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1、大学英语话剧剧本适合45个人演不用修改建议和ppt一起下The Tale of AladdinCharacters: Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and SultanScene 1 旁白: Welcome to my store. What are you in need of today? What about this (Hold up a strange item) Or this? (Holds up another item) Or look at this (Holds the third item) Wait dont go I can see that y

2、ou are only interested in special things. Why not consider this? (He pulls out the magic lamp) This this is no ordinary lamp! It once changed a young mans life. His name was Aladdin. SCENE 2(白 when Aladdin is on the way home)Aladdin:(Notices the lamp) Hey whats this? (He picks it up) Wow its so dirt

3、y. (He rubs the lamp clean)Genie: (Genie appears. Aladdin is astonished.后退,倒下,惊叫,向门外逃被无形的力量牵住) Who are you and why call me from my lamp?Aladdin: please dont kill me,Im Ala Aladdin. Ah I am sorry to disturb you(Genie interruptGenie: (Bows to Aladdin) I am the genie of the lamp and I will obey you.I w

4、ill do anything you ask. What is your command?Aladdin: You mean that you live in this lamp and when I rub it you will come out and do any thing I say?Genie: (Nods) That is correct!Aladdin: As-sah(松了一口气)Genie: As- sah? Im sorry. I dont understand.Aladdin:慢慢起身 Never mind. OK. First I want to wish for

5、some different clothes, some new shoes no ,wait first I wish that I could leave this place to see the rest of the world no, I wish I can see the most beautiful girl in the worldGenie:Are you sure?(A 点点头)thats easy! Mirror mirror talk to me,who is the most beautiful girl in my world如花出A:呕吐Genie:对A) s

6、orry,may be I should ask(对mirror) who is the most beautiful girl in his world?A:wowG:lets go变身城堡旁边的湖岸上on the lake shore besides the castleAladdin Wow, She is so beautiful! but why is she crying? Aladdin:( makes a sign to the genie to keep quiet and crosses to her) Why are you crying?SCENE 3Jasmine:W

7、ell wouldnt you?Aladdin:Wouldnt I what?Jasmine:Cry if you were me?Aladdin:Oh I dont know. Could you tell me what is wrong with youJasmine:But he has such small mean eyes胖将军图Aladdin:Who is he,it seems that I have seen him somewhere? (He looks piture)Jasmine:and hes bald. And just because he is a gene

8、ral in the army my father says , I have to marry him.Aladdin:oh,I know.Well you dont always have to do what your father says.Jasmine:I have no choice. My father is the Sultan you know he is the kingAladdin:Wow I guess being a princess isnt so great after all. There must be something that I can do to

9、 help you. (Aladdin suddenly has an idea. He looks over at the Genie and at his magic lantern.) Hey, Ive got an idea! (Suddenly there is the sound of footsteps) Whos that?Jasmine:Oh no its my father. I shouldnt be talking with you. If he finds you,you will be in big trouble. Hurry Hide Over there (A

10、laddin runs and hides. The Sultan enters. Aladdin watches.)Sultan: I have been looking all over for you. Well my foolish daughter. Have you thought about my decision? You will marry the general right?Jasmine:I suppose so father. What else can I do?Sultan: Wonderful! A wise decision. There is nothing

11、 to cry about. You will have a magnificent ceremony,then and we shall have a parade in the streets a band music delicious foods/沉醉状好像出嫁的是他 加幻灯Sultan:沉醉中没听见)Im sure you will enjoy this that I will invite the most luxurious /lris/star line-up add to the fun ,look(指着幻灯Jasmine:(厌恶的)yeah,it cant be bette

12、r if you marry himSultan刚想发作,Aladdin出场Aladdin:Excuse me, Mr. Sultan,Sultan: Who are you? What are you doing here? Guards! Guards!Aladdin:Wait please. I came here to give you a very high honor.Sultan: A high honor. What kind of high honor?Aladdin:I will offer a more worthy husband for your daughter ,

13、sir.Sultan: Better than a general(嘲讽的语气轻蔑的眼神)? Aladdin:Oh yes it is, sir. It is the most amazing man. He is brave and honorable and has mysterious and magical power.Sultan: Hmmm And who is this person that you are speaking of?Aladdin:This person is(看了看神灯,犹豫了一下)is me.(Says it weakly)S:You?A: Yes, it

14、is me (Says it stronger. 旁白 At first the Sultan frowns, but then he smiles, and then he starts to laugh. Sultan: (He finally stops laughing) Guards take him away!Aladdin:No!wait! Please sir, listen to me. I am telling the truth I can prove it!Sultan: All right then, if you want to marry my daughter

15、you must pass a test. There is a dragon that has been killing many of the villagers in my kingdom. Come to my palace before sunset tomorrow with the dragons head. If you kill him, you can marry my daughterAladdin: Very well sir. (He bows to the Sultan and winks at Jasmine.)Jasmine:(The Sultan is dra

16、gging her out) Oh you shouldnt have done this!SCENE 4Aladdin:(Rubs lamp.Genie comes to life.)you must heard the things just happenedGenie:yet,What can I do for youAladdin: Come with me into the village tonight and we must defeat the dragonGenie: 拍拍阿拉丁的肩)No problemAladdin:Come on we dont have much ti

17、me! (They run out.)SCENE5Aladdin:where is the dragon ,I can,t see anything?Genie:look!指着天空A:my god,what a huge monster!what should I do?G(鼓励顽皮的眼神 play with it and enjoy the funA: Are you kidding?Come on ,I need you helpG 想了一下)枪how about thisA:(压得喘不过气)Whats this ,so heavyG oh you are so weak, my mast

18、er, What do you think of it火箭筒A :perfect ,but I can,t use it G:I will show you , aiming and press here,照做A:wow后摔倒,扶住A;oh ,she discovers us ,G :别担心,since she was in the air,we should fight against she in the air飞龙毯出,两人做飞向空中动作A:It is so strange ,she is circling the magic carpet and the angry in her ey

19、es disappear,but the love insteadG:笑she must fall in love with the carpetSCENE 6(in the PalaceSultan: (Looking at his watch) Well, it seems as if Mr. Aladdin has disappeared. I guess that he must bethe end of your foolish friend. Probably dead (Just then Aladdin enters)Aladdin: I have passed your te

20、st ,sir. Sultan:Really?But where is the head of the dead dragon. Aladdin tells him the course of the incident(幻灯). Sultan :oh,you did a good job.I underestimated you.But Only when you answer my questions, you can marry my daughterMusic!拍手Sultan :Welcome to lucky 52,mr. Aladdin .Now I will ask you fi

21、ve question ,if you cant deal ,I will give you one chance to get help from the people beside you and one chance to seek the help of the audience,understand?A :, that is to say I have to answer three of them by myself,right?S:yes,ok,now begin Q1:Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea跳蚤?A: A

22、 monkey can have fleas, but a flea cant have monkeysS:good,Q2 What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?) A pear S: you are so lucky,ok,Q3 What part of London is in France?A:the letter N马上接着问,语速加快S: Eleven and two can make one .Why(旁白:Aladdin have thought for a long time ,but have no idea,the

23、n he say) A:I can seek the help of the audience ,right?S:but you have only one chance下面要临场应变A:ok,is there anyone can help me ?(如无人回答,则说the princess may be give the people who solve the question a kiss,若此时才有人回答,则飞吻)如无人能回答,G变身观众,回答S:good luck comes to you again !Q5 Why are young men unwilling to date

24、the daughter of the Fortunes ? (年轻人为什么不愿意和福琼家女儿约会?)A:I believe J ,who is beside me,can answer the question S: but its your last chance A:信任的眼神看J)I have made up my mindS: ok,whatyou answer,my daughter?J:向A自信的笑了笑 Because she is Miss FortuneS:看着A含笑不语 2s)My son,you win ,Im very honored to be your father

25、Jasmine:Oh thank you father! (She runs to embrace him)Aladdin Oh I almost forgot. I have a present for you.look.贝克汉姆J :惊叫)David Beckhams signature!A: I know you will like it ,J:指着幻灯Is that his phone number?A:en(挠挠头)May be。honey,please close you eyes,I have something to show you J闭眼,A拍手示意打开,背对幻灯,旁白声起

26、A:回头NO,Not this,,stop,stop(旁白声停),J:(因为不懂中文,所以并无愠色,奇怪的问) what is he saying,I dont understand his languageA:It is just a mistake ,never mind it,this is what I want to give you,look,仔细端详J:what is this ?A:oh ,I took it from France,If you use it , black eyes wont bother you any more and you will be more attractiveJ:thank you ,I love it so muchA: Im glad to heard that.But those presents are just for greeting ,I have prepared a bigger surprise for you as the wedding present.Look there

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