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1、外研版完整版英语动词时态专题练习题含答案一、选择题1Excuse me! You cant take photos here. Look at the sign “NO PHOTOS”.Sorry, I _ it.Adont see Bam going to see Cdidnt see Dwont see2Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to Wanda Plaza?Walk straight on, and you _ it on your left.Asee Bsaw Cwill see Dhave seen3Each of us

2、_ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.Ahas Bhave Cwill have Dhad4Wars are disasters. A large number of people will lose their homes if a war .Abreaks out Bis broken out Cwill break out Dwill be broken out5Not only my classmates but also our English teacher Chinese poems, so we often

3、share their favourite ones.Alike Bliked Clikes Dliking6- Do you know what time Daniel Xuzhou tomorrow?-At 2:00 p. m. I will meet him when he at the airport.Agets to; arrives Bwill get to; will arriveCwill get to; arrives Dgets to; will arrive7The football match is coming. Im not sure if it will rain

4、 tomorrow. If it tomorrow, well put off the match.Awill rain Bis raining Crains Drain8They say this kind of fruit good and well.Atastes; is sold Bis tasted; sellsCtastes; sells Dis tasted; is sold9 We must stop the hunters hunting the Tibetan antelopes(藏羚羊) in Tibet. I agree with you. If it _, they

5、will _ soon.Agoes, disappearBgoes up, are disappearingCgoes on, be disappearedDgoes on, disappear10- Honey, this is a present for your birthday.- Ah! A pair of shoes, well-known-brand Nike. I think it _ comfortable:Ais worn Bwears Cis wearing Dhas worn11My hand _ and I will have my clothes _.Ahurt;

6、to wash Bis hurt; wash Churts; washed Dis hurt; washing12I wonder if your father _ you to go swimming.Im not sure. But I will tell you if he _ to let me join you.Awill allow; agrees Ballows; agrees Callows; will agree Dwill allow; will agree13I hope to have a job like _ in the future, DadGood, only

7、if you _ hard from now onAyou, will study Byour, study Cyours, study Dyours, will study14The project they are working on _ many teenager problems that they care about.Acovering Bcovers Cinclude Dincluding15China _ selling products like silk in foreign countries thousands of years ago.Abegan Bbegins

8、Chas begun Dwas beginning16Madam, look at the sign. You are not allowed to sit in this game area for kids.Sorry, I _ it. I will go somewhere else.Adont notice Bdidnt notice Chavent noticed Dwasnt noticed17Jenny who I _ to know in Australia has worked in China for a year already. We are going to meet

9、 next week.Ahas got Bwill get Cgot Dget18 Jenny, why do you look so tired today? I didnt sleep well. Because I _ for my dad to come back for three hours.Awaited Bhave waited Cam waiting Dwas waiting19 Uncle Sam, I have to leave right now. What a pity! I _ you could stay a little longer with us.Athin

10、k Bam thinking Cthought Dwill think20Do you know when Grandma is going to visit us, Alice?Its next week. She _ me on the phone. And well take her to the national parkAtold Bis told Cwill tell Dwas going to tell21Have you ever visited Russia, Wilson? 一Yes, I have. I _ there last summer for two weeks.

11、Awent Bwas going Chave gone Dgoes22Sorry, Im afraid Dr. Johnson isnt at his office now.Well, I _ him on his mobile phone instead.Acalled Bhave called Cwill call Dis calling23Its reported that NASA _ a woman to the Moon in 2024!Asent Bsend Cis sending Dwill send24Parents are always there for us. They

12、 _ us if were in trouble.I agree with you.Ahelp Bare helping Cwill help Dhelped25This kind of books _ well and they _ out last week.Asells; were sold Bis sold; sold Csells; sold Dis sold; were sold26-Alan seems a lot taller than when I last saw him.-He . Hes grown a foot since you saw him in Shangha

13、i.Ais Bwill beChas been Dwas27To our surprise, Tom and John, neither of whom regular training, very excellent.Ahave gone through; is Bhas gone through; areChave gone through; are Dhas gone through; is28Chinese womens volleyball team proves that with hardships _great success.Absolutely! Opportunities

14、 favor the prepared mind.Acomes Bis coming Cwill come Dare coming29As theyre handmade, each one _ slightly in shape.Avarious Bvaried Cvaries Dvariety30This kind of cloth_well and large quantities of the cloth _.Ais sold; have been sold Bis sold; has been soldCsells; have been sold Dsells ; has been

15、sold31Why are you so upset?I had my computer repaired yesterday, but it _ work again.Adoesnt BdidntCwont Dwouldnt32She told me the sun _ in the east.Arise BroseCrises Dhad risen33 Do you like the skirt? It _ soft.Ais feeling BfeltCfeels Dis felt34This pen _ so smoothly. I bought two packets for my s

16、on and his cousin.Awas written Bhas been written Cis writing Dwrites35Due to the countrys growing rate of urbanization, Chinas migrant population _ to be over 200 million by 2020.Apredicts Bis predicted Cwill have been predicted Dwill be predicted36Some believe that China faces similar problems as d

17、evices meant to fight crime _ to invade privacy.Abeginning Bbegun Cbegin Dhad begun37David _so hard. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.Awill work Bworks Cworked Dwas working38Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _ to the well-educated.Abelongs Bis belonged

18、Cis belonging Dwill be belonged39Please give Jim the schedule for tomorrows conference when he _ back. He is to chair the conference.Awill come Bis comingCcomes Dcame40I must say he reads very well, and I shouldnt be surprised if he _ acting for a living one day.Ahad taken up Bwould have taken up Ch

19、ave taken up Dtakes up41If you have any question, please _ free to contact me at sue_smith.Ato feel Bfeeling Cfeel Dfelt42We have no idea what air we will be breathing in the future if we anything to stop hazy weather.Ahadnt done Bdidnt doChavent done Ddont do43I _ for Shanghai this Saturday, so I w

20、ant to know when the earliest plane _.Aleave; takes off Bam leaving; takes offCleave; is taking off Dam leaving; is taking off44Hes been informed that he _ for the scholarship because of his academic background.Ahasnt qualified Bhadnt qualifiedCdoesnt qualify Dwasnt qualifying45I would be happier if

21、 you did more studying while you are free, but you _.Adont Bdidnt Cwouldnt Dwerent46Frank _ stamps in his spare time. Its his hobby.Ais collecting BcollectsCcollected Dwas collecting47Youd better write down her address before you _ it.Aforget Bare forgettingCforgot Dwill forget48My parents in Hong K

22、ong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.Alive BlivedCwere living Dwill live49Both xiangchun and shepherds purse (荠菜) _ popular vegetables at their best in spring.Aare Bis Cwill be Dwere50Tu Youyou proves with hardships _ great honor.Sure. Opportunities favour the prepared mind.A

23、comes Bwill come Cis coming Dare coming【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1C【详解】句意:打扰了!你不可以在这里拍照。看那块“禁止拍照”的牌子。对不起,我没有看见。考查一般过去时。根据“Sorry, Iit.”可知,此处表示你告诉我这个牌子之前没有看见,故解析:C【详解】句意:打扰了!你不可以在这里拍照。看那块“禁止拍照”的牌子。对不起,我没有看见。考查一般过去时。根据“Sorry, Iit.”可知,此处表示你告诉我这个牌子之前没有看见,故用一般过去时,故选C。2C【详解】句意:对不起打扰一下,你能告诉我去万达广场的路吗?直着走,在你的左边

24、你将会看到它。考查动词时态。see一般现在时;saw一般过去时;will see一般将来时;have se解析:C【详解】句意:对不起打扰一下,你能告诉我去万达广场的路吗?直着走,在你的左边你将会看到它。考查动词时态。see一般现在时;saw一般过去时;will see一般将来时;have seen现在完成时。根据句意,空处的动作是发生在将来,所以应为一般将来时,故选C。3A【详解】句意:我们每个人都有一个人生目标,这将指引我们走向光明的未来。has 是单三形式;have是原形; will have是一般将来时形式,had是过去式;根据句意,这是一般现在时,且ea解析:A【详解】句意:我们每个

25、人都有一个人生目标,这将指引我们走向光明的未来。has 是单三形式;have是原形; will have是一般将来时形式,had是过去式;根据句意,这是一般现在时,且each of us我们每一个人,强调的是个体,所以主语是单三人称,故选A。4A【详解】句意:战争就是灾难。如果一场战争爆发,很多人就会失去他们的家园。考查时态。在 if引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从解析:A【详解】句意:战争就是灾难。如果一场战争爆发,很多人就会失去他们的家园。考查时态。在 if引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产

26、生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。且主语a war与不及物动词词组break out存在主谓关系。故选A。5C【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D解析:C【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D. liking现在分词形式。Not onlybut also不仅而且用于连

27、接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。our English teacher为单数第三人称,故选C6C【解析】句意:你知道丹尼尔明天什么时候去徐州吗?下午2:00点。当他到达机场时我将与他会面。第一句是what time引导的宾语从句,主句是一般现在时,从句时态不受限制,结合tomor解析:C【解析】句意:你知道丹尼尔明天什么时候去徐州吗?下午2:00点。当他到达机场时我将与他会面。第一句是what time引导的宾语从句,主句是一般现在时,从句时态不受限制,结合tomorrow用一般将来时will+动词原形;第二句是when引导的时间状语从句,遵循主将从现

28、的规则,所以从句用一般现在时,主语是he,因此是arrives;结合选项,故答案选C。7C【解析】句意:-足球比赛快到了。我不能肯定明天是否会下雨。-如果明天下雨,我们就推迟比赛。If条件连词,如果,引导条件状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”的原则。股答案为C。点睛:在时间状语从句和解析:C【解析】句意:-足球比赛快到了。我不能肯定明天是否会下雨。-如果明天下雨,我们就推迟比赛。If条件连词,如果,引导条件状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”的原则。股答案为C。点睛:在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,时态遵循“主将从现”的原则。8C【解析】sell 没有被动语态,taste也没有被动语态,又根据主语可知答

29、案为C解析:C【解析】sell 没有被动语态,taste也没有被动语态,又根据主语可知答案为C9D【解析】本题考查动词及短语。go on 表示继续的意思,而后一空will后接动词原形,故选D。句意:我们必须阻止猎人捕获西藏的藏羚羊。我同意你。如果还继续的话,他们将很快消失的。解析:D【解析】本题考查动词及短语。go on 表示继续的意思,而后一空will后接动词原形,故选D。句意:我们必须阻止猎人捕获西藏的藏羚羊。我同意你。如果还继续的话,他们将很快消失的。10B【解析】试题分析:句意:甜心,这是给你的生日礼物。- 啊,一双鞋,著名商标耐克。我认为它穿着舒服。wear一词用作穿的时候,人或物都可做主语。这里表达的是穿起来,不能用被动或是完成时态。后加形解析:B【解析】试题分析:句意:甜心,这是给你的生日礼物。- 啊,一双鞋,著名商标耐克。我认为它穿着舒服。wear一词用作穿的时候,人或物都可做主语。这里表达的是穿起来,不能用被动或是完成时态。后加形容词,故选B。考点:考查动词的用法。

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