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1、生物专业英语复习资料生物学专业英语期末考试知识点总结一、化学元素符号 (31个)H Hydrogen hadrd()n 氢B Boron brn 硼 Be Beryllium brlm 铍C Carbon kb()n 碳 N Nitrogen natrd()n 氮O Oxygen ksd()n 氧F Fluorine flrin 氟Na Sodium sdm 钠Mg Magnesium mgnizm 镁Al Aluminum lumnm 铝Si Silicon slk()n 硅P Phosphorus fsf()rs 磷S Sulphur slf 硫Cl Chlorine klrin 氯K P

2、otassium ptsm 钾Ca Calcium klsm 钙Cr Chromium krmm 铬Mn Manganese mgniz 锰Fe Iron an 铁Co Cobalt kblt 钴Ni Nickel nk()l 镍Cu Copper kp 铜Zn Zinc zk 锌As Arsenic s()nk 砷Se Selenium slinm 硒Mo Molybdenum mlbdnm 钼Ag Silver slv 银Cd Cadmium kdmm 镉Au Gold gld 金Hg Mercury mkjr 汞Pb Lead lid 铅二、数学符号a2 a square or a sq

3、uared b3 b cube or b cubed kjub 立方c4 c (raised) to the fourth (power) f-1 f to the minus one 0.4 zero (or nought) point four nt零0.01 point (or decimal) nought one desm()l小数10.34 ten point three four micron makrn 微米 mm millimeter mili,mi:t 毫米mm2 square millimeter mm3 cubic millimeter kjubk 立方的cm cent

4、imeter sentmit(r) 厘米 cm2 square centimetercm3 cubic centimeter dm decimeter des,mit 分米dm2 square decimeter dm3 cubic decimeterm meter m2 square meterm3 cubic meter km kilometerkm2 square kilometer mL milliliter mili,li:t 毫升L liter li:t 升 a acre ek 英亩ha hectare hekte 公顷g gramme rm 克 mg milligramme mi

5、ligrm 毫克kg kilogramme kilurm 千克 t tonne tn 吨 三、期刊杂志全称与简写英文全称英文缩写中文全称Annual Review of BiochemistryAnnu Rev Biochem生物化学年刊Cell Cell 细胞Annual Review of Cell Biology Annu Rev Cell Biol细胞生物学年刊The Journal of the Federation of American Society for Experimental BiologyFASEB Journal (FASEB J )美国实验生物学联合会刊Europ

6、ean Molecular Biology OrganizationEMBO Journal (EMBO J)欧洲分子生物学杂志Trends in Biochemical SciencesTrends Biochem Sci生物化学科学进展 Molecular and Cellular BiologyMol Cell Biol分子与细胞生物学杂志 Journal of Biological ChemistryJ Biol Chem生物化学期刊Plant CellPlant Cell植物细胞Molecular PharmacologyMol Pharmacol分子药理学DNA Cell Biol

7、ogyDNA Cell BiolDNA细胞生物学Journal of Molecular BiologyJ Mol Biol分子生物学期刊BiochemistryBiochemistry生物化学Cell Growth and DifferentiationCell Growth Differ细胞生长与分化 Methods in EnzymologyMethod Enzymol酶学方法Molecular MicrobiologyMol Microbiol分子微生物学Journal of NeurochemistryJ Neurochem神经化学杂志 Progress in Biophysics

8、& Molecular BiologyProg Biophys Mol Biol生物物理和分子生物学进展Advances in Microbial PhysiologyAdv Microb Physiol微生物生理学进展 Molecular Biology and EvolutionMol Bio Evol分子生物学与进化 Journal of Cellular BiochemistryJ Cell Biochem细胞生物化学杂志 Molecular Biology and MedicineMol Biol Med分子生物学与药学Federation of European Biochemis

9、try SocietyFEBS Letters ( FEBS Lett)欧洲生物化学学会联合会杂志Plant Molecular BiologyPlant Mol Biol植物分子生物学Journal of Molecular EvolutionJ Mol Evol分子进化杂志 Analytical BiochemistryAnal Biochem分析生物化学Molecular ImmunologyMol Immunol分子免疫学Neurochemical ResearchNeurochem Res神经化学研究 Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryMol Ce

10、ll Biochem分子与细胞生物化学 Molecular Biology ReportMol Biol Rep分子生物学报告Proceedings of National Academy of sciences USAPROC NATL ACAD SCI USA美国国家科学院院刊四、作文 1. Topic or title or head. 2. Authors and their institutes. 3. Abstract 4. Introduction 5. Materials and Methods 6. Results 7. Discussion 8. References or

11、 literatures cited.How to write a report or paperA paper consists of 8 parts English description英文叙述Chinese narrative中文叙述Part1. Topic or title or head.(主题/标题/头) Concise and informative简洁而信息量丰富Part2. Authors and their institutes.(作者及其所在研究机构)The name(s) of the auther(s)The affiliation(s) and address(e

12、s) of the auther(s)The e-mail address,telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding auther作者姓名作者的隶属机构和地址通讯作者的电子邮件地址,电话号码以及传真号。Part3.Abstract(摘要) The abstract is actually the first section of a report or paper, coming after the title and before the introduction. The abstract provides the reader with

13、 a brief preview of your study based on information from the other sections of the report or paper. Order of typical elements included in an abstract:B=some background information(present tense)P=the principal activity (or purpose) of the study and its scope (past/present/perfect tense) M=some infor

14、mation about the methodology medld used in the study(past tense)R=the most important results of the study (past tense)C=a statement of conclusion or recommendation(present tense/tentative verbs/modal auxiliaries)摘要实际上是报告或论文的第一部分,在标题之后,介绍之前。摘要为读者提供了一个简短的基于你的研究的报告或论文的其他部分的信息的预览。典型的摘要包括以下几个方面:B:背景信息(一般

15、现在时)P:主要工作或目的(一般过去时/一般现在时/现在完成时)M:研究方法(一般过去时)R:本研究最重要的结果(一般过去时)C:总结Part 4.Introduction(引言) The introduction serves as an orientation ,rnte()n for readers of the report or paper, giving them the perspective they need to understand the detailed information coming in later sections.The introduction can

16、 be divided into five parts, or stages. In Stage, the author establishes a context, or frame of references, to help readers understand how the research fits into a wider field of study. Stage 1. Establish a setting for your research topic. Stage 2. Review the findings of other researchers who have a

17、lready published in your area of interest. For this reason, Stage 2 is called the review of literature. Stage 3. Indicates an area that is not treated in the previous literature, but that is important from the point of view of your own work. Stage 4. Formally announces the purpose of your research.

18、Stage 5. Indicates possible benefits or applications of your work. 引言作为报告或论文的读者定位,给他们的观点,这个观点的详细信息需要阅读后面的的部分。引言可分为五个部分或阶段。在阶段中,作者建立了一个上下文或参考框架,帮助读者了解一个更广泛的研究领域。阶段1:建立一个你研究课题的背景阶段2:综述您感兴趣的领域已经发表的其他研究人员的发现。出于本原因,第二阶段被称为文献综述。阶段3:指出一个之前文献没有研究的领域,但你工作的视角对这个领域十分重要。阶段4:正式宣布你的研究的目的。阶段5:指出你工作可能的好处或应用Part 5.M

19、ethod and Materials(材料与方法) The elements included in the method section in the order in which they are presented are not fixed. Information elements included in method: Overview of the experiment (design), population/Sample Location, Restriction/limiting conditions ,Sampling technique, Procedures, Va

20、riables , Statistical treatment Materials may fall into any of the following categories:Laboratory equipment, Field equipment, Human or animal subjects, Natural substances, Fabricated fbrikeit制造的 materials, Surveys, questionnaires and tests, Computer models, Mathematical models 方法部分需要给出一下几个方面的顺序,但是这

21、个顺序不是固定的,方法部分包括:实验概述;种群或样本位置;限制条件;抽样技术;步骤;变量;统计处理。 材料可分为下列类别:实验室设备;场地设备;人或动物材料;天然物质;预制材料 ;调查;问卷;检测;计算机模型;数学模型。Part 6.Results(结果) The result section of the report presents the findings of the study in both figures and in written text. Figures (graphs, tables, and diagrams) present the complete findin

22、gs in numerical terms, while the accompanying text helps the reader to focus on the most important aspects of the results and to interpret them. Here, we concentrate on text, which usually consists of three information elements. Element 1: a statement that locates the figure(s) where the results can

23、 be found; Element 2: statements that present the most important findings; Element 3: statements that comment on the results 报告的结果部分要呈现出本研究的发现;包括数据和书面文字。数据(包括绘制的图、表和拍摄的图)在数值方面展示出完整的结果,而相应的文本能帮助读者关注的最重要的结果并给予解释。在这里,我们专注于文字,通常包含三个信息。 信息1:指出图中可以表明结果的位置 信息2:指出目前最重要的结果 信息3:结果的评论Part 7. Discussion(讨论) Thi

24、s is the last major section of the report or paper, followed by the list of references. In the discussion, you step back and take a broad look at your findings and your study as a whole. As in the introduction, researchers use the discussion section to examine their work in the large context of thei

25、r field.讨论报告或论文最后的主要部分,之后是引文列表。在讨论中,你退一步,用宽阔视野审视你作为一个整体的研究和结果。正如在引言中,研究人员在大背景下用讨论的方法检验自己的工作。Part 8. References or literatures cited(参考文献或文献引用)The order of Surname and Given name.姓和名的顺序五、Glossary 专业术语 Actin ktn 肌动蛋白Centriole sentrl 中心粒Chemotaxis ,kimtkss 趋化性Chloroplast klrplst叶绿体Chromosome krmsm染色体Cy

26、toplasm sat()plz()m细胞质Cytoskeleton ,saituskeltn 细胞骨架Mitochondrion ,matkndrn 线粒体Nuclear envelop nvelp核膜nucleus njukls 细胞核Nucleoli nju:kli:lai 核仁Plastid plstd 质体Chromatin krmtn 染色质cell cycle V 细胞周期cell wall 细胞壁Cell membrane membren细胞膜Vacuole vkjl液泡Interphase ntfez 分裂间期Prophase prfez分裂前期Metaphase metfe

27、z分裂中期Anaphase nfez分裂后期Telophase til()fez 分裂末期Ribosome rab()sm 核糖体Centromere sentr()m着丝粒Mitosis matss有丝分裂Meiosis mass减数分裂cytokinesis ,sat()kaniss胞质分裂haploid hpld 单倍体Diploid dpld 双倍体Nucleosome nju:klisum 核小体Spindle spnd()l 纺锤体Histone hstn 组蛋白Allele lil 等位基因dominant dmnnt 显性Recessive rsesv 隐性Gene 基因Gen

28、otype dentap 基因型Phenotype fin()tap 表现型test cross测交heterozygous ,hetruzais 杂合的Homozygous ,humuzais纯合的dihybrid crossdahabrd双因子杂合子杂交law of segregation ,segrge()n 分离定律 law of independent assortmentstm()nt 自由组合定律Binomial system of nomenclaturebanml nmeklt双命名法Trait tret 性状Big Bang大爆炸Phylum (animals) falm 门clade kleid 进化枝,分化单位Kingdom界Division (plants) dv()n 门Order 目Class 纲Family 科Genus dins 属Species spiiz 种Taxonomy tksnm 分类学taxon (taxa) 分类单位 Bioinformatics 生物信息学Phenome 表型组Genetics dnetks 遗传学Genome dinm 基因组Genomics dnomks 基因组学Transcript trnskrpt 转录本Tra

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