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外研版初三英语下册Module 5教案.docx

1、外研版初三英语下册Module 5教案外研版初三英语下册Module 5教案 外研版初三下册dule 教案DULE TEAHING PLANdule Rules and suggestins一、题材内容本模块话题是规则与建议,主要内容是围绕着在旅游场所及旅行中应遵守的规则及相应的建议展开的,第一单元的对话谈到游览长城时的注意事项,包括一些游览建议;第二单元的阅读是一篇游记,记录的是作者在野外宿营时遇到熊的惊险历程,内容生动有趣,扣人心弦,中还融进了一些有关户外生存的建议。本模块语法复习的是情态动词。本模块紧紧围绕规则与建议这一主题展开多方面的听、说、读、写的语言实践活动,使学生由简单到复杂,渐

2、渐感知新的语言,并通过范例,让学生复习、巩固情态动词。教学中教师应随时随地以本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材,增加一些开放性的活动,把话题再扩展一些,让学生受到道德方面的教育。教学目标语言知识:语音句子中的连读。词汇rule, suggestin, rpe, strea, lear, starving, valle, peaeful, site, gesture, sti, still, ds, hillside, sudden, bld, daage, ause, effrt, fifth, rder, diretr词组eep t, lead the a, fall asleep, reah u

3、t, in rder t 语法复习情态动词。功能能够给指令;提出建议。话题规则与建议。1)语言技能:听能听懂发出指令、提出建议的对话。说学会发出指令,提出建议。读能读懂描述旅游经历的,掌握其细节内容。进行简单的阅读技能训练写能写出给旅游者的建议。演示与表达 能够口、笔头表达旅游建议。3) 学习策略:学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳情态动词的用法,提高自学能力。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作中的错误进行修改交际学习运用恰当词语给指令,能听懂指令;并能够提出建议。资通过其他资获取更多有关旅游的简单英语。自学策略能够根据自己的

4、情况预习教材并进行拓展。合作学习策略互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享,能够与小组同学合作写出给旅游者的建议。 4)化意识:中外对比通过对旅游的介绍培养学生的环境保护意识。)情感态度:通过对给指令、听懂指令表达方式的训练,培养学生礼貌使用语言的意识与能力,在表达给指令时能够照顾他人的感受;能够给出合理化建议。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。6)任务:为中国的旅游者提建议。教学重点和难点: 重点:1掌握给指令、听懂指令的基本词汇,能够给指令、听懂指令,并给出合理化建议。难点:熟练掌握情态动词的用法。教学方法基于程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持

5、续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tastas-lepst-tas。二、教材处理核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构给出合理化建议。三个环节如下:pre-tas:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识。tas-le:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对旅游用语的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫。pst-tas:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况。三、教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4时:Perid 1: Listening and Vab

6、ular ≈ Prnuniatin and SpeaingPerid 2: Vabular and ReadingPerid 3: Language in use Perid 4: riting≈ Arund the rld ≈dule Tas注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。教学设计Title: dule Rules and suggestinsPerid 1: Listening and Vabular and Prnuniatin and SpeaingTeahing ntent: Listening and

7、Vabular and Prnuniatin and SpeaingTeahing Ais and Deands:1 Language nledgee vabular and phrases: rule, suggestin, rpe, strea, lear, starving, eep t, lead the ae struture: eep t (the path)gt lstlead the afeel tired I starving!I thin thats all (重点)2 Listening sill: T understand nversatins f taling abu

8、t rules and giving suggestins (难点)3 Speaing sill: T use dal verbs t give instrutin Iprve the students speaing abilit4 Affetin and attitudes: e shuld be plite t the thersLearning strategies:uniative and interative and listening t the tape and d se exerisesTeahing Aids: ulti-edia (Tape rerder, vide, H

9、P, handut)Teahing Predures:Part I: Revisin Tas: Reall hat e have learned in dule 4Diretins: Step ne: Label the pitures ith the phrases(1) Read thrugh the phrases in the bx and have the Ss Repeat the after u (2) As the t label the in the pitures n the sreen (3) ae se sentenes ith the phrases As stude

10、nts t spea ut as an as the anStep T: Tal abut travel As students t spea ut as an as the an Part II: Lead in: Tas 1: Intrdue t the the ne rds Diretins:Step ne: Read thrugh the rds and phrases and have the Ss repeat the after u hrall and individuallStep T: As the students t tal abut the piture in ativ

11、it 1 n page 34 Step Three: llet se desriptins in a hle- lass setting Step Fur: Pair the Ss t disuss hat else the n abut the rulesStep Five: llet an ther infratin the an prvide fr the and list the n the bardTas 2: r in pairs L at the pht, and sa hat rules and advie u an give t visitrs t the Great all

12、Diretins:Step ne As the students t get int pairs t d this, then pare their ideas ith anther pairStep T: all ba suggestins fr the hle lass Part III: Listen and anser the questins in ativit 2 n page 341 Tas: T understand nversatins Diretins: Read thrugh the rds in the bx ith the hle lass and have the

13、repeat the hrall and individuall As the t read thrugh the questins individuall Pla the rerding thrugh ne hile the ust listen and fus Pla it ne re fr the t plete, he and rret all ba the ansers fr the hle lass, having ne student as a questin and anther anser itAnsers: 1 That the trip ill be dangerus2

14、Hes ging t lead the grup and tell the everthing abut persnal safet3 At nn4 The shuld tae rpes As dangerus as rssing the rad 2 Tas: Listen and read: As the students t fll the nversatin hile u pla the rerding3 Tas: ativit 4 n page 3 Diretins: Read the nversatin hse the best anser fr Ativit 4 As the st

15、udents t d this individuall; the an then he ith a partner all ba the ansers fr the hle lassAnsers1 b 2 3 a 4 a 4Tas: ae ntes abut r asns rules and suggestins in ativit n page 3As the students t read and nte individuall; the an then he ith a partnerall ba the ansers fr the hle lass Ansers: u ust eep t the path; use rpes fr libing; have the right shes u ustnt al alng the edge; g ff n ur n u shuld Start aling u shuldnt Drin all the ateru an G r libing; rss the strea and lib up t ; tae a l arss the untrsideu antHave sethi

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