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1、定语从句总复习100题专项练习含答案版定语从句总复习100题专项练习含答案版1.I have a friend_ has a good camera.a. who b. whom c. whose d. he2.The man _ today left this message for you.a. called b. has called c. whom called d. who called3.The man _ is our new teacher.a. whom you spoke b. whom you spoke to c. you spoke d. you spoke with

2、 whom4.I dont think the number of the people_ this happens is very large.a. whom b. who c.of whom d. to whom5.Do you work near the building_ color is yellow?a. that b. which c. whose d. its6.Here is the girl_ school bag has been stolen.a. who b. whom c. whose d. her7.The number of people _lost homes

3、 reached as many as 250000.a. who b. whom c. whose d. which8.It sounded like a train_ was going under my house.a. who b. which c./ d. whom9.The carmy uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake.a. which b. whom c.who d. whose10.The boy _ we saw yesterday was Johns brother.a.which b.who c.w

4、hose d. what 11.The swimmer _ you are asking about is over there. a. whom b.which c.whose d.what 12.The building _ window are bright at night is our school building.a. which b.that c.whom d.whose13.Is the river _through that town very large?a. which flows b. flows c. that flowing d. whose flows 14.T

5、he games in _the young men competed were difficult.a.whom b.whose c.which d.that15.He helped his father on the small town _they lived.a.which b.that c.when d.where16.Thats the Science Museum_ we visited last year.a.where whom c.which which17.Thats the factory_ we paid a visit last year.a.w

6、here b. to which c.which which18.She likes to use words_ is clear to him.a.of which the meaning b.of which meaning c.whose of meaning d.meaning of which19.This is the house_ we used to sleep.a.where b.which c.that d.when20.This was a time_ there were still slaves in the USA.a.which b.that c. wh

7、en d.where21.Her sister, _you met at my home, was a teacher of English.a. whom b.that c.which d./22.Im one of the boys_ never late for school.a.that is b.who is c.who are d.who am23.He is the most boring speaker _ I have ever heard.A.who b.that c.whose d.which24.Mr Anderson I thought _died 3 years a

8、go , is still living.a.who b.whom c.that d.which25.He is the last person _I want to see.a. who b.whom c. that d. which26.-Did you ask the guard what happened? -Yes, he told me all_ he knew. a. about which b. which c. that d. what27.John was the only one _ I had visited.a. which b. that c. whom d. wh

9、o28.The second book _ I want to read is Red Star Over Cina.a. which b. what c. that d. as29.The boy handed everything_ he had picked up in the street to the police.a. which b. what c. that d. whatever30.There is nothing in the world _ can frighten him.a. that b. who c. which d. whom31.Who _ knows hi

10、m would trust him?a. whom b. that c. who d. which32.The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned.a. which b. who c. of which d. that33.which of these trains is the one _ goes to Nanjing?a. which b. of which c. of these d.that34. Look at the girl and her dog_ are crossing the bridge. a. w

11、hich b. who c. they d. that35.The train was crowded and I had to get into a carriage_ already seven other people.a. when there were b. which there were c. that there were d.where there were36.Ill never forget the days _I stayed in your beautiful country.a. when b. in which c. on which d. on that37.S

12、eptember13,1931 is the day_ well never forget.a.when b. on which c. on that d. that38.I know a place_we can have a quiet talk.a. which b. where c. when d. at which39.Is there any fruit shop nearby_ we can buy some fruit?a. at that b. at where c. which d. at which40.I see no reason_ this cant be done

13、 right now.a.but b. why c. how d. which41.The building_ all elder university teachers prefer looks so beautiful.a. at which b. where c. which d. on which42. You may stay_ you like.a.for how long b. for which time c. at which d. where43.The only language_ is easy to learn is the mother tongue. a. whi

14、ch b. whose c. that d. it44. Have you seen the girl_?a.that I told b. I told you of c. whom I told you d. I told you of him45.The dictionary_ is sold out in the need b. which you need it c. what you need d. that you need it46. Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing?a.what b. whic

15、h c. in which d. where47. The company _I visited last year was not the one_ I once worked.a. which ;which b. where ;which c. which ;where d. where ; where48. The orphan came from Henan Province, _ is far from here. a. which b. that c. where d. in which49. They rely on themselves, _ is much better. a

16、. what b. that c. who d. which50. You are the very man_ they are looking for at the moment.a.that b. which c. whom d. who51. He said he had read a book, _was a lie.a. about which b. which c. of which d. of course it52. They are the boys _I went to school with. a. which b. where c. whom d. when53. _

17、we know, more than seventy percent of the earth is covered with water.a. Which b. As c. Whom d. When54. He was in a traffic jam, _ made him late for school.a. that b. what c. how d. which55. I dont like the people_ lose their temper easily.a.whose b. which c. who d. whom56. You d better make a mark_

18、 you have any questions_ you read a the place; while b.b. to the place; wherec. where ; / d. in the place where; when57. The reason_ he was late for school was that he had knocked down by a bike.a. why b. where c. when d. that58. That was _I wanted.a. which b. the one what c. the one d. on

19、e which59. This is the largest clock in the world,_ the minute hand is six metres long.a. where b. of which c. whose d. which60.Look! the dictionary,_ is red, is a birthday gift given by father.a. which cover b. the cover of whichc. the whose cover d. that the cover61.Do you still remember one eveni

20、ng a week ago _I came to your room and borrowed a diamond necklace?a. that b which c. when d. where62. Do you know the actor you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear? a.who b.whom c.whose d.which63. She didnt tell us the reason_ she had given up the chance.a.for that b. for which c. for it d. b

21、ecause of which64. Who can think of a situation_ the idiom is often used?a.where b. which c. that d. how65. They are carrying some empty boxes_ these books will be placed. a. where b. which c. that d. as66. Bamboo grows best in the place _ it is warm and rains often.a.which b. where c. that d. as67.

22、 Is this museum_ some German friends visited last Sunday? a. that b. where c. which d. the one68. Is this the factory_ he worked twenty years ago? a. where b. that c. which d. the one69. Is this the factory_ you visited last month? a. where b. that c. in which d. the one70. Those _not only from book

23、s but also through practice will succeed.a.learn b. who c. that learn d. who learn71. Can you lend me the novel_ the other day?a.that you talked b. you talked about it c. which you talked with d. you talked about72.Anyone_ this opinion may speak out. a. that is against b. who are against c. that aga

24、inst d. who is against73. A room_ we do experiment is a lab. a. where b. that c. which d. in that74. Mr Smith is one of the foreign experts who _ in b. is working c. are working d. has been working75. She had two daughters, _ became doctors.a.all of them b. both of them c. all of whom

25、d. both of whom76. Dont talk about such things _ you are not sure of. A .that b. what c. those d. as77. They talked for about an hour of the things and persons _they remembered. a. which b. that c. whom d. who78. The children were all interested in _they had seen in the exhibition. a. which b. that

26、all c. all what d. all that79._ is known to us all, the earth moves around the sun.a. This b. That c. It d. As80. He was the man _ Master of the Game was translated. a. by whom b. by who c. by whose d. by him81. This is the very child_ parents were killed in the war. a. who b. that c. whose d. whom8

27、2. The number of the visitors,_ we had expected, was well over two thousand.a.that b. as c. who d. where83. How do you like the book? It is quite different from I read last month. a. that b. which c. in which d. the one84.The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired. a. that b. whos c.whose d.

28、of which85. The building over there is a library ,_is our gym.a.on the east of which b. to the east of itc. on the east of that d. east of which86. In our school there are one thousand students,40 percent of _ are girl students.a.who b. whom c. whose d. which87. He was the only one of the students _

29、 late this morning.a. that was b. that were c. who was d. who were88. The stems of bamboo are hollow,_ them very light. a. that make b. that makes c. which make d. which makes89. I will give your daughter a toy plane_ she would like to play. a. which b. that c. for which d. with which90. The magazin

30、e _ Betty paid one dollar was very good. a. that b . which c. for which d. to which91. My mother has a house in New York,_ she bought three years ago.a.which b. where c. that d. whose92. We admired him for the way_ he faced his difficulties. a. in which b. in that c. which d. how93. What game is popular with them? -The _most is they like it b. best game they game they like it d. game they like94. Keep away from such things _will do you harm.a. as b. that c. to which d. which95. You can buy as many copies of this book_ you want.a. that b. as c. which d. for which96.Th

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