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1、雅思作文范文3. AD一边倒Some people think wild animals are not import any more, and the protection of them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I disagree with the notion that wild animals are redundant in the current century and therefore we need not waste our precious resources

2、in protecting them. I believe that the conservation of these species should be our top priority as they are our most precious resources. In the following paragraphs I will put forth my arguments to support my views. The most important reason for saving wild animals is that they are part of our ecosy

3、stem. Every species of wildlife plays a role to maintain the balance of life on Earth. Thus, the loss of any species can affect us directly or indirectly. Let us consider species to be like a brick in the foundation of a building. We can probably lose one or two or a dozen bricks and still have a st

4、anding house. But by the time we have lost 20 per cent of species, we are going to destabilize the entire structure. Thats the way ecosystems work. Secondly, wild animals provide many valuable substances such as medicine and fur. The horn of the rhinoceros has medicinal value and the fur of the mink

5、 is very valuable. The recreational viewing of animals at zoos is also a source of revenue. Thus, the financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations. Finally, wild animals have aesthetic appeal. They are beautiful creatures of nature and are a part of our bio-diversity

6、. Their beautiful and mysterious life has enchanted mankind since the dawn of evolution. Scientists have been awed by observing their behavior. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge by

7、studying the effect of many drugs on these animals. In conclusion, the protection of wild animals is by no means a waste of resources. In fact it should be the most important global priority today. We should protect species because they are working parts of our life. 4. LB一边倒Almost everyone nowadays

8、 wants to own a car. Do you think the disadvantages of the car outweigh its advantages?The car has become an article of dress without which we feel uncertain and incomplete. In my opinion, the advantages of the car outstrip its disadvantages. There are many advantages of car. The most important adva

9、ntage is that it has given people freedom of movement. The ease of transportation which a car brings is more than any other form of transportation. For instance, you can go from destination to destination and no time is wasted waiting for the bus or train. Therefore, time and distance are not a barr

10、ier any more. What is more, families can go out together. This becomes especially helpful when there are elderly or the disabled and sick members in the family. Furthermore, the automobile industry provides jobs to millions of workers. Filling stations, restaurants, and other businesses that serve a

11、utomobile travelers are of major importance to a countrys economy. In addition, many developing nations have begun making automobiles to boost their economy. That is why China has promoted many automobile manufacturing industries such as Cherry and GEELY. On the other hand the disadvantages of the c

12、ar cannot be overlooked. The increase in pollution, traffic jams and accidents are the natural squeal to the burgeoning population of cars. Moreover, our overdependence on cars can lead to decrease in practices such as walking and cycling and this has led to a number of diseases such as obesity. On

13、balance, the advantages to peoples lives and the economic impact created by the car definitely outweigh the disadvantages. However, we must know when and how-much to use the car so that we can minimize the demerits to some extent. 5. AD平衡式Some people say that the government should not put money on b

14、uilding theatres and sports stadiums. They should spend more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or disagree? It is a highly debatable issue whether the government should spend money on medicine and education rather than on theatres and sports stadiums. In my opinion, all these things

15、are important for the people and therefore, the government should allocate equal resources for both. Basic medical care is very important for the general public. If people are healthy, there will be more productivity of work and the country will prosper as a whole. There are many people who live bel

16、ow the poverty line and it is the governments responsibility that they should receive medical aid whenever needed. There are also the elderly who have paid taxes throughout their working life and now need good medical care. Good education facilities are also the duty of the government. Today, there

17、are a number of children from deprived backgrounds who get substandard education. They will definitely require a high quality of education if they are to succeed in later life. What is more, an educated society has less crime and violence and the country gets good recognition in the whole world if i

18、ts people are educated.On the other hand, theatres and sports stadiums are equally essential for people. Art and entertainment is also a basic human need. Theatrical shows provide entertainment and at the same time preserve our culture and tradition. Our artists earn name and fame for our country. S

19、ports stadiums, similarly, attract millions of spectators to watch matches every year. Many more millions watch games on television, read about them in newspapers, and discuss them with their friends. Therefore, we cannot say that these are unnecessary expenditures and therefore the government shoul

20、d ignore them. I tend to believe that medicine and education are needs that we recognize, but theatrical or sports events are also basic needs. Therefore governments should allocate resources for both these things. 6. DG平衡式Some people think that children should learn how to compete, but others think

21、 that children should be taught to cooperate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.It is a highly debatable issue whether children should learn to compete or co-operate in order to become productive citizens of society. In my opinion, both competition and cooperation are necessary virtues of

22、 life and children should learn both. What is more important is to teach children where they need to compete and where they need to cooperate. Competition is very important in life. Children can be taught to compete when they prepare for the exams or when they play solo sports like athletics. They h

23、ave to learn to compete to excel in studies or win a race or any athletic event. This virtue comes handy in adult life. For example, when they do any business, they have to compete with other businessmen to succeed in business. Definitely, successful businessmen are useful adults in society. On the

24、other hand, there are many fields where cooperation is needed. Children can be taught this virtue in the sports field when they play team sports like cricket and hockey. They can also be taught cooperation when teachers give them group assignments in studies. This virtue also makes them useful adult

25、s because they have to cooperate in many fields of life. For instance, when they work as scientists to research the treatment of diseases like cancers and AIDS then it can never be a one-man show. It has to be a joint effort. Software developers also have to work as a team to bring benefits to all o

26、f us who use technology nowadays. There are also situations where both competition and cooperation are needed simultaneously. For example, when children do team sports, they learn to cooperate with their team members and at the same time they learn to compete with the opposite team. Similarly, in ad

27、ult life they have to learn to cooperate with their country-men to compete with those of other countries. We all know that todays era is highly competitive and the big planet Earth has shrunk to a global village. For example, Indian auto industries have merged to compete with the German and Japanese

28、 industries. So, competition and cooperation go hand in hand. It is clear that children should be taught to compete as well as cooperate and more importantly where in life they have to apply these attributes. 7. AD一边倒Some people think that there is no role for teachers to play in the classroom with

29、the wide use of computers. To what extent do you agree? Computers have become an indispensable part of education but I disagree that teachers do not play a significant role in the classroom. I believe that no amount of technology can ever replace the teacher. In the following paragraphs, I intend to

30、 support my view with my arguments. It is an undeniable fact that teachers can never lose their importance. In learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. It can tell if the answer is right or wrong but it cannot tell where the student went wrong. Tasks involving reaso

31、ning cannot be taught using computers. Moreover, teachers add their own knowledge gained through experience to that of books and other resources. Furthermore, teachers can stimulate interest and encourage people to learn more. They can keep students focused on study. A student studying by himself ma

32、y get bored and stop studying. Teachers can provide a faster and simpler way to present information to the students. They can come down to the level of a student and so are definitely better than computers. What is more, teachers are role models for students. They are scholars in action. They not on

33、ly teach academic subjects, but also many social skills. On the other hand, it is also true that the use of computers in todays classrooms is the need of the day. Teachers should use computers to add innovation to their teaching methods. Power point presentations can make even the dull and boring subjects seem i

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