ classroom_ teach

23、er_ bag_ pupil_ pen_ book_that_ pencil_ yellow_二、看英语句子写出中文意思。1、Thats me. Im a pupil.2、This is my school.3、This is my English teacher.4、This is my classroom.三、看图圈出正确的答案(即圈“” “” 或“Yes”“No”)1.Is it a panda? 5.The present is in thdesk. Yes No 2. Is it a pencil? 6.This is my brother.Yes No 3. Is it a bir

24、d? 7. Twelvn Yes No 4. Is it a desk? 8. She is a pupil. Yes No 四、单词与汉语对应的打,否则打(18分)书包(bag) 钢笔(pencil) 小鸟(boy)小狗(dog) 书(book) 帽子(cat) 猫(hat) 铅笔(pen) 男孩(boy) 女孩(bird) 门(door) 窗(window)五、给下列单词画画。(12分)bird cap girl desk chair present chair prsent 六、根据问题选择答句(16分)(1)想知道别人叫什么名字时,问:_AHi!Daming. B. Whats you

25、r name?(2)下午见面该说:_ A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon!(3)问别人有多少时,该说:_ A. How many? B.Whats this?(4)跟别人说再见时,应说:_A.Hello!Im Sam. B.Good bye.(5)早上见到Ms Smart时,应说_:A.Goodmorning,Ms Smart.B.Good morning,Im Ms Smart.(6)想知道这是什么东西时,应问:_A.Whats this? B.Its a chair.(7)介绍自己是Sam时,说:_A.Hello!Sam. B.Hello!Im Sam.(

26、8)回答说“它是一只黑狗”用英语说是:_ A.Its a black dog. B.Its a black cat.一.选出书写正确的单词。( )1 .快乐的 A .heppy B.happy C.hapy D.hepy( )2.生日A.birthday B.brthday C.bithday D.birthdey( )3.蛋糕 A.cak B.caak C.caek D.cake( )4.年岁的A.eld B.olld C.old D.olb( )5.看A.loke B.look C.leak D.leek ( )6.这里A.hree B.heer D.hrre 二.选出不同类的单词。()A.Tom B.Amy D.Sam()2 B.two C.three D.number()3 A.cake B.pencil D.d

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