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1、全国英语等级考试一级真题及答案2016年3月全国英语等级考试一级真题及答案第二部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话,从A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。31. After school, I play basketball and she plays _piano.A. aB. anC. the32. Nancy is not _ famous in the United States, but also abroad.A. onlyB. AsC. so33. I visited a friend of _ in town and

2、then caught a train home.A. MeB. MyC. mine34. You are half an hour late. Try to come to class_ time tomorrow.A. OnB. atC. by35. -Could you give me a few more minutes?- _. Take your time.A.Not at allB. CertainlyC. You re welcome36. Jane lost _ of bet car on the ice last night.A. ChanceB. InterestC. c

3、ontrol37. An old man is_ stories to the children on the grass.A. tellingB. sayingC. speaking38. Robert sat at the table with smokers on _ side of him.A. allB. BothC. either39. Im not_ sure whether Terry will come with us tomorrow evening.A. AlreadyB. quiteC. still40. She s going to night school_ she

4、 can learn computer programming.A. whatB. whereC. which41. I 11 call you this evening and let you_how she is.A. knowB. knowingC. to know42. Mr. Smith began learning Chinese in his_.A. fortyB. FortiesC. fortieth43. She looked out of the window to see if it_.A. was rainingB. has rainedC. is raining44.

5、 Your paper is well _ but it s too long and you have to cut it short.A. to writeB. WritingC. written45. John can help you with the food when he _ cleaning the tables.A. will finishB. FinishedC. finishes第二部分英语知识应用第一节单项填空31C【精析】句意:放学后,我打篮球,她弹钢琴。本题考查的是冠词的用法。表示弹奏某种乐器时,乐器前面要加定冠词the。故C正确。32A【精析】句意:南希不但在美国

6、很有名,而且在国外也很有名。本题考查的是并列连词词组的用法。not onlybut also是一个固定的连词词组,意思是“不但而且”。故A正确。33C【精析】句意:我拜访了镇上的一个朋友,然后就乘火车回家了。本题考查的是名词性物主代词的用法。mine(我的)是名词性物主代词,避免和前面已提及的名词重复,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”。故C正确。34A.【精析】句意:你迟到了半小时。明天要尽量准时到教室。本题考查的是固定词组的用法。on time意思是“准时”;没有at time的搭配;by time意思是“按时间”。故A正确。3

7、5B【精析】句意:你能再给我几分钟时间吗?当然可以,你别着急。本题考查的是情景交际。根据上下情景可知,回答者表示同意再给对方几分钟时间。B项意思是一种肯定的语气。故B正确。36C【精析】句意:简昨晚在冰面上刹车失控了。本题考查的是固定搭配。lose control of表示“对失去控制”。故C正确。37A【精析】句意:老人正在草地上给孩子们讲故事。本题考查的是固定搭配。tell stories to sb意思是“给某人讲故事”。故A正确。38B【精析】句意:罗伯特坐的桌子两边都有抽烟的人。本题考查的是代词辨析。an表示三者或三者以上都;both表示两者都;either表示两者中的一个。故B正确

8、。39B【精析】句意:我不能很确定泰瑞明晚是否会和我们一起来。本题考查的是副词的用法。already已经;quite非常,相当;still仍然。故B正确。40B【精析】句意:她打算去夜校学计算机编程。本题考查的是状语从句。题中缺少的是状语部分。地点状语从句表示地点、方位,这类从句通常由where引导。故B正确。41A【精析】句意:今晚我会打电话给你,让你知道她最近怎么样。本题考查的是使役动词的用法。let是使役动词,接宾语后,接动词原形(不带to的动词不定式)。故A正确。42B【精析】句意:史密斯先生在40岁的时候开始学习中文。本题考查的固定搭配。in oneS+整十的数词复数可用来表示年龄,

9、40的复数为forties。故B正确。43A【精析】句意:她朝窗户外看,看是否在下雨。本题考查的是时态用法。谓语部分looked out of为过去时,故看的结果是表示过去正在发生的事情。故A正确。44C【精析】句意:你的论文写得很好,但是太长了,你得缩短点。本题考查的是动词的被动语态。论文是物,谓语肯定是被动语态。故C正确。45C【精析】句意:约翰一擦完桌子就会来帮你准备食物。本题考查魄是主从句时态。由when引导的时间状语从句,如果主句是将来时、祈使句,那么从句就用一般现在时。故C正确。第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在

10、答题卡上将该项涂黑。The night before I was to have surgery(手术), Jeremy, my nine-year-old son,became worried.I am worried 46 you, Mom. I m afraid 47 the doctor might make a 48 I told him that my surgery was not 49 and there was no need50.But what if he makes a small mistake? he asked.Then I told him that the d

11、octor 51 years of experience(经验) and 52 small mistakes were impossible.But what if he 53? Jeremy asked.Then he would be 54 a lot of trouble, I smiled.You 55 we could get a lot of money from him, Jeremy brightened, and I could get a new bike?46.A. AboutB. withC. by47. A. whatB. ThatC. if48. A. Mistak

12、eB. problemC. question49. A. EasyB. readyC. difficult50. A. WorriedB. to worryC. worrying51. A. would haveB. HadC. was having52. A. OnlyB. EvenC. already53. A. doesB. hasC. will54. A. UnderB. OnC. in55. A. MeanB. AgreeC. decide第二节完形填空在我做手术的前一个晚上,我九岁的儿子,杰里米很为我担心。“妈妈,我很为你担心。我怕医生会犯错误。”我告诉他我的手术不会很难,他不需要

13、为我担心。他接着问:“但要是他犯小错误了怎么办?”之后我告诉他这个医生有着多年的工作经验,连小错误都不可能犯。、杰里米又问:“要是他真的犯错误了怎么办?”我笑着说:“那他就会惹上大麻烦。”杰里米突然很开心地说:“你的意思是不是那样我们就可以从他那里获得一大笔钱。我就可以有一辆新自行车了?”46A【精析】本题考查的是固定词组搭配。be worried about sb担心某人,故A正确。47B【精析】本题考查的是固定词组的用法。be afraid that接宾语从句。故B正确。48A【精析】本题考查的是上下文理解。根据第四段杰里米担心医生犯小错误,可以推测此处是犯错误。故A正确。49C【精析】本

14、题考查的是上下文理解。根据上下文可知,杰里米担心医生犯错误,妈妈告诉儿子手术不难,不用担心。故C正确。50B【精析】本题考查的是固定句型的用法。there is no need doing sth表示“于没必要”。there is no need to do sth表示“(客观上)没有必要做某事”。根据上下文可知,妈妈告诉儿子没必要担心。故B正确。51B【精析】本题考查的是从句时态。谓语told是过去时态,后面接宾语从句,表示“我告诉他这个医生有着多年工作经验”,这是一种事实,故应该也是一般过去时。故B正确。52B【精析】本题考查的是上下文理解。根据上下文可知,妈妈告诉儿子医生甚至连小错误都不

15、可能会犯。only仅仅;even甚至;already仅仅。故B正确。53A【精析】本题考查的是助动词的用法。助动词do,指代前面提到的某个动词。故A正确。54C【精析】本题考查的是固定词组的用法。名词词组(be)in trouble(遇到)麻烦,(处于)困境。故C正确。55A【精析】本题考查的是上下文理解。根据下文可知,儿子从妈妈的话语中推测出了一些信息,应该是问“你的意思是不是”。mean意味着;agree同意;decide决定。故A正确。第三部分阅读第一节短文理解阅读下面短文,从A.(Right)、B.(Wrong)、C.(Doesnt say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该

16、项涂黑。Every Tuesday, Carina goes to work in a bank. She knows all her customers (顾客)very well, because they are her classmates. In fact, Carina and her customers are all 10 years old.Carina s bank is in a school in Chicago. The bank is a branch(分支) of a national(国家的)bank, but the children run it thems

17、elves. It is open for 30 minutes a week. Every Tuesday morning, Carina opens the bank. Her classmates put their money in or take their money out. The bank pays interest to them.The idea for a school bank came from their teacher, Mr. Harry Bassett. Mr. Bassett took his idea to the national bank. The

18、bank agreed to his plan. We want to give the children a chance to learn about money, said Mr. Bassett. We are training them to look after their money carefully. The next plan for the school bank is a credit card. Many people in the USA don t use credit cards very well, said Mr. Bassett. our school b

19、ank will give the pupils some practice in using credit cards. Pupils will be able to buy school meals and books with the credit cards.56. The school bank opens once a week.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn t say57. Mr. Bassett is a bank cashier.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn t say58. Carina suggested opening the s

20、chool bank.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn t say59. The pupils are trained to take care of their money.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn t say60. The pupils parents are happy with the bank s credit card plan.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn t say第三部分阅读第一节短文理解每周二,卡琳娜都会去银行上班。她了解她所有的客户,因为他们都是她的同学。事实上,卡琳娜和她的客户都是l0岁的孩子。卡琳娜所在的银行


22、句“Every Tuesday,Carina goes to work in a bank”可以推断出。本题答案是正确的。故选A。57B【精析】句意:巴西特先生是一个银行出纳员。推断题。从文章第三段第一句“The idea for a school bank came from their teacher, MrHarry Bassett”可知,MrBassett是一名老师,故本题答案是错误的。故选B。58B【精析】句意:卡琳娜建议开设学校银行。是非题。从文章第三段第一、二句“The idea for a school bank came from their teacher, MrHarry

23、 BassettMrBassett took his idea to the national bank可以推断出,本题答案是错误的。故选B。59A【精析】句意:学生们在接受培训,学习保管他们自己的钱。是非题。从文章第三段最后一句“We are training them to look after their money carefully”可以推断出,本题答案是正确的。故选A。60C【精析】句意:学生的父母很满意银行的信用卡计划。推断题。文中并未提及这一点。故选C。第二节短文理解2阅读下列短文,从A.、B.、C.三个选项中选择一个正确答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。请根据下面短文回答第61至

24、65题:A businessman bought some goods at a market in the morning and set out at once for home with all his bags, for he wished to be in his own house before dark.At noon he rested in a town. When he wanted to go on, the stable-boy (马童) brought his horse, saying :A nail(钉子) is wanting, sir, in the shoe

25、 of the horses left front foot. Let it be wanting, answered the businessman, the shoe will stay on for ten kilometers. In the afternoon he arrived at a hotel. The stable-boy came to him again and said, Sir, a shoe is wanting from your horse s left front foot. Shall we get a new one?Let it still be w

26、anting, said the businessman, the horse will be all right for a few kilome-ters more. So he rode on, but soon the horse began to limp. It had not limped for long when it fell down and broke its leg. The businessman had to leave the horse and take all the bags on his back, and go home on foot.That ba

27、d nail, he said to himself, has made all this trouble. 61. Where did the story take place?A. At a market.B. At the businessman s house.C. On the businessman s way home.62. What was found to be lost when the businessman rested in a town?A. A bag.B. A nail.C. A shoe.63. What does limp mean in .the hor

28、se began to limp. ?A. Jump high.B. Run really fast.C. Have trouble walking.64. Whose leg was broken?A. The horse s.B. The stable-boy s.C. The businessman s.65. The story tells us thatA. money cannot buy everythingB. small things can make great troubleC. nothing is impossible if you work hard2016年3月全

29、国英语等级考试一级真题及答案第二节短文理解2一位商人上午在超市里购买了一些货物,立马就准备把货物带回家,因为他想天黑前到家。到中午他就在镇上休息。当他想继续上路时,马童牵来他的马说:“马的左前蹄铁缺了一颗钉子。”“缺就缺吧,”商人答道,“那支蹄铁还能走十公里路。”下午,他到了宾馆。那个马童又和他说“先生,马的左前蹄铁缺一颗钉子。我们换一颗新的怎么样?”“缺就缺吧,”商人还是这么回答,“再走几公里路它都没问题。”于是他接着赶路,但很快马就开始瘸着腿走了。不久马就摔倒,摔断了腿。商人不得不把马扔下,自己扛着所有包裹,步行回家了。“就是那颗坏钉子,”他自言自语道,“它惹了这么大的麻烦。”61C【精析】句意:这个故事发生在哪里?细节题。从文章中第一段“A businessman bought some goods at a market in the morning and set out at once for home with all his bags”可知,故事发生在商人回家的路上。故选C。62B【精析】句意:当商人在镇上休息时发现什

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