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1、英语口语fsafGlobal Warming effects1) Green house gases can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Here are the 5 deadliest effects of global warming.温室气体能在大气中停留的年不等

2、,从几十年的千百年来量。不管我们做什么,全球变暖将在地球上有一定的影响。这里有5个致命的全球变暖效应。2) 5. Spread of disease As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some scientists believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria has not been fully eradicated

3、.5。疾病蔓延北方国家的热烈,携带疾病的昆虫北方迁移,带来瘟疫,并与他们的疾病。事实上,一些科学家认为,在一些国家由于全球变暖,疟疾尚未完全根除3) 4. Warmer waters and more hurricanes As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw in this in 2004 and 2005.4。由于温暖水域和海洋温度上升更多的飓风,所以会更频繁和强烈的飓风的可能性。我们看到在这2004年和2005

4、年。4) 3. Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe. Water is alre

5、ady a dangerously rare commodity in Africa, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war.3。和干旱的概率增加,虽然地球某些地区热浪强度将成为多雨,由于全球变暖,其他地区将遭受严重的旱灾和热浪。非洲将得到最糟糕的,在欧洲也与预期更严重的干旱。水是危险已经在非洲稀有的商品,并根据气候变化政府间小组,全球变暖将加

6、剧的条件,并可能导致冲突和战争。5) 2. Economic consequences Most of the effects of anthropogenic global warming wont be good. And these effects spell one thing for the countries of the world: economic consequences. Hurricanes cause do billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and confl

7、icts exacerbate all of these.2。经济后果的人为全球变暖的影响,大多不会好。而这些影响法术有一点是世界上的国家:经济后果。飓风造成的损失做了数十亿美元,疾病需要花钱治疗和控制,所有这些冲突加剧。6) Polar ice caps melting The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.1。极地冰盖融化的冰层融化是一个四管齐下的危险。7) First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, gla

8、ciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Luckily, thats not going to happen all in one go! But sea levels will rise.首先,它将提高海平面。有577.3万水在冰帽,冰川和永久积雪立方英里。据国家冰雪数据中心,如果所有冰川融化今天的海洋将上升约230英尺。幸运的是,这不会发生在一个

9、都去!但是,海平面将上升。8) Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt they will desalinate the ocean, or in plain English - make it less salty. The desalinization of the gulf current will screw up ocean currents, which regulate temp

10、eratures. The stream shutdown or irregularity would cool the area around north-east America and Western Europe. Luckily, that will slow some of the other effects of global warming in that area!第二,冰盖融化将引发全球生态系统的平衡了。冰帽是淡水,而当他们将淡化融化的海洋,或用简单的英语 - 让不那么咸。海湾当前脱盐将“螺旋上升”洋流,从而调节温度。关闭或不规则的流冷却将围绕东北美国和西欧地区。幸运的是,

11、这将减缓全球变暖的影响,在该地区的其他一些!9) Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the arctic circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.10) Fourth, global warming could snowball with the ice caps gone. Ice caps are white, and reflect sunlight, much of which is r

12、eflected back into space, further cooling Earth. If the ice caps melt, the only reflector is the ocean. Darker colors absorb sunlight, further warming the Earth. 第三,温度上升,在北极圈改变地貌将危及数种动物。只有最适应才能生存下来。第四,全球变暖可能雪球与冰块消失上限。冰帽是白色,反射太阳光,其中大部分被反射回太空,进一步冷却地球。如果冰盖融化,只有反射是海洋。颜色较深吸收太阳光,地球进一步变暖。11) A report relea

13、sed by the British government warned the countrys National Health System to expect thousands more deaths and complications from heatwaves, malaria, and contaminated water as global warming effects progress in the next five years由英国政府公布的一份报告中警告该国的国家卫生系统的期望数千人死亡和并发症的热浪,疟疾和被污染的全球变暖的影响,在未来五年发展的水。12) The

14、 report, “Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK”, was written by Professor Bob Maynard and colleagues with the Health Protection Agency. It is being issued as official government advice to hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical institutions run by the governments nationalized health care s

15、ystem.这份名为“健康在英国气候变化的影响”,写鲍勃教授梅纳德和健康保护局的同事。它被作为正式政府的意见,医院,养老院,及政府的国有化医疗制度运行的其他医疗机构。13) The biggest danger to health, and the most likely to occur, is a major heatwave. The report predicts a heatwave will occur by 2012, causing between 3,000 and 10,000 deaths. Scientists put the odds of a heatwave in

16、 the south-east of England by that time at around 1 in 40. The report says: In terms of conventional thinking about risks to health, 1 in 40 is high.” A French heatwave in 2003 caused the deaths of an estimated 14,000 people, most of them elderly.健康的最大威胁,而最有可能发生,是一个重大的热浪。该报告预测,到2012年将出现热浪,在3000和1000

17、0万人死亡。科学家把在西南英格兰东部的热浪的几率约为1 40的时间。报告说:“如对危害健康的传统思维而言,在40 1是很高的。”在2003年法国的热浪造成大约14000人死亡,其中大多数是老人。14) The government has told all national medical institutions to create a plan to deal with the health effects of global warming . For one, they are told to prepare for possible outbreaks of malaria. Eve

18、n though the study claims that a widespread outbreak of the disease is unlikely, rising temperatures will contribute to greater levels of mosquito and tick-borne diseases. The hospitals may also have to deal with the fallout from larger outbreaks of malaria in continental Europe , such as English to

19、urists who contract the disease while travelling.政府告诉所有国家的医疗机构建立一个计划,以应付全球变暖对健康的影响。首先,他们被告知要准备可能爆发疟疾。尽管这项研究称,这种疾病的广泛爆发的可能性不大,气温上升将有助于蚊子和蜱传播疾病的更高水平。医院也可能与尘处理来自大爆发疟疾在欧洲大陆,如英国的游客,谁在旅行时感染该疾病。15) In addition to heatwaves and potential malaria outbreaks, the report suggests that deaths and health complica

20、tions related to air pollution will also rise as global warming affects the pollution levels in Britain. They estimate up to 1,500 more deaths and hospital admissions related to air pollution each year, mostly related to asthma attacks and other breathing problems. Skin cancer deaths are also predic

21、ted to rise with increased exposure to sunlight.除了热浪和潜在的疟疾疫情,报告表明,与空气污染有关的死亡和并发症也将上升为全球气候变暖影响英国的污染程度。他们估计高达1,500更多的死亡和住院相关的空气污染每年,大多与哮喘和其他呼吸问题。皮肤癌死亡人数也上升,预计将增加接触阳光。16) There are some other odd side effects of the warmer summers the report predicts will be one of the effects of global warming in the

22、near future. Warmer summers also mean more cases of food poisoning. The report predicts an almost 15% increase in food poisoning cases, working out to about 14,000 extra food poisoning cases every year. Floods, which were a major problem in the UK last summer, are expected to become a more common is

23、sue. The researchers believe the floods will cause more bacterial and algae blooms in reservoir and cause issues with the safety of drinking water.还有一些其他方面的温暖夏天该报告预计将在不久的将来,全球变暖的后果之一,多副作用。温暖的夏天也意味着更多的食物中毒个案。报告预测,在食物中毒个案增加近15,工作多出约1.4万,每年的食物中毒个案。洪水,其中在英国去年夏天的一个主要问题,预计将成为一个更常见的问题。研究人员认为,洪水将导致饮用水的安全问题引

24、起更多的水库和细菌和藻类大量繁殖。17) Professor Maynard weighed in on the report recently, saying: Climate change is likely to be one of the major challenges that humanity faces this century. It is important that we assess the possible health impact and take any actions that could minimize the consequences.权衡教授梅纳德最近

25、的报告,他说:“。气候变化很可能是主要的挑战之一,人类面临着本世纪最重要的是我们在评估可能产生的健康影响,采取任何行动,可能减少的18) While global warming skeptics will undoubtedly call the research fear-mongering, I take a more positive view of the report. If theyre wrong, nobody dies. If theyre right, hospitals are better prepared to deal with the resulting hea

26、lth issues and less people die. You may not think the effects of global warming will occur, or that human activity causes global warming . Even if you believe all that, however, I fail to see the problem in hospitals being better prepared to treat respiratory diseases, skin cancer, and heat stroke.

27、These arent rarities in medicine anyway, so why not be ready for them?而全球变暖怀疑论者的研究无疑会打电话恐惧散播,我采取了更积极的看法的报告。如果他们错了,没有人死亡。如果他们是对的,医院更好地准备应对由此产生的健康问题少人死亡。你也许不认为全球变暖的影响将发生,或人类活动导致全球变暖。即使你相信这一切,不过,我看不出问题是在医院治疗更好的准备呼吸系统疾病,皮肤癌和中暑。这些都不是在医学上稀有无论如何,为什么不为他们准备好了 19) EMDAT is a database which stores information

28、on natural disasters. On it you can find the number, and global dispersal of disasters per year separated into their different categories. If you plot graphs from this data, which I admit to having done, you can recognize the net increase in frequency that environmentalists have been talking about f

29、or some time. You have to be careful not to jump to conclusions, because the data itself does not tell the whole story. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was recently made a little less credible when it was revealed that the claims it had made correlating increased frequency in na

30、tural disasters and human induced global warming were not only misleading, but also based on uncertain scientific data. This kind of policy hiccup has had serious implications for environmental science and the IPCC, as well as distracting from the actual reasons why, as the years go by, we see more

31、and more people affected by natural disasters.EMDAT是一个资料库,储存在自然灾害信息。你可以找到它的数量和种类的不同分离到他们每年灾害等全球性的传播。如果你从这个数据,我承认我做图图,你能认识在频率净增加的环保人士一直在讨论了一段时间约。你必须要小心,不要妄下结论,因为数据本身并不能说明整个故事。关于政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)最近提出了可信的时候少透露,它已向关联的自然灾害和人为引起的全球变暖的频率增加索赔不仅误导,而且对不确定的科学数据为基础。这种政策'打嗝'一种具有严重影响了环境科学与警监会,以及从实际原因为何分心

32、,随着岁月的流逝,我们看到受自然灾害影响的人越来越多。20) The past ten years have further solidified the evidence of increase, and this year is already set to continue the trend, but before a person can speculate on these numbers, some important distinctions must be made. First the number of disasters doesnt relate to the damage they do; less can very often mean more. Second, many categories of disasters are essentially stable, and the group that have the greatest growth curve can be placed under the title of hydro-meteorological, which roughly translates as weather related. Isolated large scale losses, both of life

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