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1、公共英语等级考试一级复习资料完整版反意疑问句一,定义:当我们陈述了一个事实,而又不是很有把握,就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句,称为反意疑问句。例如 : She is a teacher,isntshe?We are students,arentwe?二,反义疑问句的结构结构一:前肯, +后否eg. He is a student,isnthe?结构二:前否, +后肯eg. He isnta student,is he?三,反义疑问句的做题步骤 同学们看到反义疑问句时,一定要想到以下这两个步骤 1,判定。判断用肯定还是否定。(前面的句子中有否定词 not, never, few, little,

2、nothing 的时候,后面用肯定:反之,则用否定)eg. He has never been to paris,has he ?She knows little English, does she?2,找动词。 (用于提问的动词有三种: be, do 和 have。其中 be 动词包括 am,is, are, was, were. Do包括 do, does, did. Have包括 have 和 has,had.)eg. Sheis a doctor, isntshe? (这里是 be 动词 )She likes music, doesntshe? ( 这里是一般性的行为动词,用 do 的

3、各种形式来提问 )Mr. Smith has bought many books,hasnthe? (这里是 have 表示完成时态 )注意:当看到 have 的时候。同学们一定要注意,当 have 表示“有 ”和“吃 ”的意思时,我们不用 have,而是用 do 的各种形式。例如: She has a book, doesntshe? (有一本书 )You have a good friend, dontyou?(有一个好朋友 )He usually has dinner with his parents, doesnthe ?也就是说:当看到 have+动词过去分词,表示完成时态 的时候,

4、用 have或 has 的形式提问。当 have 表示 “有 ”和“吃 ”的意思时 ,我们用 do 的各种形式 提问。名词一, 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词1,只能修饰可数名词的词语有 : many, many a(n), a good / great many, a (great / large) number of, scores of, dozens of2,只能修饰不可数名词的词语有 : much, a great deal of, a great / large amount of3,既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词的词语有 : a lot of, lots of, plenty

5、of二,可数名词复数规则变化 :1.一般情况加 s :2.以 s, sh, ch, x结尾的加 es3.辅音字母 + y 结尾的变 y 为4.以 o 结尾的 +es 的情况:bookbooks, house-houses, girl-girls:class- classes, box-boxes,match-matches dishdishesi 加 es: city-cities, country-countries ,party-partiesheroes, tomatoes, potatoes (有生命的 )以 o 结尾 +s 的情况 : radios, zoos, pianos , p

6、hotos(无生命的)5.以 fe 结尾的 变 fe 为 v +es : wife wives 不规则变化:manmen, woman women, tooth teeth,foot feet, child children, mousemice单复数同行的有 : sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese合成词的复数形式 , 两个词都变化 .例如: man teacher men teachers woman doctor women doctors代词主格宾格形容词性物主名词性物主反身代词代词代词I 我memyminemyselfYou 你youyouryoursyour

7、selfHe 他himhishishimselfShe 她herherhersherselfIt 它ititsitsitselfWe 我们usouroursourselvesYou 你们youyouryoursyourselvesThey 他们themtheirtheirsthemselves用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空:1.Her sister is helping _( we) .2. John and I are in the same school. (we) go to school together.3.Everyone likes_(she)。 4. Danny gives t

8、he book to _ (you).5._ _(I) have many friends. Some of_(they) are good at English.6.Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he). 7.I love _(they) very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_( she).9.They are waiting for_(they).10.Do you like Li Ming? No, _ _(I) don t like _(he).介词1,具体在哪一天用介词 onth例如:在星期一

9、 on Mondany, 在九月十号 on September 10 2, 在哪一年用介词 in例如:在 2012 年, in 2012; 在 1999 年 , in 19993, 穿什么颜色的衣服用介词 in例如: She is dressedin green today.4, 河上面有一座桥用介词 overThere is a bridgeover the river.(over 在什么上面,两个物体不接触)5,表示一段时间,介词 for+ 时间例如: I have worked herefor three years.6,about:关于 ;在 前面 : in front of被动语态一

10、,英语中语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 (主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象 )例如: She wrote the book.她写了这本书 (主动句 )The book was written by her这.本书是被她写的(被动句)二, 被动语态的结构: be+动词的过去分词二, 被动语态的标志性单词: by 和 withby 引出动作的执行者; with 引出行动使用的工具例如: He was killed by a robber. 他被一个强盗杀死了。 (这里 by 引出动作的执行者: robber)He was killed with a

11、 knife.他被人用刀杀死的。(这里 with 引出行动使用的工具: knife)11.English _ in Canada.A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken2.This kind of car _ in Japan.A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made3 Our room must _ clean.A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep54 Doctors _ _ in every part of the world.A. ne

12、ed B. are needing C. are needed D. will need5. New computers _ all over the world.A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used6 A new house _ at the corner of the road.A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building数词一,基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twe

13、lve 序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tentheleventh twelfth二,序数词的运用1. 一般要加 the 表示顺序 , the First Lesson , the Third Floor2.有限定词时,不用 the,例如: This is Lily ssecond pen.It sour first lesson.Mary is my first teacher.三, dozen, hundred, thousand,million 和 billion1,当他们前面有数字时,后面不加

14、 S,例如:三打 three dozen 三百 three hundred 三千 three thousand 2,当他们后面有加 S 时, 后面通常要跟 of, 例如:hundreds of数以百计thousands of 数以千计millions of数百万 dozens of 几打主谓一致1、以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数。2、由 and 或 both and连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数但并列主语如果指的是同一人、同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。例如:The poet and writer has come.3、一些只有

15、复数形式的名词,如 people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。4、集体名词 family, class, team, group 等看作整体时,谓语动词用单数;看作每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数。5、表时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。6、由连词 not but , or, either or, neither nor, not only等连 but also,接的并列主语, 如果一个是单数, 一个是复数, 则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。7、There be句型、以 here,there开头的句子 ,

16、谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。8、 many a 单数名词 (许多 ) ;作主语,尽管意思是复数,但谓语动词还是用单数。Many a ship has been damaged in the storm.考查主谓一致的常见题型有单项选择,完型填空。做这类题时,必须找出句子的真正主语,然后根据记忆的知识作出判断。同时,要遵循三个原则:语法一致、意义一致和就近原则。1)How time flies! Ten years _ passed.A. have B. has C. is D. are2)Not only his parents but also his brother _to the Summ

17、er Palace. They haven t been back.A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone3)Either Jane or Steven _ watching TV now.A. wereB.isC.areD. was4)There _ many new words in Lesson One. It is very easy.A. isB. aren tC. isn tD. are5)The Olympic Games _ held every_ years.A. is ,fourB. are,fourC. is,

18、fiveD. are, five6).Not onlymybrotherbut alsoI _good at painting. Both of us_good painters.A.7).-Two months _ quite a long time.-Yes. I m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.A. is B. are C. was D. were8). Many a professor _ looking forward to visiting Germany now. Manyscientists _ studied anima

19、ls and plants in the last two years.A. is; have B. is; has C. are; have D. is; are9).Two hundred and fifty pounds _ too unreasonable a price for a second-handcar.A. is B. are C. were D. be词汇短语句型1.So do I 我也是2.There is something wrong with.出问题了3.What do you think of .? 你认为 怎么样?How do you think ? 你认为怎

20、么样?How do you like?你认为怎么样?4.Help yourself 请自便5.打电话时 问: Who is that speaking? 答: This is .speaking.6.征求意见 问: Would you mind.? 答: Of course not.7.Would rather sb. do sth. 宁愿某人做某事8. The answerto the question 问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙9How long 多长 how much 多少( +不可数名词) how many 多少( +可数名词)how often 多久

21、一次(表示频率) how soon 多快10. go fishing 钓鱼 go shopping 逛街11. turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn down 调小,调低turn up开大(声音),出现12. look for 寻找 find out 找出 look at 看一看13. arrive in/ at 到达 arrive in+大地方 arrive at+小地方14. be good at 擅长 be bad at 不擅长 be good for对 有益be bad for对 有害15.on duty 值日 I m on duty today 今天我值日

22、 soon as一 就17.catch up with 赶上 ,追上18.agree with sb 同意某人的意见19.get on well with 与 和睦相处20. set up:创立,设立 put up:举起 抬起 pick up:拾起,捡起;无意间学会(一门语言)21. too to so that太 以至于不能如此 .以至于She is too young to go to school.She is so young that she cannot go to school.形容词副词的比较级和最高级关于形容词副词,考试时就主要考比较级和最高级形容词比较级的用法1 “ as原

23、+级 +as”She is as smart as you.2 “比较级 +than ”Jim is taller than Tom.3 比较级 +and+比较级:越来越 .bigger and bigger:越来越大more and more difficult:越来越难Her work is getting better and better. 她的工作干得越来越好I become more and more forgetful as I m getting随着年龄old的.增长,我变得越来越健忘了。4 the +比较级 +句子, the+比较级 +句子 . 越 越The more you

24、 get, the more you want. 得到的越多,想要的就越多。The faster the air is moving, the stronger the wind is空.气流动地越快,风就越大。5 形容词比较级前可用 much, a lot, far, a bit 等词修饰。例如: a lot better 好多了 much taller 高多了 much more comfortable 舒服多了也可以用数词 +名词构成 例如: two years younger 少两岁2形容词最高级的用法1 通常由 “+the+形容词最高级 +介词短语 ”例如: He is the ta

25、llestboy in our class.He is the most interesting teacher in our school2 有时,最高级前有 the second, the third等修饰例如: Los Angeles is the second largest city in America.洛杉矶是美国的第二大城市。( ) 2 Li Lei is_ student in our class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest( ) 3 The fifth orange is_ of all. Give it to t

26、hat small child.A. big B. bigger C. the bigger D. the biggest( )4 Who is-of you three?A. the oldest B. much older C. oldest D. older( ) 1 Tom is one of _ boys in our class.A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall( ) 2 English is one of_ spoken in the world.A. the important languages B. the mo

27、st important languages C. most important language D. the most important language ( ) 3 Beijing is one of_ in China.A. the largest city B. the large cities C. the larger cities D. the largest cities动词和时态终止性动词 延续性动词:borrow keep buy / get hadie be dead open be open close be closedbegin / start ( 开演 ) b

28、e on finish / end / complete be overleave / start (出发 ) be away go to school be at schooljoin the army be in the army join the Party be in the Partyfall asleep / get to sleep be asleepreceive / get a letter from / h ear from have a letter from持续性动词后面可以加 for+ 时间段现在完成时1 形式: have+过去分词; has+过去分词Eg. I ha

29、ve finished my homework. 我已经写完了我的家庭作业He has returned from school. 他已经从学校回来2.用法1.表示截止到现在已经完成的动作eg By now, I have collected all the data that I need.2.表示发生在过去而对现在产生影响、带来结果的动作eg She has been to the United States.3.表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,并可能还要延续eg I have learned English for 8 years.过去完成时:had+ 过去分词1.发生在 “过去的过去 ”eg When I woke up, it had stopped raining.2.与一个表示过去的时间状语连用eg Peter had collected more than 300 Chinese stamps by the time he was ten.3.在过去某时之前开始一直延续到这一时间eg By the end of last year, he had worked in t

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