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1、中考英语专题复习补全对话及情景交际2018中考英语专题复习:补全对话及情景交际01补全对话考点1.打电话用语:一、拨电话方地交际用语:1.Could /May/Can I speak to ,please ? 请找接电话,好吗?2.Whos that (speaking ? 你是哪一位呀?3.This is (speaking./This is here./ here speaking .我是.b5E2RGbCAP4.Could you ask him / her to call me back ? 你能让他、她给我回电话吗?p1EanqFDPw5.Im calling to ask / te

2、ll you to .我打电话给你是想告诉你去.DXDiTa9E3d6.Thats very kind of you ( to help me . 你能帮助我真是太好了.RTCrpUDGiT二、接电话方地交际用语:1.Hello! 6098724. 你好!这里是6098724.2.This is .(speaking. 我就是3.Whos that (speaking ? 请问你是哪位?4.Yes, it is . 是地,我就是.No, this is . 不, 我是5.Hold on (for a moment , please . / One moment ,please . 请稍后,别挂

3、机.5PCzVD7HxA6.Im sorry / afraid hes /shes out at the moment / right now . 对不起,他/她现在不在.jLBHrnAILg7.Can I take a message ( for you ? 我能替你稍话吗?8.Ill leave a message on his / her desk . 我会在他/她地桌上留个便条.xHAQX74J0X9.Whats your telephone number ? 你地电话是多少?10.Ill give / take her the message . 我会稍信给她地.考点2.购物用语:一

4、、营业员常用地交际用语:1.Can I help you ? What can I do for you ? 你要买什么?2.Which would you like ? 你喜欢哪一个?3.How many / much . Do you want ? 你要多少?4.Is that all ? 就买这些吗?5.What about this one ? 这件怎么样?6.Do you like . ? 你喜欢吗?7.What color/ size / kind do you like / want ? 你喜欢/想要什么颜色/尺寸/种类地?LDAYtRyKfE8.Which one / colo

5、r do you like / want ? 你喜欢/想要哪个/哪种颜色?Zzz6ZB2Ltk9.Im afraid we havent got any In that size at the moment .恐怕我们现在没有那个尺寸地dvzfvkwMI110.Im sorry , we have sold out the . In your size . 对不起,你要地尺寸我们已经卖完了.rqyn14ZNXI11.Here you are . 给你.12.No hurry . 别着急.13.please take your time . 慢慢来.14.Let me see , twenty

6、yuan, please . 我看一下,20 元.15.You havent paid for it yet . 你还没有付钱.16.Thats the cheapest / most expensive one we have , Im afraid . 恐怕这是我们最便宜/最贵地EmxvxOtOco二、顾客常用地交际用语:1.I want / would like to buy some .(for . 我想买一些.SixE2yXPq52.Ill have a look at the . 我想看看.3.Thank you ,thats all . 谢谢你.就这些吧.4.I like the

7、 color , but its/theyre too . 我喜欢这颜色,但它/ 他们太.6ewMyirQFL5.Its great ,but its not . enough . 不错,但它不够.6.No, the color is too . 不,颜色太.7.I prefer .but this .is too. 我喜欢.,但这个.太.8.Thats too light 太浅了.9.Yes, thats just right . 好地,这个正合适.10.Have you got any other kind / color /size ? 你有其他种类/ 颜色/ 尺寸地吗?kavU42VR

8、Us11.That looks nice /great . 看起来不错.12.Have you got anything cheaper ? 你有更便宜点地吗?13.Thats a bit expensive . Ill think about it . 有点贵,我要考虑一下.y6v3ALoS8914.How much does it cost ? /How much do they cost ?/How much are these things ? 多少钱.M2ub6vSTnP15.Thats much too expensive .Im afraid . 恐怕太贵了.16.Thats (

9、quite cheap /dear . 这不算贵/ 这相当贵.17.I like it ,but it costs too much . 我喜欢它,但是太贵了.18.I cant decide . 我决定不了.19.Thats fine .Ill take it / them . 不错,我买了.20.Can / May I try them / it on ,please ? 我能试一试吗?21.I dont think Ill take it . 我觉得不会买.22.Here is the money . 买单.考点3 问路及应答地用语:一、问路地交际用语:1.Excuse me ,wher

10、es .? 劳驾,在哪儿?2.How can I get to .? 我怎么去.?3.Which is the way to the ? 去.是哪一条路?4.Can you tell me the way to the ? 你能告诉我去.地路吗?5.Could you tell me how to get to the ? 你能告诉我怎样去.吗?0YujCfmUCw6.Could you tell me how I can get to the .? 你能告诉我怎样去.吗?eUts8ZQVRd7.Which bus can take me to the ? 哪路公共汽车可以带我去?8.Whic

11、h bus can I catch to the .? 我可以乘几路公共汽车去?9.Which number do I need ? 我需要乘几路车?10.Is it far from here ? 离这儿远吗?11.How far is it ? 有多远?12.Thank you ./ Thank you all the same . 谢谢.二、指路地交际用语:1.Its over there . Its over there on the left / right .在那儿左边/右边sQsAEJkW5T2.Its next to the ./ in front of the ./ behi

12、nd the ./outside the .它在地旁边/前面/后面/外边GMsIasNXkA3.Its between . And .它在.和之间.4.Its at the end of the street . 在街尾.5.Walk /Go along/ down the road/ the street , and take the second turning on the left/ right .TIrRGchYzg6.Its about a hundred meters along on the left / right . 大约在前方100 M处左/右.7EqZcWLZNX7.I

13、ts about 4 kilometres away . 大约有4,000 M远.8.You had better take / catch a bus . 你最好乘坐公共汽车.9.Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights .沿着这条街一直走到第二个交通灯那儿.lzq7IGf02E10.At the end of the road youll see the . 至路尾你就会看到zvpgeqJ1hk11.It will take you about half an hour . 大约要花半个小时到那儿.NrpoJ

14、ac3v112.Go across the bridge . 从桥上走过去.13.Go up this road to the end . 沿着这条路走到尽头.14.Turn left / right at the second crossing . 在第二个十字路口朝左/右拐.1nowfTG4KI15.Take the No.3 bus and it will take you straight there . 乘3 路公共汽车,会把你直接带到那儿fjnFLDa5Zo16.The No.72 bus will take you there . 72 路公共汽车会把你带到那儿.tfnNhnE6

15、e517.Youd better take No.10 bus to the hospital. 你最好乘坐10 路公共汽车去医院.HbmVN777sL18.You cant miss it . 你不会错过地.19.Its about 15 minutes walk . 步行大约15 分钟.考点4.看病地用语:一、医生常用地交际用语:1.Whats wrong with you ? Whats the matter ? 你怎么哪?V7l4jRB8Hs2.How long have you been like this ? 你像这样有多久?3.Have you taken your temper

16、ature ? 你量过体温吗?4.Do you sleep very well ? 睡觉好吗?5.What do eat for your meals ? 你三餐吃过什么?6.Have you had anything to eat this morning ? 早晨吃过什么?83lcPA59W97.Have you got/ had a headache / cough ? 你头痛/咳嗽吗?8.Maybe you have caught a bit of a cold ? 也许你有点感冒.9.There is nothing serious . 不严重.10.Youd better have

17、 more/ less food and take some exercise . 你最好多/少吃食物并且参加一些锻炼.mZkklkzaaP11.Take this medicine and stay in bed for a few days . 吃这个药并卧床休息几天.AVktR43bpw12.Take this medicine every four hours and drink more hot water . 每4 小时吃一次这个药并多喝开水.ORjBnOwcEd13.Do you smoke ? Youd better stop smoking . 你抽烟吗? 最好戒烟.2MiJ

18、Ty0dTT14.You will get better soon . You will be all right /well soon . 你会很快好起来地.gIiSpiue7A二、病人常用地交际用语:1.I have got a headache / cough . 我头痛/咳嗽.2.Ive got a pain here . 我这儿痛.3.Im not feeling well . I dont feel very well .I feel terrible . 我感觉不舒服.uEh0U1Yfmh4.Is it serious ? 严重吗?5.Ive been like this eve

19、r since last night . 我从昨天晚上起一直这样.IAg9qLsgBX6.Theres something wrong with . 我.不舒服.7.This place hurts . 这儿疼.考点5.问候地交际用语:1.Hello! Hi ! 2.Good morning/ afternoon / evening 3.How do you do !WwghWvVhPE4.How are you ? Fine ,thank you .And you ? 5.How is your father /mother ?asfpsfpi4k6.How is everything ?

20、How is it going ?考点6.介绍地交际用语:1.Whats your name ? 2.May I know your name ? 3.My name is Jones .ooeyYZTjj14.Whats your first name ? 5.Nice to meet you . 6.Im pleased /happy /glad to meet you .BkeGuInkxI考点7.告别地交际用语:1.Goodbye ! Bye-bye ! 2.Good night ! 3.Im afraid I have to go now . Its getting late .Pg

21、dO0sRlMo4.Lets get together soon ! 5.See you soon /later /tomorrow . 6.We had a good time .3cdXwckm157.Thank you for having us . 8.Its a pleasure . 9.Take care !h8c52WOngM考点8.感谢和应答地交际用语:1.Thank you /Thank you very much . 2.Its very kind of you .v4bdyGious3.Not at all /Thats OK /Thats all right /Your

22、e welcome /Its a pleasure /My pleasure .J0bm4qMpJ9考点9.祝愿、祝贺和应答地交际用语:1.Good luck to you !. 2.Merry Christmas! 3.Happy New Year ! 4.Happy birthday !XVauA9grYP5.Enjoy yourself ! 6.Have fun ! 7.Have a good time ! 8.Congratulations !bR9C6TJscw9.Thank you , and you too ! 10.The same to you !考点10.意愿及应答地交际用

23、语:1.Im ging to pick some apples . 2.Id like you to meet my parents , too .pN9LBDdtrd3.I want to take some books to the classroom . 4.I hope to see you soon .DJ8T7nHuGT5.I hope you have a good time . 6.Thank you 7.Im sorry I cant 8.Im afraid I cant .QF81D7bvUA考点11.道歉与应答地交际用语:1.Im sorry. 2. Im sorry f

24、or . 3.Never mind 4.It doesnt matter 5.Forget it4B7a9QFw9h考点12.遗憾和同情地交际用语:1.Im sorry to hear that . 2.I know how you feel . 3.Dont worry about itix6iFA8xoX4.oh ,come on .Cheer up . 5.Thats too bad 6. What a pity !wt6qbkCyDE考点13.邀请与应答地交际用语:1.Do you want to .? 2.Would you like to .? 3.That sounds grea

25、t .Kp5zH46zRk4.That sounds like fun 5.Im afraid I cant come to your party . 6.Maybe some other dayYl4HdOAA61考点14.提供. 7.No ,I dont think so 8.Im afraid notjW1viftGw99.I disagree (with you 考点17.表示肯定和不肯定地交际用语:1.Im sure . 2.Im sure that . 3.Im not sure . 4.Im not sure if xS0DOYWHLP5.Maybe . / Perhaps .考

26、点18.喜欢和厌恶地交际用语:1.Do you like .? 2.Which do you like better , or ? I like better than .LOZMkIqI0w3.Which do you like best , ,.or .? I like best . 4.I like/ love .a lot /very much /a little .ZKZUQsUJed5.I dont like at all 6.I hate . 7.I prefer torather than .dGY2mcoKtT考点19.谈论天气地交际用语:1.Whats the weathe

27、r like today ? 2.How is the weather ? 3.Its fine / cloudy /windy /rainyrCYbSWRLIA4.Its rather warm / cold / hot , isnt it ? 5.Lovely weather , isnt it ? 6.What a heavy rain !FyXjoFlMWh7.What a strong wind !考点20.询问时间或日期和应答地交际用语:1.What day is it today ? 2.Whats the date today ? 3.What time is it ?/ Whats the time ?TuWrUpPObX4.Its Monday 5.Its July 1st 6.Its six oclock / half pass six /a quarter to eight .7qWAq9jPqE7.Its time for . / Its time to do sth .

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