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1、仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit2Topic2A教案仁爱版八年级英语上册-Unit2-Topic2-A教案Topic 2 Section AThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3b. 本课重点活动是1a、2和3b。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:health, tonight, too much, without2. Get some knowledge of healthy habits and unhealthy habits.(1)Stayin

2、g up late is bad for your health. (2)Is playing sports right after meals good or bad?Its bad. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/磁带/课件/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟)1.(复习前一个Topic 新学的建议方式the way of giving advices or suggestions, 导入寻求建议的方式the way of asking for advices or suggest

3、ions.)T:(Get two students to role-play a conversation advice.And now, work in pairs to act out short dialogs. One student has some problems, your partner will give you some suggestions. Please use the sentence patterns in the box.Ss:.T:OK. You did a good job.2. (通过调查几个学生的就寝前活动和就寝时间来判断学生是否养成良好的生活习惯。告

4、诉学生好的习惯,并给出适当建议。导入本话题最基本的目标语言。)T:Now, I want to make a survey about your activities before going to bed and your bed time.T:You please.(Survey object: S3)What do you usually do before going to bed?S3:I usually listen to the music./.T:Do you usually do that late?S3:No. I usually do that for a little

5、while and then Ill go to bed around ten.T:Very good. Its good for your health.T:You please.(Survey object: S4)What do you usually do before going to bed?S4:I usually play computer games.T:Do you always do that very late?S4:Yes. I like it very much. I dont sleep until half past eleven.T:Oh. Its too b

6、ad. Staying up late is bad for your health.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:5分钟) (切入到主人公Kangkang的问题上来。设置听力任务,让学生听录音完成任务。)T:OK. Today lets talk about healthy habits and unhealthy habits.(教师转身在黑板上列出本课标题。)T:Today, our friend Kangkang looks tired. Why? Do you know?Ss:Sorry, we dont know.T:Lets listen to t

7、he tape and find the answer, OK?Ss:OK.(教师在黑板上列出问题。)Whats wrong with Kangkang today? Why?What suggestion does Jane give to Kangkang?T:I will play it twice, listen carefully, please.(教师找同学说答案。)T:Then I will play the tape again. Please find out the key words in this dialog.Ss:OK.(最后教师板书对话部分的关键词,方便学生下一步

8、自由表演。)look tired, headache, soccer game, stay up late, be bad for ., feel better, tonightStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1. (学生两人一组,根据板书的1a中的关键词表演1a。合上书本,用自己的语言交流。)T:Now please open your books, look at 1a, practice and act the dialog out. Use the key words in the box, OK?Ss:OK.(本节课的生词少,不作特殊处理,学

9、生遇到生词后可以看生词表,不会造成障碍。)T:Stop here. Who acts Jane in your pairs? Hands up, please.(表演Jane的学生们举手。)T:S1, come here, please. You are Jane.Then who acts Kangkang in your pairs? Hands up, please.(表演Kangkang的学生们举手。)T:S2, you please.T:Well done. S1 and S2 act out the dialog.(对学生的表演给予表扬。)2. (让学生以旁观者或是第三人称的身份来

10、复述Kangkang和Jane之间的生活片断,进一步巩固1a部分,同时也能锻炼学生的口头表达能力。)T:Then close your books. Please make up a short story between Kangkang and Jane according to 1a. Then tell the story to your partner. The following expressions may help you.T:(Three minutes later.) Stop here. Who wants to have a try to tell the story

11、 to the class? S3, you please.S3:.T:Then lets make up the story together. Before that, I have four questions for you all.First, what causes Kangkangs problem? Whats up?Ss:He watched a soccer game on TV last night. He went to bed very late.T:So he didnt get enough sleep. (The teacher adds that.)Next,

12、 whats Kangkangs problem?Ss:Kangkang is tired and has a headache.T:Thats right. Because Kangkang didnt get enough sleep. He is tired and has a headache.Then, whats Janes opinion and what suggestion does Jane give to Kangkang?Ss:Jane thinks staying up late is bad for his health. She asks Kangkang to

13、go to bed early tonight.T:Well. The last question, will Kangkang go to bed early tonight?Ss:Yes, he will.T:Very good. Lets join the answers to the four questions. Itll be the whole story.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1.T:Now, lets play a game. Do it in two parts, OK?Ss:OK.(教师用汉语说明,两大组接力赛。规则是A组第一名站

14、起来先说病情,如:If I have a headache, what should I do? B组第一名学生给建议, Youd better lie down and have a good sleep. 然后B组第二名学生接着起来陈述病情,如:If I had a bad cold, what should I do? 那么A组第二名学生就得用Youd better not.来提建议。也就是说A、B两组相继提建议的两名学生所用句型是一肯一否的。)T:If someone in your group cant do it, the next one goes on.(教师用汉语说明,在黑板

15、上用“正”字记录各组答不上来的学生个数,最后决出胜负。)T:OK. This time group A win!(教师用汉语说,A组点歌,B组出名代表为A组唱歌。)2. T:Good! Next, 2 work alone! Listen and check () your answer. How did Wang Junfeng get a headache? Skim first, please.(半分钟后。)T:Ready?Ss:Yes.T:Go!(教师放两遍录音,全班一起核对答案。)T:Then lets do 3a. Are these habits good or bad? If

16、they are bad, write the good ones on the lines.(一分钟以后。)T:Lets check the answers together. S1, you please.S1:Getting up late. Bad!T:The next one.S2:Going to bed early. Good!S3:.3. T:Oh, please make a dialog like this example in 3b. Then ask and answer in pairs.(教师需选择3或4组学生做对话。然后,教师可用汉语说明这种选择疑问句,回答时不能

17、用Yes或No。)4. T:Boys and girls, then let s relax for a while. Class activities! Look at the screen again. Lets chant following it. OK?Ss: Yeah!(教师播放课件。设计成连续播放四遍的效果,第一遍 慢节奏的,每一句chant就出现个小卡通画面帮助学生理解句子意思,第二遍和第三遍按录音磁带的节奏,让学生可以跟着学,第四遍只放伴奏,让学生自己来chant,为了增添气氛,也可以击掌伴奏。)5. T:Then lets play an interesting game,

18、 OK?Ss:What?T:Thats Musical Chair.(教师用汉语说明游戏规则:让学生帮忙准备五个凳子,放在教室前面,摆成圆形。教师找六名自愿参加游戏的同学到前面来,围绕凳子站着,当教师播放chant时,六名学生顺时针围绕凳子慢跑,教师停止播放,六名学生抢五把凳子,不许用手推人,没有抢到凳子的同学退出,并撤下一把凳子,游戏继续,直到决出优胜。)(课堂上能进行几轮,由教师自己把握。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:10分钟)1. T:Lets make a survey, you can walk around our classroom, and he

19、lp me find the answers. My question is what is good for your health. Please help me find the answers, let me see who can get the most answers.(教师说明每名同学都拿着笔和练习本,可自由活动,到其他同学处做调查,如果重复,只记录前一个同学的答案,总之,答案越多越好。)S1:What is good for your health?S2:Doing morning exercises.S1:What is good for your health?S3:Wa

20、shing hands before meals.S1:.S4:.(教师可限定时间为4分钟。)T:Stop here. Who gets the most answers?First, more than 10 answers, hands up, please.(通过这种方式选出收集答案最多的一位同学。)T:S5, well done! Thank you!2. T:This time, lets make another survey. The question is what is bad for your health. Go!S6:What is bad for your healt

21、h?S7:Staying up late.S6:What is bad for your health?S8:Going to school without having breakfast.S6:.S9:.(教师到学生中去,督促学生,必须用英语进行问答。)3.T:You all did well today, my students. So I will give you a gift then.Ss:What?T:An English songKeeping Fit.(教师放幻灯片,也可写在黑板上。)(这首歌仍然可以采用生日快乐歌的曲子,因为曲子熟悉,所以学生学起来容易。)T:Let me

22、 sing this song for you, OK?Ss:Yeah!T:Do you like it?Ss:Yes.T:OK, follow me. I will teach you.(教师教唱两遍,学生可以自唱。)4. Homework:(1) What is good for your health? (2) What is bad for your health? T:Write at least five answers.Section BThe main activities are 1a, 1c and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a、1c和2a。. Teaching aims a

23、nd demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:article, cause, cancer, give up, throw about, litter, habit, energy, necessary, enough2. Learn the modals for necessity: must, must not. Teaching aids 教具英语单词卡片/一张仁爱英语报/录音机/小黑板/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:5分钟)1

24、. (本节课应注意每次提问学生后要记分,最后统计,分出1、2、3、4名。)T:Do you remember the English song we have learned yesterday? Keeping Fit!Ss:Yes.T:Lets sing it together before our class, OK?Ss:OK.T: Eat well for breakfast, one, two!Ss:.T:Very good! That sounds great!(带头鼓掌,并竖起拇指给予赞扬。)2. (教师用汉语点评家庭作业。)3. T:Now Im going to make

25、a survey, Whose father smokes? Hands up, please.(学生举手后统计人数。)T:Is smoking good or bad?Ss: Bad!T:Why is it bad?Ss:We dont know.T:OK. Today we will learn a dialog, then we can get the answer from it. But first, lets learn some key words.4. (教师逐一出示事先准备好的卡片,要求会读的学生站起来大声朗读,哪组声音大,人数多则给哪组加1分。)评比表如下:(可画在黑板右侧

26、。)组别项目Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Words PhrasesSentencesGrammarOthersTotalT:Boys and girls, please stand up and read the words I show you loudly. The group which does the best job will get one mark.(可用汉语解释规则。)5. (到学生熟悉单词后,教师又拿出准备好的词组,让学生快速造句。教师应注意以组为单位叫学生回答,该组不会其他组可抢答。)give up T:Group 1: Dont give u

27、p studying English.(本课应准备的词组为:give up, throw about, be bad for., be good for., remember to do., remember doing.,, put.into.)(让学生一起复述他们所造的句子。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟)1.T:Look at these questions:Questions:(1)What are Maria and Wang Junfeng reading?(2)Whose father smokes?(3)Why doe

28、s his / her father like smoking?(4)What may smoking cause?T:Then listen to the tape, and find the answers.(教师放两遍录音。)(学生找出答案后,按组提问学生并记分,此环节分数可列到others一栏中去。)T:This time lets listen to the tape again, find out the key words in this dialog.(板书)relax, be bad for., yellow, cough, say, lung, cancer, give u

29、pT: OK. Then practice 1a in pairs, please, and act it out.(学生表演对话时,提供仁爱英语报让学生用来当道具。)T:Then lets do this dialog in two parts, Girls are Maria, Boys are Wang Junfeng. Ready? Go!(教师逐步擦去关键词,直至全部擦去后学生仍能说出。)2. T:Very good! Then lets find out the main points here. If you can, hands up, please.S1:Ask sb. to

30、 do sth.S2:.(教师列出板书。)Language points:1. ask sb. to do .2. ask sb. not to do.3. must do4. give up doingStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:15分钟)1. T:Lets make new sentences.(先按组提问,剩下的两个句子进行抢答,并记在Grammar一栏。)2. T:Then lets look at some pictures.(逐一出示1b中的四幅画。)T:Look at this boy, what is he doing?S1:He is do

31、ing morning exercises.T:Is it good for his health?S1:Yes.T:So you must do morning exercises, right?S1:Yes.(教师示意S1坐下,让其他同学跟读。)(教师再出示小男孩扔香蕉皮的图片。)T:Look at this boy, what is he doing?S2:Er. He is throwing litter about.(由于新词组在前面已经操练过了,所以回答起来不会有障碍。)T:Is that right or wrong?S2:Thats wrong.T:So you must not throw litter about.

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