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1、英语四级词语解释英语四级词汇备考-高频单词及例句Accomplish1. I will accomplish my purpose at any price.我决心不惜任何代价达到我的目的。2. In order to accomplish this, we must formally record these expectations. 为了达到这个目标,我们必须正式记录这些期望。3. Plan and manage the tax of the enterprise,accomplish tax declare and the annual audit on time. 对公司税收进行整体

2、筹划与管理,按时完成税务申报以及年度审计工作;Advanced1. We open to the world and learn the advanced science and technology from the other country. 我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。2. Today it is once again a deadly condition which requires more advanced research and attention. 现今它又再一次是致命的疾病,需要更先进的研究及更多的注意力。3. To introduce the

3、 advanced principle of walking beam furnace and the advanced process of controlling heating furnace burning with PLC. 介绍了先进的步进梁式加热炉的工作原理及全部采用PLC控制加热炉燃烧的先进工艺。balloon1. He pricked the toy balloon . 他在玩具气球上刺洞。2. Wow, a balloon to be it! Aimed at quickly! 哇,气球要被打爆了啦!快点瞄准!3. I want a yoyo. I want a ball.

4、 I want a balloon. 我想要一个悠悠球。我想要一个球。我想要一个气球。constantly1. Even the most excellent graduate should learn constantly if he wants to be a pundit. 即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。2. The past is being constantly recreated by each individual as attitudes and associations change. 过去因每个个人的态度和联系改变而不断地被重新创造。3. “Tra

5、de Size” can vary from trade to trade because your entries, stops, and account size are constantly changing variables.“交易规模”可以不同的贸易贸易,因为您的作品,停止,和帐户规模是不断变化的变量。Declare1. Do you have anything to declare for customs?妳有任何物品要向海关申报的吗?2. Do you have anything to declare for customs?妳有任何物品要向海关申报的吗? Manufactur

6、e1. The meaning of these items, their use and manufacture will differ among traditions and individuals.这些条款的意义,它们的用途和制造将不同于传统和个人之一。2. The company has a core team of dozens of talented staff with over a decade of experience in staircase manufacture.该公司有一个核心团队的几十名工作人员的人才,拥有超过十年的经验,在楼梯制造。3. CAPP is the

7、 key technology that converts the enterprise product design data to manufacture data, is one of basic technology of advance manufacturing system.CAPP是将企业产品设计数据转换为制造数据的关键性技术环节,是先进制造系统的技术基础之一。 regretI really regret it .我真的非常后悔.2. We shall so act that we shall have nothing to regret.我们应该这样行动从而使我们以后不会后悔

8、。3. AI regret to report that no one has a team ninjas card.是否西班牙,俄罗斯,葡萄牙或颚图曼有团队忍者卡? ScaryPeople like to cut funny or scary faces into pumpkins and put a candle inside.人们喜欢在南瓜上刻搞笑或者吓人的脸,然后在里面点上蜡烛。Scare1. And scare them away with one bark!并且用牠的狗吠声吓走他们。2. Here the micro-scare varies from a building to

9、a city or a forest ecosystem.这里的微小尺度小到单一建筑物大到一座城市或一森林生态系。3. They call the study of butterflies lepidopterology,the colonel once joked in an interview,and thats enough to scare anyone away from butterflies for good .“他们把研究蝴蝶的学问叫作鳞翅类昆虫学”,上校曾经在一次会见中开玩笑说到,“这足够吓跑所有的蝴蝶。Installed Although the past can only

10、 be installed in the memory, but who do not recall, had friends or friends of friends are now going to have to become friends.虽然过去只能装在记忆里,但是又有谁不去回忆起,曾经的朋友还是朋友,现在的朋友却马上要成为曾经的朋友。Plastic1. Professional market of plastic industry.塑料行业专业市场;2. We laughed together a look said: This is just a plastic wax it

11、.大家一看哈哈大笑起来说:“这只不过是一塑蜡像而已。”3. Last night, we all slept on the ground under a blanket with plastic bags over us.昨天晚上,我们大家都睡在地上,身上盖著毯子,上面再罩一层塑胶袋。instinct1. Intellect, like instinct, is merely a point along the way.智力如同本能一样仅仅是路途中的某个点。2. It is his instinct to reckon on women as constant by their nature.

12、他的直觉使他认为女人在本质上就是一成不变的。3. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, where as the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.人类的行为主要是学习的产物,而动物的行为绝大部分是依靠本能Speeding1. The settlers responded by speeding up the building.移民者的回应是加速建筑房屋。2. To our consternation, the child darted out in front of th

13、e speeding car.使我们极为惊恐的是,那孩子窜向疾驰着的汽车前面。3. Simulation results show the improved method has a fine effect on speeding up neuron learning process and improving the control performance.仿真结果表明,改进的方法对于加速神经元学习过程,提高控制器性能,具有较为显著的作用。displayHow to display an element?怎样显示一个元素?Fancy1. Both of them like fancy clo

14、thes.他俩都喜欢别致的服装2. Elements of fancy and novelty entered into her life.幻想和新奇两种成分进入她的生活了。3. In the spring,a young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.春天,年轻人的想像力很转移到关于爱情的遐想上去了.Imitate1. Painting is to imitate scenes.绘画就是模仿场景。2. They imitate the walking way of Chaplin.他们模仿卓别林的走路姿势。3. Some peopl

15、e do often imitate others rather than being themselves.有些人经常模仿他人而不去做真正的自己。Harmony1. This step is in harmony with our policy.这一步骤与我们的策略是一致的。2. In this manner, our species can learn to work together again in unity, harmony and joy with mankind.以这样的方式,我们物种能再次学会与人类物种在统一、尊重和快乐*同工作。3. Each time that one s

16、pirals upwards to a place of overall harmony of music, one experiences a “homecoming” within.每次当你向上旋转到一个全然和谐的音乐中时,你就会体验一次回家的感受。Reflect1. The reflect in the mirror reflects his mood.镜子里映出的影像反映出了他的心情。2. He believes that pop music should reflect modern society, and he wants new challenges.他相信流行音乐应该反映现代

17、社会,他想有新的挑战。3. The level of detail in all your documents should reflect your level of knowledge and certainty.所有文件中的细节内容应该要反映出你的知识与确定性程度。instrument1. This is the newest instrument inside our laboratory.这是我们实验室里最新的仪器2. The instrument adopts sorting circuit showed by sound and light,which bring high de

18、tecting speed,high efficiency and low intensity of work.仪器采用声光指示的快速分选电路,使产品检测的测试速度快、劳动强度低,工作效率高。Comparatively1. As long as the society was comparatively stable, the problems that required to be solved were always conventional and predictable.只要社会处于相对稳定状态,社会要求人们解决的问题往往带有常规性和预见性,2. American citizen cu

19、lture, a product of the combination of particular history background and social environment, is comparatively mature.美国公民文化比较成熟,其形成是特定的历史背景和社会环境结合的产物。Content1. We should never content ourselves with book knowledge.我们决不能满足于书本知识。2. In communications, the information content of a message.在通信技术中,报文的信息内容

20、。3. Price system introduction post and work content into enterprise interior market by price form.价格体系将岗位和工作内容以价格的形式引入企业内部市场。inclusive 1. Happiness, is the small pointed thorn. Careless finger pricks. Perhaps I am the cactus, in your inclusive of willfulness.幸福,是尖尖的小刺。不小心扎伤手指。也许我才是仙人掌,在你的包容下任性。2. ”

21、These words illuminate the more inclusive framework of culture, which embraces not only the immediate environment but also what people believe and value.这些话阐明包括文化的框架,也包括立即环境,而且包括人们的信仰和评价。Comprise1. The United States comprise, comprizes fifty states.美国是由五十个州组成的。2. Typical wireless communication syste

22、m RF circuits comprise a large number of linear and non-linear components.典型的无线通信系统RF电路由大量的线性和非线性元器件组成。Extent1. To a great extent you are right.你在很大程度上是对的。2. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力.acquaintance1. Is he is your friend or just an acquaintance?他是你朋友还是仅

23、仅你们认识而已?2. Met, acquaintance, friend, love, love is not the end of a marathon.相遇、相识、相知、相爱,爱情是一场没有终点马拉松。exclusive1. We ask to be the exclusive agency for your computers in Taiwan.敝公司请求作为贵公司电脑在台湾的独家代理商。2. He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club.他所处的社交圈子很排外,而且参加的又是个很排外

24、的社团.3. What design means to me is to discover the new, exclusive, and unpredictable ego.设计之于我的意义在于:发现新的,唯一的,不可预知的自我。Formative1. One day we sat and talked about his childhood, and he told me of a formative experience.有一天我们曾坐在一起谈论他的童年,他告诉我他的一个很有意思的经历。2. Environmental ethics, namely, relation between m

25、an and land, has deep formative effects on literature.摘要地人关系即环境伦理对文学具有深刻的构成性影响。Emotional1. They found that people around the world seem to share an emotional design in life.他们发现全世界的人们似乎在生命中都分享着一种情感设计。2. We ask you to never again feel selfish with the emotional work that you are doing inside.我们请求你,在你

26、做着内在的情感转化工作时,不要再认为自己是自私的。3. People try to suppress their emotional pain, but it is trying to surface so that we can let it go.人们试图压抑情绪的痛苦,但只有努力让它浮出水面,我们才能让它成为过去。Enhance1. How enhance the strength of the body from food.怎么从饮食上来增强身体的抵抗力2. Have your brand associate with positive imagery that you want pe

27、ople to perceive to further enhance your brand.让你的品牌和你希望人们感受到的正面意象相关联,进一步增强你的品牌。enormous1. He gazed up at the enormous face.他抬头凝视着那张庞大的脸。2. Ever since the new manager starts working, everyone in this office feel an enormous pressure.自从新经理上任,办公室里的每一个人都顶着巨大的压力工作。hinder1. To be competitive or selfish i

28、n this situation would only hinder or even cause the project to fail.在这情形下,互相竞争或表现自私可能只会造成阻碍,甚至使这计划失败。2. Reform should be deepened to break through the obstacles that hinder the development of productivity.要大胆探索,深化改革,突破影响生产力发展的体制性障碍。3. By using one sentence, the passage can be concluded: Osmosis of

29、water particles cause the dilution of the blood which hinder the absorption of nutrion.用一句话来,通过可以得出这样的结论:反渗透水粒子的事业稀释血液,妨碍吸收营养。mission1. We have a mission to you.国家终于有任务给你了。2. Everyone should try to acknowledge his or her mission here on the Earth.在地球上每个人应该试着承认他或她在这里的使命。remarkable1. He showed remarka

30、ble endurance throughout his illness.命中,他显示出非凡的忍耐力。2. I think the individual must be a remarkable person! !! !!我想那个人一定是一位不简单的人!3. John: Yes. It has resulted in a remarkable change in team confidence and effectiveness.约翰:是的。它导致了团队自信心和效力方面的惊人变化。require1. Please call if you require assistance.如果需要帮忙,请打

31、电话.2. We would require an LC as form of payment.我们将要求使用信用证作为付款方式。sensitiveFor such a sensitive tourism industry, as early as step by step information would mean that early seize the opportunity.对于旅游业这样一个敏感的行业来说,早一步得到信息便意味着早一步抓住机遇。urge1. He has an urge to travel.他有去旅行的强烈欲望2. And as your speaker, I urge you t

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