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1、中国政法大学在职硕士校考英语试题DA英语试题公共英语部分Put the following passage into Chinese: 1、Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning. Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their you

2、nger counterparts are more likely to fail. Kindergarten children who turn five during the latter half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten tend to re

3、ceive better grades and score higher on achievement tests throughout their schooling experience than do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five. Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the same thing. It is easy to confuse the superficial poise an

4、d sophistication of many of todays children with inner maturity. Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters whose parents push them to attain academic success in preschool are less creative, have more anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain t

5、heir initial academic advantage over their less-pressured peers. 对早期教育的批评引用了关于4岁儿童是否应准备接受正规教育的研究报告。教育工作者发现,年龄较大的幼儿更容易在他们的学业中取得成功,而年龄较小的幼儿更容易失败。幼儿园的孩子在快到五岁时面临的生理、心理、社交和智力发展,似乎并不顺利。此外,快到六岁的孩子上幼儿园时往往会获得更好的成绩,并在学业上比那些刚满五岁上幼儿园的孩子成绩更好。天资聪慧、拥有语言表达技能与准备好上学并不一样。人们很容易将如今大多数内心成熟儿童的表面上自信与精明混淆。事实上,有证据表明,过早教育会适得其

6、反:那些由被父母要求在幼儿园进行应试教育学习的儿童缺乏创造力,对考试更加焦虑,并在幼儿园结束时,与那些未被要求进行应试教育学习的儿童相比,并不能在学习上保持其最初的优势。 Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting. They question whether environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in developmen

7、tal timetable of a child reared in a non disadvantaged home. They do not deny, however, the value of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children considerable freedom to play, develop at their own pace, and evolve their social skills. But they point out

8、 that many of the things children once did in first grade are now expected of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds. These psychologists and educators believe we are driving young children too hard and thereby depriving them of their childhood.许多心理学

9、家和教育工作者对4岁儿童接受正规教育仍持怀疑态度。他们质疑丰富环境是否能显著地改变贫穷家庭孩子的成长时间表。但并不否认托儿所、幼儿园的舒适环境、让孩子自由玩耍、自由成长、提升社交能力的种种好处。但他们指出,过去孩子在小学一年级学习的知识现已在幼儿园进行学习,他们担心越来越多的孩子被要求在4岁开始学习。这些心理学家和教育工作者认为,家长望子成龙心切,从而剥夺了孩子们的童年。2、In country after country, talk of nonsmokers right is in the air. While a majority of countries have taken litt

10、le or no action yet, some 30 nations have introduced legislative steps to control smoking. Many laws have been introduced in other countries to help clear the air for nonsmokers, or to cut cigarette consumption. In some developed countries the consumption of cigarettes has become more or less stabil

11、ized. However, in many developing nations, cigarette smoking is seen as a sign of economic progressand is even encouraged. As more tobacco companies go international, new markets are sought to gain new smokers in those countries. For example, great efforts are made by the American tobacco industry t

12、o sell cigarettes in the Middle East and North Africawhere U.S. tobacco exports increased by more than 27 percent in 1974. Smoking is harmful to the health of people. World governments should conduct serious campaigns against it. Restrictions on cigarette advertisement, plus health warnings on packa

13、ges and bans on public smoking in certain places such as theaters, cinemas and restaurants, are the most popular tools used by nations in support of nonsmokers or in curbing smoking. But world attention also is focusing on another step which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncom

14、fortable about his habit. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. And cigarette price should be boosted. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether, but peopl

15、e are not ready for such drastic action. 不吸烟者的权利问题,正在一个又一个国家里开始议论。至今多数国家很少或还没有采取措施,有三十个左右的国家已经采取法律程序控制吸烟。另一些国家则已制订旨在为不吸烟者净化空气或消减纸烟消费量的多种法律。在某些发达国家中。纸烟的消费量已渐趋稳定。然而在许多发展中国家里,吸烟却被视为经济发展的一种标志甚至受到鼓励。随着更多的烟草公司走上国际化的道路,它们在这些国家中寻找新的市场,争取更多的吸烟者。吸烟对人民健康有害。世界各国政府应该开展认真的反对吸烟运动。限制香烟广告,每包香烟上加印有害健康的警告,以及禁止在诸如影剧院和餐

16、馆等某些公共场所吸烟,这些都是许多国家用以支持不吸烟者和控制吸烟最常用的办法。同时,人们也正把注意力集中在另一项措施上。这项措施将使吸烟者越来越意识到自己的不良习惯并为此感到不安。应该做出巨大努力告诉青年人抽烟的危害性,特别是养成抽烟习惯的可怕后果。而且香烟价格应予提高。从长远观点看,毫无疑问,如果能完全禁止吸烟,那么每个人的境况将得到很大的改善。但对于采取这种极端措施,人们尚无准备。3、We are told the mass media are the greatest organs for enlightenment that the world has yet seen; that i

17、n Britain, for instance, several million people see each issue of the current affairs programme, Panorama. It is true that never in human history were so many people so often and so much exposed to so many intimations about societies. This kind of exposure may well be a point of departure for acquir

18、ing certain important intellectual and imaginative qualities, width of judgment, a sense of the variety of possible attitudes. Yet in itself such exposure does not bring intellectual or imaginative development. It is no more than the masses of stone which lie around in a quarry and which may, concei

19、vably, go to the making of a cathedral. The mass media cannot build the cathedral, and their way of showing the stones does not always prompt others to build. For the stones are presented within a self-contained and self-sufficient world in which, it is implied, simply to look at them, to observe fl

20、eetingly individually interesting points of difference between them is sufficient in itself.我们被告知,大众媒体是世界上已见到的最大的启蒙机关;例如,在英国几百万人全景看到每个问题的时事节目。的确,在人类历史上从来没有这么多的人如此频繁和如此多的接触到的关于社会的许多通知。这种接触可能是获得某些重要的智力和想象力品质,宽度的判断,多种可能的态度的感觉的出发点。然而,这种接触本身并不带来智力或想象力的发展。它只不过是位于采石场的石头群,而且可以想象地去建造一座大教堂。大众传媒不能建造大教堂,他们展示石头的

21、方式并不总是促使他人建造。因为石头是在一个自给自足的的世界中呈现的,在这个世界里,暗示着只是看着它们,稍微观察它们之间各自有趣的差异点就足够了。Life is indeed full of problems on which we have to or feel we should try to make decisions, as citizens or as private individuals. But neither the real difficulty of these decisions, nor their true and disturbing challenge to e

22、ach individual, can often be communicated through the mass media. The disinclination to suggest real choice, individual decision, which is to be found in the mass media is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customer happy. It is within the grain of mass communications. The org

23、ans of the Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be and whatever their form (the State, the Church, voluntary societies, political parties), have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they w

24、ill be led insensibly towards forms of production which, though they go through the motions of dispute and enquiry, do not break through the skin to where such inquiries might really hurt. They will tend to move, when exposing problems, well within the accepted clich-assumptions of democratic societ

25、y and will tend neither radically to question these clichs nor to make a disturbing application of them to features of contemporary life. They will stress the “stimulation” the programs give, but this soon becomes an agitation of problems for the sake of the interest of that agitation itself; they w

26、ill therefore, again, assist a form of acceptance of the status quo (现状). There were exceptions to this tendency, but they are uncharacteristic. 无论作为公民或私人个人,生活确实充满了我们必须(或者觉得我们应该努力)作出决定的问题。但是,无论是做决定的真正困难,还是它们对每个人的真实和烦人的挑战,通常都不可以通过大众媒体交流。建议真正的选择,个人的决定,这是在大众媒体中找到的不是简单地是保持客户满意的商业愿望的产品。它在大众传播的谷物之内。机构的机构,

27、不管其意图是什么,无论他们的形式(国家,教会,志愿社团,政党),都有既得利益确保公共船不会被猛烈摇晃,并将影响那些在大众媒体中工作的人,他们将被毫不知情地引导到生产形式,尽管他们经历了争议和调查的动议,但不会突破皮肤,这样的查询可能真正伤害。当暴露问题时,他们倾向于移动,完全在民主社会所接受的陈词滥调中,并且不会从根本上质疑这些陈词滥调,也不会使他们对当代生活的特征产生令人不安的应用。他们将强调程序给出的“刺激”,但这很快就成为一个激动的问题,为了本身的兴趣的兴趣;他们将再次帮助接受现状的现状。这种趋势有例外,但它们是不典型的。 The result can be seen in a hund

28、red radio and television programs as plainly as in the normal treatment of public issues in the popular press. Different levels of background in the readers or viewers may be assumed, but what usually takes place is a substitute for the process of arriving at judgment. Programs such as this are note

29、worthy less for the “stimulation” they offer than for the fact that stimulation (repeated at regular intervals) may become a substitute for and so a hindrance to judgments carefully arrived at and tested in the mind and on the pulses. Mass communications, then, do not ignore intellectual matters; th

30、ey tend to castrate (使丧失活力) them, to allow them to sit on the side of the fireplace, sleek and useless, a family plaything.结果可以在一百个广播和电视节目中看到,正如普通新闻中公众问题的正常处理一样。 可以假定读者或观看者中的不同级别的背景,但是通常发生的是替代判断的过程。 这样的程序对于它们提供的“刺激”显然比对于刺激(以固定间隔重复)可能成为代替并且因此妨碍在心理和脉冲中仔细地到达和测试的判断的事实而言更少。 那么,大众传播,不要忽视智力问题; 他们倾向于阉割(让.丧失

31、活力)他们,让他们坐在壁炉边,时尚而无用,家庭玩弄。 4、Writing, as a career, offers a range of personal rewards. It enables people to express themselves, as well as to entertain, inform, and influence others. With only a few tools - paper, a typewriter, a pencil, and often a personal computer, a writer can have an impact on

32、the surrounding world. But most authors spend hundreds of hours perfecting their skills before they can sell any of their works.写作,作为一个职业,能为个人提供一系列的奖励。 它使人们能够表达自己,以及娱乐自己娱乐,通知和影响他人。 只需要几个工具 - 纸,打字机,铅笔,通常是个人电脑,作家就可以对周围的世界产生影响。 但是大多数作者花费数百小时完善他们的技能,然后才能销售出他们的作品。 A person who wants to be a writer should

33、 set aside some time to write every day. Learning to express ideas clearly and effectively in writing takes a great deal of practice. Many experienced writers keep a journal. A journal can serve as a storehouse for information, observations, and ideas. It can also be a place to develop new material.一个想成为作家的人应该每天留出一些时间写作。 学习以

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