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1、最新人教版精通英语六年级上学期重点词组句型人教版精通英语六年级上学期重点词组句型I单词俱乐部1.minute minit 分钟 2.primary praimri 初级的 3.daily deili 日常的 4.dinner din 正餐II词组大本营1. tell you about 告诉你关于2. get up 起床 3. go to school 去上学 4. seven subjects 七门课 5. be over 结束 6. do some reading 读书,阅读 7. have dinner吃晚餐 8. after dinner饭后 TV看电视 10. go

2、to bed 去睡觉 11. best wishes良好祝愿 III句子大观园1. Let me tell you about my daily life. 让我告诉你我的每日生活.2. We have seven subjects. 我们有七门课.3. School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. 学校下午3点半放学.4. After dinner, I watch TV for 30 minutes and do some reading. 晚饭后我看半小时电视和读书.5. Can you tell me by e-mail? 你能通过电子邮件告诉我吗?

3、Lesson 2I单词俱乐部1. have hv 有 2. breakfast brekfst 早餐 3.lunch lnt 午餐II词组大本营1. go to school 去上学 2. go to school 去上学 3. go to bed 去睡觉 4. watch TV看电视 5. have breakfast吃早餐 6. have lunch 吃午餐 7. have dinner吃晚餐 8. go home回家 III句子大观园1. I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. 我早晨7点半吃早餐.2. I dont have breakfast

4、 at 7:30 in the morning. 我不在早晨7点半吃早餐.Lesson 3I单词俱乐部1.cook kuk 烹调 2. chant ta:nt 唱歌,歌谣 II词组大本营1. be happy to高兴 2. cook breakfast 做早餐 3. learn English 学英语 4. take a walk散步 III句子大观园1. I am very happy to get your e-mail. 我很高兴收到你的邮件.2. Her students often learn English by singing, chanting and playing gam

5、es. 她的学生经常通过唱歌,歌谣和做游戏来学习英语.3. After dinner she often takes a walk with my father. 晚饭后,她经常和我的父亲去散步4. She reads English stories for me. 她为我讲英语故事.Lesson 4I单词俱乐部1. walk wk 散步 2. afternoon a:ftnu:n 下午 3. instead insted 代替II词组大本营1. get up 起床 2. cook breakfast 做早餐 3. read stories 讲故事4. teach English 教英语 5.

6、 take a walk 散步 6. in groups 按小组7. a few photos of your family 几张你家的照片III句子大观园1. She gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 她早上6点起床.2. She doesnt get up at 6:00 in the morning. 她早上6点不起床.Lesson 5I单词俱乐部 film 电影 2.parents prnts 父母 3.difficult difiklt 困难的4. always lwez 总是 5.practise prktis 练习 II词组大本营1. o

7、n Saturdays 在周六 2. see a film 看电影 3. play the piano 弹钢琴 4. learn from 向 学习 III句子大观园1. I often go and see a film with my parents. 我经常和我的父母去看电影.2. I uaually have piano lessons. 我经常上钢琴课3. Is it difficult to play the piano? 弹钢琴难吗?4. She practises it at home. 她在家练习.Lesson 6I单词俱乐部1. usually jul 通常 2. diff

8、icult difiklt 困难的 3. film film 电影 4. easy i:zi 容易的 5. floor fl: 地板 6. inside insaid 里面II词组大本营1. see a film 看电影 2. play the piano 弹钢琴 3.clean the window 擦窗户 4. clean the door 擦门 5. clean the floor 擦地 III句子大观园1.What do you usually do on Saturdays? 你通常在周六做什么?2. I often go and see a film. 我经常去看电影.3. Wha

9、t does Kate do on Saturdays? Kate在周六做什么?3. She usually plays the piano. 她通常弹钢琴.Lesson 7I 单词俱乐部1. hobby hb 业余爱好 2. collect klekt 收集3. stamp stmp 邮票4. paper pep 纸5. colourful klfl 多彩的6. enjoy nd 享受7. toy t 玩具II 词组大本营1. collect stamps 收集邮票 4. collect toy cars 收集玩具汽车 2. a super car 一辆漂亮的汽车 5. so colourf

10、ul 如此鲜艳3. your hobby 你的爱好 6. have a look 看一看 III 句子大观园1. Open the box and see. 打开盒子看一看.2. Can I have a look, please? 我能看一看吗?3. I like collecting picture cards. 我喜欢收集卡片.Lesson 8I 单词俱乐部1. picture pkt图片,照片 4.hobby hb 爱好2. car k 小汽车 5.colour kl 颜色3. collect klekt收集 II 词组大本营1. collect toy cars收集玩具汽车 3. c

11、ollect maps 收集地图2. collect picture cards收集图片 4. collect stamps收集邮票III 句子大观园1. Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? 2. My hobby is collecting maps. 我的爱好是收集地图.Lesson 9I 单词俱乐部1. photo ft 照片 4. grandpa grnp爷爷 2. plant plnt种植 5. Grow gr种植 3. flower fla花 6.wonderful wndfl 极好的 II 词组大本营1. look at 看 2. drink Chinese t

12、ea 喝茶 3. plant flowers 种花 III 句子大观园1. Do you want to look at my family photos? 你想看看我的家庭照片吗?2. My grandpa is fishing. 我的爷爷正在钓鱼.3. She is singing at her birthday party. 她正在她的生日聚会上唱歌.Lesson 10I 单词俱乐部1. plant plnt种植 2. flower fla花 II 词组大本营1. go fishing 去钓鱼 2. plant flowers 种花 3. cook meals 做饭III 句子大观园1.

13、 Whats your dads hobby? 你父亲的爱好是什么?2. His hobby is planting flowers. 他的爱好是种花.3. Whats your grandpas hobby? 你爷爷的爱好是什么?4. His hobby is fishing. 他的爱好是钓鱼.Lesson 11I单词俱乐部1. cry kra 叫喊 3. kid kid 小孩 2. cute kjut 可爱的;漂亮的 4. hungry hgri 饥饿的 II词组大本营1. be interested in 对 3. make dolls 制作娃娃 2. take photos 照相 4.

14、 take good care of 好好照顾 III句子大观园1. What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣?2. Im interested in taking photos. 我对照相感兴趣.3. She takes good care of the baby. 她好好照顾婴儿.Lesson 12I单词俱乐部1. computer kmpjut 计算机 3. place pleis 地方 2. thick ik 厚的 4. crane krein 鹤 II词组大本营1. 玩电脑游戏 2. make dolls 制作娃娃 2. take photos 照相 I

15、II句子大观园1. What are you interested in? 你对什么2. Im interested in taking photos. 我对照相感兴趣.Lesson 13I单词俱乐部1. birthday bde生日2. pick /pik/拾,摘 3. date /deit/日期4. party pt聚会5. invitation / nvten邀请(n)6. celebrate selbret庆祝II词组大本营1.birthday party 来参加我的生日聚会2. celebrate your birthday 庆祝你的生日3. invitation cards 邀请函

16、III句子大观园1. birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?2. Sure! Id love to.太棒了,我很愿意去.3. What about you? 你呢?4. What time does your party begin? 你的聚会几点开始?.Lesson 14I单词俱乐部1. after ft在之后 2. then / en 然后 3.bye /bai/ 再见4. bow /bu/ 弓 5. arrow / r箭头II词组大本营1. invite your friends to your party 邀请你的朋友参加聚会2. celebrate your b

17、irthday with your friends 与你的朋友们庆祝生日3. give a birthday card to your friend 给你的朋友一张生日卡片III句子大观园1. Heres a card for you. 送给你一张卡片.Lesson 15I单词俱乐部1. kind /kaind/种类2. chocolate / tklt巧克力3. shape /eip/形状 4. pie/pai/ 5. jelly del果冻II词组大本营1. a birthday cake一个生日蛋糕2. would like想要 3. a chocolate cake一个巧克力蛋糕4.

18、star-shaped cake 星形蛋糕. 5. heart-shaped cake 心形蛋糕. II句子大观园1. What kind of cake would you like? 你想要哪种蛋糕?2. Id like a chocolate cake. 我想要个巧克力蛋糕.3. It can show our love for you. 它能表达我们对你的爱.Lesson 16I单词俱乐部1. ice cream /aiskri:m/冰淇淋 2.candy knd饼干 3. powerful pafl 强大的II词组大本营1. fruit pie 水果馅饼III句子大观园1.Can I

19、 have some ice cream? 我能买一些冰淇淋吗?Lesson 17I单词俱乐部 welkm欢迎2. light /lait/点燃3. candle kndl /蜡烛4. wish / w /祝,愿望5. blow /blu/吹II词组大本营欢迎到2. light the candles点燃蜡烛3. sing the birthday song唱生日歌4. make a wish许愿5. blow out吹灭III句子大观园1. Here are some chocolates for you. 送给你一些巧克力.2Make a wish and blow out the can

20、dles. 许一个愿望然后吹灭蜡烛.Lesson 18I单词俱乐部1. joy d 欢乐,快乐 2. share e 分享 3. clap klp 鼓掌II词组大本营1. cut the cake切蛋糕 2. eat the cake 吃蛋糕III句子大观园1. Here is a birthday cake for you. 送给你一个生日蛋糕.Lesson 19I 单词俱乐部1. January dnjr n. 一月 2. February febrr n. 二月 3. month mn n.月 4. year j年5 Spring spr n. 春天 6. festival festvl

21、 n. 节日 II词组大本营1. New Years Day新年 2. the Spring Festival春节 III句子大观园1. The first day, January 1st, is called New Years Day. 一月份的第一天,一月一日是新年.2. They go back home to celebrate the festival with their families. 他们赶回家与家人共同欢度节日. Lesson 20I词组大本营1. the first month of the year 每年的第一个月份2. the second month of t

22、he year 每年的第二个月份 Lesson 21I 单词俱乐部1. March mt n. 三月 2. April eprl n. 四月 3. Easter ist n. 复活节 4. during 在的时候djr prep.在期间II词组大本营1. Tree Planting Day植树节 2. Easter eggs复活节彩蛋 III句子大观园1. March is the third month of the year. 三月是每年的第三个月份.2. It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th. 它可以在从三月20日到四月20

23、日的任何一天.3. During Easter, children can get colourful Easter eggs. 在复活节的时候,孩子们会得到复活节彩蛋.Lesson 22I词组大本营1. the third month of the year 每年的第三个月份2. the fourth month of the year 每年的第四个月份Lesson 23I单词俱乐部1. June dun n. 六月 2.May mei 五月 3. labour leib n. 劳动 4. perform pfm v. 表演 II词组大本营1. Labour Day 劳动节 2. Mothe

24、rs Day 母亲节 3. Childrens Day 儿童节 4. Fathers Day 父亲节 II句子大观园1. Many children perform to celebrate. 孩子们表演节目来庆祝他们的节日.2. We also give gifts to our fathers to show our love. 我们也为父亲献上礼物以表我们对他们的爱.Lesson 24I 单词俱乐部1plain plein 平原2. president prezdnt总统 3. special spel 特殊的4. decide /disaid/ 决定II词组大本营1. the fift

25、h month of the year 每年的第五个月份2. the sixth month of the year 每年的第六个月份Lesson 25I单词俱乐部1. July dula n. 七月2. August gst n. 八月 kmjnst共产主义的4.liberation lbren 解放II词组大本营1. 中国共产党 2. the Peoples Liberation Army 人民解放军 3. be founded 建立III句子大观园1. Party members celebrate the day when it was founded. 当中国共产党建立后,党员们都会

26、庆祝建党纪念日.Lesson 261.the seventh month of the year 每年的第七个月份 2. the eighth month of the year 每年的第八个月份3. the Partys birthday 党的生日 4. Army Day 建军节Lesson 27I单词俱乐部1. September septemb n. 九月 2. October ktb n. 十月 3. national nnl adj. 国家的 II词组大本营1. Teachers Day 教师节 2. National Day 国庆节 III句子大观园1. Look, the stu

27、dents are giving their teachers flowers to show their love. 看,孩子们正在给老师们献花以表示他们对老师的爱.Lesson 28I词组大本营1. the ninth month of the year 每年的第九个月份2. the tenth month of the year 每年的第十个月份3Teachers Day 教师节 4 . National Day 国庆节Lesson 29I单词俱乐部1. November nvemb n.十一月 2. December dsemb n. 十二月 3. Santa Claus snt kl

28、:z n. 圣诞老人II词组大本营1. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 III句子大观园1. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday of November. 在美国,感恩节在十一月的第四个星期四.2.The children have presents from Santa Claus.孩子们从圣诞老人那得到礼物.Lesson 30I单词俱乐部1. successful sksesfl adj. 成功的 2. forest frst 森林 3. roast rst烤肉II词组大本营1. the eleventh mon

29、th of the year 每年的第十一个月份2. the twelfth month of the year 每年的第十二个月份Lesson 31I单词俱乐部1. season sizn季节2. year j 年3.springtime /sprtaim/春天4. around rand大约5. warm / wm /暖和的6. land / lnd/ 土地,陆地 7. still /stil/ 仍旧II词组大本营1. a little cold有点冷2. get warmer and warmer变得越来越暖和3.wake up from their long sleep 从他们长长的睡眠中醒来 4. go on outings去郊游III句子大观园1. In China, springti

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