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1、届中考英语复习第一篇语言基础知识第10课八下Units12基础知识第10课 八下 Units 12课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. stomachache 腹痛;胃痛2. throat 喉咙3. fever 发烧4. cough 咳嗽5. toothache 牙痛6. headache 头痛7. passenger 乘客8. sic 生病的9. ourselves 我们自己10. blood 血11. spirit 勇气;意志;精神12. nurse 护士13. sign 标志;信号14. notice 通知;注意15. lonely 孤独的16. strong 强烈的;强壮的17. ra

2、ise 募集18. alone 独自;单独19. repair 修理20. letter 信21. disabled 有残疾的22. blind 瞎的23. deaf 聋的24. imagine 想象25. clever 聪明的26. change 变化;改变词汇拓展1. foot(n.) feet (pl.)脚;足2. lie(v.) lay (过去式) lain (过去分词) lying (现在分词)平躺;躺3. hurt(v.) hurt (过去式/过去分词) hurting (现在分词)(使)疼痛;受伤4. hit(n. & v.) hit (过去式/过去分词) hitting (现在

3、分词)(用手或器具)击;打5. sic(adj.) sicness (n.)疾病;生病6. climb(v.) climber (n.)登山者;攀登者7. nife(n.) nives (pl.)刀8. important(adj.) importance (n.)重要;重要性9. cheer(v.) cheerful (adj.)快乐的;愉快的;高兴的10. strong(adj.) strongly (adv.)强有力地;坚强地 wea (反义词)虚弱的;无力的11. feel(v.) felt (过去式/过去分词)感到;感觉 feeling (n.)感觉;感触12. satisfy(v.

4、) satisfaction (n.)满足;满意 satisfied (adj.)感到满足的;感到满意的13. own(v. & adj.) owner (n.)物主;主人14. brea(v.) broen (adj.)破损的;残缺的15. able(adj.) ability (n.)能力 disable (v.)使丧失能力;使残废 disabled (adj.)丧失能力的;有残疾的16. imagine(v.) imagination (n.)想象;想象力17. difficult(adj.) difficulty (n.)困难;难题18. train(v.) training (n.)

5、训练;培训 trainer (n.)教练;训练员19. ind(adj.) indness (n.)仁慈;善良20. she(pron.) her (人称代词宾语)她 her (形容词性物主代词)她的 hers (名词性物主代词)她的 herself (反身代词)她自己21. we(pron.) us (人称代词宾语)我们 our (形容词性物主代词)我们的 ours (名词性物主代词)我们的 ourselves (反身代词)我们自己中考词组短语词 组1. have a cold感冒2. lie down躺下3. tae ones temperature量体温4. have a fever发烧

6、5. tae breas休息6. get off下车7. right away=at once立即;马上8. get into trouble陷入麻烦9. be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事10. tae riss冒险11. run out (of)用尽12. cut off切除13. get out of. 从出14. give up放弃15. clean up打扫16. give out=hand out分发17. come up with想出18. put off推迟19. call up打电话给(某人)20. used to do. 曾经常常做;过去常常做

7、21. care for照顾22. try out试用;参加选拔23. fi up修理24. tae after像25. set up建起26. mae a difference有影响;有作用27. have a sore throat喉咙痛28. shout for help呼救29. without thining twice毫不犹豫30. wait for the net bus等下一班车31. thin about oneself考虑某人自己32. put on穿上33. mind doing sth. 介意做某事34. at the age of. 在岁时35. worry abou

8、t担心36. a friend of mine我的一位朋友37. be ecited about. 对感到兴奋38. help sb. out帮某人脱离困境39. feel lucy to do sth. 对做某事感到幸运40. be strong in. 在方面强41. wor out fine起到很好的效果中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 健康与急救 To his surprise , they all agreed to go with him. 令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。 Thans to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the old man was

9、saved by the doctors in time . 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。He had problems (in) breathing just now. 他刚才呼吸困难。Aron tells of the importance of maing good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. Aron讲了做好决定的重要性和掌握生命的重要性。2. 志愿服务与慈善The girl could visit the sic children in the hospital to cheer them up

10、 . 那个女孩可以看望医院里生病的孩子们,让他们高兴起。I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time .我可以做我喜欢做的事情,同时也能帮助别人。However, few people thin about what they can do to help others. 然而,很少有人考虑他们能做些什么帮助别人。Im similar to her. 我和她很相似。You helped to mae it possible for me to have Lucy. 有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。We will

11、give away the money from the sale to homeless people .我们将把从义卖中得到的钱捐给无家可归的人。 Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way to spend our free time.奉献我们的时间去帮助这些人是一个消磨空闲时光的好方法。语法精萃She hurt herself . 她弄伤了自己。(反身代词)You could as hospitals to let you visit the ids and cheer them up.你可以请求医院让你看望儿童并鼓

12、舞他们。(动词不定式作宾补,could表建议)情景交际 Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。You shouldnt eat so much net time. 下次别吃这么多。课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、get的用法【例句展示】1. I got good grades in this eam.在这次考试中,我取得了好成绩。2. She got a letter from Tom.她收到了汤姆的信。3. She got angry with her brother.她生她哥哥/弟弟的气。4. She gets a

13、 lot of homewor to do every day.她每天有很多作业要做。5. She often gets home late.她经常迟回家。6. Her mother got her a dress.她妈妈给她买了一条裙子。7. Autumn comes and the leaves get yellow.秋天了,树叶变黄了。8. We also learn how to get along with others at school.我们在学校也学习如何与他人相处。9. I cant get what you are taling about.我搞不懂你们在说什么。10. S

14、omeone got hit on the head.有人头上被撞了一下。【精讲辨析】get作动词,相当于achieve, tae, become, have, arrive, receive,意为“得到;变得;收到;有;到达;拿;买到;理解”等。get还可与过去分词连用,如:get hit受到撞击;get hurt受伤;get lost迷路;get married结婚;get dressed穿衣服;get sunburned晒伤。相关短语:get up起床;get (to)到达;get home到家;get ready for.为做准备;get on(off)上车(下车);get away离

15、开;get bac回;get along(on) with sb.与某人相处;get out of.从出;get together相聚;get over克服。【活学活用】A)用get的适当形式填空。1. Its_ cold. I shall put my coat on.2. She will write to you as soon as she_ to Guangi.B)根据汉语提示完成句子。3. We will_ (相聚) with some friends for a picnic this weeend. Would you lie tocome?4. You should try

16、to_ (克服) the problems you meet.二、open的用法【例句展示】1. Please open the door.请开门。2. The door is open now.现在门开着。【精讲辨析】1. open作动词,意为“打开”,其反义词是close。2. open也可作形容词,意为“开着的”,其反义词是closed。【活学活用】用open的适当形式填空。That clothes store_ at 900 a.m. And it_ for 12 hours a day. Its 830 p.m., so it_ still_ now.三、rest的用法【例句展示】1

17、. You should have a good rest.你应该好好休息一下。(作名词)2. I want to rest at home and read a novel this weeend.这周末我想留在家中休息和看小说。(作动词)3. The rest of our family went to the movies.我们家的其余人都去看电影了。(作名词)【精讲辨析】1. rest作名词或动词,意为“休息”。2. rest作名词,还可意为“余下的人或物”。相关短语:have a rest休息一下;the rest of.剩余的。注:the rest of+n.作主语时,其谓语动词单

18、复数与后面的名词保持一致。类似的结构还有some of.,half of.及百分数、分数等。【活学活用】A)根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Good_ (休息) can help us study better.2. Some students went to the old peoples home, the_(剩余的) of them volunteered in the hospital.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。3. The rest of the students_ (be) not allowed to leave the classroom at that time.四、happe

19、n的用法【例句展示】1. What happened in the end?最后发生了什么事?2. Lisa is crying. What happened to her?莉萨在哭。她怎么了?【精讲辨析】happen作动词,有“发生(某事)”的意思,主语往往是事情,有固定搭配sth. happen to sb.,意为“某事发生在某人身上”。如果主语是人时,则是sb. happen to do sth.的结构,意为“某人碰巧做某事”。【活学活用】用happen的适当形式填空。1. The accident_ on Tuesday morning.2. I hope nothing bad_ t

20、o my friend.3. I_ to meet an old friend on my way to the station.4. What is_ outside? So many people are getting together.五、hit的用法【例句展示】1. The movie was a hit last year.这电影去年轰动一时。2. Their new song made a hit.他们的新歌轰动一时。3. She hit him on the head with a boo.她用书打他的头。4. A car hit a tree, and broe down.轿

21、车撞上一棵树,抛锚了。5. The ball hit against the wall.球撞到了墙上。【精讲辨析】1. hit作名词时,意为“成功且轰动一时的事物”,如例1。mae a hit意为“成功;受(某人的)欢迎”,如例2。2. hit还可以作及物动词,意为“打击;碰撞”,如例3和例4。3. hit也可作不及物动词,意为“撞击”,如例5。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。The driver dran much and_ (hit) a tree near the river.六、tae after的用法【例句展示】He doesnt loo lie his mother. He t

22、aes after his father.他长得不像他的母亲。他像他的父亲。【精讲辨析】tae after是短语动词,意为“与相像”,相当于loo lie,表示在长相、脾气或性格等方面相似,强调遗传因素;而loo lie则除了有遗传上长得像,也可以是非遗传关系的像。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成句子。The boy_ (与相像) his father. They both lie helping others.中考重点句型Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?I have a toothache.我牙痛。【例句展示】Whats the matter with you?你怎

23、么了?Im not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。【归纳提高】1. 询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦时,常用以下几种结构表达:Whats the matter (with sb.)? (某人)怎么了?Whats wrong (with sb.)? (某人)怎么了?Whats the trouble (with sb.)? (某人)出什么事了?What happened (to sb.)? (某人)发生了什么事?Are you O? 你没事吧?Is there anything wrong with sb.? 某人有什么事吗?2. 要表达身体疼痛或不舒服,可用以下结构:(1)某人

24、+have/has/had+病症。如:The twins have colds. 双胞胎感冒了。(2)某人+have/has/had+a+headache/toothache/stomachache/bacache/earache。如:She had a stomachache last night. 她昨晚胃痛。(3)某人+have/has/had+a+sore+发病部位。如:He has a sore throat. 他喉咙痛。(4)某人+hurt(s)+身体部位或反身代词。如:He hurt his leg. 他的腿受伤了。(5)某部位+hurt(s)。如:My head hurts b

25、adly. 我头痛得厉害。(6)某人+have/has/had+a pain+in ones+身体部位。如:I have a pain in my chest. 我胸口痛。(7)(There is) something wrong with ones+身体部位。如:There is something wrong with my right eye. 我的右眼有毛病。(8)其他表达方式。如:She has heart trouble. 她有心脏病。He got hit on the head. 他头部受到了撞击。She cut her finger. 她割破手指了。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成

26、句子。1. I hope you can feel_ (身体好) soon.2. (怎么了)?I have a sore throat.中考词语辨析一、ill与sic【例句展示】1. Li Lei was ill/sic last wee.李雷上周生病了。2. Hes a sic man.他是病人。【辨异突破】两者都是形容词。作“生病的;患病的”之意时,ill只作表语,不作定语。ill作定语时意为“坏的;不吉祥的;恶意的”;而sic既可作表语也可作定语。sic有“呕吐;恶心”的意思,此时只能作表语,而ill无此意。【活学活用】用ill或sic填空。1. A healthy beggar is

27、happier than a(n)_ ing.2. The old man has been_ in bed for a long time.二、thin, thin of, thin about, thin over与thin up【例句展示】1. I thin she is a good student.我认为她是一个好学生。2. I dont thin he can come.我认为他不能。3. What do you thin of the TV play?你认为这部电视剧怎么样?4. I have thought about it for a long time.我已经考虑很久了。5

28、. Thin it over and give me an answer tomorrow.仔细考虑一下,明天给我回复。6. She thought up a good idea.她想出了一个好主意。【辨异突破】1. thin单独使用时表示“思考”,接that宾语从句时意为“认为;觉得”。当主语为第一人称时,若其后所跟的宾语从句含有否定概念,通常形式上否定thin,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如:I thin so.(我认为是这样的)I dont thin so.(我认为不是这样的)。2. thin of意为“认为”,用于问句What do you thin of.?(=How do you l

29、ie.?)中。thin of也可意为“想起”。3. thin about意为“考虑”,宾语it, them或oneself置后。4. thin over意为“仔细考虑”,宾语it或them放在中间,一般指考虑问题。5. thin up=come up with,意为“想出”。【活学活用】A)根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 我认为明天不会下雨。I_ it_ rain tomorrow.B)用适当的短语填空。2. Whats the matter? You loo sad.Nothing. The music maes me_ my grandmother.三、die, dead, death与dying【例句展示】1. Two soldiers died in the war last year.去年在战争中死了两名战士。2. It was a matter of life and death to them.对他们说这是生死攸关的事。3. The poor woman is dying. A doctor must be sent for.

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