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1、徐磊英语作文模板整理高考评分标准: 1)高考评分的一般流程 2)字迹 3)雷同卷 4)文章结构-段落结构-句子结构-词汇 要求: 1.字迹工整 2.会写简单句,并且语法正确 3.按照要求来 复合句 非谓语动词 There+be 高级词汇 3段式+3点式: 第一段:目的 第二段:主题内容,内容要点+模板补充 第三段:感谢+期待回信 总分结构(4-7句):总说+3点 句子要求:1.正确的句子,语法正确 2.高级的句子 1)从句 2)非谓语 3)插入语 4)汉语不会写,英语不会写 写作遇见单词不会写(方法) 1.上义词(全集) 2.下义词(子集) 3.同义词(从句) 例:辞职 resignation

2、/quit/leaving/decision 万能模板 (万能作文)基础知识: 类型 v doing n 辞职 resign/quit resigning resignation 求职 apply applying application 请求 ask/request asking ask 道歉 apologize apologizing apology感谢 appreciate appreciating appreciation 推荐 recommend recommending recommendation 邀请 invite inviting invitation 投诉 complain

3、 complaining complaint 订购 order ordering order 建议 suggest suggesting suggestion 倡议 advocate advocating advocation 祝贺 congratulate congratulating congratulation 第一段: congratulation 亮身份+表目的 (套上面的v. 和n.)As a(n) 身份(student/citizen) who 动词 s(loves)+n(题目相关句子), I am writing this letter to 信件类别动词(上述表动词)+(身份

4、:如student、citizen) 第三段: 1.It is very kind of you to read my letter. 2.I will be grateful if you take my 类别名词 seriously. 3.I am looking forward to your reply. 命题有两种情况: 1.规定信件具体内容,考察翻译的 2.规定部分内容,发挥。或者可以随意发挥的。 怎么判断翻译 or 发挥 结构:4句。 总说3点。 题目给出的内容,合并为具体的 3点 第二段三段式三点式 第1句: 接三原因的总说:There are several reasons

5、that can account for my 类别名词. 接三内容的总说:There are several aspects that I want to XX you.(XX 类别动词原型) 2.First of all, 3.In addition, 4.Finally, 给出具体内容,纯翻译。先翻译简单句句型升级套路。 万能模板(上述建议模板): 1.人 +人 -人 教育人 交朋友、品质 2.3.钱 +钱 -钱 赚钱4.5.时间 +时间 -时间 充分利用时间 6.4.文化 中西方,传统文化,主题文化一、辞职信(1.易) 时尚杂志 Design and Fashion 3months 辞

6、职,Mr. Wang 1)你的决定 2)理由 3)做出道歉 Dear Mr.Wang, As a(n) 职位 who loves our company/institute deeply, I am writing this letter to resign from my present job. (As an editor of Design and Fashion.) There are several reasons that can account for my decision.First of all,I could hardly find any interest in my

7、work. In addition,the job is not as challenging as what I have expected.Finally,t he payment turns out to be so low that it could hardly cover my living expense.Finally,the chance for promotion is so rare that I feel very hopeless.升职渺茫) I intend to apologize for my resignation.I will be grateful for

8、 your consideration of my request and I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 一、辞职信(2.难) Dear XXX, 第一段:非常感谢你给一个机会,去做 XXX工作。但是,经过了一段时间的工作后,我非常遗憾的告诉你我不得不辞职。 It is very kind of you to give me this opportunity to work as a(n) 职位 in 公司,but after 时间s working(probation 试用期) and weighing

9、(衡量)everything,I am sorry to say that I have to quit(辞职) from my present(目前)job. 第二段: 1句:There are at least three reasons that can account(explain) for my resignation. 2句:缺乏挑战性 没兴趣 工资低 First of all,I find that the work is not as challenging as what I have expected. In addition, I can hardly find any

10、 interest In my present job.Finally, the payment turns out to be so low that it can hardly cover my living expense. 第三段: 1句: I am sure that my working experience here will benefit me in my future career. 我相信我在这里的工作经验将使我在未来的职业生涯中受益。(未来的事业) 2句:I intend to apologize for the inconvenience brought by my

11、resignation. 我打算为我的辞职给你带来的不便道歉。3句:I am looking forward to reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 二、求职信 第一段:表目的,经验成绩证潜力 第二段:学习经历+工作经历 第三段:感谢+回复 Dear sir or madam,/To whom it may concern, 第一段: 目的:I am writing this letter to apply for the position a 职位 in your company/institute. 我相信,我先前的工作经验和在学成绩单可以证明我的潜力去成为一个

12、合格的 职位 I am convinced that my previous working experience and score lists in 具体学校 can prove my potential to be a qualified 职位/candidate. 第二段: 1句:I will graduate from 学校 in July this year.I have studied 职位相关专业(例: English,computer) as my major for 3/4/5 years(.My score lists are attached.) 2句:In addit

13、ion,I have rich experience in 职位相关 work because I have worked as a part-time 职位 in 某 company for one year. 3句: My rich working experience and strong teamwork spirit will enable me to perform better than other candidates who lack of such experience. 第三段:1.感谢你考虑我的申请 2.期待你的答复 1.I really appreciate your

14、 consideration of my application for the position. 2.I am looking forward to your reply(to 联系方式). Yours sincerely, Li Hua 三、感谢信 1.你得病住院,老师看你 2.你同学帮你准备一个比赛 3.你是老头,别人扶你过马路 难:感谢信,汉语都不会写 Dear XXX, 第一段: 1句:首先对你说谢谢,再说谢谢你的时间 First of all,please allow me to say “Thanks” to you. 2句:非常感谢你花费你的宝贵的时间来做事 It is ve

15、ry kind of you to spend your valuable time in doing sth(翻译题目,帮助的具体行为)/ helping me. 第二段:(内容大致包括)最初没你我不行,后来有你我行了。最近有空吗,我期待当面跟你说谢谢。你的帮助让我觉得我生活在一个充满了爱的世界里,这给我带来了战胜困难的信心、勇气与力量。 例:When I first sank(sink的过去式,沉没)into trouble,I really felt lonely and hopeless/helpless.Your help(具体帮助行为) has made me feel that

16、in fact I am living in a world of love,which has brought me much confidence and power to overcome my difficulties.These days my condition/situation has been obviously improved due to help offered by the kind people like you.I hope that I can have the chance to say thanks to you face to face as soon

17、as possible. 当我第一次陷入困境时,我真的感到孤独和绝望/帮助。你的帮助(具体帮助行为)让我觉得我实际上生活在一个充满爱的世界,这给我带来了很多信任。在像你这样善良的人的帮助下,我的情况/处境有了明显的改善。我希望我能有机会当面跟你说谢谢。第三段:Again,special thanks go to you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 四、投诉信 网络购物,质量不好,换,不给换 电脑,手机,电子词典 Dear sir or madam, 第一段:明确目的,投诉 As a loyal consumer of your company whose brand I

18、used to appreciate,I am writing this letter to complain about your after-sale service. 第二段:讲故事:1、时间、地点买东西,2、刚过不久东西坏3、提出更换无情拒4、明确要求换更新。 X day(s)ago,I purchased a 商品 in your chain/ online store (named 店名).I regret to tell you that only X-1 day(s) after the purchase,I found that( 具体问题,翻译,简单句)it could n

19、ot work properly/it is broken.I brought it back to the store in hope ofexchanging it for a new one.But the request was turned down.I do hope to get a completely new one. 第三段: I will be grateful if you can attend to the resolution of the problem.I expect that you can make compensations for the inconv

20、enience that the product has brought me.I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 五、推荐信 六、推荐物(万能模板)1.书籍 2.电影 3.歌曲(游戏) 4.人 推荐信:一个特殊之处 对象:朋友,陌生人 朋友: Dear friend, 第一段:目的 As a friend who has a similar taste to you,I am writing this letter to recommend you my favorite movie/book/song,名字

21、. 第二段: There are several reasons that can account for why you should see this film/read this book/listen to this song. First of all,by seeing this lovely movie/reading this lovely book/listening to this lovely song,which is full of humor,you feel amused. In addition,as is known to us all,the thing w

22、ith(伴随)transient happiness alone will be easily forgotten in our lives.This movie/book/song isrecommended for its profound truth involved in(包含)the humor and joy(后置定语). 正如我们所知道的那样,任何具有短暂快乐的东西,很容易被我们遗忘。这部 电影被推荐,是因为它在快乐之中蕴含着深深的哲理。 这个电影就像一扇窗,为你打开一个新世界,通过这扇窗,你就能更好的了解 西方/中国文化(比喻)。 Finally,the movie/book/

23、song is just like a window opening a new world to you(发出一个动作),through which you can better understand western Chinese/western culture. 第三段: 结尾:两种 语域:私人朋友 非正式 商务信函 正式 朋友信件结尾: Would you like to see this film/read this book/listen to this song after my recommendation?I really hope you could enjoy it.In

24、 addition, please send my best wishes to your family. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 正式推荐: Dear XXX, 第一段: As a student who loves reading books/seeing films/listening to songs,I am . 第二段:同上 第三段:结尾 正式结尾: It is very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you take my recomme

25、ndation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply. 五、推荐人:介绍信、推荐信 Dear XXX, 第一段:As a teacher/friend of 推荐人 who knows him/her well,I am writing this letter to recommend/introduce 推荐人 to you. 第二段:1.道德品质 2.努力、刻苦、成绩好 3.学生会主席,积极参加活动 First of all,推荐人 is a person with highly moral character,always helps

26、people in need. In addition,推荐人 is hardworking,as he devotes all his spare time into studying his major,which leads him to get first level scholarship every year.Finally,推荐人 is the chairman of Student Union,has organized and taken part in a lot of school activities,such as 活动名称 football game,speech

27、contest and so on. 第三段:In conclusion,推荐人 is one of the most gifted students/friends that I have met.I believe that he deserves any opportunity that you can give to him. 六、邀请信: 邀请,教授、外教老师来学校讲座,做报告。 会议,活动,做评委,活动时间 第一段: I am writing this letter to invite you, an eminent professor/teacher,to be present

28、at our academic conference/activity/活动名字.The conference/activity will be held/organized at X:X on 星期,日期 in our university/school. 邀请 2点万能理由:+1点具体的活动安排,翻译 1.你牛 X 2.我还要 第二段: 1.The chief reason why we invite you that you are an eminent/outstanding/ prestigious/well-known/professor/expect in this field.

29、 2.The second is that we are impressed deeply by your last lecture inour university.So we invite you to give us another lecture again.(we are impressed deeply by your performance of being a judge last time.So we invite you to be a judge for us again.) 第三段: It is very kind of you to read my letter.I

30、will be grateful if you take my invitation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply. 七、建议信:八、亮身份+表目的 1.图书馆,建议,提高服务 2.限制使用白色塑料袋,提建议,报纸 3.弟弟上大学,给大学生活提建议 4.外国留学生,来你们学校学习,给他们的学习生活提建议 5.给校长写信,关于提高学生身体健康提建议 6.给他们的学习提出建议 Dear XXX, 第一段: As a 身份 who loves XXX deeply,I am writing this letter to put forwar

31、d my suggestions for 主题(名词). 第二段:建议段 1句: 总体而言已很好,接受 建议会更好。 Generally speaking,建议对象 is/are good,but it will be better if you take my suggestions seriously. 2-4句:3点建议 First of all, +建议 1 In addition, +建议 2 Finally, +建议 3 3点建议:万能 3建议 人、钱、时间(3选 1) 人 +人 -人 教育人、交朋友 (1)more/less people/workers/staff/ should work in 地点 /related fields.(so that 好处简单句) (2)we should educate more people to realize the important of XXX

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