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牛津英语 高二 模块7 Unit2 词组检测版.docx

1、牛津英语 高二 模块7 Unit2 词组检测版高二 模块七 Unit2 词组检测1.配药_ medicine2.手术室 an _ theatre3.进行手术 perform _4.挽救数百万人的生命save _ of peoples _5.在自然界中被找到 be found in _6.含有特殊化学物质 possess a _ chemical7.退烧_ fever8.一位欧洲药剂师a European _9.开始将这种药以粉末的形式分发给医师 begin _ the medicine in _ form to physicians10.最畅销的止痛药 the _ medicine for p

2、ain relief11.预防中风_ strokes 12.帮助延年益寿 help _ the _ of peoples lives13.降低血糖水平 reduce _ _ levels14.看起来异常look _ 15.这种霉周围的细菌 the bacteria s_ the mould16.将这种霉用在另外一种细菌上做实验 try this mould _ _ another bacterium17.大量地 in large q_ 18.共同获得诺贝尔医学奖_ the Nobel Prize in Medicine19.现代化的医疗中心a modern _ centre 20.去前台挂号

3、go to _ to register21.一到达诊所_ arriving at the clinic22.神针_ needles 23.好久之前研制的 be _ long ago24.被石针代替 be _ by stone needles25.头部像箭的针a needle _ a head _ an arrow26.剑形针 the needle _ like a sword 27.针刺穴位acupuncture _ 28.在病灶处扎针_ needles at the body part _ by the diseases 29.你的病史和生活方式your _ history and your

4、 way of _30.为你诊脉_ your pulses 31.根据传统中医的说法_ to traditional _ medicine32.一项独特的贡献 a _ contribution 33.在17世纪 in the _ _34. (声音等)减弱下去, 褪色, 消失, 枯萎, 凋谢_ away35.拥有丰富的矿藏 possess rich mineral _36.经过多次医学试验go _ a number of medical t_ 37.以的形式 in the _ of 38.诊室a _ room 39.急诊室an _ room40.开处方_ a prescription 41.在药

5、房at a _ 42.教我们化学teach us _ 43.化学变化a _ change44.针线a _ and thread 45.心脏外科医生a heart s_46.外科手术病房a s_ ward 47.接受心脏外科手术undergo heart s_ 48.露天剧场an open-air _ 49.两种挽救生命的药two _ medicines 50.文化大革命cultural _ 51.对有益be _ to=be of _ to 52.拥有;占有 in _ of 53.酸雨_ rain54.心脏病发作heart _55.有做某事的潜力have the _ to do sth.56.异

6、常现象_ phenomena 57.恢复正常return to _ 58.令人惊讶的消息a_ news59.改善血液循环help the blood _ better60.工业革命;产业革命industrial _ 61.由拥有;由占有 in the _ of62.潜在的客户_ customers63.对该系统进行测试_ _ the system 64.这个理论的实际运用the practical _ of the theory65.批量生产_ production 66.占有;占领take p_ of 67.参加奥运会的选拔赛_ _ for the Olympic Games 68.采取有效

7、的措施take _ measures69.护照申请a passport _ 70.同意我的想法_ _ my idea 71.批准(通过)这个计划_ the plan 72.加快老化进程_ the ageing process73.大量的书(工作)m_ of books (work) 74.重感冒的早期症状 the early _ of a bad cold75.流血致死_ to death流血致死76.筋疲力尽be w_ out=be t_ out=be e_ 77.热烈鼓掌_ wildly 78.合理的价格a r_ price 79.三种可能的的结果three possible o_ 80.

8、安排周一约会_ an appointment for Monday81.为做安排make _ for 82.使筋疲力尽;使厌烦wear somebody _83.为国流血牺牲_ for the country84.钝刀a _ knife 85.压觉点、止血点_ point86.同意他离校_ _ him leaving school87.手里拿着一把剑with a sword in ones hand=_ _ _ 88.滞销;贸易 销售不畅_ sale89.发出一阵痛苦的叫喊声let _ a cry of pain 90.肿胀,膨胀_ up91.我不能同意滥杀无辜。I cant s_ to un

9、necessary killing.92.锋利的牙齿_ teeth93.一个复杂系统a _ system 94.价格的骤降a _ drop in prices 95.这把小刀需要磨了。This knife needs _.=This knife needs _ _ _. 96.摸我的脉_ my pulse 97.灵活的手腕a _ wrist 98.感觉器官a sense _ 99.含酒精的饮料_ drinks 100.饮酒引起的be _ by drinking _101.吸毒成瘾be _ to drugs=be _ on drugs102.理论上;按理说in _103.一种常见现象a comm

10、on _104.涉及;与相关;谈到r_ tosth./sb. 105.订阅一份杂志_ to a magazine 106.不锈钢_ steel107.打开任何一个药柜_ _ _ medicine _108.就职take _109.把从头至尾读完read _110.忍受put _ _111.瞧不起look _ _ 112.戒烟give _ smoking113.朗读read _114.经络_ channel115.看(听)清;辨认清楚;理解;声称 make _116.试用这种新药try _ the new drug117.试穿新鞋try _ the new shoes118.对表示浓厚的兴趣_

11、a great _ in119.释放能量give _ energy120.发送报纸give _ newspapers121.移交嫌疑犯give _ the suspect 122.向他屈服give _ _ him 123.在晚会上出现turn _ at the party124.关灯turn _ the light125.拒绝;调低(声音等)turn _126.上交钱包turn _ the wallet127.求助于他turn _ him _ help128.许多潜在的危险many _ dangers129.重感冒的症状_ of a bad cold130.克服酒精上瘾overcome an

12、_ to alcohol131.定期的锻炼_ exercise132.低脂肪的食物food _ _ fat133.偶遇come _134.发生come _135.把某人打发走turn sb. _ 136.占据太多的空间take _ too much s_137.接管生意take _ the business 138.相继死亡die _ 139.因操劳过度而死亡die _ overwork 140.死于癌症die _ cancer141.死于心脏病die _ heart disease 142.英年早逝die _ an early age143.为自由的事业而死亡die _ the cause

13、of freedom144.(光线、声音等)减弱die _145.天空放晴clear _ 146.清除垃圾clear _ rubbish 147.经历许多困难go _ many _148.在太空行走walk in _ 149.对挑剔be _ about150.把这种病毒控制住bring the virus _ _ 151.开辟新市场_ _ new markets152.历史老师a _ teacher153.历史剧a _ play154.具有历史意义的事件a _ event155.毛毛雨f_ rain156.物理变化a _ change157.稀疏的头发_ hair 158.看起来更瘦look

14、_159.四种血型4 _ of blood 160.详谈事情的来龙去脉tell a story at _161.用水稀释_with water 162.以来命名be _ after 163.无与伦比_ (without) compare 164.难怪no _165.把他的爱人比作红玫瑰compare his lover _ a red rose166.创造奇迹work _167.接通(电话)put (get) _168.与某人长得像take _ sb.169.欺骗;吸收;理解take _170.脱下;起飞;(事业等)腾飞take _ 171.灵敏的耳朵_ ears172.让我失望let me

15、_173.更不必说let _ 174.收到违章停车的罚款单get a parking _ 175.调查这起案件look _ the case176.沉溺于某事/做某事be _ to sth./doing sth.177.让我们保持健康keep us _=keep us in good _178.进行一项研究carry _ a study179.对有影响have an _ on=a_ 180.请我吃肯德基t_ me to KFC 181.今天我做东。 Its my _ today. 182.想出一个主意come _ _ an idea183.对熟视无睹_ a blind eye to 184.被

16、浓雾延误be _ up by the thick fog185.使我想起他的父亲_ me of his father186.别紧张take it _ 187.慢慢来take ones _ 188.对想当然_for granted 189.推迟做某事_ off doing sth. 190.向右急转弯make a _ turn to the right191.失明_ ones eyesight (sight) 192.治愈她的癌症_ her of cancer193.预定5点种离开be _ to leave at 5:00 194.与平常一样as _195.成为现实;实现 come _ 196.

17、绝对不_ but197.仅仅;只是_ but 198.除了之外_ than199.而不是_ than 200.集中注意力于 c_ on (f_)on高二 模块七 Unit2 词组检测(答案)1.配药prepare medicine2.手术室 an operating theatre3.进行手术 perform operation4.挽救数百万人的生命save millions of peoples lives5.在自然界中被找到 be found in nature6.含有特殊化学物质 possess a special chemical7.退烧 reduce fever8.一位欧洲药剂师a

18、European chemist9.开始将这种药以粉末的形式分发给医师 begin distributing the medicine in powder form to physicians10.最畅销的止痛药 the best-selling medicine for pain relief11.预防中风 prevent strokes 12.帮助延年益寿 help increase the length of peoples lives13.降低血糖水平 reduce blood sugar levels14.看起来异常look abnormal 15.这种霉周围的细菌 the bact

19、eria surrounding the mould16.将这种霉用在另外一种细菌上做实验 try this mould out on another bacterium17.大量地 in large quantities 18.共同获得诺贝尔医学奖 share the Nobel Prize in Medicine19.现代化的医疗中心a modern medical centre 20.去前台挂号 go to reception to register21.一到达诊所 on (upon) arriving at the clinic22.神针 magic needles 23.好久之前研制

20、的 be developed long ago24.被石针代替 be replaced by stone needles25.头部像箭的针a needle with a head like an arrow26.剑形针 the needle looking like a sword 27.针刺穴位acupuncture points 28.在病灶处扎针 insert needles at the body part affected by the diseases 29.你的病史和生活方式your medical history and your way of life30.为你诊脉 chec

21、k your pulses 31.根据传统中医的说法according to traditional Chinese medicine32.一项独特的贡献 a unique contribution 33.在17世纪 in the 17th century34. (声音等)减弱下去, 褪色, 消失, 枯萎, 凋谢 fade away35.拥有丰富的矿藏 possess rich mineral resources36.经过多次医学试验go through a number of medical trials 37.以的形式 in the form of 38.诊室a consulting ro

22、om 39.急诊室an emergency room40.开处方write a prescription 41.在药房at a chemists (pharmacy) 42.教我们化学teach us chemistry 43.化学变化a chemical change44.针线a needle and thread 45.心脏外科医生a heart surgeon46.外科手术病房a surgical ward 47.接受心脏外科手术undergo heart surgery 48.露天剧场an open-air theatre 49.两种挽救生命的药two life-saving medi

23、cines 50.文化大革命cultural revolution 51.对有益be beneficial to=be of benefit to 52.拥有;占有 in possession of 53.酸雨 acid rain54.心脏病发作heart attack55.有做某事的潜力have the potential to do sth.56.异常现象abnormal phenomena 57.恢复正常return to normal 58.令人惊讶的消息astonishing news59.改善血液循环help the blood circulate better60.工业革命;产业

24、革命industrial revolution 61.由拥有;由占有 in the possession of62.潜在的客户potential customers63.对该系统进行测试 try out the system 64.这个理论的实际运用the practical application of the theory65.批量生产mass production 66.占有;占领take possession of 67.参加奥运会的选拔赛try out for the Olympic Games 68.采取有效的措施take effective measures69.护照申请a passport application 70.同意我的想法approve of my

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