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1、面试大全之英语口语面试英语回答问题时口齿要清楚、语调适中。内容要有层次、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序,从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职务、实际成绩、业绩等,和自己的工作对原来公司的影响。凡和这次应征不相关的内容,尽可能避免提及。话题紧扣以下3方面来展现自己的优势。1. 能力(Capability)。当你明白招聘单位目前急于用人时,第一把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我如此的人材。)用如此的句式,让面试人以为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的

2、进展考虑问题,于是更易同意你。陈述自己的任职资格时,能够这么开头:Im qualified for the job because(我能胜任这项工作,是因为)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已再也不是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。2. 业绩(Achievements)。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你能够把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟此刻雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored Shanghai market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售出去5万套。)3.

3、 诚意(Sincerity)。某个问题发表完观点以后,能够附带加上一句:Id like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊重,很容易使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:So far as that is concerned, you must have understood my determination.(谈到这里,您必然已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如:What other responsibilities do you think this job will

4、 include? (您感觉这份工作所包括的职责还有哪些?)此刻,无论是国企仍是外企在招聘时都超级看重应聘者的英语交际能力,公司往往通过英语面试,对应聘者的英语交际能力进行考查。面试英语自我介绍的常常利用辞汇Administration Manager 行政领导Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Assistant Manager 副领导Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business

5、Manager 业务领导Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师Civil Engineer 土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist 职员接待员Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书Computer Engineer 运算机工程师Deputy General Manager 副总领导Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理Electrical Engineer 电气工程师Engineering Technician 工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

6、Export Sales Manager 外销部领导General Manager/President 总领导General Manager Assistant 总领导助理General Managers Secretary 总领导秘书Hardware Engineer (运算机)硬件工程师International Sales Staff 国际销售员Interpreter 口语翻译Market Development Manager 市场开发部领导Marketing Manager 市场销售部领导Marketing Staff 市场销售员Marketing Assistant 销售助理Mar

7、keting Executive 销售主管Marketing Representative 销售代表Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部领导Regional Manger 地域领导Research & Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭馆领导Office Assistant 办公室助理Office Clerk 职员Operational Manager 业务领导Package Designer 包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel

8、Clerk 人事部职员Personnel Manager 人事部领导Let me introduce myself. / Let me do some introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己。Which aspect do you want to know about me?或者 What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?面试英语自我介绍的常用基本的句子1. I noticed that you advertised a job in this mornings paper.我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。2. Im

9、coming for your advertisement for . 我是来应聘你们广告上的职位的。3. I have applied for the position of .我申请了贵公司的职位。4. Do you have any job for a part-timer?你们需要兼职吗?5. Id like to know if you need any full-time secretary.我想知道你们是否需要全职秘书?6. Im looking for a job. Are there any vacancies?我在找工作,请问你们有空缺吗?面试英语自我介绍的常用句型1. I

10、 got a degree in Literature and took a course in typing. 我获得了文学学士学位,还学过打字。2. I havent done anything like that before. 我以前没有做过这种工作。3. I think Im quite fit for assistants job. 我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。4. I used to work as a sales manager. 我以前做销售经理。5. Im quite familiar with editing. 我做过很多编辑工作。6. I want a job with

11、 a vacation every year. 我想找个每年都能度假的工作。7. I was thinking of a job in a school. 我打算到学校找份工作。8. I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products. 我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。9. I love playing tennis. 我喜欢打网球。巧用过渡语,表明自己用心听问题 若是面试者在面试时能够用一些类似:As you mentioned(正如您所说的)或As far as I know(据我所知),

12、表示你一直在认真听对方的谈话。另外,你还能够选择As it is shown in my resume(正如我的简历所提到的) 或As my previous experience shows(如我之前的工作经验所示)之类的表达法。 另外,在面试之前,面试者对应聘公司应有所了解。比如了解公司的规模、业务、未来进展,这些往往被中国学生忽略了,对公司文化理解是不是深刻,是你超出其他应聘者的一个亮点。但如果是实在不了解,就应按照所知诚实回答。Why are you interested in working for our company? 为什么有兴趣在我们公司工作? 2、Because your

13、 company has a good sales record. 因为你们公司有良好的销售记录 。 3、Because your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment. 因为你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得可以在这样一个环境中工作会有最大的收获。 4、Because I think my major is suitable for this position. 因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。 五、Because I can learn new

14、 things in your company, at the same time I can offer my services to you. 因为我可以在贵公司学到新的东西, 同时能为你们提供服务。 6、Because Im very interested in your companys. 因为我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。 training program面试英语-个人品质篇一、What are your great strengths? 你有什么优点? 2、Im a good team player. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。 3、Im a hard-working, pers

15、istent person. 我工作刻苦,性情执着。 4、Im a fast-learner. 我学东西很快。 5、I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues. 我能在压力下工作,并能与同事和谐相处。 6、I have strong organizational skills. 我的组织能力很强。 面试英语-说服对方篇 一、In what specific ways will our company benefit from hiring you? 我公司雇用你有什么好处? 2、I think that my techn

16、ical background is helpful for you. 我觉得我的技术背景对你们有用。 3、I have enough knowledge to market the products of your company. 我有足够的知识推广贵公司的产品。 4、Im very familiar with this market and have many customers. I think your company will benefit from it. 我对这个市场非常熟悉并有许多客户,我认为贵公司能从中获益。 5、Your company will benefit fro

17、m gaining a young energetic, bright, person. 贵公司能通过雇用一个充满活力、聪明的年轻人获益。 6、I know I am the right person for this job. 我知道我是最适合这个工作的。面试英语-工作经历篇 一、Why did you leave your former company? 为什么离开以前的公司? 2、Because Im working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible. 因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。 3、Bec

18、ause Im capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. 因为我有能力担负起更多的责任,所以决定换工作。 4、Because that company didnt have a good future, so I needed to consider my future. 因为那家公司没有什么前途,所以我必需考虑我的未来。 5、Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challe

19、nging. 因为我想改变工作环境,找一个更富有挑战性的工作。 6、Because I had some private reasons, some family things. 因为我有一些私人的原因,家里有些事情。 E:What kind of work experience do you have?你有什么样的工作经历?A:After have been working at the Personnel Department of DDD company.我毕业后就在DDD公司的人事部工作。E:As a telecommunication apparatus company DDD Co

20、mpany is very different from our trade company.DDD公司是一家电讯器材公司,与我们公司的贸易公司有很大区别。A:But I deal with people there, the same as what I should do here.但是在那里我是分管人事工作的,这一点与我将在这里工作一样。E:You are right. Why are you interested in working in personnel department?你是对的,你为什么喜欢在人事工作?A:I am good with people and have ex

21、cellent communication skills.我很受人欢迎并且有很出色的交际能力。E:Do you consider it a rewarding job?你认为这是一项很有意义的工作吗?A:Very much so.我认为它非常有意义。A表示应聘人员,E表示人事部领导。A:I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson.E:I see. Will you walk this way, please? What experience have you had?A:Im afraid I havent had any

22、experience in just this sort of work. Im studying business administration in college. I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies.E:Have you got any selling experience at all?A:I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation.E:What subjects did you like most at universi

23、ty?A:I like sales strategies most.E:Now tell me about your educational background.A:I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce. I majored in commerce.E:What courses have you completed?A:The courses I completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales m

24、anagement, distribution theory, economies and psychology.E:What would you like to work with us?A:Its a job interested in, and your company is one of the best known. Although I have no work experience as a salesperson, the job description you sent was very interesting. Its a job Ive been dreaming of

25、since I was at university.E:Do you know anything about this company?A:Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products.E:In what department did you work?A:I was in Womens

26、 Fashion Department.E:Have you got an excellent record in English?A:Yes, I think I can manage English conversations with American staff members.面试英语-谈谈薪水问题 What are your salary expectations? 你对薪水有什么要求? I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educa

27、tional background. 我希望是贵公司对一个具有我这种经验和教育背景的人所付的标准薪资。 Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first? I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job. 我们能不能谈一谈我在贵公司需要承担的责任?我觉得工资应该与工作的责任紧密相关的。 I hope youll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary

28、 higher than the junior secretarys salary. 我希望你们能考虑我的经验及受过的培训,给我定一份高于初级秘书的工资。 I expect to be paid according to my abilities. 我希望能根据我的能力支付薪资。 With my experiences, Id like to start at RMB4000 a month. 以我的经验,我希望起薪是4000元人民币。英语自我介绍范文Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this o

29、pportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in September. Now I will introduce myself briefly, I am 21 years old, born in Heilongjiang province, northeast of china, and I

30、am currently a senior student at Beijing XX University. My major is packaging engineering. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past 4 years, I spend most of my time on study; I have passed CET4/6 with ease. And I have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and pu

31、blishing both in theory and in practice. Besides, I have attended several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, and I have taken a tour to some big factory and company. Through these I have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978, our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees

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