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1、英文版的母亲节感谢信英文版的母亲节感谢信 dearmum !i am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in mothers day, dear mum ,you devote all of your energy and blood to our .i am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in mothers day.such is sons nature,i really do not know how to express my thanks to you.however,i

2、can i gine,on the day 18 years ago,when you gave birth to me,what a plex feeling you the past few years,every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,you always wele your only son with delicious foods after a days your son has been

3、 18 and will go to university soon,like a bird is leaving its parents.nevertheless,your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and-i love you mum & i hope that you have happiness everyday!your son 感谢 关心的感谢信 first of all, id like to express my sin re gratitude to my academic supervisor,professor

4、 rao zhenhui, for his valuable advi , guidan and constructive ments throughout the development of this thesis and for available to me the relevantbooks and terials. his religious devotion to study and research has greatly impressed me and will definitely have a per nent effect on my future life and

5、study. i would like to take this opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have taught me and helped me during the years of my study in jiangxi nor l university. they are prof. li yongzhong, prof. mu shixiong, prof. yu fubing,prof. lin yuewu, prof. liu chunyan, prof. xiao hu

6、afeng, prof. hu zhuqing, prof dai haiqi, prof. he qizong, etc. for their inspiring lectures during my stay in foreign languages college, jiangxi nor l university. it was their great lectures that gave me enlighte ent and provided me with a new perspective from which i could do this research. im very

7、 grateful to miss fu xiaofang, who contributed a lot to the data collection. sin re thanks should also be extended to all those efl instructors and students in nanchang no. 1 high school, who participated in the research and offered me their kind cooperation in my investigation.thanks also go to mis

8、s huang yan for her assistan with statistical ysis of the data, and for her ex llent and knowledgeable work in the cooperation of there search project a study report of vocabulary learning strategies in a vocational college.thanks are also given to all my class tes who helped me with the preparation

9、s of my thesis in one way and another.special thanks should be extended to my wife and my daughter, whose continuous encouragement and support de it possible for me to plete this also grateful to them for their care and attendan for my daily life. finally, id like to express my sin re than

10、ks in advan to all the professors and experts of the oral defense mittee, whose enlightening questions will definitely be of great help for me to go on with further stu s on language leaning strategies used in high schools. thank letters last thursday was thanksgiving day, which is a american holida

11、y. i was very puzzled that why there is not any holiday to express gratitude to god for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love and support in our own country. for myself, i take this opportunity to get to think my thanksgiving. thus i continue to think about this idea, first of al

12、l, i should give thanks to god rtainly,then i think about the guys around me: there are ny people to thank ,people who have done so much for me that i could never possibly repay them . whats more worse, id always just aepted what theyd done. today i really want to express to any of them, as a sin re

13、 “thank you.” its not often that i put pen to paper to let others know how important they are to me, but after all of the emotional support theyve given me following my frustrated i thought it was only right to they how much it meant to me. sitting at a table with memories of things each had done ,i

14、 try to posing genuine statements of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my mom. i want to share with you a letter that i wrote especially to my mom. it was not her birthday, or mothers day, it was a just because day. following is a thank you letter for my mom. dear mom i know that we dont get t

15、o chose who are parents will be but, i know that god knows what he is doing. i was blessed with the best mother and couldnt ask for more. i have not always been the best daughter one could wish for, so for today i will do my best to ke my wrongs right. i dont know that i have ever asked for your for

16、giveness, but i am sure that you already forgave me. now i am asking to ke sure that you heard it from me, please forgive me for all the wrongs that i have done. i never realized that how difficult being a mother is, in addition i didnt always understand nor appreciate you. now i wish i would have h

17、elped you more with the chores around our home. i wish i would have known the exhaustion that a mother feels at the end of each day. you never stopped loving me and you never ever left me even though at times you probably felt like it. i always had a new pair of sneakers at the beginning of each sch

18、ool year, and you would wear the same pair of sneakers for 5 or more years. you always put me first and yourself second. there are so ny things you did without a second thought. you took care of me when i was sick, even though you were sick, too. you went nights without sleep from worrying. you de s

19、ure that every morning i was up and off to school. there are so ny more things that i could list, but i would never be able to remember them all. i took up most of your time, leaving you with no time for yourself. in xx, i was lost in the failure of college entran examination .being de redundant was

20、 terrible for me, it de me feel as though id lost my purpose in life. but you were always there to lend a helping hand with a warn heart, because you believed your son was the best .but more than anything, i appreciate that you never thought any less of me when i was out of work. i learned a lot abo

21、ut you during that time, and with you in particular i learned that you are the best mom anyone could hope to have. for all of these reasons, and so ny more, i just wanted to say thank you. thank you for always having hope for me when i didnt have for myself. thank you for ing me not to give up when

22、i said i couldnt do it any more. thank you for never giving up on me when i went through that dark period, when i shut every one out of my life. when loving me must have been like trying to hold a cactus. thank you for loving me through all of my rejections of help and love. thank you for mediating

23、in the relationship with my brother, i know it must be very hard for you to be stuck in the middle of the tension that was between us. thank you for never taking sides, for being there for both of us equally, for being the perfect mother to your very fertile son, and being the perfect mother and pil

24、lar of strength to your very infertile son. thank you for sty with me when i was sick in hospital. thank you for sitting there in the chair, either entertaining me with stories from home or just sitting quietly. what a sacrifi you de to raise me. thank you, mom, so much, for every second of the day

25、that you cared and guided me to be who i am today. i came to understand something else that i never did before, the love that a mother has for her children is the most powerful, protective, caring, emotional, sacrificing love that will ever exist on this earth. i have to say it again, mom. thank you

26、 with all my heart and i want to you that i love you so very, very much and that i am so proud to people that you are my mother. love, your son. 借xx年的母亲节,我要感谢世界上所有的母亲,母亲节的感谢信。是您们直接给了下一代生命,是您们哺育了一代又一代的天之骄子,是您们传承着母爱的伟大 我要感谢我妈妈的妈妈,感谢她给了我一个体贴而又善良的母亲,是她让我有一个拥有一位慈祥的母亲的和谐家庭,感谢您,我妈妈的妈妈。 我要感谢我爸爸的妈妈,感谢她给了我一个勤

27、劳而又能干的父亲,是她让我有一个能为了我们三姐弟勤勤恳恳默默无闻的工作和奔波的父亲。是她给了我的家一个伟岸的肩膀可以依偎。 我要最要感谢的还是我的爸爸我的妈妈。感谢您们对我们三姐弟 多年的谆谆教导;感谢您们对我们三姐弟细致无微的照顾;感谢您们对我们叛逆的谅解和宽容;感谢您们对我得寸进尺的包容和支持;感谢您们对我和姐姐无数选择的尊重和理解;感谢您们放手让我和姐姐想蒲公英一样自由自在的去远方追求目标寻找未来,感谢信母亲节的感谢信。感谢您们对我感谢每天忙碌于家庭和工作勤劳的妈妈,感谢每天两点就起床为了我们这个家奔波劳累的爸爸。 也许今天只是个母亲节,但我把今天和父亲节都当做是感恩节和反省节。感恩父母

28、的辛勤付出,反省自己的缺乏和不孝。第一范文网. difan .阅读原文。 我是一个路痴,但我不会忘记回家的路,妈妈很喜欢那首常回家看看,我理解您的心情。告诉自己:不要忘记我离开家乡时的梦想,不要忘记我来到这里时的愿望,更也不要忘记回家的路。记得:常回家看看! 祝全天下的母亲:妈妈节快乐! 亲爱的妈妈: 您好,感谢您对我八年的关心与呵护,祝您母亲节快乐! 也许您不记得了,这是一件小事,对我来说终生难忘。 有一天,我晚上突然发烧,您急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,背着我就往医院跑,到了医院,您又背着我去挂号、找医生望着您的身影,豆大的泪珠从我的眼里滚了出来。渐渐地,我睡着了。第二天早上,您已经变成了“大熊猫”!妈妈,这时对我来说,您是世界上最美的人! 这虽然是件小事,但您的爱已经印在了我的心中。 祝您天天开心,万事如意。 模板,内容仅供参考

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