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1、小学一年级英语小学一年级英语一.26个英文字母:A.a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2基础问好:Hello ! Good moring Good afternoon How are you?你好! 早上好 中午好 你好吗?1.A: Hello, I m sam . B: Hi, I m lingling. A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you too! A: Goodbye! B

2、: Bye! 2.A: How are you ? B: I m fine, How are you? A:I m fine too.3询问名字:A: What s your name?B: My name s sam.4性别:Girl Boy Mam Waman 女孩 男孩 男人 女人She is a girl. He is a boy. He is a man. She is a woman.5数字:One Tow Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九Ten十A: How many girls in the here?

3、B: FiveA: How old are?B:I m sive years old.6颜色:Red green blue black white yellow 红色 绿色 蓝色 黑色 白色 黄色 A: What colour?B: It s red .7物体:Window door desk floor school bag pencil ruler book 窗户 门 桌子 地板 书包 铅笔 尺子 书A: What s this?B: It s a book.8人物:Father mather grad fathern grad mather brother uncle 爸爸 妈妈 祖父

4、祖母 哥哥/弟弟 叔叔Aunt sister 阿姨 姐姐/妹妹 This is my ( ) 小学二年级英语一. 26个英文字母:A. a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2What s the weathe like?Hot cold raining windy sunny 热 冷 下雨 A: Com on .Amy . Let s go to the park!B: What s the weather like?A: I

5、t s hot . And it s sunny lets take our hats.B: Where s my hat?A: Its over there .It s on the sofa. B: It s windy now. Oh no ! My hat!A: Here it is Amy!B; Thank you Sam.A: Oh no ! It s raining mow! 3She s listening to the radio:Listening reading watching singing walking eating 听 读 看 唱歌 散步 吃Playing玩1.

6、A: That s your mother? B: Yes. She s listening to the redion. A: That s Tom? B; Yes. He s playingwith his train. A;That s Amy? B; Yes. She s singing.2.A: What are you doing? B: We are playing fottball. A:you are watching TV. B: No. I m not. I m reading.四电话对话: A: Hi, Amy. B: Hi, lingling. A: What s t

7、hat noise? Are you drinking? B: No. I m not. A: Are you eating? B: NO. I m not eating. A: So.What are you doing ? B; I m talking to you! A; And whats that noise/B; Oh! That noise! It s Tom. A: What s he doing?B: He s piaying with his train. Listen! 小学三年级英语一. 26个英文字母:A. a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h

8、I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2Where do you live ?Left right foot big street long street turn left ture right go straight on school factory 课堂灵活运用A; Where do you live ?B; I live in Apple Street.A; And where is Apple Street?B; Go out of the school .Turn left

9、. Then go straight on. You go past the factory.Then you turn right. That is Apple Street.三 Its next to the park :Supermarket pake next A: Excuse me. Where s the supremarket?B: Its next to the pake.四 Meet my family :Family parents mather father uncle aunt 家庭 父母 妈妈 爸爸 叔叔 阿姨sister brother 姐姐/妹妹 哥哥/弟弟A:

10、 How many people are there in your family?B: Three.A: Who are they?B: My parents and me.A:My family has seven members.B: Seven?A; My father,my mather, my sister, my brother ,my uncle, my aunt and me. 五What s your father?Teacher doctor drive farmer 老师 医生 司机 农民A: W hats your father?B: My father is a d

11、octor. Whats your father?A: My father is a farmer. 小学四年级英语一. 26个英文字母:A. a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2My classroom Classroom window board desk door light picture chair 教室 窗户 写字板 桌子 门 灯 图片 椅子Open the door turn on the light swee

12、p the floor Clean the window put up the picture clean the board介绍教室(This is my classroom)3My schoolbag:Schoolbag book pen pencil ruler chinese book 书包 书 钢笔 铅笔 尺子 语文书 English book math book story book 英语书 数学书 故事书A: Whats in your schoolbag ?我有多少本书?有那些书?I have many books. An English book,a math book4My

13、 friengs:Friengs long hair short hair thin strong quiet tall 朋友 长头发 短头发 瘦 强壮 腼腆 高对朋友的描述(Who is your best frieng?He/She is )5朋友的兴趣爱好:Music science sport computer game painting 音乐 科学 运动 电脑游戏 绘画A: What is she/he like ? B: She/he likes6What time is it?Oclock breakfast lunch dinner PE English music 钟 早餐

14、午餐 晚餐 体育 英语 音乐chinese math class minute语文 数学 课 分A: What time is it?B: Its (nine)oclock. Its time for (English class).A: Class is over.Lets go hong.B: Oh! Its time for lunch.设计时间表Get up go to school go hone go to bed 起床 去学校 回家 睡觉1.A: Oh! Its 6:30 .Its time to get up. B: Breakfast is ready? A: Hurry.

15、Its 7:05. Its time to go to school. B: Oops. C : What time is it? D: Its 8 oclock. Its time for chinese. A:Im ready!2.A: Tom! Its time go hong. B: Yes,your reat! A: What time you are go to bed? B:Its 9 oclock.小学五年级英语一. 26个英文字母:A. a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r

16、 S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2My new teachers: Yong funny tall strong kind old shot thin 年轻 有趣 高 强壮 和蔼 老 短 瘦 English teacher math teacher chinese teacher 英语老师 数学老师 语文老师A: I havethreee new teachers.B: Who are they?A; An English teacher, a chinese teacher, a math teacher.B: Whos your English teach

17、er?A: Mr Wang, Hes from sicuan.B: Whats he like?A: Hes tall and strong. Hes very funny.A: Guess! Hes tall and thin. Whos he?B: Hes our math teacher!A: Is he kind?B: Yes,he is .3My days of the week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五Saturday Sunday星期六 星期天A: What day is it to

18、day?B: Its Monday.A: What do we have on Monday?B: Let me see .We have English,mathDo hongwork watch TV read book play games 做作业 看电视 看书 做游戏A: What do yu do on Saturday?B: I often do homgwork,red books ang watch TV.A: What do you do on sundays?B: I ofen play games.4What your favourite food?Pork tofu p

19、otato cabbage tomato eggplant fish肉 豆腐 土豆 白菜 洋葱 茄子 鱼green beans cake hamburgers apples bananas chicken 绿豆 蛋糕 汉堡 苹果 香蕉 鸡beef noodles dumplings牛肉 面条 饺子1.A: Whats your favourite food? B: fish. A: Whats your favouritte fruit? B: I like apples bananas .2.A: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? B: I hav

20、e tofu,pork, cabbages. A:What would you like for dinner? B: Id like chicken,tomato and potato.小学六年级英语一. 26个英文字母:A. a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f G.g H.h I.i J.j K.k L.l M.m N.n O.o P. p Q.q R.r S.s T.t U.u V.v W.w X.x Y.y Z.z 2How do you go there? By bike on foot by bus by car by train by plane 骑自行车 走路 坐公交车

21、 坐车 坐火车 坐飞机1.A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by bike, What about you? A: Great! My home isnear, Usually, I go to school on foot.2.A: How do you go to Beijing? B: I go by plane. A: How do you go to Shanghai? B: I go by train.3.A: How can I get to Zhongshan Park. B: You can go by the No.

22、15 bus.3Where is the science museum?Right left museum library hospital post office pake右边 左边 博物馆 图书馆 医院 警察局 公园A: Excuse me, Where is the library?B: Frist,go straight. Next, turn left at the post office.Youll see it.A: Is it far from here?B: No,its not far.A: Thank you .B: You are welcome.方向North Wes

23、t East SouthA: Excuse me . Where is the hospital?B: Its east of the museum.A: And then?B: Turn left at the museum,then go straight. Its on the right.A: Thank you!4阅读:Dear Amy, Please come to my twelfth birthday part at 6 pm on let me tell you how to com:1.Start from the bus stop in fron

24、t of our school.2.Take the No.2 bus.3.Get off at the Post office.4.Walk east for three minutes.5.Find the white building on the left.6.Look for me near the door. Yours, Sarah1.Amy is one older than Sarah.How old is Amy?A.11 B.12 C.132.Sarahs hong is ( )of the post office. A. west B. east C.north3.Wh

25、ats the colour of building Sarah lives in?A. White B. Red C. Green5I have a pen pal: Hobby ride a bike dive play the violion make kites 爱好 骑自行车 骑 拉提琴 做风筝collect stamps show pen pal dear something must 收集邮票 展示 笔友 亲爱的 有些东西 必须1.A: This is my pen pal in Beijing? B: What does she like? A: She likes makin

26、g plane.B:Does she go to school by bus?A: Yes she does.2.写信:Dear Lucy,Im happy to have a new pen pal .I live in Shanghai .I like diving,collect stamps,and reding my bike. My twin sister Ann. Likes drawing pictures and making kites.I like sports. But she likes art .We look the same,but we dont like t

27、he same thing. Tell me something about you.Whats your hobby、Your new pen pal , Alice.Live-lives does teach-teaches go- goes watch- watches read-readsDoes your pen pal live in Shanghai?No ,he donesnt he lives in Beijing.A: My mather is a teacher.B: Does she teach English?A: No, she teaches math .B: Does she teach you math?A: Yes, she does.

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