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1、3套打包连云港市四年级上册英语期末单元综合练习卷含答案四年级期末测试一、英译汉。(每题1)1 farmer _ 2 postman_ 3 grade_4 cucumber_5 green pepper_6 windy _ 7 T-shirt_ 8 snowy _9 cap _10 raincoat_ 11 small _12 strong_ 二、根据中文提示,用适当的词填空(每空2)1. This is my _(爸爸). Hes a _(老师). 2._(哪一个) class are you in ?3. Its an_(茄子) 4. Its _(阴天的)today._ _ (戴上)your

2、 hat. 5. Look at the _(猴子). It has a _ _ (长尾巴) 三、 选词填空。(每空2) 1. She is from _(Chinese/ China).2. Lets _(play/ to play) basketball.3. Thirteen and seven is _(twelve/ twenty).4. I like _(that / those) shorts.5. A rabbit has a _(short/tall) tail.四、 单项选择。(每空2)( )1. Its _today. A. wind B. sun C.snowy ( )

3、 2. I like _. A. potato B. potatos C.potatoes( ) 3. Whats this _English?A. in B. on C. of ( ) 4. Lets go and _ Miss Liu. A. look B. watch C. see( ) 5. An elephant has a _ nose. A. thin B. tall C. long( ) 6. My mother is a _ . A. nurse B. farm C. policeman五、连词成句。(每空2)1. is / my / new / friend / this

4、/ . _2. are / where / from / you / ?_3.warm / it / today / is / ._4.has / ears / long / it / . _5.number / twelve / am/ I / ._六、对话匹配。(每空2)( )1. Hows the weather today ? ( ) 2. Wheres my T-shirt? ( ) 3. Lets go shopping. ( ) 4. Whats in the box ?( ) 5. Can I help you? ( ) 6. What does your sister do

5、? A. Shes a driver. B. Its fine today. C. Its a sweater. D. Good idea ! E. Over there. F. Show me that green cap, please.七、根据图片提示,完成对话。(每空2)1. A:Its very _today.B: Lets _ swimming.8+9=?2. A: Whats eight _ nine ? B: Its _.3. A: Look at the mouse. B:Oh, it has _ears, and a _tail.八排列顺序(每空1.5)(1)( )1. H

6、ere you are. ( ) 2. Thank you, Mum. ( ) 3. Mum, its very hot. ( ) 4. Can I have some cold water, please?(2) ( ) 1. Good idea ! Lets go.( ) 2. Peter, hows the weather today ? ( ) 3. Lets play football.( ) 4. Its nice.答案一、1 农民 2 邮递员 3 年级4 黄瓜5 青椒6 多风的/刮风的 7 T恤衫,短袖 8 下雪的9 帽子10 雨衣11 小的12 强壮的二、1 father te

7、acher 2 Which 3 eggplan四年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的选项。()1.A.window B.picture () 2.A.notebook B.storybook()3.A.wall B.tall () 4.A.shoe B.glasses()5.A.table () 6.A.beef B.bowl()7.A.candy B.cousin () 8.A.driver B. farmer()9.A.soup B.spoon ()

8、idge二、 Listenandchoose.听录音,选择正确的图片。 ()1. A. ()2. A. B. B. ()3.A. B. ()4. A. B.()5.A. B.三、Listenandchoose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 1. A. Lets clean the classroom. B. Lets clean the window.2. A. Whats in your classroom. B. What colour is it?3. A. Its blue and white. B. Its near the window.4. A. He has glasses

9、. B. His shoes are blue.5. A. Whats his name? B. Whats for dinner?6. A. Is this your uncle? B. Is this your aunt?7. A. I can use chopsticks. B. I can use spoon.8. A. Where are the keys? B. Are they on the table?9. A. He is a nurse. B. She is a doctor. 10. A. Its near the window. B. He is tall and st

10、rong. 四、Listenandchoose.听问句,选择正确的答语。()1.A.Three. B.No, thanks.()2.A.Id like some rice. B.I can use chopsticks. ()3.A.No, she isnt. B.No, they arent.Theyre in the door.()4.A.Manydesksandchairs. B.Itsblueandwhite.()5.A.An English book and a math book. B.His name is Zhang Peng.WritingPart(笔试部分) 五、Reada

11、ndwrite.根据划线字母的发音规律,选择正确的同类单词写在四线格里。 六、 Lookandchoose.看图,找出相应的单词,把单词的编号填在图下的括号里。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、Readandchoose.读一读,选出每小题中与其它选项不同类的一项。( ) 1.A.floor B.schoolbag C.door( ) 2.A. Chinesebook B.Englishbook C.light ( ) 3.A.longhair B.friendly C.strong ( ) 4.A.bowl B.fork C. wall ( ) 5.A.

12、cook C.farmer八、Lookandchoose.根据图片,选出正确的句子。 ( )1. A. Id like some vegetables and rice. B. Id like some fish and beef.( )2. A. The bridge is in the living room. B. The bridge is in the kitchen. ( )3. A. He is a farmer.B. He is a cook.A. She has long hair. ( )4. B. She has short hair. A. The fan

13、 is near the window.( )5. B. The fan is in the window.九、Readandchoose.选择正确的选项。 ( )1.想知道教室里有什么,你应该这样问: A. Where is the classroom? B. Whats in the classroom?( )2. 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my story book ? B. Whats his name?( )3.当看到一个小女孩的照片,想知道她是谁,你应该这样问:A. Whats your name?B. Whats her name?(

14、 )4.你的朋友长得又高又壮,你应该这样说: A. He is tall and strong. B. He is short and quiet.( )5.建议大家一起打扫教室,你应该这样说;A. Let me clean the classroom.B. Lets clean the classroom. ( )6.当你找不到钥匙你会这样问:A. Where are my keys?B. The keys are in the door.( )7.你说沙发在客厅里,你应该这样说:_A. The sofa is in the bedroom.B. The sofa is in the liv

15、ing room.( )8.想知道别人晚饭想吃什么,你会这样问:A. Id like some fish for dinner.B. What would you like for dinner?( )9.想知道朋友的姑姑是干什么工作的,你会这样问:A. Whats your aunts job?B. Where is your aunt?( )10.你想知道照片上的人是不是朋友的叔叔,你会这样问: A. Is this your uncle? B. Is your uncle tall?十Readandchoose. 读一读,同学们认真配对问答。(每题2分,共10分)( )1.What wo

16、uld you like for dinner? A. Two English book and a math book.( )2.How many people are there in your family? B. Six. ( )3.Whats in your schoolbag? C. He is a driver.( )4.Whats your fathers job? D. No, she isnt.( )5.Is she in the study? E. Id like some fish and vegetables, please.十一.Look,choose andwri

17、te.读短文,看图片,填单词。(10%) Hi, Im lily. There are three people in my family. My parents and I. Look, this is my . He is tall and . He is a . He works very hard. My mother is a . She is short and she has hair. She is quiet. They love me and they are good for me. I have a happy family! 十二.Reading.阅读短文,判断对错,

18、对的打“”,错的打“”。 I have three friends. Theyre Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best.( )1. Bob is a strong boy.( )2. Mike is very f

19、riendly.( )3. Mike is tall and thin.( )4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.( )5. Ann is very quiet.祝贺你完成了测试,请仔细检查一遍!愿你取得好成绩!四年级英语听力材料同学们:听力测试马上开始,请同学们集中精力认真听录音,并选出正确答案。每题读两遍。一Listenandchoose.听录音,选择正确的选项1.window 2.notebook 3.tall 4.glasses 5. phone 6.beef 7.cousin 8. Driver 9.spoon 10.friendly 二 L

20、istenandchoose.听录音,选择正确的图片。1.The sofa is in the living room.2.Put your Chinese book in your desk.3.Lily is my friend. She is a cute girl.4.Id like some noodles. 5.He is a driver.三Listenandchoose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。1.Lets clean the classroom. 2.What colour is it?3.Its blue and white. 4.His shoes are blue

21、.5.Whats his name? 6.Is this your uncle? 7.I can use chopsticks. 8.Are they on the table?9.She is a doctor. 10.He is tall and strong. 四Listenandchoose.听问句,选择正确的答语。1.How many people are there in your family?2.What would you like?3.Are they on the table?4.What colour is it?5.Whats his name?紧张的听力部分已经结束

22、,请同学们开始做笔试部分吧!参考答案:一 (10分)1-5AABBB6-10ABABA二 (10分)A AA BB三 (10分)1-5四年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的选项。()1.A.window B.picture () 2.A.notebook B.storybook()3.A.wall B.tall () 4.A.shoe B.glasses()5.A.table () 6.A.beef B.bowl()7.A.candy B.cousin () 8.A.driver B. f

23、armer()9.A.soup B.spoon () 10.A.friendlyB.fridge二、 Listenandchoose.听录音,选择正确的图片。 ()1. A. ()2. A. B. B. ()3.A. B. ()4. A. B.()5.A. B.三、Listenandchoose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 11. A. Lets clean the classroom. B. Lets clean the window.12. A. Whats in your classroom. B. What colour is it?13. A. Its blue and whit

24、e. B. Its near the window.14. A. He has glasses . B. His shoes are blue.15. A. Whats his name? B. Whats for dinner?16. A. Is this your uncle? B. Is this your aunt?17. A. I can use chopsticks. B. I can use spoon.18. A. Where are the keys? B. Are they on the table?19. A. He is a nurse. B. She is a doc

25、tor. 20. A. Its near the window. B. He is tall and strong. 四、Listenandchoose.听问句,选择正确的答语。()1.A.Three. B.No, thanks.()2.A.Id like some rice. B.I can use chopsticks. ()3.A.No, she isnt. B.No, they arent.Theyre in the door.()4.A.Manydesksandchairs. B.Itsblueandwhite.()5.A.An English book and a math boo

26、k. B.His name is Zhang Peng.WritingPart(笔试部分) 五、Readandwrite.根据划线字母的发音规律,选择正确的同类单词写在四线格里。 七、 Lookandchoose.看图,找出相应的单词,把单词的编号填在图下的括号里。2. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、Readandchoose.读一读,选出每小题中与其它选项不同类的一项。( ) 1.A.floor B.schoolbag C.door( ) 2.A. Chinesebook B.Englishbook C.light ( ) 3.A.longhair B.friendly C.strong ( ) 4.A.bowl B.fork C. wall ( ) 5.A.cook C.farmer八、Lookandchoose.根据图片,选出正确的句子。 ( )1. A. Id like some vegetables and rice. B. Id like some fish and beef.( )2. A. The bridge is in the living room. B. The bridge is in the kitchen. ( )3. A. He is a farmer.

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