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1、山东省烟台市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题含答案第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分 ) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共 5小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers?2. What does the man want to do?A. Park his

2、car.项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。to the man?听第 6段材料,回答第 6至 7题。6. Why is the woman talkingA. She wants to see the doctor.B. Shedidntrememberthepatient website.C. Sheneedsanemailfromthe doctor s office.7. Whendidthewomangiveher email address fort

3、he firsttime?A. Fouryearsago.B. Two years ago.C. Today.听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 9 题。8. How does he man feel about movie reviews?A.He has doubts about them.B.He finds them ridiculous.C.He mostly agrees with them.9. In the womans opinion, what makes a person become an expert?A.mans plan?15. What is the man worr

4、ied about?The ability to speak out his opinion.B. Years of experience in his field.C. Logicandinfluenceon others.听第 8段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What ishe mansnew project?A. Tobuilda smallerhouse.B. Tobuilda perfecthouse.C. Tomake furnitureby himself.11. What does the woman think of theA.The womans safety

5、.B.Their daily expense.C.The public transportation.16.What will the speakers complain about to the 1ocal officials?A.The dangerous neighborhood.B.The rude manners of the bus driver.C.The public transportation.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.Where did Ng grow up?A.In Hong Kong. B. In India. C. In Pennsylv

6、ania.18.What is Celeste Ngs first novel mainly about?A. Asmalltownin America.B. Afamilywitha missingchild.C. Thelifeofa teenagerin America.19. What doweknow aboutLydia?A. Shehasa white father.B.Her mother is Chinese-American.C.There are three children in her family.20.How may most people feel after

7、reading the book?A.Sad. B. Happy. C. Disappointed. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Volunteer Experience Africa ProgramDo you have an ever-growing desire to do more than just travel? Do you want tosee the world and make a difference at the same

8、 time? If so, the Volunteer ExperienceAfrica Program is an excellent chance for you. It s a progran1to :help those whoare truly in need in Africa. You will gain valuable skills, great friends from across the world, useful experience for your resume( 简历 ), and the knowledge that you attain in Africa.

9、The volunteer programs run between 1 week and 6 months. Accommodation and dailymeals are provided while on the program and CCUSA can assist you in finding low-cost fight options.Working in partnership with You2Africa, we have many project options for you tochoose from throughout South Africa. The vo

10、lunteer projects range from assisting poor communities, to working with animals, to other projects that have an environmental focus. Most projects have weekly, semi-monthly or monthly arrival dates and you must be at least 18 years old to take part in these programs.Why pay to volunteer?*You ll get

11、more out of your experience than those you ll help .*Your project will provide you with unique hands:on training, similar to an internship( 实习生 ).*You can learn skills you could never learn by staying at home. or, travellingwithout volunteering abroad.*This experience will stand out far more than ot

12、hers on your resume,*Your cost includes a donation to the project you are a part of.*Your fee allows us to continue building strong relationships with projects. 1o*Paying your way allows organizations to keep existing.Remember: the price is different for different programs, Click What You Pay tolear

13、n more about the programs and the costs, and visit our Application Center to apply.21.Who will most probably be interested in the programs?A.The poor who need some help.B.The ones who want to visit Africa.C.Those who love to work with animals.D.Those who want to travel and volunteer.22.What do we kn

14、ow about the volunteer programs?A.They provide flight tickets.B.They have flexible time and different projects.C.They provide volun teer projects in any part of Africa.D.They can help you to find a job abroad.23.What should you con sider if you want to take part in the programs?A.An age limit.B.Spec

15、ial skills.C.Work experie nee.D.Academic kno wledge.24.From the reas ons for pay ing to volun teer we can lear n that . A.the project mainly aims to help the volunteersB.the projects is a n ecessary part of intern shipC.the Program n eeds the cost to run regularlyD.the cost will be given to those wh

16、o are helpedBA con test held in Californ ia to crow n “ The 20 17 World Ugliest Dog ” may appearto be upsett ing to dogs. However, that is not the purpose of the orga ni zers of the Sonoma-Marin Fair where the popular event has been held for the past 28 years.Among the 17 dogs that walked across the

17、 red carpet was Secon d-time entrant( 参赛者)Katana. The seven-year-old little wire-haired Dachshund, who now lives with her mom in Santa Rosa, was rescued from a cage at a pet store in Japa n. She loves to eat and steal and hide her own er s bel ongin gs. Also in competiti on was lcky. Rescuedfrom an

18、animal collector in Butte County, the “ ugly ” dog has helped raise over $10,000for AID-related charities and also bee n featured in various movies, commercials, magaz ines and n ewspapers.Though all the dogs were winners in their own right, there could be Only one “The World s Ugliest Dog ” . That

19、honor, which came with a big prize and a $1,500 cash prize, went to Sweepee Rambo. The four-po und Chin ese Crested dog with an attractive blond Mohawk( 莫霍克头 )impressed both the judges and audienee with her tongue and hairless coat.Josie won the runner-up, while Rue, another Chinese-Crested dog from

20、 Linden, Came in the third place. First-time entrant Rooby Roux, went home with the Spirit Award.Started in 2015, it honors dogs that have gotte n over hardship. Given that Roux losther original owner to a disease and lost her eyesight to glaucoma( 青光眼 ),shecertainly deserved it. The good news is th

21、at the new family loves her and is even trying to get her sight restored.Of course, while these dogs have found lovi ng families, there are many dogs thatare hot as fortun ate. The fair orga ni zers hope that this con test will help peoplerealize that even the not-so-perfect dogs can also be loving

22、and loyal( 忠诚),anden courage more people to adopt them.25.Which dog won “The 2017 World s Ugliest Dog ”?A.Josie.B.Sweepee Rambo.C.Rue.D.Kata na.26.Why was Rooby Roux give n the Spirit Award?A.She was ugly-look ing.B.She stayed devoted to her owner.C.She survived a deadly disease.D.She had overcome d

23、ifficulties.27.What does the underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.Rooby Roux.B: The champi on.C.The orga ni zer.D.The Spirit Award.28.What is the orga ni zers purpose in holdi ng the con test?A.To reward the world s greatest dog.B.To help dogs and their owners have fun.C.To appeal to more

24、 people to adopt dogs.D.To raise more money for AIDS-related charities.CThis past summer I participated in a Summer Abroad program with my uni versity.I travelled to Oxford, En gla nd to take a Shakespeare course at Oxford Uni versity.Two of the best aspects about the program were that I completed a

25、 full year course in one mon th, and that as the course was taught by an in structor from my uni versity, I didn t have to worry about transferring credits( 转学分)!Completing a full year course in one month was intensive( 强度大的).Even thoughI was overseas, I wasn t on vacation. There was a lot of work t

26、o do, just like in a regular course: readi ngs, assig nmen ts, a mid-term; and an exam. But it was an enriching experienee because I got to see the material I was studying brought to life. Studying abroad allowed me to experienee integrated( 综合的)learning. I got to seeplays at Shakespeare s Globe in

27、London and the Royal Shakespeare Companyin Stratford.I love read ing Shakespeare, and being able to see his works in action was great for my learning because it allowed me to understand the material better.The SummerAbroad program is, of course, mainly centred around academics. However, there was ti

28、me for fin and time to explore. Classes were on Mon day to Thursday mornin gs, so that Thursday afternoon, Friday, Saturday, and Sun day were left as free time although there was a lot of studying to do during those hours! Some people took trips to different countries within Europe because travellin

29、g is much cheaper there. I chose to spend a few days in London, exploring the typical tourist attractions such asBuck in gham Palace and Westm in ster Abbey.Study ing abroad was an amaz ing experie nee, and I made some new frien dships that will last a lifetime.29.It can be in ferred from the passag

30、e that . A.n ot all courses of the Summer Abroad program have valid creditsB.the Summer Abroad program is the best way to earn s a waste of time to finish the Shakespeare course in a yearD.only in Oxford can we lear n the Shakespeare course well30.What can we lear n from Paragraph 2?A.Th

31、e author liked to watch plays.B.The author was busy with academics.C.Studying abroad was too challenging for the author.D.Many of Shakespeare s works were brought to life.31.During free time the author .A.visited some places of in terest in Shakespeare s: works in librariesC.made as many new friends as possibleD.traveled to differe nt Europea n coun tries32.How did the author feel about his summer vacati on abroad?A.It was un expected.B.It was troublesome.

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