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1、国际营销考试部分Chapter 1一Key Terms1.International marketing:It is the performance of business activities designed to plan,price,promote and direct the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.国际市场:对业务活动的性能设计计划、价格、促进和引导公司的商品和服务的消费者或用户在多个国家来获利。2.Self-re

2、ference criterion:It is an unconscious reference to ones own cultural values,experiences,and knowledge as a basis for decisions.自我参照标准:它是一种无意识的参照自己的文化价值观,经验和知识为基础的决策。3.Global awareness:It involves knowledge of world market potentials and global economic,social,and political trends.全球意识:它涉及到知识的世界市场潜力

3、和全球经济,社会和政治趋势。4.Uncontrollable elements:They are precisely that,the marketer must actively evaluate and,if needed,adapt.无法控制的元素:他们正是,营销人员必须积极评估,如果需要,适应。二Discuss1.How can the increased interest in international marketing on the part of U.S. Firms be explained?如何增加对国际市场的美国公司解释吗? Increased interest has

4、 been brought about because of changing competitive structures,coupled with shifts in demand characteristics through out the world.The has reached saturation levels for many products,and increasing numbers of firms are faced with surpluses which must be sold.Also,many firms find that retu

5、rn on investment may be higher in foreign markets than in domestic markets.Finally,more and more firms realize the tomorrows markets will be world markets and it is imperative that they establish world market positions early.增加兴趣已经带来了,因为改变竞争结构,加上世界各地的需求特性的变化。美国许多产品市场已经达到饱和,越来越多的公司正面临着盈余必须出售。同时,许多公司发

6、现,在海外市场投资回报率可能高于国内市场。最后,越来越多的公司意识到明天市场将世界市场,当务之急是建立世界市场地位。2.Discuss the four phases of international marketing involvement. 国际市场营销的四个阶段的参与讨论。 1)Those domestic firms which have no foreign business actively except those sales made to foreign customers who come directly to the firm.那些没有外国企业的国内企业积极除直接销售

7、为外国客户来公司。 2)Domestic firms which have temporary surpluses which are sold abroad.Therefore,sales are made on an actively basis with little or no intention for continuing market representation.国内公司的临时盈余,国外销售。因此,销售都是一个积极与很少或没有意图的基础上继续市场表示。 3)The domestic firms that have permanent productive capacity wh

8、ich is utilized to produce goods which are sold on a continuing basis in foreign markets.永久的国内企业生产能力的利用生产货物在国外市场销售持续。 4)The international company that produces a product for the world market. 国际公司,为全球市场生产产品。3.Discuss the conditions that have led to the development of global markets. 讨论导致全球市场发展的条件。 1

9、)New communications technology 新的通信技术 2)travel旅游 3)other factors which have led to the markets of the world being more aware of different products and processes.其他因素导致世界市场变得更加意识到不同的产品和过程。4.Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts. 区分这三个国际营销的概念。 1)Domestics market Extension conc

10、ept.The domestic company that seeks sales extension of its domestic products into foreign markets illustrates this orientations to international marketing.It views the international operations as secondary to an extension of its domestic operations.国内市场扩展的概念。国内公司,寻求扩展其国内的产品销售到国外市场说明了这个方向的国际市场营销。它将国际

11、业务二次扩展国内业务 2)Multi-Domestic concept.Once a company recognizes the importance of differences in overseas markets and the importance of off shore business to their organization,its orientation toward international business may shift to a Multi-Domestic Market Strategy.Multi-Domestic概念。一旦公司承认的重要性不同的海外市

12、场和离岸业务的组织的重要性,它对国际业务的定位可能转向Multi-Domestic市场策略。 3)Global marketing concept.A company guided by this new orientation or philosophy is generally referred to as a global company,it marketing activity is global marketing,and its market coverage is the world.全球营销的概念。公司遵循这一新的取向或哲学通常被称为作为一个全球公司,营销活动是全球营销,市场

13、覆盖率是世界。5.Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve global awareness. 讨论必要的三个因素来实现全球意识。 1)Objectivity.Objective in assessing opportunities evaluating potential,and responding to problems.客观性。评估潜在的机会,客观的评估和应对的问题。 2)Tolerance toward cultural differences.Tolerance is understanding cultural differen

14、ces and accepting and working with others whose behavior may be different from yours.对文化差异的容忍度。宽容是理解和接受文化差异和工作与他人的行为可能与你的不同。 3)Knowledge.Knowledgeable about cultures,history,world market potentials,and global economy and social trends is critical for a person to be culturally aware. 知识。了解文化、历史、世界市场潜

15、力,全球经济和社会发展趋势的文化意识对一个人至关重要。Chapter 2一Key TermsBOPMs:bottom-of-the-pyramid markets.It consisting of the 4 billion people across the globe with annual incomes of less than $1200.These markets are not necessarily defined by national borders but rather by the pockets of poverty across countries.BOPMs:金字

16、塔底层市场。它组成的全球40亿人的年收入不到1200美元。这些市场不一定是由国界而是各国贫困的口袋。二Discuss the economic and trade importance of the big emerging markets.讨论经贸大型新兴市场的重要性。The BEMs differ from other developing countries because they import more than smaller markets an more than economies of similar size.As they embark on economic deve

17、lopment,demand for capital goods to build their manufacturing base and develop infrastructure increases.Increased economic activity means more jobs and more income to spend on products not yet produced locally.Thus,as their economies expend,there is an accelerated growth in demand for goods and serv

18、ices.much of which must be imported.BEM merchandise imports are expected to be nearly one trillion dollars higher than they were in 1990,if services are added,the amount jumps beyond one trillion dollars.金字塔底层市场不同于其他发展中国家,因为他们进口超过小市场一个相似大小的经济体。当他们走上经济发展、资本品需求建立自己的生产基地和发展基础设施的增加。增加经济活动意味着更多的就业机会和更多的收

19、入花在产品没有当地生产。因此,正如他们的经济消耗,加速对商品和服务的需求的增长。其中大部分必须进口。本商品进口预计将比1990年高出近一万亿美元,如果服务,跳跃量超出一万亿美元。Chapter 3一.Key Terms1.Culture:culture can be defined as a societys accepted basis for responding to external and internal events.文化:文化可以被定义为一个社会的接受基础应对内部和外部事件。2.Sustainable development:is a joint approach among

20、those who seek economic growth with“wise resource management,equitable distribution of benefits and reduction of negative effects on people and the environment from the process of economic growth”.可持续发展:是一种联合的方法在那些寻求经济增长与“智慧资源管理、公平分配利益和减少对人类和环境造成的负面影响经济增长的过程”。二Discuss1.How dose an understanding of h

21、istory help an international marketer? 如何剂量历史的理解帮助国际营销人员吗? History helps define a nations“mission”,how it to perceives its neighbors.How it see its place in the world,an how it sees itself. Insights into the history of a country are important for understanding attitudes about the role of government

22、and business.The relations between managers and the managed,the sources of management authority,and attitudes toward foreign corporations. 历史帮助定义一个国家的“使命”,如何感知它的邻居。如何看到自己在世界上的位置,一个认为自己。对一个国家的历史是很重要的对于理解态度对政府和企业的角色。经理之间的关系和管理,管理权力的来源,对于外国公司的态度。 To understand,explain,and appreciate a peoples image of

23、itself and the attitudes and unconscious fears that are reflected in its view of foreign cultures,it is necessary to study the culture as it is how as well as to understand the cultures as it was -that is,a countrys history.Finally,we must learn that history also influences business decisions such a

24、s foreign direct investments,market entry,and even personnel choices. 理解、解释和欣赏一个人的自身形象和态度和无意识的担心都反映在它的外国文化,有必要研究的文化以及如何理解文化时,即一个国家的历史。最后,我们必须学习历史也会影响外国直接投资等业务决策,市场准入,甚至人员的选择。2.The market“should also examine the more complex effect of geography on general market characteristics,distribution systems,a

25、nd the state of the economy.”Comment. 市场“也应该检查更复杂的地理位置对一般市场特点的影响,分布系统,和国家的经济。”评论。 The tendency is to study the aspects of geography as isolated entities isolated entities rather than as important causal agents of the marketing environment.Geography is much more than memorizing countries,capitals,and

26、 rivers.It also includes an understanding of how a societys culture and economy are affected as a nation struggles to supply its peoples needs within the him its imposed by its physical make up.The marketer should also examine the more complex effect of geography upon general market characteristics,

27、distribution systems,and the state of economy. 趋势是研究地理作为孤立的实体方面的孤立的实体,而不是作为重要的因果代理营销环境。地理不仅仅是记忆的国家,首都,河流。它还包括一个了解社会的文化和经济的影响作为一个国家努力供应人们的需求在他受到其物理组成。营销人员还应该研究更复杂的地理的影响在一般市场特点、分布系统和经济的状态。 It is more than important geographic characteristics a marketer needs to consider when assessing the environment

28、aspects of marketing.Examing the world as a whole provides the reader with abroad view of world markets and an awareness of the effects of geographic diversity on the economic profiles of various nations. 多重要的地理特征营销者需要考虑当评估环境方面的营销。选取世界作为一个整体为读者提供国外的世界市场和一个意识的影响不同国家地理多样性的经济资料。3.The telegraph,the tele

29、phone,television,satellites,the computer,mobile phones,and the Internet have all had effect on how international business operates.Discuss how each of these communications affects international business management. 电报、电话、电视、卫星、计算机、手机和互联网对国际商业如何运作都有影响。讨论这些沟通如何影响国际商务管理。 Communication infrastructures a

30、re an integral part of international commerce.An under pinning of all commerce is effect we communications-knowledge of where goods and services exist and where they are needed and the ability to communicate instantaneously across vast distance.Continuous improvement in electronic communications hav

31、e facilitated the expansion of trade.First came the telegraph,then the telephone,television,satellites,mobile phones,the computer the technology has had a profound effect on human conditions economic growth,and the manner in which commerce function.Each how communications technology has spawned new

32、business models;some existing business have reinvented their practices to adapt to the new technology,while other businesses have failed to respond and thus created to exist .The Internet and mobile phone revolutions will be different;they too affect human conditions,economic growth and the manner in which commerce operates. 通信基础设施是国际贸易的一个组成部分。下一个将是影响我们的贸易通信知识商品和服务的存在,需要的地方和沟通的能力瞬间穿过巨大的距离。持续改进在电子通讯促进贸易的扩张。首先是电报,电话、电视、卫星、移动电话、计算机技术已经对人类产生了深远的影响条件的经济增长,和商务功能的方式。每个通信技术如何催生了新的商业模式,一些现有的业务已经开始他们的做法,以适应了新技术,而其他企业未能回应,因此创建的存在。互联网和移动电话革命会是

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