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1、HSE专业词汇及相关信息HSE1. 常用单词及短语HSE-health, safety, environment 健康、安全、环境condition 状况guard 护罩stabbing valve 回压凡尔housekeeping 设备管理safety pin 安全销secure 安全、固定ground 接地in good shape 状况良好goggles 护目镜hearing protection 听力保护safety belts 安全带hard hat 安全帽first aid kit 急救箱eye wash station洗眼站fire extinguisher 灭火器stretch

2、er 担架safety sign 安全标志BOP drill 防喷演习MSDS-material safety deliver sheet 材料安全运输单alarm 报警runoff 排泄certificate 证书disc brake 盘刹eddy current brake 涡流刹车corrosion inhibitor 防腐液(剂)scale/descale(除)水垢(水锈)elevation 海拔latitude 纬度longitude 经度Violate the regulation 违规Reward 奖励A certificate of award奖状A certificate o

3、f merit 奖状Reward(commend) sb for sth/doing sthdowntime 停工proactive 积极主动的a break in the circuit.电路中的断路。MER:Moduspec Equipment Rating jack-upsfrom a maintenance and safety qualitative point of view non-conformance (discrepancy)不符合industry average encounter a fatality or serious accidentcritical rating

4、valid ,validity, revalidationexpiry 满期2. 阅读练习1. Safety Meeting Instructions -安全会指令Monday, 01-03-26 2001年3月26日 星期一- Thank you everyone for attending 谢谢大家的参加。- The purpose of this meeting to review safety practices and drilling procedures 这次会议的目的是回顾安全作业和钻井程序。- I want everyone to know that on this work

5、 site every man is of same importance. 我想要大家都知道井场上的每一个人都同样重要。- Everyone has a job and every man has a boss. 每个人都有一份工作和一个老板。- It does not matter where any man was born or if he is orange, purple, red, black or white. Everyone will be respected and treated equal no matter what position he is working.

6、无论他是出生在哪、黄皮肤、紫色皮肤、红色皮肤、黑色还是白色都没关系,每个人不管他是什么职位都会得到尊敬和平等对待。- There are many men here that have experience. There are many men here who do not have experience. I want every one to please listen to everything. If you have any suggestions or questions please wait until I am done. 这里有许多人很有经验,也有很多人没有经验;我想请

7、大家先听完,如果你有什么建议和问题也请等我先说完。- The first thing to stress is safety. This is every persons concern. We are a team here and everyone must take care of everyone else. If one man is not safe this is a risk to all. We must take care of each other. 首先强调的是安全,这关系到每一个人,我们是一个团队因此这里的每一个人都应关心其他的人;如果有一个人不安全那么对所有人都是一

8、种风险,我们必须互相照顾。- Everyone must always think before doing any job. If the job is not safe then make it safe before starting. 每个人在做任何事之前都应先想好,如果这件工作不安全那么先采取措施使其安全然后再开始做- After everyone is fully practiced being safe then the next importance is to learn to do your work properly. 在每一个人都能很安全的工作以后,下一个重要事情就是学

9、习如何正确的工作。- If you are safe and good then you will be fast. 如果你能做到安全工作并且素质好那么你会进步很快。- Military is only allowed outside the dirt berm; not at the rig ; not at camp. Military has permission to take any GNPOC trash or scrap from the garbage pit. This is the only time they are allowed inside the berm. If

10、 military has any concerns they must speak thru their commander; he can then relay message thru OEPA. If any questions or problems with military please inform OEPA. 军队人员只允许待在土围墙外面,不能在队上,不能在营地。部队可以从垃圾坑拣GNPOC的垃圾,这是他们唯一可以到围墙内的时间。如果军队人员有事情必须请示他们的指挥官,然后指挥官把此事通报给OEPA; 如果和军队之间有任何问题请通知OEPA。- My job is to on

11、ly bring all these things to everyones attention. My job is not to think for you, but to train you to think for yourself. This way we all help each other. 我的工作只是让大家思考这些事情,我的工作是帮助你自己去思考而并不是为你去想,这样我们互相帮助。- See other safety meeting sheets. 看一下其他的安全会议记录。- If bees are a problem; please avoid them during

12、the day and then wait until night time when bees are sleeping. Then soak them with diesel fuel and they will die. Welder may use torch if given permission. 如果蜂群给你造成麻烦,清先躲开他们等到晚上蜜蜂睡觉时,向他们泼洒柴油就会杀死他们,在允许的情况下电焊工也可使用气割枪。- Only the Driller, Toolpush, or Assistant Driller is allowed to run brake handle and

13、 controls. If Assistant driller is on there, then Toolpush must stay with him all the time. If any hole problems or emergencies then rig manager on controls. 只允许司钻、带班队长、或副司钻操作刹把和控制开关,如果副司钻在操作那么带班队长必须一直和他在一起,如果井下复杂或有紧急情况那么平台经理接管。- The remote choke has to be function tested every day; close and check

14、at manifold that it operated properly; then open and leave open to be set for taking a kick. Be sure somebody is watching it close then open fully. 远控节流阀必须每天功能测试,关闭并在节流管汇处检查是否正常工作,然后打开并保持打开状态以便控制井涌。确保专人观察其关闭然后完全打开。- Tie down de-gasser line and choke line to pipe racks. 把节流管线和除气管线固定在管排架上。- Just a rem

15、inder that these formations here can be tricky when trying to determine drill bit performance and parameters. They seem to change from claystone (bentonitic, reactive shales) to sandstone and even though prognosis calls something sandstone that does not mean that it is; or visa versa on shale. This

16、rig really torques up the table bushing with lots of slap when formations change. This scares the rig crews and they tend to back off the weight on bit rather than slow down rpm and continue to drill through it. We must continue to drill ahead being cautious (Toolpush on brake handle if required). T

17、ry to keep drilling parameters steady and constant. 只是提醒大家在确定钻头性能和钻井参数时以下地层可能比较困难,他们看起来象从泥岩(搬土、造浆页岩)地层变化到砂岩地层,即使设计称作砂岩一类,但实际并不是,反过来对泥岩也是如此。这个队经历过当地层变化时扭矩增加引起补芯猛烈撞击转盘补芯的情况,这吓坏了井队人员于是他们试着去减小钻压而不是降低转速继续钻进打过这一段;我们必须继续小心钻进(如果需要带班队长操作刹把),试着保持钻井参数稳定不变。- Wiper Trip after every 2nd survey: work pipe & circ b

18、tm up / Pump Slug / survey / wiper trip to at least 100 meters above last trip in depth. If hole tight and high Overpull, keep pulling out until drill string is free then another 100 meters up.每2次测斜后短起下(拉井壁),活动钻具、循环一个迟到时间打重泥浆压水眼测斜至少短起到上次短起井深100米以上,如果遇到小井眼和大的遇阻段,继续起钻到自由段,然后继续起100米。- On surveys withou

19、t a trip following; we only need to work pipe & circ for 15 minutes prior to taking survey. 在不起钻只测斜的情况下,只需要活动钻具和循环15分钟就可测斜了。- Be sure to check and write in tour book each tour: Reduced Speed Pump Pressure. ( Slow pump speed and pressure ) 保证每班测试和记录低泵冲压力(泵冲和泵压)。2. 起架大绳事故报告RAISING LINE INCIDENT REPORT

20、 ON RIG GWDC # 03TO : LES LEE CC : MALIK MIRGHANIFROM : CASEY SMITHSeptember 28, 1999.Visually inspected raising lines , found several broken wires on one strand on the longer length. Replaced same with a new chinese manufactured spare.外观检查起架大绳,在较长一根的一股上发现几根断丝,换了同一型号的新的中国产备用大绳Magnifluxed all spelter

21、 sockets and pins, found one pin cracked, replaced same with a new one. 对大绳灌锌接头和销子探伤发现一个销子有裂痕,就换了一个新的。Installed all lines, secure dead and fast line, remove slings from traveling block. 安装所有大绳,固定死绳和快绳,拆掉游车上的绳套。Perform pre raise inspection. ( all sheavs well lubricated & turning freely safety pins in

22、 place, all loose items secured or removed ) 进行起架子前检查(所有滑轮良好润滑、转动灵活、安全销齐全、所有散的物品都被固定或移走)。Tension lines to 140,000 # pull, short raising line parted at the spelter socket nearest to the traveling blocks. (normally pull up to 230,000 #two or three times then lift derrick a few inches off crown stand.

23、Inspect everything again before continuing)大绳拉力到140千磅,较短的那根起架大绳在离游车最近端的灌锌接头断开。(通常拉伸到230千磅2到3次,然后起井架离开天车支架几英寸,再次检查所有项目后继续)Extensive damage to monkey board , kin ked drilling line, and new raising line at the spelter socket. 二层台损坏严重, 钻井大绳和起架大绳的灌锌接头一端打扭。Note;The line that failed had raised or lowered t

24、he derrick a total of four times prior to failure.注:此断裂的大绳在断裂以前总共起、放井架4次。3. 补充材料1. 钻井监督周安全检查表国外钻井队周用安全检查表,见表6-1,参考译文见表6-2。参考译文 表6-2 钻井监督周检查报告队号: 井号: 日期:平台经理: 钻井监督:A. 钻台F. 泥浆泵区K. 个人劳保设备是否是否是否1猫头及护罩状况满意 1振动筛 OK6戴安全帽2除气器 OK7正确穿工鞋2猫头绳状况满意3所有接箍安全8系安全带3气葫芦状况满意4泥浆混合设备 OK5通风充足L. 安全设备和警告标志4水龙带安全链牢固6泥浆净化设备 OK

25、1备有急救箱5 大钳,钳牙,绳,卡子状况满意2洗眼处 OKG. 锅炉3有灭火器且检查过6平衡块缓冲且安全1水管线 OK7有回压凡尔2油管线 OK4有担架8司钻操作箱正确标识及保护3汽管线及接箍 OK5有气体探测设备且可用4护镜罩OK9绞车刹车调整合适5控制部分 OK6硫化氢警告标志就位6电缆OK7禁止烟火标志就位10刹车铰链 OK7库房满意 OK8高压电标志就位11钻井钢丝绳状况良好9噪音危害健康标志就位12防碰天车就位,调整合适H. 钻台, 梯子和 扶手10化学药品危害健康标志就位1钻台整洁 11自动启动设备标志13库房满意2钻台板及护栏就位12灭火器标志就位B. 柴油机3所有扶手及趾板就位

26、13安全规则张贴1紧急停机装置 OK2排气系统OK4梯子水平,整洁,安全M. 记录3护罩就位且安全1周安全会4漏油2防喷演习5库房满意I. 井场3事故1井口到易燃设备. 25m4封井器每日功能测试C.底座和井架2井口到住房 25m5封井器压力测试1所有安全销子就位3井口到燃烧管线终端 50m6安全检查2拉筋及斜拉筋就位4井口到垃圾焚烧坑 50m7周刹车检查3井架梯子安全就位5污染流体控制得当8滑大绳和割大绳记录6通向井场的道路合适且清洁9BOP 授予证书 B.C.4逃跑绳和吊篮 OK10起下钻记录填写齐全5二层台区 OK11授予证书数量 6天车区 OKJ. 管架台区7游车及大钩 OK1管架台水

27、平且端销子就位N.其他1焚化炉检查D. 照明及电缆2管架台到滑道安全2泥浆总体积系统就位且工作1系统正确接地3灌泥浆小罐和标杆 OK2插头和插座 OK3滑道和坡道OK4泥浆量供给充足3电缆状况良好 5有MSDS 表4灯泡和灯管 OK6围起污坑篱笆5所有区域照明充足K.个人劳保设备6库房满意1砂轮和配泥浆处的护目镜O. 井场住房1吸烟探测器 OKE. 泥浆泵区2有听力保护设备2灭火器 OK1所有管线安全3有安全带和绳索3锅炉和水加热器检查 2安全阀销子正确数量. 3安全阀盖就位4有呼吸装置且检查过4烟囱加长部分就位4软管安全链数量. 5丙烷(液化气管线接地5护罩就位5正确穿戴工衣6丙烷系统合适的调节器6库房满意 O. 井场住房(续P.营房(续)Q. 环境是否是否是否7电路系统 OK5发电房接地4井场隔离适当?8大型丙烷罐正确就位且方向正确6大型丙烷罐正确就位且方向正确5有盐水,化学药品或原油泄漏吗7营房整洁6用水量最小吗?P. 营房1灭火器 OK且可用Q.环境(续)7所有垃圾全部拣起且正确封装2火警报警好用1井场道路良好吗3烟雾和过热探测器可用2损坏政府或私人的道路吗8泥浆坑充足且正确地建设吗4锅炉房清洁3污水得到正确

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