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英语网络统考Test 1.docx

1、英语网络统考Test 1英语网络统考大学英语详解版试卷结构与题型题号项目内容题型题量分数时间I交际用语5个简短对话单项选择5155II阅读理解2篇短文 每篇5道题正误判断 单项选择102020III词汇与结构5个单句单项选择51010IV完型填空1篇短文单项选择51510V英译汉6个单句笔译63020VI写作1篇作文命题作文11025总计3210090英语网考60分必过计划题号项目答对题目个数得分考题范围及答题技巧I交际用语5道15基本在复习资料里II阅读理解T、F2道4全选正确或全选错误II阅读理解ABCD5道10复习资料原题III词汇与结构2道4复习资料原题IV完型填空1道35个选项全选A

2、,必能对一题 V英译汉5道25复习资料+常考英译汉题库VI写作个数3尽力写(范文汇总) 总计: 64分复习方法1. 请以本复习资料为重点。因为考试时会碰到里面的许多原题,所谓原题,就是题目不变,选项顺序不变,答案不变。所以,请大家务必用心复习,熟练到一看题就知道答案。2. 重点复习交际用语、阅读理解单选题(ABCD)和英译汉。这些都是比较容易拿分的题型, 是通过网考的关键。3. 英语统考配书光盘统考练习系统真实考试环境,统考备考神器请到统考网站( IE 9),建议在看完统考复习资料后,再通过该系统练习,可以起到巩固复习的效果。4. 统考辅导微视频短小精干,简单高效请在统考网站(5. 英语网考视

3、频辅导聆听网考教师真实的讲解针对每次英语网络统考,我们都会在考前6周(每周三、周日晚上19:00-21:00)专门进行英语网络统考的实时辅导。届时辅导教师将对各个题型、考试内容、答题技巧进行详细的讲解和梳理。请尽可能抽出时间前来听课,增加对网考题目的了解和熟悉,从而顺利通过网考。登录网址: 用户名:学号 房间:11 无需密码6. 手机短信督促提醒您学习的好帮手考前40天, 您会收到“石大在线”发送的多条备考短信,如:资料下载、复习方式、复习重点、视频答疑、考试注意事项等各类温馨提示。跟着辅导老师的脚步,事半功倍。7. 积极参与网络统考面授辅导。 相关面授辅导请及时咨询各学习中心。英语网络统考T

4、est 1I. 交际用语1. How do you do? -你好。 _ -你好。A. Fine, thank you. B. How do you do?C. Not too bad. D. Very well.2. How are you, Bob? -你好吗,鲍勃?_ Ted. -我很好,特德。A. How are you? B. Im fine. Thank you.C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you.3. Hello, how are you? -你好,最近过的怎么样? _ -很好,谢谢你。A. Hello, how are you? B. H

5、ow do you do?C. Fine, thank you. D. Thats OK4. Good morning, John. How are you doing? -早上好,约翰。最近怎么样啊? _ -还不错。你呢?A. Im pleased B. Good night.C. Not so bad. And you? D. How do you do?5. Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? -你好,汤姆,近来都好吗? _, and how are you? -还不错,你呢?A. Dont mention it B. Hm, not too badC.

6、 Thanks D. Pretty fast6. How are you getting on today? -你今天过得怎么样?_ -非常好。 A. Very well B. How do you do? C. Im a doctor. D. Nice to have known you.7. Hows your family? -你的家人都还好吧?_ -都还行。A. Thanks all the same. B. Thanks for calling.C. Not too bad. D. Dont mention it.8. Hey, Tom, whats up? 嗨,汤姆,你在忙什么?

7、_ A. Yes, definitely! B. Oh, not much. C. What is happening in you life? D. You are lucky.9. Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? 这里相当冷,你介意我把窗关上吗?_ 不介意,去关上吧。A. Yes, please. B. No, go ahead. C. Sure, please. D. I dont like it.10. Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗? _ A. No,

8、 thanks. B. Yes, I do. 是的,我介意 C. Yes, Id rather not. D. Good idea.11. Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? _ Oh, yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it._噢,对!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过。 A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you mean?

9、C. Youre welcome. D. Mm, let me think. 恩, 让我想想。12. How can I get to the cinema? -请问去电影院怎么走?_ -沿着这条路直走,然后左转。 A. Its very far. B. Yes, there is a cinema near here. C. Its well known D. Go down this street and turn left.II. 阅读理解题型一:正误判断1. There was once an ant that was very thirsty. It ran here and the

10、re looking for some water but could not find any. Then suddenly, when the ant was almost ready to die of thirst, a large drop of water fell on it. The ant drank the water, which saved its life. The water was actually a tear from a young girl who was crying. Because of her sadness, the tear had magic

11、al qualities and suddenly the ant could speak the language of human beings. The ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of a huge pile of seeds. Why are you sad? asked the ant. Im the prisoner of a giant. the girl told the ant. He wont let me go until Ive made three separate heaps of g

12、rain, barley(大麦)and rye(黑麦)out of this huge pile of seeds in which they are all mixed together. That will take you a month! the ant said, looking at the huge pile of seeds. I know, the girl cried, and if I havent finished by tomorrow, the giant will eat me for his supper! Dont cry, the ant said, my

13、friends and I will help you. Soon thousands of ants were at work, separating the three kinds of seeds. The next morning, when the giant saw that the work had been done, he let the girl go. Thus it was one of her tears that saved her life. 译文:从前有只蚂蚁口渴了。它到处找水但是一点水也没找到。就在蚂蚁快要渴死了的时候,一大滴水调到它身上。蚂蚁喝了这救命的水。

14、这滴水其实是一个哭泣的小女孩的眼泪。由于她的悲伤,眼泪有了魔力,能让蚂蚁开口说人类的语言。 蚂蚁抬起头来看见小女孩坐在一大堆种子面前。 “你为什么伤心啊?”蚂蚁问道。 “我是一个巨人的囚徒。”女孩告诉蚂蚁,“他让我把这大堆混在一起的种子分成谷物、大麦、黑麦三堆后才能走。” “那将需要一个月的时间。”蚂蚁看着那堆种子说道。 “我知道。”女孩哭道:“但是如果我明天干不完的话,巨人将把我当晚餐吃掉。” “别哭了。”蚂蚁说到,“让我和我的朋友来帮助你吧。” 不一会儿,上千的蚂蚁开始工作,把那堆种子分成了三堆。 第二天一早,巨人看到一切都干完了,把女孩放回去了。 这就是一滴她的眼泪救了她生命的故事。答案

15、:BABAA1. The ant was playing when it ran here and there. 蚂蚁跑来跑去到处玩耍。 A:T B:F2. The drop of water fell on the ant when it was nearly dying. 当蚂蚁快要死的时候,一滴水调到它的身上。 A:T B:F3. The young girl was crying because she wanted to have supper. 小女孩哭了因为她想吃饭。 A:T B:F4. The giant would eat the girl if she failed to

16、do the work. 如果女孩没有完成任务,巨人就会吃掉她。 A:T B:F5. The ants friends saved the girls life. 蚂蚁的朋友救了小女孩的命。 A:T B:F2. Mr. White lived in a small village. His parents hadnt enough money to send him to school. He had to help them to do something in the fields. But he didnt like to live in the poor place. When he

17、was sixteen, he got to the town and found work in a factory. Three years later he became tall and strong. So he was sent to Africa as a soldier. He stayed there for five years and got some money. Then he came back to England and bought a shop in a small town. No people in the town went to Africa exc

18、ept him. And he hoped they thought he was a famous man and that they could respect him. The children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in Africa. One day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in Africa. He told them how he fought with the tigers and e

19、lephants. His stories surprised them all and some policemen and workers went to listen to him. It made him happier. Just a man who taught geography in a middle school passed there. He stopped to listen to him for a while and then said, Could you please tell us a rare animal, sir? Certainly, said Mr.

20、 Turner. One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛) by a river Please wait a minute, sir, said the man. There arent any rhinoceros in Africa at all! Its rare just because there arent any! 译文:怀特先生住在一个小山村里。他的父母没有足够的钱送他去上学。他必须帮助他的父母在田地里干活。但是他不喜欢抓在这个穷地方。于是16岁的时候,他到了镇上,在一家工厂干活。三年后,他长的又高又壮。于是他参军,然后被派到非洲。他在非洲带了五年,挣了一点

21、钱。他又回到英国,在一个小镇上买了一家商铺。镇上的人只有他去过非洲。他希望镇上的人认为他是一个著名人士,并且尊重他。孩子们经常叫他讲非洲的故事以及他在非洲的生活。 一天,几个小孩让他讲一下非洲动物的事情。他给孩子们讲他如何与老虎和大象作战。他的故事让所有人都赶到吃惊,一些警察和工人也来听他讲故事。这让他非常高兴。正好一个中学地理老师经过那儿,他停下来听他讲了一会,然后说:“先生,你能给我们讲一个稀有动物的事吗?” “当然可以了,”怀特先生说到,“一天,我在河边遇到了一只犀牛.” “等一下”那个地理老师说道:“费仲根本没有犀牛。” “正是因为没有所以才是稀有动物嘛!”答案:ABABA1. Mr.

22、 White was born in a farmers family. 怀特先生出生在一个农民家庭。AT BF2. Mr. White hoped to be respected because he was the richest man in their town. 怀特先生希望能收到尊重,因为他是镇上最富有的人。AT BF3. The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town. 孩子们让他讲一些有趣的

23、事情,因为它比镇上的其他人知道的多。AT BF4. All people believed Mr. White except the children. 除了孩子以外,所有人都相信怀特先生。AT BF5. Mr. White wouldnt like to admit that he was wrong. 怀特先生不想承认他错了。AT BF。题型二:请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。1. One day a bookseller (书商) let a big box of books fall on his foot. “Go to see the doctor,” said hi

24、s wife. “No,” he said, “Ill wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then Ill ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, Ill have to pay him.”On the next day the doctor came into the shop for some books. When the bookseller was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his bad foot. T

25、he doctor looked at it. “You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it,” said the doctor.He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. “Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said. “Thank you,” said the bookseller. “And now, sir, he

26、re are your books.” “How much?”said the doctor. “Two pounds.” “Good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything.” “Why?” asked the bookseller. “I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. Bu

27、t when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didnt I?”译文:一天一位书商被一大箱书砸到了脚。他妻子说:“去看医生吧。”他说:“不,我要等医生下次到店里来,然后让他帮我看脚。如果到他那里看,我就得付给他诊金了。”第二天医生到店里来买书。书商把书找齐,然后把脚伤告诉了医生。医生给他看脚。医生说:“你每晚要用热水泡脚,然后上药。他拿出一张纸写下药方,说:“买这种药,然后每晚睡前涂在脚上。”书商说:“谢谢。那么,先生,这是您的书。”医生问:“多少钱?”“两英镑。”“太好了,”医生说:“我就不用付你钱了。”“为

28、什么?”书商问道。“我给你看了脚,收你两英镑。像那样的小伤,如果到我那里看,我只收一英镑。但是要我出诊,就收两英镑。而我到你这里来给你看病了,不是吗?”答案:BCDCA1. What happened to the bookseller one day? 有一天书商发生了什么事情?A. He lost a box of books.B. His foot was wounded by a box of books. 他的脚被一箱书砸伤了。C. He lent the doctor a box of books.D. He sold out all his books2. The booksel

29、lers wife asked him _. 书商的妻子让他 _.A. to go out for some medicineB. to send somebody for a doctorC. to go to see the doctor 去看医生D. to wait for the doctor to come3. The bookseller didnt take his wifes advice because _.书商没有接受妻子的建议是因为_.A. he was afraid of the doctorB. he didnt like to take medicineC. he couldnt walk by himselfD. he didnt want to pay the doctor 他不想付钱给医生4. Th

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