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八年级英语Unit 6 A trip in AustraliaI.docx

1、八年级英语Unit 6 A trip in AustraliaI2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 6 A trip in Australia(I)Section A 需用12课时。重点活动是1a 和 2a。教学目标:1. 复习交通规则。2. 学习有关骑自行车的话题,并了解骑自行车的优势。3. 学习如何写e-mail。教学过程:第一步:复习1. 老师做一个调查:老师问全班同学:1. How do you usually go to school?2. Why do you go to school by.?然后老师点数学生,给予分类填下面的表格。How do you go toschool

2、?Why do you go to school by.?How many students go to school by.?By bikeBy busBy motorbikeWalk2. 完成表格接着引出下一步。第二步:呈现1. 老师说:Most of us go to school by bike. Then who can tell the traffic rules you should obey when you ride a bike?Student 1: We must ride on the right side.Student 2: When the traffic lig

3、hts are red, we must stop.2. 让同学们读1a 的内容,并从中找出生词,然后老师给予解释。3. 听1a,然后判断下列句子的正误。(F)Traffic in Beijing is very good.(T)Michael isnt afraid to ride a bike anywhere in the city.(T)Canadians must obey traffic laws.(T)Riding bicycles can save money and energy.4. 让学生再听一遍录音,然后找几个同学表演出来,最好分组进行。第三步:巩固1. 再次听1a,让

4、学生分组讨论骑自行车的好处。2. 从每个小组中各找出一名同学说出骑自行车的好处。3. 完成1b。第四步:练习1. 找一个学生读2a,其他同学注意听,然后找出生词,老师加以解释。2. 再读一遍 2a,然后讨论书写e-mail的格式。3. 学生读2a 之后,老师找一些学生来复述。4. 学生根据2a来完成2b的填空。第五步:综合探究活动根据下表列出的事故报告单写一篇短文。Accident Report FormAccident: A truck hit a bike.Date: Jan.15Time: 0610Place: The school gateCondition of victims: A

5、 student got hurt badly.Section ASection A needs 12 periods.The main activities are 1a and 2a.Teaching aims and demands:1. Review traffic rules.2. Learn the advantages about riding bicycles.3. Learn to write an email.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1. Make a survey in class:How do you usually go to

6、school?Why do you go to school by.?Then the teacher counts how many students go to school by. Then fill in the form:How do you go toschool?Why do you go to school by.?How many students go to school by.?By bikeBy busBy motorbikeWalk2. Finish the form and lead to the next step.Step 2 Presentation1. Th

7、e teacher says:Most of us go to school by bike, then who can tell the traffic rules you should obey when you ride a bike?Student 1: We must ride on the right side.Student 2: When the traffic lights are red, we must stop. .2. Let the students read 1a and find out the new words. Explain the words.3. L

8、isten to 1a and tell true or false.(F) Traffic in Beijing is very good.(T) Michael isn t afraid to ride a bike anywhere in the city.(T) Canadians must obey traffic laws.(T) Riding bicycles can save money and energy.4. Let students listen to 1a again and read it.Then ask studnets to act it out in gro

9、ups.Step 3 Consolidation1. Listen to 1a again and let students discuss in groups about the advantages of riding bicycles.2. Ask one student from each group to tell advantages about riding bicycles. 3. Read 1b and write the sentences.Step 4 Practice1. Ask one student to read 2a. The other students li

10、sten and find out the new words.2. Read 2a again and discuss the form of e mails.3. Students read 2a and the teacher asks some students to retell the story in 2a.4. Students do 2b according to 2a. Step 5 ProjectWrite a passage according to the accident report below.Accident Report FormAccident: A tr

11、uck hit a bike.Date: Jan.15Time: 0610Place: The school gateCondition of victims: A student got hurt badly.Section BSection B 需用12课时。重点活动是1a和1c。教学目标:1. 进一步学习交通规则。2. 学会识别更多的交通图标。3. 学习并练习使用条件状语从句。教学过程:第一步:复习1. 老师找一些同学来说一下自己知道的交通规则。2. 找一些同学来读一下自己写的关于交通事故的短文。3. 找一名同学到讲台上讲述昨天课文中所学的交通事故的情况,老师加以点评。第二步:呈现1.

12、老师在班内选出三名同学分角色朗读1a 的对话,其中一名扮演Jin Meng, 一名扮演Michael,最后一名扮演Kangkang,其余的同学认真听并从对话中找出生词及短语。2. 找一名同学把生词及短语写在黑板上,老师给于补充,并逐一解释。3. 请同学们合上书然后听录音,听完之后给学生留出两三分钟的时间以小组为单位讨论所听到的内容,然后每个小组推荐一名同学将所听到的对话内容加以概括并复述出来。老师评判,看哪一组说得更好。4. 打开录音让学生听1b,学生可以跟着录音机读。5. 听完录音后给学生留下三分钟的时间让学生自己读,学生读的同时,教师将每个句中的重要单词找出来展示在黑板上或提前写在胶片上;

13、 obey.don t.cross.c:.should.if.use.or.d:.For example.special cycle paths.avoid.e:If.break.fine6. 三分钟过后让学生合上书,看着黑板或银幕上的提示词来背诵。最好老师先做个示范,再找几名成绩较好的同学先背诵。最后老师将这些提示词擦掉,让学生来背诵。7. 老师先教学生如何填写罚单,然后找几个练习让学生填一下,老师检查其结果。第三步:巩固1. 在班内找一个同学来完成1c,其他同学给予评判并核对答案。2. 让几位同学识别2中的交通图标并标

14、出相应的名称,一起核对答案。第四步:练习1. 给学生 12钟的时间来读3的内容并抓住其主要信息。2. 放录音让学生跟读。然后完成文后的题目。3. 老师给出正确答案,让学生自己为自己评判。4. 让学生尽可能多的用“if”造条件状语从句。第五步:综合探究活动1. 教师将学生分组,让其讨论遵守交通规则的重要性。2. 每组各找一名学生向全班汇报本组的讨论结果。Section BSection B needs 12 periods.The main activities are 1a and 1c.Teaching aims and demands:1. Learn more traffic rules

15、.2. Learn to read more road signs.3. Learn and practice adverbial clause of condition.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1. Ask some students to tell some traffic rules. 2. Ask some students to read their own passages about accident.3. Ask one student to e to the front and talk to others about the accident they learned yesterday.Step

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