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1、高考英语二轮复习特色专项训练第三组2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习特色专项训练第三组.阅读理解A(xx河南六市第一次联考)President Abraham Lincoln led the Union of northern states in four years of civil war against the southern Confederacy. But he did not live to see the end of the war. He did not live to see the nation reunited. He was assassinated in Apr

2、il of 1865.Almost immediately, officials began planning details of the presidents funeral. They asked Mrs. Lincoln where she wanted her husband buried. At first, she said Chicago. That was where the Lincolns were going to live after they left the White House.Then she said the Capitol building in Was

3、hington. A tomb had been built there for Americas first President, George Washington. But it had never been used.Finally, she remembered a country cemetery they had visited.At the time, her husband had said,“When I am gone, lay my remains in some quiet place like this.” So Mrs. Lincoln decided that

4、the presidents final resting place would be in the quiet, beautiful Oak Ridge Cemetery outside their home town of Springfield, Illinois.For several days after Lincolns assassination, his body lay in the East Room of the White House. The room was open to the public all day. Next, the body was taken t

5、o the Capitol building. Again, the public could e to say goodbye. Then the body was put on a special train for the trip back to Illinois.Four years earlier, Presidentelect Lincoln had traveled by train from Illinois to Washington.He stopped to make speeches in cities along the way. Now, on this sad

6、return trip, the train stopped at those same cities: Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Chicago.1Which of the following is the suggested place for Lincolns burial?AIndianapolis. BBaltimore. CCleveland. DChicago.2Mrs. Lincoln selected Oak Ridge Cemetery as Lincolns final r

7、esting place because _Athe Lincolns were going to live thereBa tomb had been built there for Americas presidentsCits quiet there and Lincoln decided to be buried thereDit meets Lincolns requirement about final resting place3Which of the following events happened first?APresident Lincoln was assassin

8、ated.BPresident Lincoln had traveled by train to New York.CGeorge Washingtons tomb was built.DLincoln was sent back to Illinois.4Whats the best title of the passage?AAfter Lincolns Murder BOak Ridge CemeteryCThe Capitol Building DLincolns LifeB(xx江西九校联考)Sleeping in a room with too much light has bee

9、n linked to an increased risk of piling on the pounds, a study shows. A team at the Institute of Cancer Research in London found women had larger waistlines if their bedroom was “light enough to see across” at night. However, they caution there is not enough evidence to advise people to buy thicker

10、curtains or turn off lights.The women were asked to rate the amount of light in their bedrooms at night as:Light enough to read. Light enough to see across the room, but not read. Light enough to see your hand in front of you, but not across the room. Too dark to see your hand or you wear a mask.Pro

11、f.Anthony Swerdlow told the BBC:“In this very large group of people there is an association between reported light exposure at night and overweight and obesity. But there is not sufficient evidence to know if making your room darker would make any difference to your weight. There might be other expl

12、anations for the association, but the findings are intriguing enough to guarantee further scientific investigation.”The light is disrupting the body clock, which stems from our evolutionary past when we were active when it was light in the day and resting when it was dark at night. Light alters mood

13、,physical strength and even the way we process food in a 24hour cycle. Artificial light is known to disrupt the body clock by delaying the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.Prof.DerkJan Dijk said there would be no harm in trying to make bedrooms darker. He told the BBC:“People in general are

14、 not aware of the light present in their bedroom. I think people should assess their bedroom and see how easy it would be to make it darker.” Street lights, some alarm clocks and standby lights on electrical equipment such as televisions could light a room, he said.“Overall this study points to the

15、importance of darkness,” he concluded.5The passage mainly tells us _Abright bedrooms link to obesityBdark bedrooms link to obesityCpeople should turn off lightsDpeople should buy thicker curtains6What does the underlined word “disrupting” in Paragraph 4 mean?AStopping. BDisturbing. CImproving. DReco

16、vering.7What might Paragraph 4 be used for?AOne possible explanation on disrupting body clock.BOne possible explanation on disrupting mood.COne possible explanation on disrupting physical strength.DOne possible explanation on artificial light.8Whats Prof.DerkJan Dijks attitude towards the dark room?

17、AUnclear. BDoubtful. CNegative. DFavorable.完形填空“Paul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I _1_, picking them up._2_ later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time.I _3_, “Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead, I saw more bits of pape

18、r silently floating _4_ from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my sevenyearold son, Paul.“Stop making a mess.”“Its not a mess. Theyre _5_”“Sorry, what did you say?” I hadnt heard him clearly.He didnt answer me. Paul has autism(自闭症) and _6_ answers a question, especially when hes _7_ attentively on somethi

19、ng else. He ran down the stairs. “Where are my other butterflies?” he asked,_8_ around. Every time Paul _9_ five or more words together, my heart says a _10_ of thanks. But lately he seems to _11_ that the benefits of forming plete sentences when municating are _12_ of the effort.Butterflies. Of cou

20、rse. I rushed to _13_ them from the garbage,_14_ them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them _15_ again?” he asked with a shy smile.“Oh yes! Theyre beautiful,” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _16_ down again.They really did look like beautiful butterflies.That day P

21、aul _17_ me to look up at _18_ instead of down at garbage. How many other masterpieces do I miss because Im too caught up in my _19_ to take time to appreciate whats right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. Its _20_ we look at it. Now, I look up.1.A.laughed Bsighed Camazed Dshouted2A.Da

22、ys BYears CMoments DWeeks3A.called out Bturned up Cgot in Dadded to4A.up BdownCaway Doff5A.planes Bpapers Cleaves Dbutterflies6A.rarely Bfrequently Cwillingly Deagerly7A.devoted Bdepended Cfocused Daddicted8A.showing Blooking Cplaying Ddrawing9A.spells Bputs Cpushes Daccumulates10A.sound BremarkCrep

23、ort Dprayer11A.refuse BhearCmind Drealize12A.worthy Baware Cfond Dtypical13A.hide Bdestroy Crescue Dremove14A.tore Bdusted Ccut Dseized15A.throw Bflow Cland Dfly16A.masterpieces Bschoolwork Cinventions Dimagination17A.reminded Bforced Cintended Dpermitted18A.mistakes Bweaknesses Cbeauty Dscenery19A.

24、amusement Bhousework Cmunication Dhomework20A.when Bwhether Cwhere Dhow第三组.阅读理解【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要叙述了林肯被暗杀之后,他夫人为他选墓地及办葬礼的相关事宜。因他生前曾说过死后要将他葬在安静的地方,于是他最终被安葬在了橡树岭墓地。1解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段可知,林肯夫人提议的林肯墓地所在地分别为芝加哥、华盛顿和伊利诺斯州。故答案选D。2解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句中的“When I am gone,lay my remains in some quiet place lik

25、e this.”可知,因为林肯生前曾说过死后要将他葬在安静的地方,而Oak Ridge Cemetery满足了他对安息之地的要求。故答案选D。3解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“A tomb had been built there for Americas first President,George Washington.”可知,华盛顿是美国第一任总统,因此为华盛顿修建墓地是最先发生的事情,而其他三个选项都是关于林肯的。故答案选C。4解析:选A。标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述了林肯被暗杀之后,他的墓地被安排在何处的问题。A项概括了文章主旨,适合做标题。故答案选A。【解题导语

26、】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了卧室里的亮度对人们健康的影响:过于强烈的光线会影响人体的生物钟,影响人的情绪,还有可能使人肥胖。5解析:选A。主旨大意题。第一段第一句点明了文章的主题,即有研究表明,在光线太强的房间里睡觉可能会导致体重增加。故选A项。6解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句中“The light is disrupting the body clock”和第二句可知,本段主要讲述的是光线会干扰生物钟,会改变情绪、体力、甚至人体处理食物的方式,由此可推知,画线单词意为“干扰”,与B项disturbing意义接近。故选B项。7解析:选A。篇章结构题。根据第四段第一句“The lig

27、ht is disrupting the body clock.”及最后一句中的“Artificial light is known to disrupt the body clock”可知,本段主要解释了光线会干扰人体生物钟的可能原因。故选A项。8解析:选D。观点态度题。根据最后一段第一句中“there would be no harm in trying to make bedrooms darker”及最后一句可以看出,DerkJan Dijk教授赞成将卧室的亮度调暗。故选D项。.完形填空【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”七岁的儿子Paul患有自闭症,但是他却把飘着的纸片看作是飞舞

28、的蝴蝶,而“我”看到的只是地上的一堆垃圾。生活亦如此,不是我们身上发生了什么,而是我们应该如何看待它。1解析:选B。考查动词辨析。根据第一段第四句“No quiet sighing this time.”可知,“我”叹了口气,把掉在地上的几张废纸捡了起来。B项意为“叹气”,符合语境。故B项正确。A项意为“笑”;C项意为“使惊奇”;D项意为“大喊”,都与语境不符。2解析:选C。考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,一开始只是几张废纸,于是“我”边走边拾,过了一会儿发现了更多的废纸。由此可推知,时间应该很短。C项意为“片刻”,符合语境。故C项正确。A项意为“数日”;B项意为“数年”;D项意为“数周”,都与语

29、境不符。3解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,这一次“我”不再静静地叹息,而是大声喊:“是谁在扔垃圾?”call out意为“大声叫喊”,符合语境。故A项正确。turn up意为“出现”;get in意为“进入”;add to意为“添加到”,都与语境不符。4解析:选B。考查副词辨析。根据本句中的“from upstairs”可知,纸是从楼上飘下来的;又由倒数第二段倒数第二句“He ran back upstairs to float his _ down again.”可知,空格处意为“向下”。故B项正确。A项意为“向上”;C项意为“离开”;D项意为“切断,走开”,都与语境不符。5解析

30、:选D。考查名词辨析。根据第三段第四句中的“Where are my other butterflies?”可知,“我”的儿子认为这是蝴蝶。D项意为“蝴蝶”,符合语境。故D项正确。A项意为“飞机”;B项意为“纸”;C项意为“树叶”,都与语境不符。6解析:选A。考查副词辨析。根据“Paul has autism(自闭症)”可知,儿子有自闭症,他很少回答问题。A项意为“很少”,符合语境。故A项正确。B项意为“经常地”;C项意为“愿意地”;D项意为“渴望地”,都与语境不符。7解析:选C。考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,儿子专注于飘落的纸片,不回答“我”的问题。focus on为固定搭配,意为“专注于”,

31、符合语境。故C项正确。devote意为“献身于,专注于”,与to连用;depend on意为“依靠”;addict意为“上瘾”,与to连用,都与语境不符。8解析:选B。考查动词辨析。句意:他一边问一边四处看。look around意为“四处看,环顾四周”,符合句意。故B项正确。show around意为“带领某人四处参观”;play around意为“到处玩耍,鬼混”;draw around意为“围拢,聚拢”,都与语境不符。9解析:选B。考查动词辨析。根据上文可知,Paul患有自闭症,很少说话,所以每次当Paul把5个以上的词放在一起时,“我”就很激动。B项意为“放”,符合语境。故B项正确。A项意为“拼写”;C项意为“推”;D项意为“积累”,都与语境不符。10解析:选D。考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,每当Paul多说话时,“我”就会因感谢而祈祷。D项意为“祈祷”,符合语境。故D项正确。A项意为“声音”;B项意为“评论”;C项意为“报告”,都与语境不符。11解析:选D。考查动词辨析。根据本段第四句Pau

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