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1、常用核心句型常用核心句型 开头段的常用核心句型 1The arguer may be right about , but he seems to neglect (fail to mention) (fail to take into account) the fact that . 辨方这么说也许是对的,但他好像忽略了这样一个事实 2As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) accepted (held) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that 与人们普遍所持的观点

2、正相反,我认为 3Although many people believe that , I doubt (wonder) whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 许多人都认为,但我却怀疑这种论调是否经得起仔细推敲/检验。 4The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. B从任何方面来说利都大于A。 5Although it

3、is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that , it is unlikely to be true that 尽管人们普遍认为,但不可能 6There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) reason (fact) that .尽管此种说法有几分道理,但它却忽略了一个更深层的基本道理 7It is true

4、 that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,) , but it doesnt follow (it is unlikely / this is not to say / it doesnt mean / it wont be the case) that . 诚然,但这并不是意味着 8The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the bare

5、 (basic) fact that .这种论点的问题在于它无视这样一个事实的真相 9It would be reasonable (natural / possible) to take the view (believe / think) that , but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that . 如果要说还情有可原,但要认为那就荒诞可笑了。 10In all the discussion and debate over , one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked

6、(neglected). 在围绕进行的所有讨论中,有一个重要的事实被人们普遍忽略了。 11There is absolutely (in fact) no / every reason for us to believe / reject (accept / resist) that . 我们绝对没有理由 / 有理由认为 / 反对 12Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when is taken into c

7、onsideration (account). 尽管这种论点很有道理,我本人也由衷赞同,但如果考虑到它就显得微不足道/无足轻重了。 13To assume (suggest) that is far from being proved (to miss the point). 认为根本没有事实依据/没说到点子上/未领会其意义 14A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy 软弱的,脆弱 的(groundless / fallacious正式缪误的)

8、it is.仔细研究这种论点就会发现它根本站不住脚。 15At first thought (On the surface), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) solution (suggestion / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that 乍一看,这也许是一个不错的办法,但仔细想来,我们发现 16Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to

9、 / importance attached to) may obscure 使难理解,变模 糊(overlook / neglect) other facts .过于关注可能会忽略其他方面。 17The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that.问题在于 18What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that .辩方未能领会的是 19We dont have to look very far to see (find out) the validity (tru

10、th) of this proposition 议题,论点,陈述 (argument). 这个论点的正确性无需深究即可看出。 20However just 恰当,合适(logical / sound / valid ) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 无论这一论点多么有道理,它也是浮光掠影地看问题。 21Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified ) by people for ,

11、 one should +be stressed (emphasized / mentioned ). 人们对所提出的最可信的理由中,有一点应特别加以强调。 22As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that .但就个人而言,我认为23I believe that the title statement is valid because (of) .我认为该标题的论点是有根据的/令人信服的,因为 24I agree with the above statement because I believe that . 本人赞同上述论点,因为我相信

12、 25Although I appreciate that , I cannot agree with the title statement. 虽然我很欣赏,但对题目的论点不能苟同。26There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of . Those who object to argue that . But people who favor , on the other hand, argue that. 时下对的问题有广泛的争议。那些对持反对观点的人认为。而从另一方面来说,有人却对此持赞同意见。他们认为 27Current

13、ly (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a (n) widespread (general / growing / widely held) concern over (feeling towards / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in). 近来,人们对普遍表示关注。 28Now it is increasingl

14、y (widely / generally / commonly) acknowledged (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / believed ) that . But I wonder (doubt) whether .现在人们越来越多地承认。可是我却怀疑其是否 29These days we are often told that (often hear about) , but is this really the case? 最近我们经常听说.,但事实上果真如此吗? 中间段的常用核心句型 1Although the pop

15、ular belief is that , a current (new / recent) survey (study / poll / investigation) demonstrates (shows / indicates) that .人们普遍认为,但最近的一项调查表明 2Common sense tells us that . 有常识的人都知道 3The failure (change) in partly (largely / mainly) results from (arises from / is because of) . 造成这一缺陷的部分/主要原因是由于 4The

16、increase (success) in is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that .这一成就是缘于 5Many people would claim that .许多人都会主张 6One may attribute (ascribe把归因于/ owe) the decrease (increase / change ) to , but is not by itself an adequate explanation. 也许有人认为这种下降是由于.,但这本身并不足以说明问题。 7One of the reasons given

17、 for is that .这其中的一个原因就是 8What is also worth noticing is that .还有一点值得注意的就是 9There are a variety of (different / several /a number of / many) causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in . First, . Second, . Finally, . 造成这种大幅上扬的原因很多。首先,。其次,。最后,。 10

18、There is no evidence to suggest that. 没有证据表明 11Why are (is / do / did) ? For one thing, . For another, .为什么会这样?一方面,。另一方面 12Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that . 我对上述论点表示异议的另一个原因是 13It gives rise to (lead to / bring about /create) a host of consequences (problems). 由此产生了一系列的后果。 1

19、4There are numerous reasons why , and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 之所以会这样,原因很多。这里我只能探析其中最重要的几个原因。 15It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on . 这将对产生深远的 /

20、 灾难性的影响。 16A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the development (increase / decrease / success / failure / change) in . 铸就这一方面成就的因素众多。 17In 2000, it shot up (rose / jumped / increased)from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 perce

21、nt). 2000年,从5%飙升到总数的10%(上升到15%/上升了15%)。 18By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 与2002年相比,从10%下降到了5%(下降到15% / 下降了15%) 19It accounts for 15 percent of the total. 占总数的15%。 20There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of

22、5 percent in a five-month period. 四月份发生交通事故100起,五个月当中上升了5%。 21By 2003, as many as (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ only) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred

23、to (liked ) . 与去年相比,2003年时多达四分之三的在校大学生倾向于 22With the general recognition (improvement / rise / growth / development / acknowledgement / realization) of , vast changes awaits this countrys society. 随着人们对普遍认可,这个国家的社会必将发生巨变。 23Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are getting (c

24、oming / beginning) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that . 越来越多的人们开始意识到 24According to a (n) recent (new / official) poll (survey / report / study), . 最近的一项民意调查显示, 25History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of .纵观历史,的例子不胜枚举。 26The case (story / instance / situation) is not isolated (rare / unique), it is typical of dozens (one of many examples). 这个例子并不是孤立的,它只是几十个类似实例中最具代表性的。

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