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最新《星球之战》at war with the planet原文及翻译word版本.docx

1、最新星球之战at war with the planet原文及翻译word版本1.People live in two worlds. Like all living things, we inhabit this natural world, created over the Earths 5-billion-year history by physical, chemical, and biological processes. The other world is our own creation: homes, cars, farms, factories, laboratories,

2、 food, clothing, books, paintings, music, poetry. We accept responsibility for events in our own world, but not for what occurs in the natural one. Its storms, droughts, and floods are acts of God, free of human control and exempt8 from our responsibility.人类生活在两个世界中。和所有的生物一样,我们生存在这个经过50多亿年物理、化学、生物变化

3、所形成的地球上,即自然世界。另外一个世界则源于人类的创造,如家庭、汽车、农场、工厂、实验室、食物、服装、书籍、绘画、音乐、诗歌等。我们为人类世界所发生的一切承担责任,却对自然世界的变化无能为力。风暴、干旱、洪水等都是上帝的“手笔”,人类无法控制,也无须负责。2.Now, on a planetary scale, this division has been breached. With the appearance of a continent-sized hole in the Earths protective ozone layer and the threat of global w

4、arming, even droughts, floods, and heat waves may become unwitting acts of man.但如今,从全球的角度看,这个界限已被打破。对地球起保护作用的臭氧层出现空洞,全球变暖威胁人类,甚至干旱、洪水、热电波等都可能是人类的无心之过。3.Like the Creation, the portending global events are cosmic: they change the relationship between the planet Earth and its star, the sun. The suns po

5、werful influence on the Earth is exerted by two forces: gravity and solar radiation. Gravity is a nearly steady force that fixes the planets path around the sun. Solar radiationlargely visible and ultraviolet lightis a vast stream of energy that bathes the Earths surface, fluctuating from day to nig

6、ht and season to season. Solar energy fuels the energy- requiring processes of life; it creates the planets climate and governs the gradual evolution and the current behavior of its huge and varied population of living things. We have been tampering with this powerful force, unaware, like the Sorcer

7、ers Apprentice, of the potentially disastrous consequences of our actions.正如宇宙的建立,这种预示性的全球事件是影响深远的。它们改变了地球与它的恒星太阳之间的关系。太阳通过两种力量对地球发挥重要作用:重力和太阳辐射。重力是一种使地球轨道绕太阳转的稳定力量。太阳辐射大部分为可见光和紫外线是沐浴着地球表层的取之不尽、用之不竭的能量,它会随时间和季节的变化而波动。太阳能为生命进程提供必需的能量:它创造了地球上的气候并掌管着庞大而多样的生物群的逐渐进化和当前的行为。我们一直在滥用这股强大的力量,就像传说中的魔术师的徒弟一样,并没

8、有意识到我们的这种行为很可能会导致灾难性的后果。4.We have become accustomed to the now mundane image of the Earth as seen from the first expedition to the moon a beautiful blue sphere decorated by swirls of fleecy clouds. It is a spectacularly natural object; at that distance, no overt signs of human activity are visible.

9、But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertisements, is misleading. Even if the global warming catastrophe never materializes, and the ozone hole remains an esoteric, polar phenomenon, already human activity has profoundly altered global conditions in ways tha

10、t may not register on the camera. Everywhere in the world, there is now radioactivity that was not there before, the dangerous residue of nuclear explosions and the nuclear power industry; noxious fumes of smog blanket every major city; carcinogenic synthetic pesticides have been detected in mothers

11、 milk all over the world; great forests have been cut down, destroying ecological niches and their resident species.自从人类第一次登月起,我们就一直习惯于如今这平常无奇的地球景象一个被装点着旋涡状白云的蓝色星球。这真是个壮观的自然天体。隔着那么远的距离,人类活动的明显痕迹无法被察觉。但这种曾无数次展现在照片、海报和广告上的景象都是误导。即使全球变暖这种灾害永不发生,即使臭氧层空洞仍然只是一种深奥的极地现象,人类活动已极大地改变了地球条件,这些也许是用照相机拍不出来的。世界的每个角

12、落都出现了由核爆炸和核能工业的危险剩余物质所产生的辐射现象,那是从前不存在的;烟雾的有害烈焰笼罩在世界大都市的上空;各地都有报道发现母乳中有致癌的合成杀虫剂的成分;大片大片的森林被砍伐,摧毁了生态小环境,也毁灭了生存在其中的物种。5.Clearly, we need to understand the interaction between our two worlds: the natural ecosphere, the thin global skin of air, water, and soil and the plants and animals that live in it,

13、and the man-made technospherepowerful enough to deserve so grandiose a term. The technosphere has become sufficiently large and intense to alter the natural processes that govern the ecosphere. And in turn, the altered ecosphere threatens to flood our great cities, dry up our bountiful farms, contam

14、inate our food and water, and poison our bodies catastrophically diminishing our ability to provide for basic human needs. The human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack. The two worlds are at war.显而易见,我们需要认识这两个世界间的相互作用:一个是稀薄的地表空气、水、土壤和植物、动物们赖以存在的生态圈;另一个是人造技术圈它庞大的力量完全配得

15、上这一称号。如此庞大和强烈的技术圈已经改变了控制自然圈的自然进程。接着,被改变了的生态圈也已淹没我们的城市,耗尽丰厚的农场资源,污染食物和水源,并毒害我们的身体使我们削弱了供应人类基本需求的能力。人类对生态圈侵害已遭到生态圈的反击。两大世界正处于交战状态。6.The two spheres in which we live are governed by very different laws. One of the basic laws of the ecosphere can be summed up as Everything is connected to everything els

16、e. This expresses the fact that the ecosphere is an elaborate network, in which each component part is linked to many others. Thus, in an aquatic ecosystem a fish is not only a fish, the parent of other fish. It is also the producer of organic waste that nourishes microorganisms and ultimately aquat

17、ic plants; the consumer of oxygen produced photosynthetically by the plants; the habitat of parasites; the fish hawks prey. The fish is not only, existentially, a fish, but also an element of this network, which defines its functions. Indeed, in the evolutionary sense, a good part of the networkthe

18、microorganisms and plants, for example preceded the fish, which could establish itself only because it fitted properly into the preexisting system.我们所居住的两个世界分别受控于不同的规律。生态圈最基本的规律可概括为“万物都互相联系”。这说明生态圈是一个精密的网络,其间的每个成员都与其他成员相联系。因此,在海洋生态系统中,鱼不仅是鱼,也不仅是其他鱼的生育者;它还充当有机废料的生产者,而这些有机废料滋养着微生物甚至水生植物;它又是由植物光合作用生成的氧

19、气的消耗者;它也是寄生虫的栖息地和鱼鹰的猎食对象。鱼并不仅仅是孤立的鱼,它也是网络上的一个要素并限制网络的功能。的确,从进化论的角度上看,网络中的很多成员,比如微生物和植物,都先于鱼而存在。但正因为鱼能适应这一业已存在的系统,它才得以立足。7.In the technosphere, the component partsthe thousands of different man-made objects have a very different relation to their surroundings. A car, for example, imposes itself on th

20、e neighborhood rather than being defined by it; the same car is sold for use on the densely packed Los Angeles freeways or in a quiet country village. It is produced solely as a salable objecta commoditywith little regard for how well it fits into either sphere: the system of transportation or the e

21、nvironment. It is true, of course, that all cars must have a width that is accommodated by the traffic lanes, and must have proper brakes, lights, and horn, and so on. But as every resident of Los Angeles or New York knows, in recent years their crowded streets and highways have been afflicted with

22、longer and longer limousines, designed to please the buyer and profit the producer, but hardly suitable to their habitat. 在技术圈中,成员们即众多形形色色的人造物体之间相对于它们的环境来说关系也不一样。例如,汽车立于社区却不受其限制;同型的汽车可以奔驰在熙熙攘攘的洛杉矶高速公路上,也可以行驶在安静的乡村小路上。汽车被生产出来就是为了出售,就是一种商品,无须考虑它适合于外界条件:交通系统或环境。当然,所有汽车都需要一定宽度的交通通道,并要有合适的闸、灯、喇叭等。但正如洛杉矶或

23、纽约的每个居民所知道的那样,近年来,拥挤的街道和高速公路全都充塞着长龙般的小轿车。而这些小轿车的设计只求迎合买者并使生产商获利,却很少考虑与环境相宜。8.Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment. The new cars were successfully designed to carry people more comfortably at higher speed; but no attention was paid to

24、an essential component in their habitatthe people themselves, and their requirement for clean, smog-free air.若只为迎合买者和生产商,汽车具有不利于环境的性能也就不足为奇了。人们成功地设计出了既舒适又快捷的新型汽车,却从不考虑环境中的必备要素人类本身和他们对清洁的、无烟空气的需求。9.Even a part of the technosphere as close to nature as the farm suffers from the same sort of clash with

25、 the environment. As a man-made object, the farm is designed for the sole purpose of producing crops. Guided by that purpose, after World War II agronomists41urged42the increasingly heavy application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Yields rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer applic

26、ation; year by year, less and less of the applied fertilizer was taken up by the crop and progressively more drained through the soil into groundwater, in the form of nitrate that contaminated rivers, lakes, and water supplies. Nitrogen fertilizer is a commodity sold with the narrow purpose of raisi

27、ng yields and manufactured with the even narrower purpose of increasing the chemical industrys profits. When inorganic nitrogen fertilizer was introduced in the 1950s, little or no attention was paid to its ecological behavior in the soil/water system or to the harmful effects of elevated nitrate le

28、vels in drinking water. 就连技术圈中如此接近自然的农场也遭受到同样的与环境的冲突。作为人造物体,农场的唯一目的是生产农作物。为此,二战后农学家们大力提倡增加化学氮肥料的投入量。产量提高了,却与肥料投入量不成正比;年复一年,庄稼吸收到的肥料日益减少,投入的肥料大都通过土壤流失到地下水中,并以硝酸盐的形式污染河流、湖泊和淡水供应。仅仅为了提高产量而出售氮肥料,甚至单单为了提高化学工业的利润而生产氮肥料。20世纪50年代引进无机氮肥料时,人们就很少考虑其在土壤/水系统中的生态情况和饮用水中硝酸盐比重提高的危害作用。10.The second law of ecologyEve

29、rything has to go somewheretogether with the first, expresses the fundamental importance of cycles in the ecosphere. In the aquatic ecosystem, for example, the participating chemical elements move through closed cyclical processes. As they respire, fish produce carbon dioxide, which in turn is absor

30、bed by aquatic plants and is used, photosynthetically, to produce oxygen which the fish respire. The fish excrete nitrogen-containing organic compounds in their waste; when the waste is metabolized by aquatic bacteria and molds, the organic nitrogen is converted to nitrate; this, in turn, is an esse

31、ntial nutrient for the aquatic algae; these, ingested by the fish, contribute to their organic waste, and the cycle is complete. In such a closed, circular system, there is no such thing as waste; everything that is produced in one part of the cycle goes somewhere and is used in a later step.第二条生态规律

32、“任何事物都会转化成其他事物”与第一条合起来,体现出自然圈中循环的重要性。例如在水域生态系统中,参与其中的化学元素通过封闭的循环流程来运行。鱼呼吸时产生二氧化碳,接下来,二氧化碳被水生植物吸收并用于光合作用生成鱼呼吸需要的氧气。鱼分泌出含氮的有机化合物废料;当废料被水生细菌和霉分解时,有机氮就转化为硝酸盐;依次下来,硝酸盐又是水生藻类的必要营养品;水生藻类被鱼吸收后会促成其产生有机废料,这个循环到此完成。在这个封闭的循环系统中,没有真正的“废料”,循环中产生的任何事物都会转化为他物并在下一步被利用。 11.The technosphere, in contrast, is dominated

33、by linear processes. Crops and the animals to which they are fed are eaten by people; their waste is flushed into the sewer system, altered in composition but not in amount at a treatment plant, and the residue is dumped into rivers or the ocean as wastewhich upsets the natural aquatic ecosystem. Uran

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