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高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 158.docx

1、高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 158高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 158Passage 1Runners who encounter visual and auditory(听觉的) distractions may be more likely to suffer leg injuries, according to a research by the Association of Academic Physiatrists in Las Vegas. Runners often seek distractions from the task at hand. Whether

2、 it is music, texting, daydreaming, taking in the sights, or propping a book up on the treadmill(跑步机), more often than not a distraction is welcome. But, researchers from the University of Florida have recently discovered that those distractions may lead to injury. Daniel Herman, MD, PhD, assistant

3、professor at University of Florida, and his team conducted a research on the effect of visual and auditory distractions on 14 runners to determine what effect, if any, these distractions would have on things such as heart rate, how much a runner breathes per minute, how much oxygen is consumed by th

4、e body, the speed in which runners apply force to their bodies, and the force the ground applies to the runners bodies when they come in contact with it. The runners were all injury free at the time of the study and ran 31 miles each week. Dr. Hermans team had each participant run on a treadmill thr

5、ee separate times. The first time was without any distractions. The second time added a visual distraction, during which the runners concentrated on a screen displaying different letters in different colors with the runners having to note when a specific letter-color combination appeared. The third

6、time added an auditory distraction similar to the visual distraction, with the runners having to note when a particular word was spoken by a particular voice. When compared to running without distractions, the participants had faster application of force to their left and right legs, called loading

7、rate, with auditory and visual distractions. They also experienced an increased amount of force from the ground on both legs, called ground reaction force, with auditory distractions. Finally, the runners tended to breathe heavier and have higher heart rates with visual and auditory distractions tha

8、n without any distractions at all. “Running in environments with different distractions may unfavorably affect running performance and injury risk,” explains Dr. Herman. “Sometimes these things cannot be avoided, but you may be able to minimize potentially cumulative(累积的) effects. For example, when

9、running a new route in a noisy environment such as during a destination marathon, you may want to skip listening to something which may require more attentionlike a new song playlist.”Dr. Hermans team will continue to investigate the potential relationship between distracted running and leg injuries

10、, and any effect this relationship has on different training techniques that use auditory or visual cues(暗示). 1. Paragraph 2 tells us the research _. A. process B. resultsC. questions D. reflection2. Based on the research, runners with auditory distractions tended to _. A. breathe heavier and have l

11、ower heart ratesB. get an increased amount of ground reaction forceC. apply more force with less oxygen consumptionD. gain a faster speed with slower loading rates3. What can we infer from the passage?A. Running with distractions becomes uncommon nowadays. B. Listening to a new song while running gu

12、arantees performance. C. Runners are more likely to get injured in an environment without distractions. D. Runners are advised to minimize distractions in a destination marathon. 4. What is probably the next task for Dr. Hermans team?A. What determines training techniques. B. How distractions should

13、 be used in training. C. Why runners use auditory and visual cues. D. What effective ways can cure leg injuries. Passage 2Christmas TraditionsThe Origin of ChristmasSince about 400 AD, Christmas Day has been celebrated on 25th December. This date was the old mid-winter festival in pre-Christian time

14、s, around the time of the longest night and the shortest day. Christmas in the 21st century has many traditions: Christmas trees, cards and presents. Presents and shoppingShops can make about 60 percent of their years income in the three months before Christmas. So most shops get ready for it in Oct

15、ober. The shopping centres are beautifully decorated and stay open late at night. The first time this happened was in 1867 when Macys, a famous shop in New York, stayed open until midnight on Christmas Eve (24th December). TreesBy mid-December, almost every house, shop and street has a Christmas tre

16、e. This tradition was started by the Germans as early as 700 AD. In the northern countries of the world, winter is cold and dark and most trees lose their leaves. The beautiful green trees decorated with lights and coloured glass balls give people hope that spring will come again. CardsThe tradition

17、 of sending cards to friends was started in 1840 in the UK and now millions of Christmas cards and emails are sent all round the world. Cards are a good way of keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away. Father ChristmasFather Christmas is known across the world with his white hair,

18、red coat and big bag of toys. Young children are told that he lives in the north of Finland and makes toys for them. By tradition, he brings the toys to children at midnight, on the night before Christmas. FoodOn Christmas day a traditional meal is eaten, usually turkey (like a big chicken) and a ri

19、ch, spicy cake. Some people hate Christmas. Others feel it is a magical and exciting time. They love seeing family and friends; they also love the traditions. Love it or hate it, Christmas is a time to look back over the old year and forward to the new one. 1. Christmas has been celebrated _. A. for

20、 over 3000 years B. since the start of the 21st centuryC. for about 1600 years D. for about 2400 years2. Christmas is important for shops because _. A. much of their income is made around Christmas timeB. they can stay open laterC. they are beautifully decoratedD. they can prepare for it long before

21、 Christmas3. Christmas trees are popular because _. A. they make people think of Germany B. they make people think of winterC. they make people think of spring D. they are beautiful and colourful4. Father Christmas is _. A. a magical story for small children B. a character in a filmC. a real person

22、who lives in Finland D. an old man who bring toys to childrenPassage 3The lines at the door of Munchs Burger Shack in Tokyo during lunchtime are getting longer than ever. Haruyuki Sano traveled one and a half hours for a taste of the same cheeseburger President Donald Trump ate with the Japanese pri

23、me minister during his visit last week. It tasted great, like steak, Sano said after tasting the burger. Trumps tough talk on trade and security does not always get positive responses in Japan, which sees the U. S. as its most important partner. But his love for the Japanese version of the American

24、hamburger is popular with many here. I like Trump, said Sano. He adds that putting ones country first makes sense. He thinks Japan should do that, too. Munchs co-owner, Yutaka Yanagisawa, shook Trumps hand last week after the president finished eating his burger. The president said the food was very

25、 good I felt so honored, Yanagisawa said. Munchs Burger Shack now offers the President Trump Set on its menu. It includes the burger along with coleslaw(卷心菜沙拉) and French fries. It sells for 1, 400 Japanese yen, or 12. And according to Yutaka Yanagisawa, President Trump Set is now one of the most po

26、pular options on the menu. The experience of eating out in Tokyo is becoming more about fun storytelling, such as sharing Instagram photos of meals, says Jotaro Fujii, a Tokyo-based food adviser. He expects the Trump effect for Munchs Burger Shack to be huge. Talk of lines brings more lines, said Fu

27、jii. Rather than simple taste, the value and joy come from being able to say: I had the same burger as Trump. 1. We can learn from the passage that _A. Japanese people welcome Trumps talk on trade and security. B. Sano admires Trump for his putting his country first. C. Yutaka, a Tokyo-based food ad

28、viser, shook hands with Trump. D. President Trump Set is now the most popular option on the menu. 2. When Jotaro Fujii said Talk of lines brings more lines what did he mean? _A. People are lining up to share their experience of eating in Tokyo. B. The storytellers are lining up to try the President

29、Trump Set. C. The talk about many people lining up at Munchs Burger Shack will attract more customers. D. Munchs Burger Shack will prepare more lines for their customers. 3. The passage mainly talks about _A. The Japanese prefer American Hamburgers to traditional Japanese food. B. Trump effectleads

30、to more peoples love for hamburgers. C. Trumps love for Japanese-style hamburger has pleased many Japanese. D. The Japanese are lining up to try the same hamburger as Trump did in Tokyo. 4. Where would this passage most probably appear? _A. In an advertisement. B. In a travel guide. C. In a newspape

31、r. D. In a government report. Passage 4 The stars arrived stylishly in a boat, waving to onlookers and photographers waiting on the shore of Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong. The Lust, Caution famous and respectable star, Tony Leung said that there was a reason why he wanted to challenge himself to do com

32、edy, even after he received countless accolades for his successful role of the Kung Fu master Ye Wen in The Grandmaster. Basically after The Grandmaster I dont plan on shooting any more dramas. So Ive been filming comedies. I think from here on now, the audience will see me more in comedies. In See You Tomorrow, Leung plays a bar owner, whos also in the business of helping people to get back on their feet from failed marriages to

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