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1、xx年宁夏中考英语大纲xx年宁夏中考英语大纲 以下xx年宁夏中考英语大纲由出guo中考频道为您提供,希望对您有所帮助。 1、以 * 制定的义务教育英语课程标准(xx年版)为依据,在考查基础知识和基本技能的同时,着重考查学生的综合语言运用能力。 2、在保持连续性、稳定性的前提下,进一步推进中考改革,促进初中英语教学改革,促进学生发展。 3、试题所选择的语言素材和创设的语言运用情景与学生的生活实际、生活经验及社会发展实际紧密联系。 4、杜绝繁、偏、旧试题,题量适中,难易适度。 (一)语言知识 考查学生在一定的语境中运用语法知识、词汇知识、语用知识的能力,考查形式有单项填空,完形填空、单词拼写、综合

2、填空等。 语法知识的考查以义务教育英语课程标准(xx年版)语法项目表中的五级要求为准(见附录1)。 词汇考查范围以词汇表(见附录2)所列1600个单词为依据,同时还包括义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语教材中所学的常用单词、习惯用语或固定搭配。 (二)语言运用 1、听力 考查学生对所听语言材料的理解以及从所听语言材料中获取信息、并能简单记录有关信息的能力。 2、口语 xx年初中毕业生综合素质评价包括英语口语测试,考查学生用英语进行简单口头表达的能力。 3、阅读 阅读理解能力是初中英语中考的主要考查内容,着重考查学生理解各种题材和体裁的书面材料的能力以及从各种材料中获取信息的能力,不仅考查细节,还重

3、视考查深层理解能力,包括把握所读材料的主旨和要义、根据已知事实作出简单推断、理解作者的观点和态度以及根据语境猜测词义等。考试形式不仅有传统的选择题型,还将设置非选择题型。 4、书面表达 着重考查学生以书面形式表达意义的能力。中考书面表达为指导性写作,即要求学生根据所提供的某些信息,按一定的要求写作文或其他形式的材料。提示形式包括中英文写作要点说明或图表提示等。 (一)考试方法 考试分听力考试和笔试两部分。先进行听力测试,再进行笔试。进行听力考试时,考生在统一时间内在考场收听录音磁带,边听录音边答题。录音带只放一遍,录音结束,听力考试即结束。考试时间为120分钟。 (二)试卷结构 试卷题型、计分

4、和说明如下: 语法项目表 1.名词 (1)可数名词及其单复数 (2)不可数名词 (3)专有名词 (4)名词所有格 2.代词 (1)人称代词 (2)物主代词 (3)反身代词 (4)指示代词 (5)不定代词(some, any, no) (6)疑问代词 3.数词 (1)基数词 (2)序数词 4.介词和介词短语 5.连词 6.形容词 (包括比较级和最高级) 7.副词 (包括比较级和最高级) 8.冠词 9.动词 (1)动词的基本形式 (2)系动词 (3)及物动词和不及物动词 (4)助动词 (5)情态动词 (6)时态 现在进行时 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去进行时 现在完成时 (7)被动语态

5、 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 (8)非谓语动词(动词不定式做宾语、宾语补足语、目的状语) (9)动词短语 10.构词法 (1)前缀、后缀 (2)转化 (3)合成 11. 句子种类 (1)陈述句(肯定式和否定式) (2)疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句) (3)祈使句 (4)感叹句 12. 简单句的基本句型 (1)主语+系动词+表语 (2)主语+不及物动词 (3)主语+及物动词+宾语 (4)主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 (5)主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 (6)there be 句型 13. 并列复合句 14. 主从复合句 (1)宾语从句 (2)状语从句 (3)定语从

6、句(能辨认出由that, which, who引导的限定性定语从句,并能理解句子意思。) A a (an), ability, able, about, above, abroad, absent, aept, aident, aording to, achieve, across, act, action, active, activity, actor, actress, add, address, advantage, advertisement, advice, advise, afford, afraid, Africa, African, after, afternoon, aga

7、in, against, age, ago, agree, agreement, air, airport, alive, all, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, already, also, although, always, America, American, among, ancient, and, angry, animal, another, answer, ant, any, anybody, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, appear, apple, April, area, arm, army

8、, around, arrive, art, article, artist, as, Asia, Asian, ask, asleep, at, attend, attention, August, aunt, Australia, Australian, autumn, avoid, awake, away, awful, B baby, back, background, bad, bag, ball, balloon, bamboo, banana, bank, baseball, basic, basket, basketball, bathroom, be (am, is, are

9、), beach, bean, bear, beat, beautiful, because, bee, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, before, begin, behind, believe, bell, below, beside, best, better, between, big, bike(=bicycle), bill, bird, birth, birthday, biscuit, bit, bitter, black, blackboard, blind, block, blood, blouse, blow, blue, board, boat, b

10、ody, book, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, brain, brave, bread, break, breakfast, breathe, bridge, bright, bring, Britain, British, brother, brown, brush, build, building, burn, bus, business, busy, but, butter, buy, by C cabbage, cake, calendar, call, camel,

11、 camera, camp, can (cant/cannot), Canada, Canadian, cancel, candle, cancer, candy, cap, capital, captain, car, card, care, careful, careless, carrot, carry, cartoon, cat, catch, cause, CD, CD-ROM, ceiling, celebrate, cent, central, centre ( AmE center), century, certain, certainly, chair, chalk, cha

12、nce, change, chant, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chemistry, chess, chest, chicken, child (pl. children), China, Chinese, chocolate, choice, choose, chopsticks, Christmas, church, cinema, circle, city, clap, class, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clever, climb, clock, clone, close, clothes

13、, cloud, cloudy, club, coach, coal, coast, coat, coffee, coin, coke, cold, collect, college, colour (AmE color), e, fortable, mon, municate, munication, munity, pare, petition, plete, position, puter, concert, condition, connect, consider, continue, control, conversation, cook, cookie, cool, copy, c

14、orn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, cough, could, count, country, countryside, couple, courage, course, cousin, cover, cow, crayon, crazy, create, cross, cruel, cry, culture, cup, customer, cut, cute D daily, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, date, daughter, day, dead, deaf, deal, dear, death, D

15、ecember, decide, decision, deep, degree, delicious, dentist, depend, describe, desk, develop, development, dialogue (AmE dialog), diary, dictionary, die, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, dining, dinner, direct, direction, director, dirty, discover, discovery, discuss, discussion, d

16、isease, dismiss, disturb, dish, divide, do, doctor, dog, doll, dollar, door, double, doubt, down, downstairs, dozen, draw, drawer, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, drug, drum, dry, duck, dumpling, during, duty, DVD E each, ear, early, earth, earthquake, east, eastern, easy, eat, education,

17、effort, egg, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elder, electronic, elephant, eleven, else, email, empty, encourage, end, enemy, energy, engineer, England, English, enjoy, enough, enter, environment, eraser, especially, Europe, European, even, evening, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone

18、, everything, everywhere, exactly, exam (=examination), examine, example, excellent, except, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, expect, expensive, experience, experiment, explain, express, eye F face, fact, factory, fail, fair, fall, family, famous, fan, fantastic, far, farm, farmer, fast, fat, fa

19、ther (dad), favourite (AmE favorite), fear, February, feed, feel, feeling, festival, fetch, fever, few, field, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, fill, film, finally, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fish, fisherman, fit, five, fix, flag, floor, flower, flu, fly, follow, food, foot (pl. feet), fo

20、otball, for, force, foreign, forest, forget, fork, form, forty, forward, four, fourteen, fourth, fox, France, free, freeze, French, fresh, Friday, fridge(=refrigerator), friend, friendly, friendship, frog, from, front, fruit, full, fun, funny, furniture, future G game, garden, gate, general, gentlem

21、an, geography, German, Germany, gesture, get, gift, giraffe, girl, give, glad, glass, glove, glue, go, goat, god, gold, good, goodbye (bye), government, grade, grammar, granddaughter, grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), grandparent, grandson, grape, grass, great, green, grey, ground, group

22、, grow, guard, guess, guest, guide, guitar, gun H habit, hair, half, hall, hamburger, hand, handbag, handsome, hang, happen, happy, hard, hardly, harmful, hat, hate, have, he, head, headache, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, heavy, height, hello, help, helpful, hen, her, here, hero, hers, herself

23、, hi, hide, high, hill, him, himself, his, history, hit, hobby, hold, hole, holiday, home, hometown, homework, honest, hope, horse, hospital, hot, hotdog, hotel, hour, house, housework, how, however, huge, human, humorous, hundred, hungry, hurry, hurt, husband I I, ice, ice-cream, idea, if, ill, ill

24、ness, imagine, immediately, important, impossible, improve, in, include, increase, India, Indian, industry, *infer, influence, information, ink, inside, instead, instruction, instrument, interest, interesting, international, Inter, interview, into, introduce, introduction, invent, invention, invite,

25、 iron, island, it, its, itself J jacket, January, Japan, Japanese, jeans, job, join, joke, joy, journey, juice, July, jump, June, just K keep, key, keyboard, kick, kid, kill, kilo(=kilogram), kilometer (AmE kilometer), kind, king, kiss, kitchen, kite, knee, knife (pl. knives), knock, know, knowledge

26、, L lab (=laboratory), lady, lake, land, language, large, last, late, later, laugh, law, lay, lazy, lead, leader, leaf (pl. leaves), learn, least, leave, left, leg, lemon, lend, less, lesson, let, letter, level, library, license, lie, life, lift, light, like, line, lion, list, listen, litter, little

27、, live, lively, local, lock, London, lonely, long, look, lose, lot, loud, love, lovely, low, luck, lucky, lunch M machine, mad, madam=madame, magazine, magic, mail, main, make, man (pl. men), manage, manager, many, map, March, mark, market, marry, master, match, maths (=mathematics), matter, may, Ma

28、y, maybe, me, meal, mean, meaning, meat, medical, medicine, meet, meeting, member, memory, mend, mention, menu, mess, message, metal, method, metre (AmE meter), middle, might, mile, milk, mind, mine, minute, mirror, Miss, miss, missing, mistake, mix, mobile phone, model, modern, moment, Monday, mone

29、y, monitor, monkey, month, moon, more, morning, most, mother (mum), mountain, mouse (pl. mice), mouth, move, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, murder, museum, music, musician, must, my, myself N name, national, natural, nature, near, nearly, necessary, neck, need, neighbour(AmE neighbor), neither, nervous,

30、never, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, nieen, niy, ninth, no, nobody, nod, noise, noisy, none, noodle, noon, nor, normal, north, northern, nose, not, note, notebook, nothing, notice, November, now, number, nurse O object, ocean, oclock, October, of, off, offer, office, officer, often,

31、 oil, OK, old, Olympics, on, once, one, online, only, open, operation, opposite, or, orange, order, other, our, ours, ourselves, out, outside, over, own P Pacific, package, page, pain, paint, pair, palace, pale, pancake, panda, paper, *paragraph, pardon, parent, park, part, party, pass, passage, pas

32、senger, passport, past, path, patient, pay, PE (=physical education), peace, pear, pen, pencil, people, percent, perfect, perhaps, period, person, personal, pet, phone (=telephone), photo (=photograph), physics, piano, pick, piic, picture, pie, piece, pig, pilot, pink, pioneer, pity, place, plan, plane, pla, plant, plastic, p

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