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1、金康94中英文对照GENCON 941.It is agreed between the party mentioned in Box 3 as the Owners of the Vessel named in Box 5 of the GT/NT indicated in Vbox6 and carrying about the number of metric tons of deadweight capacity all told on summer loadline stated in Box 7 now in position as stated Box 8 and expecte

2、d ready to load under this charter party about the date indicated in Hox9, and the party mentioned as the Charterers in Box 4 that:The said Vessel shall, s soon as her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10 or so near thereto as she may saf

3、ely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo(if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at the Charterers risk and responsibility )as stated in Box 12, which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the Vessel shall proceed to the discharging port(S) or

4、 place(s) stated in Box11 as ordered on signing Bills of Lading, or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there deliver the cargo.1.兹由第3条所列的下述船舶的所有人与第4栏所指的承租人,双方协议如下: 船舶名称见第5栏,总吨/净吨见第6栏,按夏季载重线确定的全部载重量公吨数见第7栏,现在动态见第8栏,根据本租船合同预计准备装货的大约日期见第9栏. 上述船舶在其先前义务履行完毕后,应立即驶往第10栏所列的装货港口

5、或地点,或船舶能安全抵达并始终浮泊的附近地点,装载第12栏所列的货物,满舱满载.(如协议装运甲板货,则由承租人承担风险和责任).承租人须自己负责装运该货.船舶经装载后,应驶往第11栏所列,在签发提单时指定的卸货港口或地点,或船舶能安全抵达并始终浮泊的附近地点,交付货物.2.Owners Responsibility Clause .所有人责任条款The Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the goods only in case the los

6、s, damage or delay has been caused by personal want of due diligence on the part of the Owners or their Manager to make the Vessel in all respects seaworthy and to secure that she is properly manned , equipped and supplied, or by the personal act or default of the Owners or their Manager.And the Own

7、ers are not responsible for loss, damage or delay arising from any other cause whatsoever , even from the neglect or default of the Master or crew or some other person employed by the Owners on board or ashore for whose acts they would ,but for whose acts they would but for this clause, be responsib

8、le, or from unseaworthines of the Vessel on loading or commencement of the voyage or at any time whatsoever.所有人对货物的灭失,损坏或延迟交付的责任限于造成灭失,损坏或延迟的原因是由于所有人或其经理人本身未尽适当谨慎使船舶各方面适航,并保证适当配备船员,装备船舶和配备供应品,或由于所有人或其经理人本身的行为或不履行职责.所有人对由于其他任何原因造成的货物灭失,损坏或延迟不负责,即使是由于船长或所有人雇佣的船上或岸上的其他人员的疏忽或不履行职责造成的,如无本条规定,所有人可能须对他们的行为

9、负责,或是由于船舶在装货或开航当时或其他任何时候不适航所造成. 3.Deviation Clause 3.绕航条款The Vessel gas liberty to call at any port or ports in any order, for any purpose, to sail without pilots, to tow and/or assist vessels in all situations, and also to deviate for the purpose of saving life and /or property .船舶有权为任何目的以任何顺序挂靠任何港

10、口,没有引航员在船也可航行,在任何情况下拖带和/或帮助他船,亦可为拯救人命和/或财产而绕航. 4.Payment of Freight4.运费支付 (a) The freight at the rate stated in Box 13 shall be paid in cash calculated on the intaken quantity of cargo.a)运费应按第13栏所列费率,根据装船货物的数量计算,以现金支付.(b) Prepaid if according to Box 13 freight is to be paid on shipment, it shall be

11、deemed earned and nonreturnable, Vessel and /or cargo lost or no lost .Neither the Owners nor their agents shall be required to sign or endorse bills of lading showing freight prepaid unless the freight due to the Owners has actually been paid.(b)预付.如按第13栏,运费是在装船时支付,则应视为运费已经收取并且是不可退还的,而无论船舶和/或货物是否发生

12、灭失. 如果应支付给所有人的运费尚未实际支付则不能要求所有人或其代理人签发或背书表明运费已经预付的提单. (c) On delivery .If according to Box13 freight. Or part thereof, is payable at destination it shall not be deemed earned until the cargo is thus delivered. Notwithstanding the provisions under (a), if freight or part thereof is payable on delivery

13、 of the cargo the Charterers shall have the option of paying the freight on delivered weight/quantity provided such option is declared before breaking bulk and the weight/quantity can be ascertained by official weighing machine, joint draft survey or tally. Cash for Vessels ordinary disbursements at

14、 the port of loading to of exchange, subject to two (2)per cent to cover insurance and other expenses.c)到付. 如按第13栏,运费或部分运费在目的地支付,则在货物按按这种方式交付之前,不应认为运费已经收取.尽管有(a)款规定,如果运费或部分运费在交付货物时支付,承租人应有选择按交付货物的重量/数量支付运费的权利,只要这种选择是在散货分解之前宣布的,并且该重量/数量可由公认的衡重仪器,共同查验单据或理货加以确定.5.Loading /Discharging 5.装货/卸货 (a) Costs/

15、Risks The cargo shall be brought into the holds, loaded, stowed and/or trimmed, tallied, lashed and/or secured and taken from the holds and discharged by the Charterers, free of any risk, liability and expense whatsoever to the Owners. The Charterers shall provide and lay all dunnage material as req

16、uired for the proper stowage and protection of the cargo on board, the Owners allowing the use of all dunnage available on board. The Charterers shall be responsible for and pay the cost of removing their dunnage after discharge of the cargo under this Charter Party and time to count until dunnage h

17、as been removed.(a)费用/风险 : 货物应由承租人负责送至舱内,装船,积载和/或平舱,理货,绑扎和/或固定,并从舱内取出和卸船,所有人不承担任何风险,责任和费用.承租人应提供并铺设为适当积载和保护船上货物所需要的垫舱物料,但所有人有权决定是否允许所有这些垫舱物料在船上的使用.根据本租船合同当货物卸船后,承租人应负责将其垫料移走并支付移走垫料所需的费用,花费的时间计入装卸时间,直到垫料已经移走.(b) Cargo handling gear Unless the Vessel is gearless or unless it has been agreed between th

18、e parties that the Vessels gear shall not be used and stated as such in Box 15 , the Owners shall throughout the duration of loading/discharging give free use of the Vessels cargo handling gear and of sufficient motive power to operate all such cargo handling gear .All such equipment to be in good w

19、orking order. Unless caused by negligence of the stevedores, time lost by breakdown of the Bessels cargo handling gear or motive power-pro rata the total number of cranes/winches required at that time for the loading /discharging of cargo under this Charter Party shall not count as laytime or time o

20、n demurrage. On request the Owners shall provide free of charge cranemen/winchmen from the crew to operate the Vessels cargo handling gear ,unless local regulations prohibit this ,in which latter event shore labourers shall be for the account of the Charterers. Cranemen/winchmen shall be under the C

21、harterers risk and responsibility and as stevedores to be deemed as their servants but shall always work under the supervision of the Master.(b)货物装卸设备 :除非船上无装卸设备或经当事方协议不使用船上的装卸设备,并在第15栏中载明,所有人在整个装卸过程中可以自由使用船上的货物装卸设备并使用充足动力操纵所有这些设备.所有这些设备应处于良好工作状态.如果不是由于装卸人员的疏忽所造成,船上的货物装卸设备或动力故障引起的时间损失,应按发生故障的设备占根据本租

22、船合同装/卸货物时所要求的起重机/起货机总数的比例予以扣减,不计入装卸时间或滞期时间. 如果当地规定不加禁止,经承租人要求,所有人应提供由船员充当的起货机司机/起重机司机来操纵船上的货物装卸设备,但所有人对这些司机并不承担责任.如果当地规定不允许,岸上的劳动力应由承租人负责雇佣.起货机司机/起重机司机应由承租人承担风险和责任,并且作为装卸人员应视为承租人的受雇人,当应始终工作在船长的监督之下. (c) Stevedore Damage The Charterers shall be responsible for damage (beyond ordinary wear and tear )

23、to any part of the Vessel caused by Stevedores. Such damage shall be notified as soon as reasonably possible by the Master to the Charterers or their agents and to their Stevedores, failing which the Charterers shall mot be held responsible. The Master shall endeavour to obtain the Stevedores writte

24、n acknowledgement of liability.The Charterers are obliged to repair any stevedore damage prior to completion of the voyage, but must repair stevedore damage affecting the Vessels seaworthiness or class before thje Vessel sails from the port where such damage was caused or found. All additional expen

25、ses incurred shall be for the account of the Charterers and any time lost shall be for the account of and shall be paid to the Owners by the Charterers at the demurrage rate.(c)装卸人员造成的损害 :承租人应对由于装卸人员造成的船舶任何部分的损害(超出正常损耗)负责.这种损害应由船长尽快通知承租人或其代理人和其装卸人员.如果未能如此,承租人将不承担责任.船长应当尽量取得装卸人员对其责任的书面承认. 承租人在航次完成前,有

26、义务修理装卸造成的任何损害,但是船舶从造成或发现这种损害的港口开航前影响船舶适航性或船级的那部分装卸造成的损害必须进行修理.所有发生的额外费用应由承租人负担,损失的任何时间也应由其承担,承租人应按照滞期费率支付给所有人. 6.Laytime 6.装卸时间*(a) Separate laytime for loading and discharging The cargo shall be loaded within the number of running days/hours as indicated in Box16,weather permitting,Sunday and holid

27、ays excepted, unless used, in which event time used shall count. The cargo shall be discharged within the number of running days/hours as indicated in Box16, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time used shall count.(a)装货和卸货分别计算时间 如果天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的连续日/小时数内

28、装完,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间. 如果天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的连续日/小时数内卸完,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间. (b) Total laytime for loading and dischargingThe cargo shall be loaded and discharged within the number of total running day/hours as indicated in Box16, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless

29、used, in which event time used shall count.(b)装货和卸货混合计算时间 如天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的总的连续日/小时数内装卸完毕,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间. (c) Commencement of laytime(loading and discharging)Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hours, if notice of readiness is given up to and including 12.00 hours

30、, and at 06.00 hours next working day if notice given during office hours after 12.00 hours. Notice of readiness at loading port to be given to the Shippers named in Box17 or if not named, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box18. Notice of readiness at the discharging port to be given to th

31、e Receivers or, if not known, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box19.If the loading/discharging berth is not available on the Vessels arrival at or off the port of loading /discharging, the Vessel shall be entitled to give notice of readiness within ordinary office hours on arrival there,

32、whether in free pratique or not, whether customs cleared or not. Laytime or time on demurrage shall then count as if she were in berth and in all respects ready for loading/discharging provided that the Master warrants that she is in favt ready in all respects. Time used in moving from the place wai

33、ting to the loading/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.If after inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects to load/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.If after inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects to loading/discharging time lost after

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