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1、金版教程一轮人教英语必修35.完形填空(建议用时17)点击观看解答视频 2016河北联考I would say that I have been relatively stable for the past 6 months mentally. It is _1_ considering that I should have started a new job and _2_ a breakup.There have been difficult times and I have dried _3_ off my phone screen over the past months, and I

2、 was even feeling suicidal (自杀的) in the early days of the _4_. Honestly it isnt the end of the _5_. Yes, its only the end of a long relationship.I have my _6_ to thank for keeping me well. He is the light of my life and never _7_ me. He loves me generously and _8_. Like a good _9_ member, he takes c

3、are of me, and I take care of him.It is good to have a living one in your life, someone that needs me and that I need. That is really important. Once I had a long _10_ with him. He looked at me lovingly and seemed to really _11_ what I said.I am _12_ to him. He never _13_ to seek me out and get some

4、 snuggling (依偎). I am _14_ from a computer screen, a TV screen or a phone. I am looking _15_ at him and it is saving me.He is an angle coming home. _16_ its an empty house. His fur all over the place is a(n) _17_ that he lives here with me! He is also incredibly _18_. His meow (猫叫声) makes me smile.

5、Watching him run up the stairs is heartwarming. He is a beautiful little soul that I _19_ every day, for it is he that has helped me out and brings me _20_ and pleasure.过去的一段时间我遭受了不少挫折和打击,在我处于生活低谷的时候,我养的猫给我带来了希望和快乐。1A.interesting BimportantCastonishing Dobvious 答案:C 这里的should have started表惊奇、意外,所以只有

6、C能表达这种情感,即“一想到自己竟然能开始一份新工作,熬过这次感情挫折,真令人感到惊奇”。2A.suffered from Bgone throughCthought about Dmade up答案:B 见上题解析。3A.tears BdustCsoup Dsweat答案:A dry tears“擦干眼泪”,与前面的difficult times对应。 ByearCpromotion Dbreakup答案:D breakup在这里表示“与朋友分手”,文章首段有提示。 BpainCsuccess Dfuture答案:A 参见后面一句。这不是世界的末日,只是一段关系

7、的结束而已。 BdogCfather Dteacher答案:A 最后一段的meow有提示,全文都在讲作者的猫陪伴主人渡过难关的故事。7A.praises BbitesCdisappoints Dcheats 答案:C 它是我生活的希望,从不会让我“失望”。8A.privately BautomaticallyCmentally Dhonestly答案:D 与空前的generously构成并列,它一直毫不吝啬地、忠诚地爱着我,就像家庭成员一样,我们互相照顾着。 BclubCclass Dfamily答案:D 见上题解析。10A.wait BjourneyCstay Dc

8、onversation答案:D 11空后的what I said给出了提示,这里应是“进行对话”,我与“它”对话,它就像能听懂我讲的一样,亲切地看着我。11A.expect BunderstandCencourage Dhonor答案:B 见上题解析。12A.grateful BhopefulCregretful Drespectful答案:A 一直以来,我对“它”心存感激。本段最后一句和短文最后一句都给出了提示。13A.fails BintendsCpretends Dtroubles答案:A 猫从来都不会找不到我,然后依偎在我怀里,fail to do sth.“未能做成某事”。14A.t

9、aken in Btaken awayCbrought up Dbrought back答案:B 我常常被猫从电脑、电视或者手机上“拉走”,即因为猫,作者放弃了上网、看电视或者玩手机。15A.intently BnervouslyCcuriously Dfaithfully答案:A 我“专注地”看着它,这正在拯救我。16A.Perhaps BThereforeCSomehow DOtherwise答案:D 它就像一个来到我家的天使,“否则”我的家就会是空荡荡的。17A.idea BreasonCevidence Dchance答案:C 满地的猫毛“说明”它实实在在地和我生活在一起。

10、ugh BfunnyCnaughty Dindependent答案:B 根据接下来的两句可知,这里说的是猫非常“有趣、令人感到开心”。19A.feed BwalkCtreasure Dnotice答案:C 根据后面的原因状语从句可知,作者非常“珍惜”这个小精灵,因为它帮助作者走出了情感困境,带给了她/他快乐和希望。20A.hope BsuggestionCspace Dexcuse答案:A 见上题解析。与pleasure相对应。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2015兰州一中期中 Mark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining

11、 new computer enviously. Jason was determined not to go against their fathers wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.“Dad will be really mad if he finds out youve been playing with his new computer.” Jason s

12、aid, “He told us not to touch it.”“He wont find out,” Mark said, “Ill just have a quick look and shut it down.”Mark had been scolded before for touching his fathers equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him.It was a strangelooking machineone his d

13、ad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked. “Its an experimental model, ” his father had explained, “so dont touch it under any circumstances.” But his fathers warning only served to make Mark more curious. Without any further thought, Mark turned on the power switch. The computer burst

14、 into life and seconds later, the screen turned into colors, shifting and changing and then two big white words appeared in the center of the screen: “SPACE TRANSPORTER.”“Yes!” Mark cried excitedly, “Its a computer game. I knew it! Dads only been pretending to work. Hes really been playing games ins

15、tead.” A new message appeared on the screen: “ENTER NAMESVOYAGER 1:.VOYAGER 2:.”Marks fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed in both of their names.“INPUT ACCEPTED. START TRANSPORT PROGRAM.AUTORETRIEVE INITIATED(自动回收程序已启动)”The screen turned even brighter and a noise suddenly rose in volume.“I

16、think wed better shut it off, Mark,” Jason yelled, reaching for the power switch. He was really frightened.But his hand never reached the switch. A single beam of dazzling white light burst out of the computer screen, wrapping the boys in its glow (光芒), until they themselves seemed to be glowing. Th

17、en it died down just as suddenly as it had burst into life. And the boys were no longer there. On the screen, the letters changed.“TRANSPORT SUCCESSFUL. DESTINATION: MARS. RETRIEVE DATE: 2025.”孩子对电脑的好奇心带着他们穿越到了火星。1Why did Mark touch the computer against his fathers warning?AHe wanted to take a voyag

18、e.BHe wanted to practice his skill.CHe was so much attracted by it.DHe was eager to do an experiment.答案:C事实细节题。从文中第一段及第四段可看出答案。2Where did the boys father most likely work?AIn an electronic factory.BIn a computer company.CIn a scientific research center.DIn an information processing center.答案:C事实细节题。

19、从第五段“one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked.”可看出答案。3Mark thought “SPACE TRANSPORTER” on the screen was the name of_.Aa computer gameBa company websiteCa software producerDan astronomy program答案:A事实细节题。从第六段可看出答案“Its a computer game.”4Why did Jason want to shut off the comput

20、er?AHe was afraid of being scolded.BHe didnt like the loud noise and light.CHe didnt want to play games any more.DHe was afraid something dangerous might happen.答案:D事实细节题。从倒数第三段可看出答案“He was really frightened.”1scold vt. 责怪;咒骂 2.curiosity n. 好奇心3circumstance n. 环境;状况4pretend vt. 假装 5.switch vt./n. 开关

21、1go against 违反;不利于 2.burst into 突然闯入原文:Dad will be really mad if he finds out youve been playing with his new computer.(现在完成进行时)译文:如果父亲发现你一直玩他的新电脑,他真的会发疯。仿写:Maty has_been_working really hard on his book and he thinks hell have finished it by Friday.玛蒂真的一直在写着他的书,并且他认为到周五他将写完它。B2016河北调研We all know tha

22、t exercise is good for your health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help you live longer. Researchers say it is not important how far you run. It also does not matter how

23、 fast or even how often you run. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “just do it.”Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults. About onefourth of the adults reported they ran regularly. The study found these runners were considerably less likely than nonrunners to die of any f

24、orm of disease, including heart disease. In fact, the runners lived, on average, three years longer than the nonrunners. This study lasted 15 years. During that time, more than 3,400 of the individuals died. About 1,200 of the deaths were linked to heart disease, a heart attack or stroke (中风)One of

25、the researchers is a man named D. C. Lee. He is an assistant professor of kinesiology, or the science of movement, at Iowa State University. Compared to nonrunners, he says, runners showed a much lower risk of dying from some diseases. “Compared to nonrunners, runners showed 30 percent lower risk of

26、 death by any causes, including heart attack, stroke or cancer. Also, runners compared to nonrunners showed 45 percent lower risk of death by cardiovascular (心血管的) disease, including heart attack and stroke. ”DC.Lee and the other researchers found that speed, distance and how often one runs made lit

27、tle difference in reducing the risk of death. The runners in the study averaged between 10 and 16 kilometers per hour. Mr Lee says slower runners, and those who only ran once or twice a week, were helped nearly as much as those who ran faster and further. “And also we looked at the running over time

28、 and we found that persistent runnersover I think six yearsthey showed the biggest benefits, as well.”To stay healthy, doctors suggest that adults up to age 65 do 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. They say these individuals need 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, like running, every week fo

29、r good health.坚持跑步对你的健康是有益的:生命在于运动,健康在于跑步。5What can be the best title for the passage?AThe secrets to living healthilyBLets run faster and furtherCThe causes of some diseasesDFor a longer life, go running答案:D主旨大意题。文中第一段引入主题,跑步对健康有益,后面几段分别从不同角度论述了跑步的益处,故D项最为合适。6Which of the following is TRUE about th

30、e research?AThe runners lived, on average, four years longer than the nonrunners.BRunners showed 30 percent lower risk of death by any causes than nonrunners.CAmong over 55,000 adults, about onethird of the adults ran regularly.DDuring the 15 years of study, more than 3,400 of the individuals died o

31、f heart disease.答案:B事实细节题。从文中第三段“Compared to nonrunners, runners showed 30 percent lower risk of death by any causes.”。7What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us?AHow can people improve their speed of running?BHow can people increase their distance of running?CWhat ways of running can benefit peoples health?DWhat surroundings should people run in for their health?答案:C主旨大意题。本段中的第一句话即可作为本段的中心句。8What is most likely to be

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