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1、版开心学英语五年级上册2013版开心学英语五年级上册小学五年级英语上册教案本校别:_姓名:_任教班级:_总第1课时 Unit One Seasons and Weather教学目标1、认知目标:(1)使学生能够准确地、熟练地听、说、认读和写出表示季节的单词spring ,summer, fall ,winter和表示气候的单词sunny、rainy,windy、cloudy。(2)能听、说、认读和写出功能句“Whats the weather like in (季节或地方)?”询问天气情况及用“Its +形容词+介词(in)+季节(地方)。/Its +形容词。”进行回答。(3)能听、说、认读和

2、写出功能句“Is it in ?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”讨论天气情况。2、能力目标:(1)能运用学到的单词和句型询问和答出有关四季天气情况。(2)培养学生的综合运用语言的能力。3、情感目标:(1)创设情景,为学生理解、操练运用功能句提供半真实的语言环境,激发学生爱好学习英语的情感。(2)引导学生了解天气的变化,并根据天气的变化对生活、学习作出相应的安排。教学重点(1)听、说、认读和写出表示季节的单词spring ,summer, fall ,winter和表示气候的单词sunny、rainy,windy、cloudy。(2)能听、说、认读和写出功能句“Whats th

3、e weather like in (季节或地方)?”及“Its +形容词+介词(in)+季节(地方)。/Its +形容词。”“Is it in ?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”进行交际。教学难点(1)看天气图标或图片,说出相应天气。(2)掌握句型Whats the weather like.?/Its教学过程及内容总第1课时The 1st Period一、 Warming-up (2 minutes)1、Greetings.2、Free talk.T: What day is it today? Whats your favorite day? How many days

4、 are there in a week? etc.3、本节课,将全班同学分成4组,咱们比一比,看看哪一组的得分最多,最多的一组的同学将会得到神秘礼品。二、 Lead-in (2 minutes)T: Lets sing a song. How is the weather? Ok?Ss: OK!三、 Presentation (20 minutes)T: Do you know how many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four.T: Very good. Ok, Lets learn the seasons and the weather.1 Wh

5、ich season do you like? I like_.(引出学习新单词 spring, summer, fall, winter),并用PPT展示相应的图片和板书。2 用PPT展示太阳的图片。T:Whats the weather like in summer?Ss:Its hot and sunny.(教授新单词:sunny,做出相应的动作和板书。)3.用PPT展示雨伞的图片。T:Whats the weather like in spring?Ss:Its rainy.(教授新单词:rainy,做出相应的动作和板书。)4.展示冬季图片,播放风声,引出新词windy教学。T: Is

6、 it rainy in fall?Ss: No, its not. Its windy(教授新单词:windy,做出相应的动作和板书。)5. 用PPT展示多云的图片。T:Is it rainy?Ss:No, it isnt. Its cloudy.(教授新单词:cloudy,做出相应的动作和板书。)6.教授句型:(1)利用PPT展示课本中Target部分的插图,并一句一句带读,让学生跟读。(2)板书、教授并强调句型:“Whats the weather like in (季节或地方)?”及“Its +形容词+介词(in)+季节(地方)。/Its +形容词。”“Is it in ?Yes, i

7、t is./No, it isnt.”四、 Practice. (12 minutes)1. Review words and sentences.(播放课文录音,让学生跟读。) (3 minutes)2. Play a game.(2 minutes)(留意屏幕,屏幕将会出现一个单词,这些单词都是这节课的重点词汇。但是这个单词很快就会消失,那么就要看看哪一位同学最快能说出并拼读这个单词,若正确,则为该组加分;若答错,其他同学可以补答,直到答对为止。)例如: 屏幕出现:spring 学生答:spring, s-p-r-i-n-g,春天3. Game (3 minutes)根据抽到的中文和图片,

8、与同伴运用这节课所学的句型进行对话下雨图片 例如:抽到:春天, A:Whats the weather like in spring? B:Its rainy in spring.4.根据图片,完成句子(4 minutes)1.Whats the weather like in ? Its .五、Summary (3 minutes)让学生打开书本P8齐读本课所学习的内容六、 Homework (1 minutes)课后,用英语向家人或朋友介绍四季的情况。总第2课时The 2nd PeriodTeaching objectives: 1. New words2. Target3. Senten

9、ces structuresTeaching key points:1. New words: spring summer fall winter sunny rainy windy cloudy2. Whats the weather like in spring? Its rainy in spring.Is it rainy in fall? No, its not. Its windy.Whats the weather like today? Its sunny and hot.Teaching difficult points:How to use the sentences: W

10、hats the weather like in?Its .Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tapeTeaching procedureStep One Get ready for the Class.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.Step Two Revisions1. Ask and answers.2. Free talk by the pupils themselves.Step Three Presentation1. Teaching the new words: spring summer fall winter sunny

11、 rainy windy cloudy学生分组把这些单词读熟,并尝试把这些单词背熟。2. Teaching the sentences: Put the pictures cards on the board, word slide up. Write Itsin(winter).underneath the cards. Write the spring, summer, and fall underneath winter. T:(Pont to winter) Whats the weather like in winter? SS: Its (cold) in winter. Cont

12、inue with the rest of the cards. Listen to the tape and repeat. Ask someone to read the sentences. Make sure that they can .read and understand the whole meanings.3. Get the pupils to dialogue in pairs.4. Answer the questions by themselves. Later, teacher checks them up.Step four summary and practic

13、e1. Ask some pupils to talk about the points that they learned in this lesson.2. Get some pupils to make dialogue.Step five Homework1. Read the dialogue.2. Get ready for conversation.3. Do some exercises in workbooks in Unit Five.Blackboard WritingUnit one. Whats the weather like in spring/today?Its

14、 .Is it in fall?Yes, it is.No, its not. Its .总第3课时The 3rd periodTeaching objectives Revise the sentencesTeaching key points1. New word: Look at2. Revise the sentencesTeaching difficult points: How to compare the seasons.Teaching procedureStep One Revision1. Students look at the word cards, read the

15、new words.2.Ask and answer: Whats the weather like in /today? Its .3. The whole class read the news words and phrases.4. Teach the new phrase “look at”5. Have a dictation about the new points for the pupils.Step Two Presentation1. Bring in pictures to show the four seasons.T :( writes seasons on the

16、 board) There are four seasons in a year.2. T :( Show the picture of spring) its spring.3. Do the same with the other pictures to introduce summer, fall and winter.4. Students listen to the tape, and then read after it.5.学生以两人小组为单位把这一部分内容读熟。6. Teacher helps pupils to know the whole meaning in conver

17、sation.7. Do practice one and practice two.8. Chant activity listens to the tape and repeat.Step three summary and practice1. Pupils should read conversation.2. Use the workbooks pupils do the exercises in unit five .check up the answers in class.(Teacher usually get the pupils to the blackboard to

18、write down the sentences and the answers on the black board and then the others check them up with the teacher.Step Four Homework1. Read and try to recite conversation.2. Prepare for sounds and words.3. Finish the exercises in the workbook in unit five.Blackboard writingUnit oneLook at In spring gre

19、enIn summer hotIn fall the leaves are red, yellow and orangeIn winter cold总第4课时The 4th periodTeaching objectives:1.Sounds and words: 1 (final position)2.Check up the exercises in the workbookTeaching key points1.Sounds and words: 1 (final position)2.Listen and chantTeaching difficult points The soun

20、d of iTeaching aids:Tape .recorder. picturesTeaching procedure.Step One Get read for the class1.Sing a song.2.Free talk(pupils talk in pairs. Teacher checks them up)Step Two Revision1.Revise the new words in this unit.2.Revise the new points in this unit.Whats the weather like in /today?Its .Is it i

21、n fall?Yes, it is.No, its not. Its .Step Three Presentation1.Write sunny and rainy on the board and underline l.2.T: Repeat after me sunny Ss: sunny rainy Ss: rainy3.T(point to i Lets practice this sound.4.T:1 Ss:/ i /5.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.6.Have Ss repea

22、t after the tape.7.Play the tape and pause after each paragraph.8.Have Ss repeat after the tape.9.比赛:看谁能在最短的时间内把这一部分内容背下来。Step Four Summary and practice1.Listen to the teacher and circle the right words.2.Check up the answers in exercise four and five that the pupils have finished.3.Teacher and the

23、class read the chant together till the pupils can read the it well.Step Five Homework1.Pupils read Unit Five.2.Review the exercises in the workbook in Unit one.3.Prepare for the new unit by the recorder and the book.Backboard WritingUnit oneSound and wordsy i rainy windy sunny baby city body总第5课时The

24、 5th periodTeaching content: Sounds and Words Reading and writing.Teaching aims: Master the new words and do the reading.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently.Teaching difficult points: answer the questions of Reading.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and so

25、me pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher shows a picture and repeat: “rainy”. 2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this words meaning.4、Teach the rest words

26、 : rainy, windy, sunny, baby, city, body in the same way.5、Help the students to see the sound i in these words .6、Let them read after the tape.三、Reading.1、Listen to the tape first .2、Look, read and fill in the blanks. Check out the answers.3、Talk about Email: Learn and Send Email to other people.4、D

27、o the practice2 and check out the answers together .5、Do the practice3 and check out the answers together .四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words. 总第6课时The 6th PeriodTeaching

28、content: More Reading and writing.Teaching aims: Do the reading item.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the reading .Teaching difficult points: Be able to take about the reading item.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、Lets chant .2、Check the presentation of

29、 the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher shows a picture “rain”. 2、Review the words such as cloud、rain 、water、.3、Do the practice1 and check out the answers together .4、Talk about the different words: rain rainy cloudcloudy5、Do the practice2 and check out the answers together .6、Do the practice3 and c

30、heck out the answers together .三、Review all.1、Seasons: spring summer fall winter Weather: rainy sunny windy cloudy2、Whats the weather like in spring?Its rainy in spring3、Sounds : i rainy, windy, sunny, baby, city, body四、Homework: Copy down the new reading.总第7课时Unit 2 MonthsThe 1st Period教学目标:1、学习对话,重点学会Is May before winter holiday ? No, May is after winter holiday . When is winter holiday ? Its in January and February .句型。2、在学习对话的过程学会新单词:when , go iceskating ,

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