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1、过去进行时和现在完成时2过去进行时用法及练习题Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports,

2、 although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. Shes more outgoing, and Im quieter. I think Im smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is PE. However, we both enjoy going to parties. Please visit us soon! Love, Liu LiQuestions:1. Does Liu Li have more

3、than one sister?2. What does the twins sister look like?3. Who is taller? Who is more athletic? Who is more quieter?4. Whatre Liu Lis favorite subjects?I like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet,too. There are some differ

4、ences, though. Im smarter than YuaShes more athletic.Its not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Larry is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. Also, Im quieter t

5、han he is.I really dont care. My best friend is Carol. Carol is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.Fill these blanks, one word one blank:1. I like to have friends _ are like me.2. Im _ than most of t

6、he kids in my class.3. Im _ than Yuan Li.4. Its not _ to be the same.5. I like to have friends _ are different _ me.6. We _ like sports, _ Larry is _ althletic than me.7. Carol is very _, and _ _ than I am.8. I dont think _ are _ in a friendship.过去进行时的定义1定义: 过去进行时主要表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。

7、I was having a talk with Li Hua at that time. I was watching TV at home last night. 2. 过去进行时的结构 过去进行时由“was / were + 现在分词”构成。 I was doing my lessons then. We were cleaning the house. 3. 使用过去进行时应注意的几点 (1) 过去进行时可表示按计划、安排过去某时刻将要发生的动作。 He said they were leaving for Beijing this afternoon. 他说他今天下午要去北京。 (2

8、) 动词hope, wonder等的过去进行时常用来表示提出要求,虽然表示现在的内容,但语气比一般现在时或一般过去时要委婉。 I was wondering whether you could come to join us. 我想你能否过来跟我们一起活动? (3) 过去进行时中有always, forever, continually, constantly修饰时,表示说话人的赞赏或厌烦的感情。He was always thinking of others. 他总是想到人家。 4. 过去进行时与一般过去时的区别 (1) 过去进行时强调动作在过去某时刻正在进行或持续,而一般过去时表示动作的完

9、成。He was writing his composition last night.He wrote his composition last night (2) 表示过去的状态、感觉及心理活动的静态动词(如be, like, love, hate, fear, own, hear, see, know, want, notice)可用于一般过去时,但通常不用于进行时。 I hated it when a man spoke with his mouth full of food. 我讨厌人们说话时口里含着食物。 (3) 一般过去时与always, constantly, forever,

10、 continually等连用,表示“过去经常性、习惯性的动作”;而过去进行时与always, constantly, forever, continually等连用,表示动作的重复,常带有感*彩。如 He always got up at six. He was always thinking of his work. (4) 有时过去进行时可以用来替换一般过去时,但一般过去时表示主语的行为是经过认真考虑的;而过去进行时表示一种较随便或没有进行仔细考虑的行为。 .I thought that he would agree with us. . I was thinking of persua

11、六、过去进行时练习题 编写句子1When the teacher came in, _.2When it rained heavily last night, _.3When my mother came back from work, _.4When the bell rang, _.5When I left home, _.6When my father got up, _.7While I was reading English, _.8While he was sweeping the floor, _.9While the baby was sleeping, _.10I _ thi

12、s time yesterday morning. 单项选择( )1.My brother _ while he _ his bicycle and hurt himself. 1.My brother _ while he _ his bicycle and hurt himself. A.fell, was riding B. fell, were ridinC.had fallen, rode D. had fallen, was riding ( )2. Tom _ into the house when no one _. A.slipped, was lookinB. had sl

13、ipped, lookeC.slipped, had looked D. was slipping, looked ( )3.The last time I _ Jane she _ cotton in the fields. A. had seen, was picking B. saw, picke C. had seen, picked D. saw, was picking ( )4.I don t think Jim saw me; he _ into space. A.just stared B. was just stari C.has just stared D. had ju

14、st stared ( )5.I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked ( )6.-Hey, look where you are going! -Oh, I m terribly sorry _. A.I m not noticing B.I wasnt noticin C.I havent noticed D.I dont notice 7.The reporter sa

15、id that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. A.was traveling B. traveled C.had been traveling D. was to travel ( )8. I _ my breakfast when the morning post came. A.had B. had been having C.have been having D. was having ( )9.When I arrived at his office, he _ on the phone. A.was speaking B.spo C.h

16、ad been speaking D. had spoken 现在完成时的用法1.定义:现在完成时是由助动词have(has)+动词的过去分词构成。助动词说明该谓语是属于现在时范围。它和主语的人称、数要保持一致。过去分词是主要的谓语动词,说明句子的意2.用法 (1)表示动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在留下了某种影响和结果。常被just、already、yet等副词修饰。-Haveyouhadlunchyet?-Yes,Ihave.Ivejusthadit. 你(已经)吃午饭了吗?我刚刚吃过。(现在我不饿了) (2)表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。这个动作可能刚停止,可

17、能仍然在进行。常带有for和since等表示一段时间的状语。.Hehastaughtheresince1981 他自1981年就在这儿教书。(可能还要继续教). Ihavetseenherforfouryears. (3)表示说话前发生过一次或多次的动作,现在成为一种经验,一般译为汉语“过”,常带有twice,ever,never,threetimes等时间状语。 IhavebeentoBeijingtwice. 3.现在完成时的时间状语 (1)现在完成时属于现在时范围,故不能和过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday,lastSunday,in1990,threeyearsago等。但是,

18、在强调动作产生的后果和影响时,可以和一些表示不确定的时间状语连用。 a.用副词already和yet。already一般用于肯定句中,yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中。如:Wehavealreadyfinishedourhomework.我们已完成作业了。 Theyhaventfinishedtheirhomeworkyet.他们还没有完成作业。 b.用ever和never。多用于否定或疑问句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。如:-HaveyoueverbeentotheGreatWall?你曾经去过长城吗? -IhaveneverbeentotheGreatWall.我从未去过长城。 c.用表示到

19、说话为止的过去时间状语,如just,before,uptonow,thepastfewyears等。例如:Ihaveseenherbefore,butIcannotrememberwhere. 我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过。 Hehasbeentherethreetimesthelastfewdays. 近几年他去过那里三次了。 d.用包括“现在”在内的时间状语,如:now,today,thismorning(month,year,term)等。例如:-Haveyoumethimtoday?-No,Ihavent. 今天你见过他吗?我没有。 Howmanytimeshaveyoubeent

20、herethisyear? 今年你去过那里多少次? (2)现在完成时可以和带有since或for等表示“一段时间”的状语连用,表示动作或状态从某一时刻开始,一直持续到现在。如:Ihaventseenhimfortwoyears.但是,像come,arrive,buy等终止性动词不能与表示“一段时间”的状语连用。要用,必须改为“be(在)”等延续性动词来表述。现归纳总结一下由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换: arrivebeherebegin(start)beon diebedeadcomebackbeback leavebeawayfallill(sick,asleep)beill(sick,

21、asleep) getupbeupgooutbeout finishbeoverputonwear或beon openbeopenjoinbein或beamemberof closebeclosedgotoschoolbeastudent borrowkeepbuyhave catch(acold)have(acold)gettoknowknow begintostudystudycometoworkwork .Hehasbeenasoldierforthreeyears. .Hisfatherhasbeendeadfortwoyears. .Thefilmhasbeenonfortenmin

22、utes. .WehavestudiedEnglishforthreeyears. 4.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别 现在完成时和一般过去时都表示在过去完成的动作。但现在完成时强调的是这一动作与现在的关系。如对现在产生的结果或影响等,而一般过去时只表示动作在过去某一时刻发生,不表示和现在的关系。试比较: Ihavelostmynewbook.我把新书丢了。(现在还未找到) Ilostmynewbookyesterday.我昨天把新书丢了。(昨天丢的,现在找到与否没说明) 5.几点注意事项 (1)havebeen(to)与havegone(to)的区别:havebeen(to)表示“去过某地(现

23、在已经回来了)”,可用于各人称;havegone(to)表示“去某地了(说话时某人不在当地)”,常用于第三人称,前者可与once,never,severaltimes等连用,后者则不能。.TheyhavebeentoBeijingtwice.他们去过北京两次。 .HehasgonetoBeijing.他去北京了。 (2)如单纯表示一段时间,或强调一段时间,虽有since一词,也不必用完成时。如:Itistwoyearssincehisfatherdied.=Hisfatherhasbeendeadfortwoyears.他父亲去世已有三年了。 (3)终止性动词现在完成时的否定式,已变成一种可以

24、延续的状态,因此可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。 现在完成时练习题一、翻译下列句子:1. 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗? 2. 我刚刚丢了我的化学书。3. 我以前从来没去过那个农场。 4. 他已经吃过午饭了。5. 你已经看过这部电影了吗? 6. 我哥哥还没回来。7. 我上星期看过这部电影。 8. 在1992年他住在这里。9.这本字典我已买了三年了。 10.他离开中国三年了。11.我认识他们五年了。 12.他们已去了美国五年了。13.自从他搬到福州,他就住这儿了。 14.他们已经结婚10年。15.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。 16.这会已开了多长时间了?17.这门已经关了两天了。 18.我入团2年了。I

25、 _ _ _ two years ago.I _ _ a _ _ for two years.I _ _ a _ of _ _ for two years.I _ _ _ the _ for two years.19.自从1999年以来他们就认识。 20.我来到农场已5年了。二、用过去时或现在完成时填空:1. “_ you _ (have) lunch ?” “Yes.”“When _ you _ (have) it?”“I _ (have) it at 12:00.”2. “_ you _ (write) a letter to your aunt yet?”“Yes, I _. I _ (

26、write) one last week.”3. “_ he _ (finish) his homework?” “Not yet.”4. “_ they ever _ (be) abroad?” “Yes, just once.”5. Your father _ just _ (finish) his work.6. Your father _ (finish) his work just now.7. Last term I _ (learn) many English words.8. They _ (not read) the interesting books yet.9. He _

27、 never _ (go) to the science museum.10. _ you ever _ (drink) coke?11. “_ you _ (buy) a dictionary? “ “Yes, I _ .”“Where _ you _ (buy) it?” “ I _ (buy) it in a bookstore.”“When _ you _ (buy) it?” “ Yesterday.”三、用since和for填空1. _ two years 2._ two years ago 3. _ last month 4._ 19995._ yesterday 6. _ 4

28、oclock 7. _ 4 hours 8._ an hour ago9. _ we were children 10. _ lunch time 11._ she left here12. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last.13. Ive known him _ we were children.14. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years.15. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.16. Its about ten years _ she lef

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