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1、模具合同模具合同Tooling ContractTo:Address:From:地址/Address发件人/Sender:电话/Direct dial:传真/Facsimile:邮箱/E-mail:日期/Date:合同双方及简称/Abbreviationfor the two parties of the contract:Sanwa:MES:Contract此合同参照MES生产物料一般采购条款以及相关的价格协议和供应商质量管理要求而定。ThisContractis subject to our General Terms & Conditions of Purchase for produc

2、tion materials in conjunction with the corresponding price agreement and Quality Management requirements for suppliers (refer to METHODE Quality Assurance Guidelines for Suppliers)合同号/ContractNo.:MESD12610项目/ Project:4B00OTS首样日期(包含检验报告及生产流程)/Delivery date for initialOTSsamplesincluding initial sampl

3、e inspection report and process launch:OTS样件(SC /CC尺寸合格)/Parts from serial tools(SC /CC dimensions OK):OTS样件(100%尺寸合格)及PPAP提交/Parts from serial tools(100% dimension OK) and PPAP submission:创建项目时间节点计划:Creation of schedule of deadlines until:Within 7 days after order placed发运计划确认:Return shipment confi

4、rmation :Within 7 days after order placed零件号: /Part No.:见附件/See attachment品名Description:见附件/See attachment零件单价及模具分摊后价格(不含稅)/piece price andprice with tool amortization.(Without VAT)见附件/See attachment年降LTA:模具分摊完毕后即开始年降,每年3/Start LTA 3%/year from finishing tool amortization.模具价格(不含税)/Tooling costs(Wit

5、hout VAT)见附件/See attachment模具描述:硬膜寿命100万模次,穴数和其他详细要求见附件模具须按如下要求标记:物料名称/图纸号/所有权为迈梭电子.标记铭牌必须是不可消除的。供应商需要的测试设备例如标准量具、测量设备等等,供应商需要自己承担。供应商已在询价单中获知产品在项目期内的用量,模具寿命据此设计和生产。Tool & die scope:Hard Tooling life:1M shots, cavity and other detail requirement:see attachmentTools & dies are to be marked as follows

6、:Article description / drawing No. / PropertyMethode Co.,Ltd. Identification marks must be marked in an indelible manner.Any test equipment required by the supplier, such as master gauges, measuring equipment etc. is to be paid for by the supplier.Supplier has been informed about the program life ti

7、me volume from RFQ and the tool is designed and produced accordingly.模具付款方式:模具款100%分摊到套零件中,具体见附件Payment conditions of tooling costs:Tooling cost will be 100% amortized into parts piece price,please find the attachment for detail.模具产权:模具款分摊完毕之前归供应商和MES共同所有模具分摊完毕后产权归MES所有Tooling Ownership:The toolings

8、 owner will be Supplier and MES before finishing tooling amortization.The toolings owner will be MES after finishing tooling amortization.特别条款:Special agreements:1.本合同内列出的附件属于本合同的一部分,合同双方需要遵守:设备通用采购条款This file been kept in: 2.交付条件:送货至电子有限公司,到厂3.若本合同与之前协议之条款有冲突,以本合同为准.1.The attachments listed in this

9、 contract are part of this contract, both parties need agreed with it.“General Terms and Conditions - Standard Equipment”This file been kept in: 2.Deliver Term: supplier need deliver parts to MES plant.3.If there is conflict between this contract and other contract/agreement before, this contract sh

10、all prevail.为了保证首样和量产日期,我们达成以下一致意见:To ensure the initial sample and launch deadlines are adhered to, the following procedure is hereby agreed:1.)具体开模时间Detailed tooling dates您的合同确认必须包含以下信息:Yourcontractconfirmation must include the following details:模具设计的开始日期Start of tool design零件模具设计调整(不包括发生费用的模具修改)的

11、日期Date by which design modifications on the parts do not incur tool-change expense展示产品和模具布局Presentation of tooling and production concepts模具开始制造的最后日期Last date for start of tooling manufacture模具结束制造的日期Tool completion展示有效过程控制的初始样品时间Initial sample presentation with proof of process capabilityMETHODE乐意接

12、受任何与时间节点问题相关的提醒METHODE is to be notified voluntarily of any problems with deadlines基于技术可行性的模具维护计划Evidence of tooling maintenance planning in accordance with the state-of-the-art我们将择机参观你们公司并监督工具和模具的制造进度。如果你们分包了模具制造,我们希望也能够去你们分包商那里监督进度。We will take the opportunity to visit your company and monitor the

13、 progress of work on the tools & dies. If you subcontract the manufacture of tools, we assume that we will also be able to monitor progress at your contractors facility.2.)控制规划Control planning一旦你决定了产品和模具的布局,你必须要举行一个技术会议向我们METHODE介绍你是如何构思模具外形尺寸和位置精度的,以及哪里必须和可能需要图纸变更和测试上达成一致。在你设计工具和模具以及实施序列化生产控制计划的时候,

14、必须要确认尺寸精度与产品规格要求严格保持一致。Once you have determined the production and tooling concept, a technical meeting is necessary to allow you to explain to us the conceived tooling condition shape and position tolerances and, where necessary and possible, drawing modifications and agreements on testing.When des

15、igning tools & dies and performing control planning for series production, it is essential to ensure absolute adherence to dimensional accuracy taking into account production-specific requirements.3.)初始样品测试Initial sample testing初始样品评估必须按照TS16949第三等级要求。有效的过程能力也要和预计的初始样品一起展示。当初始样品提交的时候,图纸要求的相关测试报告也要一同

16、提交。Initial sample evaluation is to be performed in accordance withTS16949,Level3. In connection with the scheduled initial sample presentation, evidence of process capability is to be supplied. When the initial samples are presented,relevant report regarding to the testing listed in Drawingare requi

17、red.样品材料定义如下:The sample materials are to be identified as follows:零件描述Part designation图纸编号Drawing number材料Material (for plastic parts, tests are carried out on the component)批号Batch number如果实际值与图纸上定义的目标值一致,初始样品将只有我们的检验员检查。为了确保只有完美的初始样品和所有必须的文件按计划提交,请准备足够的试生产时间来检验你的模具。Initial samples will only be che

18、cked by our inspectors if the actual values tally with the target values as defined in the drawings.Please allow a sufficiently generous trial run period for checking the tools when you define your schedule to ensure that only perfect initial samples and all necessary documents, samples etc. are pre

19、sented.如果在你们工厂尺寸检查的时候就发现不良,通过模具调整也没有办法在短时间内完成,这样的不良必须要在递交初始样品前通知METHODE。我们将立即与相应的研发与质量部门取得联系,验证这样的不良是否可以被我们接受。如果不能被接受,我们将不得不坚持保持原来的尺寸不变。If, during the dimension testing of initial samples in your facility, which cannot be corrected at short notice by tooling adjustments, these deviations are to be n

20、otified to us before the initial samples are presented. We will immediately check with the appropriate research & development and Quality Assurance departments as to whether the dimensional deviations can be accepted. If this is not acceptable, we will have to insist on the dimensions in question be

21、ing adhered to.任何由于初始样品提交不及时或者多次测试,不是由于METHODE的原因,但是METHODE发生了相关的费用,这些费用都要由供应商承担,这些还包括为了保证给METHODE客户的供应而采取的临时生产措施而发生的额外费用。Any costs incurred by us which are due to non-adherence to the initial sample presentation date or multiple tests for which we are not responsible will be charged back to you. Th

22、is includes additional costs caused by an interim production solution of the parts required by us to ensure supply to our customer.4.)大批量生产质量Mass production quality你了解这个零件是被用在一个复杂的,与安全相关的汽车客户的产品单元。你已经收到了关于这个产品的详细的规格要求。You are aware that this component is for use in a complex, safety-relevant product

23、ion unit for one of our automotive customers. You have already received details of the specific requirements relating to this product.汽车行业的质量管理要求已经传达给你。这些要求也需要我们的供应商遵守按照现有技术水品进行失效模式和影响分析,初始样品测试,大批量生产质量控制,零缺陷策略,材料匹配,文件和过程能力控制等等.MES对你们零件的PPAP认可意味着你们有能力且必须按照PPAP样品的同等质量水平(包括尺寸和性能实验等图纸及技术规范要求)批量供货.你方预先清楚

24、并同意MES有权追究你们相关经济赔偿一旦被证明你们批量产品没有达到该质量水平.The requirements of the automotive industry with regard to quality management are known to you. These requirements must also be adhered to by our suppliers, e.g. in the fields of failure mode and effects analysis, initial sample testing, mass-production quality

25、, zero-defect strategy, materials matching, documentation, process capability etc. in accordance with the current state of the art.The PPAP approval of your parts given by MES means you have the ability and must provide mass-production parts to MES with the same Quality Level compare with the PPAP s

26、amples you provided , this Quality Level include the requirement of dimension , performance testing etc which be shown in the Drawing and other Technical requirement from MES. You clearly understood in advance and agreed on that MES has the right to charge you the related compensation in case of you

27、r mass-production parts have been proved not meeting this Quality Level.如果你对这些有任何问题,请联系我们。If any queries arise with regard to this matter, please contact us.5.)特别安排Ad hoc arrangements如上所述,我们会与你们公司另外的负责人讨论项目的进度。一旦确认我们会把会议记录发给你们。合同条款和附加条款的更改必须要用书面的形式。Within the context of further project processing, t

28、here will be additional discussions with those responsible for the project in your company, as mentioned above. The minutes of these meetings will be sent to you as confirmation.Amendments to the contractual conditions or additional agreements must be made in writing.6.)缓冲量Buffer quantities为了保证生产的持续

29、进行,至少要保持1周使用量的库存。To secure uninterrupted production despite short-term changes in demand, at least one weeks supply is to be maintained as stock.7.)付款Terms of payment开票60天60days net8.)合同终止Termination若供应商未能在迈梭给出的开发计划时间内完成交样或三次交样未达到迈梭认可的(除非迈梭原因),迈梭有权单方面解除合同,所有相关费用不予支付。MES has right to terminate the co

30、ntract, with condition of supplier cannot submit samples based on Methode timing line or 3 times failure of submitting qualified samples to MES(excluding the delay/failure caused by MES). And the relevant cost /expense will not be paid to supplier.9.)语言Language中英文表述不一致,以中文为准。The Chinese version shou

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