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1、大学英语六级阅读真题2019 年 6 月大学英语六级阅读真题Part Reading Comprehension (40 minutes )Section ADirections : In this section , there is a passage withten blanks 。 You are required to select one word for eachblank from a list of choices given in a word bank followingthe passage 。 Read the passage through carefully be

2、foremaking your choices 。 Each choice in the bank is identifiedby a letter 。 Please mark the corresponding letter for eachitem on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre 。You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once 。Did Sarah Josepha Hale write “Marys Lit tle Lamb ,”the

3、eternal nursery rhyme (儿歌) about girl named Mary witha stubborn lamb ? This is still disputed , but it s clearthat the woman 26 for writing it was one of America s mostfascinating 27 。 In honor of the poem publication on May 24 ,1830, heres more about the 28 author s life 。Hale wasnt just a writer ,

4、 she was also a 29 socialadvocate , and she was particularly 30 with an ideal NewEngland, which she associated with abundant Thanksgivingmeals that she claimed had “a deep moral influence ,” s hebegan a nationwide 31 to have a national holiday declaredthat would bring families together while celebra

5、ting the 32festivals 。 In 1863 , after 17 years of advocacy includingletters to five presidents , Hale got it 。 President AbrahamLincoln during the Civil War , issued a _33_ setting asidethe last Thursday in November for the holiday 。The true authorship of “Marys Little Lamb ” isdisputed 。 According

6、 to New England Historical Society , Halewrote only one part of the poem , but claimed authorship 。Regardless of the author , it seems that the poem was_34_by a real event 。 When young Mary Sawyer was followedto school by a lamb in 1816 , it caused some problems 。 Abystander named John Roulstone wro

7、te a poem about the event ,then , at some point , Hale herself seems to have helpedwrite it 。 However, if a 1916 piece by her great-niece is tobe trusted , Hale claimed for the _35_of her life that“Some other people pretended that someone else wrote thepoem”。A) campaign I ) proclamationB) career J )

8、 rectifiedC) characters K ) reputedD) features L ) restE) fierce M ) supposedF) inspired N ) traditionalG) latter O ) versatileH) obsessedSection BDirections : In this section , you are going to read apassage with ten statements attached to it 。 Each statementcontains information given in one of the

9、 paragraphs 。Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived 。You may choose a paragraph more than once 。 Each paragraph ismarked with a letter 。 Answer the question by marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 。Peer Pressure Has a Positive SideA。 Parents of teenagers often view

10、 their children sfriends with something like suspicion 。 They worry that theadolescent peer group has the power to push its members intobehavior that is foolish and even dangerous 。 Such warinessis well founded : statistics show , for example , that ateenage driver with a same-age passenger in the c

11、ar is athigher risk of a fatal crash than an adolescent driving aloneor with an adult 。B。 In a 2005 study , psychologist Laurence Steinberg ofTemple University and his co-author , psychologist MargoGardner, then at Temple , divided 306 people into three agegroups : young adolescents , with a mean ag

12、e of 14 ; olderadolescents , with a mean age of 19 ; and adults , aged 24and older 。 Subjects played a computerized driving game inwhich the player must avoid crashing into a wall thatmaterializes , without warning , on the roadway 。 Steinbergand Gardner randomly assigned some participants to play a

13、loneor with two same-age peers looking on 。C。 Older adolescents scored about 50 percent higher onan index of risky driving when their peers were in the room and the driving of early adolescents was fully twice asreckless when other young teens were around 。 In contrast ,adults behaved in similar way

14、s regardless of whether theywere on their own or observed by others 。 “The presence ofpeers makes adolescents and youth , but not adults , morelikely to take risks ,” Steinberg and Gardner concluded 。D。 Yet in the years following the publication of thisstudy , Steinberg began to believe that this in

15、terpretationdid not capture the whole picture 。 As he and otherresearchers examined the question of why teens were more aptto take risks in the company of other teenagers , they cameto suspect that a crowd s influence need not always benegative 。 Now some experts are proposing that we should takeadv

16、antage of the teen brain s keen sensitivity to thepresence of friends and leverage it to improve education 。E。 In a 2011 study , Steinberg and his colleaguesturned to functional MRI (磁共振) to investigate how thepresence of peers affects the activity in the adolescentbrain 。 They scanned the brains of

17、 40 teens and adults whowere playing a virtual driving game designed to test whetherplayers would brake at a yellow light or speed on through thecrossroad 。F。 The brains of teenagers , but not adults , showedgreater activity in two regions associated with rewards whenthey were being observed by same

18、-age peers than when alone 。In other words , rewards are more intense for teens when theyare with peers , which motivates them to pursue higher-riskexperiences that might bring a big payoff (such as thethrill of just making the light before it turns red )。 ButSteinberg suspected this tendency could

19、also have itsadvantages 。 In his latest experiment , published online inAugust, Steinberg and his colleagues used a computerizedversion of a card game called the Iowa Gambling Task toinvestigate how the presence of peers affects the way youngpeople gather and apply information 。G。 The results : Teen

20、s who played the Iowa GamblingTask under the eyes of fellow adolescents engaged in moreexploratory behavior , learned faster from both positive andnegative outcomes , and achieved better performance on thetask than those who played in solitude 。 “What our studysuggests is that teenagers learn more q

21、uickly and moreeffectively when their peers are present than when they reon their own ,” Steinberg says 。 And this finding could haveimportant implications for how we think about educatingadolescents 。H。 Matthew D 。 Lieberman , a social cognitiveneuroscientist at the University of California , Los A

22、ngeles ,and author of the 2013 book Social : Why Our Brains Are Wiredto Connect , suspects that the human brain is especiallyadept at learning socially salient information 。 He points toa classic 2004 study in which psychologists at DartmouthCollege and Harvard University used functional MRI to trac

23、kbrain activity in 17 young men as they listened todescriptions of people while concentrating on either sociallyrelevant cues (for example , trying to form an impression ofa person based on the description ) or more socially neutralinformation (such as noting the order of details in thedescription )

24、。 The descriptions were the same in eachcondition , but people could better remember these statementswhen given a social motivation 。I 。 The study also found that when subjects thoughtabout and later recalled descriptions in terms of theirinformational content , regions associated with factualmemory

25、, such as the medial temporal lobe , became active 。But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms oftheir social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontalcortex part of the brain s social net workeven astraditional memory regions registered low levels of activity 。More recently , as he

26、reported in a 2012 review , Liebermanhas discovered that this region may be part of a distinctnetwork involved in socially motivated learning and memory 。Such findings , he says , suggest that “this network can becalled on to process and store the kind of information taughtin school potentially givi

27、ng students access to a range ofuntapped mental powers 。”J。 If humans are generally geared to recall detailsabout one another , this pattern is probably even morepowerful among teenagers who are hyperattentive to socialminutiae : who is in , who is out , who likes whom , who ismad at whom。 Their pen

28、chant for social drama is not or notonly a way of distracting themselves from their schoolworkor of driving adults crazy 。 It is actually a neurological(神经的) sensitivity , initiated by hormonal changes 。Evolutionarily speaking , people in this age group are at astage in which they can prepare to fin

29、d a mate and starttheir own family while separating from parents and strikingout on their own 。 To do this successfully , their brainprompts them to think and even obsess about others 。K。 Yet our schools focus primarily on students asindividual entities 。 What would happen if educators insteadtook a

30、dvantage of the fact that teens are powerfullycompelled to think in social terms ? In Social , Liebermanlays out a number of ways to do so 。 History and Englishcould be presented through the lens of the psychologicaldrives of the people involved 。 One could therefore presentNapoleon in terms of his

31、desire to impress or Churchill interms of his lonely melancholy 。 Less inherentlyinterpersonal subjects , such as math , could acquire asocial aspect through team problem solving and peer tutoring 。Research shows that when we absorb information in order toteach it to someone else , we learn it more

32、accurately anddeeply , perhaps in part because we are engaging our socialcognition 。L。 And although anxious parents may not welcome thenotion , educators could turn adolescent recklessness toacademic ends 。 “Risk taking in an educational context is avital skill that enables progress and creativity ,” wrote

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