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1、高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodFour课堂讲义北师大版必修2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodFour课堂讲义北师大版必修.单词检测1horrible adj.可怕的;令人厌恶的2terrify vt.令人感到恐惧terror n恐怖3escape vi.逃脱,逃跑4soul n灵魂5survive vi.幸存,生存下来6recover vi.恢复正常;康复7scream vi.(因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声大叫8sink vi.下沉;沉没9unable adj.不能的,不会的10recognise vt.辨认出11opposite n对立的人(物);反义词

2、12leak vi.泄漏;渗漏.短语检测1make sense有意义,讲得通2on the edge of在的边沿,濒临3at great speed以很快的速度4go down下去;(船等)下沉5all at once忽然,一下子6in the direction of朝方向 a conclusion结束8pick up取,接载1One day,my two brothers and I were ing back from the islands,our boat full of fish.一天,我和我的两个兄弟从海岛返回,船上载满了鱼。2It took less tha

3、n a single day to change my hair from black to white.就在不到一天的时间里,我的头发由黑变白。3As you can see,I did escape.如你所见,我的确得救了。.课文阅读理解1Why did the writers younger brother fall into the sea?ABecause he fell into the sea by accident.BBecause he jumped into the sea in order to survive.CBecause he was washed overboa

4、rd by an enormous wave.DBecause he wanted to save his brother.答案C2Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?ABecause we drove toward the whirlpool to save my younger brother.BBecause the wind and waves were in that direction.CBecause we wanted to go to safer places.DBecause nothing could save us.答案B

5、3Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?ABecause he did that to save his brother.BBecause there was only a barrel in the whirlpool at that moment.CBecause lighter objects like a barrel went down more slowly.DBecause his brother told him to do so.答案C4Why didnt his brother do the same?ABecause he

6、was too frightened.BBecause he thought it was dangerous to do so.CBecause he had no time to do so.DBecause he wouldnt leave the boat.答案A5Why did his old friends not recognise him?ABecause he was too old to be recognised.BBecause his hair was white,not black.CBecause they didnt want to recognise him.

7、DBecause they didnt know him at all.答案B.课文语法填空It may seem strange.When we were on the edge of the whirlpool,I felt 1.calmer(calm) than when we were moving towards it.We went round and round,nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool.2.Suddenly(sudden),we went over the edge.I thought my

8、life 3.was(be) over.But I was still safe.The boat was on the inside of the huge whirlpool 4.and we were going round in circles at great speed.I saw 5.clearly(clear) there were other objects in the whirlpool.I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly than the smaller,lighter ones.So I

9、tied myself to a barrel to help me float.I tried to make my brother understand,but he was 6.terrified(terrify) and stayed in the heavy boat.Without waiting,I dived into the sea to try and escape.I 7.did escape at last.Some time 8.after I left the boat,with my brother in,it sank into the bottom

10、of the whirlpool.10.Then the sky was clear,the wind calmer and the moon was shining.In the end,a boat picked me up.I got safe.1terrify vt.令人感到恐惧;使受惊吓(1)(原句)I tried to make my brother understand,but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat.我努力使哥哥明白这一点,但他那时太恐惧了,呆坐在沉重的船里。(2)The thought of dying sl

11、owly and painfully terrified me.缓慢而痛苦地死去的想法使我恐惧不已。归纳拓展(1)terrify sb.into (doing) sth.恐吓某人做某事(2)terrified adj.非常害怕的;极度恐惧的be terrified of因而害怕,后接名词、代词或动名词,表示原因。be terrified at表示“因听到/看到而害怕”,后接名词、代词或动名词,还可接what从句。be terrified out of ones sense吓得魂不附体(3)terrifying adj.极其可怕的;骇人听闻的(3)He is terrified of spide

12、rs.他害怕蜘蛛。(4)A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold.黑夜里一声可怕的尖叫让我毛骨悚然。即时跟踪(1)用terrify的正确形式填空The thunderstorm terrified the child.When they knew the bad news,they all felt terrified.The terrifying scene shocked everyone.(2)The small girl is terrifying at that big black

13、 cat.(单句改错)terrifyingterrified2escape vi.逃脱,逃跑(from);漏出,渗出;vt.逃避;避免(;记不起;n.逃跑,逃避(1)(原句)Without waiting,I dived into the sea to try and escape.刻不容缓,我跳入海中试图逃脱。归纳拓展escape from/out of逃离escapen./doing.避免 做 have a narrow/near escape九死一生(2)He escaped from prison this morning.他今天早上从监狱中逃跑了。(3)You are l

14、ucky to escape punishment/being punished.你逃脱了惩罚,真幸运。即时跟踪(1)去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。Last year I had a narrow/near escape,and I dont want to risk my life a second time.(2)有什么办法可以避免和他见面吗?Is there any way to escape meeting him?(3) It was lucky of him to escape killed in that accident.(单句改错)escape后加being3s

15、urvive vi.幸存,生存下来,大难不死;vt.挺过,艰难渡过;比活得久(1)(原句)Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word“Whirlpool!”我们的船幸存下来了,我正竭力回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁,大声说出那个让人胆战心惊的词“漩涡!”归纳拓展(1)survive sth.在之后仍然生存,从中逃生survive sb.(by)比活得长(多久)su

16、rvive on sth.靠存活下来survive from sth.从存活下来/流传下来(2)survivor n幸存者(3)survival n(经过灾难、疾病等)活下来,生存(不可数);存留下来的人或东西(可数)(2)There are concerns that the poor may not survive the winter.人们担心那些贫民可能熬不过冬天。(3)Harry survived his wife by three months.哈里比他的妻子多活了3个月。(4)Some strange customs have survived from earlier time

17、s.有些奇怪的风俗是早年流传下来的。(5)A plane crashed yesterday,and there were no survivors.昨天有架飞机坠毁了,没有一个人生还。即时跟踪(1)用survive的正确形式填空Few birds managed to survive the winter last year in this area.The explorer is an expert at survival in the wilderness.There was only one survivor from the plane crash.(2)It was a mercy

18、 that the whole family survived in the earthquake.(单句改错)删除in4recover vi.痊愈,康复;恢复正常(1)(原句)Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word“Whirlpool!”我们的船幸存下来了,我正竭力回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁,大声说出那个让人胆战心惊的词“漩涡!”(2)She didnt

19、 see anything suddenly but quickly recovered her sight.她突然看不见任何东西,但是很快又恢复了视力。归纳拓展(1)recover from从中恢复过来recover oneself某人恢复正常(2)recovery n恢复,康复make a recovery from从中恢复(3)He is recovering from a knee injury.他的膝盖上的伤正在康复。(4)He made a quick recovery from his illness and was soon back at work.他生病后康复得很快,不久就

20、回去上班了。即时跟踪(1)这个年轻人手术后很快就康复了。That young man recovered quickly after the operation.(2)我必须补上失去的时间。I must study hard to recover the lost time.(3)With my special care,my mother recovered from quickly.(单句改错)删除from5recognise vt.辨认出;承认;认可(1)(原句)The fishermen were my old friends,but they were unable to recog

21、nise me.那些渔民是我的老朋友,但他们都认不出我了。(2)We all recognised her talent for dancing.我们都肯定她在舞蹈方面的才华。归纳拓展(1)recognise sb./sth.from/by.从辨别出某人/某物be recognised as/to be.得到承认;被公认为It is recognised that.人们公认(2)recognition n识别;承认,认出beyond/out of recognition认不出来(3)Everyone recognised him to be/as the lawful heir.大家都承认他为

22、合法继承人。(4)The film is now recognised as a classic.这部电影现在是一部公认的经典影片。(5)It is recognised that environment pollution has bee one of the most serious problems that people face.人们一致认为环境污染已经成为人们面临的最严重的问题之一。易混辨析recognise,know,realize(1)recognise指在“认识”的基础上,认出某人或听出某人的声音。(2)know是最常用的,最普通的“知道”或“认识”的意思,也可指懂得知识。(

23、3)realize更强调“认识到”,常指发现了以前没有发现的事物。即时跟踪(1)用recognise,know,realize的正确形式填空He is one of the kindest people I have known.Tom doesnt seem to realize its true importance.He glanced at the envelope and recognised his uncles handwriting.(2)25年过去了,她已经变得认不出来了。After 25 years she has changed beyond (all) recognit

24、ion.(3)劳伦斯的小说最终被公认为天才之作。Lawrences novel was eventually recognised as/to be a work of genius.1make sense有意义,讲得通(1)(原句)Read them in that order to see if the story makes sense.按那个顺序读读,看故事是否讲得通。归纳拓展make sense of理解,明白make no sense没有道理,没有意义in a sense在一定程度上,就某种意义上说There is no sense in doing.做是不明智的。(2)Your

25、story doesnt make sense to me.你编的故事我听不明白。(3)Only after I read the poem a second time did I make sense of it.我把这首诗又读了一遍之后才理解了它的含义。(4)There is no sense in arguing about the problem with him.与他争论这个问题是毫无意义的。即时跟踪(1)You are right in some way,but you dont know all the facts.(句型转换)You are right in a sense,b

26、ut you dont know all the facts.(2)Can you make sense what this American is saying?(单句改错) sense后加of2all at once(all of a suddensuddenly)忽然,突然(1)(原句)All at once,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们被卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。(2)All at once there

27、was a loud banging on the door.突然传来一声响亮的敲门声。归纳拓展all in all总的说来all along始终,一直all over到处,遍及above all首先after all毕竟in all总共,总计(3)All in all it had been a great success.从各方面来说,那都是极大的成功。即时跟踪(1)突然之间介绍了许多新观念。There are so many new ideas introduced all at once.(2)小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。What a child should do,above

28、all,is to do well in his studies.3pick up取(物),接载,开车去接;拾起,捡起;获得,偶尔学会;改善,好转;接收(1)(原句)In the end,a boat picked me up.最后,一条船救了我。(2)The bus stopped so as to pick up passengers.汽车停下来以便乘客上车。(3)He picked up Spanish when he was in Mexico.在墨西哥时,他学会了西班牙语。归纳拓展pick out选出;挑出;拣出pick off摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉(4)Can you pick o

29、ut the right one?你能找出正确的那一个吗?(5)Dont pick off any of these flowers.这些花一朵也不要采摘。即时跟踪写出下列句子中pick up的汉语意思(1)Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled(不停摆弄) with it.拿起(2)She went over to her parents house to pick up some clean clothes.取回(3)Where did you pick up your English?学会(4)Theyve picked up a really nas

30、ty infection from something theyve eaten.染上(5)We can pick up Italian television.接收(6)Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency.好转1独立主格结构(1)(原句)One day,my two brothers and I were ing back from the islands,our boat full of fish.一天,我和我的两个兄弟从海岛返回,船上载满了鱼。 归纳拓展our boat full of fish为独立主格结构,相当于and our boat was full of fish。(1)构成:名词/代词形容词/副词/介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式等。(2)作用:在句中充当时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随状语,多用于书面语中。(2)Winter ing,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。(3)More time given,we can finish the work.如果给我们更多的时间,我们就能完成这项工作。(4)Our English t

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